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chippewastud79 04-03-2010 11:12 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Take off the wrap and leave the box sit. Its always a good idea to inspect them before you put them away for aging or even if you are smoking them soon, just in case. But as far as opening or closing the box, there will still be humidity exchange so leave them closed :tu

wolfandwhisky 04-03-2010 11:54 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 816497)
Take off the wrap and leave the box sit. Its always a good idea to inspect them before you put them away for aging or even if you are smoking them soon, just in case. But as far as opening or closing the box, there will still be humidity exchange so leave them closed :tu

Exactly the feedback I was looking for. Thanks! :chr

chachee52 04-04-2010 06:04 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 808842)
Sometimes a cigar can get an off taste part of the way through. By purging or blowing back through the coal, you burn off excess tar and other contaminants.
By using a lighter you get a nice light show. "Oooh, pretty colors":D

So I tried this last night and was amazed of how much of a difference it does make. Than I tried the lighter to it and it was "pretty colors"!!! For the advice that is on this thread, even if I'm not the one asking, I am learning everyday!

N2Advnture 04-04-2010 06:21 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by wolfandwhisky (Post 816308)
Box storage questions.
I just bought a box that comes factory sealed in shrink wrap. What are general opinions about storing the box with or without the shrink wrap?

From my reading/googling, it seems that if you want to age the cigars, it is better to remove the shrink wrap and keep the box closed (ie without something small propping the lid).

It also seems that if you plan on smoking the sticks in the nearer future, it isn't as big of a deal to leave the shrink wrap on until you decide to smoke the first one.

The theory, I think, is that the shrink wrap holds the humidity for a fair amount of time, but isn't really a good conductor, like a box, for the long term.

Any thoughts on this?

If you intend on smoking them in the near future, it doesn't matter.

If you intend on smoking them years (5-20+) from now, it's better to keep as much oxygen out as possible to help retard the aging process. This will typically provide more concentrated and subtle flavors.

I hope this helps


jjon90 04-04-2010 11:58 AM

Newbie ?
I open a sealed box today and found a few sticks with the wrapper peeling. What is this a sign of?

icehog3 04-04-2010 12:24 PM

Re: Newbie ?

Originally Posted by jjon90 (Post 816829)
I open a sealed box today and found a few sticks with the wrapper peeling. What is this a sign of?

Hard to say. They could have been damaged in shipping; they may have been overhumidified at some point and the wrappers expanded; they could have been underhumified and has the wrappers crack...or many other possiblities.

How long have you had them, do you know anything about how they were stored before you got them, and how have you stored them since acquiring them?

jjon90 04-04-2010 12:36 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
I bought them online and have no idea how they were stored/handled prior to receiving them. Next time I will open them up for inspection.
Thanks for your input!:2

icehog3 04-04-2010 12:47 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by jjon90 (Post 816852)
I bought them online and have no idea how they were stored/handled prior to receiving them. Next time I will open them up for inspection.
Thanks for your input!:2

How long did you have them before opening them, Joe?

wolfandwhisky 04-04-2010 03:52 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by N2Advnture (Post 816584)
If you intend on smoking them in the near future, it doesn't matter.

If you intend on smoking them years (5-20+) from now, it's better to keep as much oxygen out as possible to help retard the aging process. This will typically provide more concentrated and subtle flavors.

I hope this helps


Thanks Mark - seems the least amount of change in environment the better.

Chris. 04-04-2010 03:54 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
After storing a box with the lid shut I feel that the cigars taste better with the lid cracked. It might be a placebo effect but it makes sense(to me) to let the air exchange at a quicker rate. (I dont have intentions of aging my cigars more than a year or two)

N2Advnture 04-05-2010 04:54 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by Chris. (Post 816971)
After storing a box with the lid shut I feel that the cigars taste better with the lid cracked. It might be a placebo effect but it makes sense(to me) to let the air exchange at a quicker rate. (I dont have intentions of aging my cigars more than a year or two)

True for short term aging where more oxygen exchange will create a sort of rapid aging affect but for long term aging, the less oxygen exchange there is, the slower the aging process and the better aging affect.

I hope this helps


DropTheE 05-03-2010 12:10 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
OK guys, I am looking to puchase a box of Opus X Perfexcion X, since online seems to be outrageous most of the time, what is a fair price to pay for a box of them. (32 in a box)
I am thinking around 550-600? Or is that even too much to be paying?
I will absolutely not over pay, if I can get them at reasonable pricing, well that is great but I am not going to get hosed just to have them.

Thanks guys!:D

wayner123 05-03-2010 12:35 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by DropTheE (Post 847683)
OK guys, I am looking to puchase a box of Opus X Perfexcion X, since online seems to be outrageous most of the time, what is a fair price to pay for a box of them. (32 in a box)
I am thinking around 550-600? Or is that even too much to be paying?
I will absolutely not over pay, if I can get them at reasonable pricing, well that is great but I am not going to get hosed just to have them.

Thanks guys!:D

There is a MSRP for these:

5. Perfecxion X (6 ¼" x 48) ......................... MSRP = $13.00 x 32 per box = $416.00 (released 1998)

MSRP does not include state sales tax, nor state tobacco tax, the latter of which can be quite significant.

This was copied from gartrader, which is the new It's a great site for Fuente cigars.

So take into account your state's tax and you can price accordingly.

DropTheE 05-03-2010 01:14 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by wayner123 (Post 847698)
There is a MSRP for these:

5. Perfecxion X (6 ¼" x 48) ......................... MSRP = $13.00 x 32 per box = $416.00 (released 1998)

MSRP does not include state sales tax, nor state tobacco tax, the latter of which can be quite significant.

This was copied from gartrader, which is the new It's a great site for Fuente cigars.

So take into account your state's tax and you can price accordingly.

Thanks Wayner, I appreciate that!!

RichieBklyn 05-05-2010 10:56 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Problems I have been having as of late thanks for your help... My mouth seems to get dry within a few puffs of cigars. Halfway through the cigars I get a bitter taste in my mouth and have to spit saliva often. By the time I am finishing the cigar the taste in my mouth is unbearable. Bitter and numb.

My humidor has been dropping down to under 60 quite often, weekly, so I am wetting my beads and it brings it back up to 75. Although some cigars still seem to have a cracking sound when i softly squeeze them, are they dried out? What should I do with those cigars?

Does anyone have a link on how to exhale through your nose, I have no clue.

lightning9191 05-05-2010 11:15 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by RichieBklyn (Post 849638)

Does anyone have a link on how to exhale through your nose, I have no clue.

Check this out:

I'm not sure about the rest of your you have a drink when you smoke?

RichieBklyn 05-05-2010 11:28 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Thanks for the vid, very helpful, I have a drink about half the time when I smoke.

T.G 05-05-2010 11:41 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
A little bit of crackle when you squeeze a cigar is, IMO, a good thing as it indicates that the cigar isn't too wet. A lot of crackle and cracking wrappers usually indicates that they are too dry. If such is the case, no need to worry, once you stabilize your humidor, they will come back to normal in time.

Assuming that you have tested your hygrometer for accuracy and it is reasonably accurate and that you have the proper amount/volume of humidification elements for the size of your humidor, your humidor needs to be checked for leaks. Once you have found and repaired them, or replaced the humidor if no other solution is possible, your humidity should be more constant and you'll get a better idea of how your cigars are smoking.

How to salt test your hygrometer for accuracy

tomc3084 05-06-2010 04:30 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
I almost always retrohale, I can't imagine smoking and not doing it....

Chris. 05-06-2010 05:40 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by RichieBklyn (Post 849638)
Problems I have been having as of late thanks for your help... My mouth seems to get dry within a few puffs of cigars. Halfway through the cigars I get a bitter taste in my mouth and have to spit saliva often. By the time I am finishing the cigar the taste in my mouth is unbearable. Bitter and numb.

My humidor has been dropping down to under 60 quite often, weekly, so I am wetting my beads and it brings it back up to 75. Although some cigars still seem to have a cracking sound when i softly squeeze them, are they dried out? What should I do with those cigars?

Does anyone have a link on how to exhale through your nose, I have no clue.

Try drinking water with your cigars instead of tea, or some other beverage. I find that water keeps my mouth from drying out so much.75 IMO is way too humid. I keep mine around 64% and love it.

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