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Blak Smyth 09-21-2011 10:04 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1415851)
Nope, still not getting it. I hit the quote button on this particular post and I scroll to the bottom and see the other posts, but no quote button on the bottom right.....I know this is super easy, but I am missing something here. I can copy and paste the post, but then there is no link to it....:sh

Okay click the Multi-Quote button on the bottom right of the first post to quote (It's the little button with "+ on it, located to the right of the quote button). Nothing should happen except the button will change collor. Then click the normal quote button on the second post and they should both appear in your message box.

irratebass 09-21-2011 10:07 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1415852)
Okay click the Multi-Quote button on the bottom right of the first post to quote (It's the little button with "+ on it, located to the right of the quote button). Nothing should happen except the button will change collor. Then click the normal quote button on the second post and they should both appear in your message box.


Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1415851)
Nope, still not getting it. I hit the quote button on this particular post and I scroll to the bottom and see the other posts, but no quote button on the bottom right.....I know this is super easy, but I am missing something here. I can copy and paste the post, but then there is no link to it....:sh


Originally Posted by mkarnold1 (Post 1415810)
Thanks! I'll do that.


Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1415809)
I have a few packs that I've been recharging and reusing for many years now, with no change in performance.

The better way to recharge the pack though is to place it in a tupperware container with a sponge that has been moistened with distilled water. Ensure that the pack and the sponge are not contacting each other and just seal the container up for a week or two.


Whee 09-21-2011 10:07 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1415851)
Nope, still not getting it. I hit the quote button on this particular post and I scroll to the bottom and see the other posts, but no quote button on the bottom right.....I know this is super easy, but I am missing something here. I can copy and paste the post, but then there is no link to it....:sh

To the right of the quote button is a button with quote marks and a plus. Click that for each post you want to quote in one post. When you get to the last post, click the quote button button and all posts you "clicked" should be quoted.

You did it!!

irratebass 09-21-2011 10:10 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
HOLY CRAP!!!! It worked thanks.....I know this is like internet 101, but it was driving me crazy!!!

See on my screen I couldn't see that "+" it is just looks like quotations to me, but I got it now and cheers to you all :chr

Blak Smyth 09-21-2011 10:10 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
What it should look like:

WittyUserName 09-21-2011 10:42 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1415854)


Originally Posted by illinoishoosier (Post 1415855)
To the right of the quote button is a button with quote marks and a plus. Click that for each post you want to quote in one post. When you get to the last post, click the quote button button and all posts you "clicked" should be quoted.

You did it!!


Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1415857)
HOLY CRAP!!!! It worked thanks.....I know this is like internet 101, but it was driving me crazy!!!

See on my screen I couldn't see that "+" it is just looks like quotations to me, but I got it now and cheers to you all :chr


Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1415858)

I said Look Ma N hands!!

Thanks for the screen shots Shane!!

irratebass 09-21-2011 10:50 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Hey at least I had the GUTS to ask

mkarnold1 09-21-2011 10:54 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1415901)
Hey at least I had the GUTS to ask

Thanks, I learn a lot reading this thread. You may think it's a silly question but there are a lot of folks out there like me that don't do forums much and are not well versed in this stuff. :2

T.G 09-21-2011 11:01 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Guys, by cluttering this thread up with unnecessary banter, you make it very difficult for those who come along after you with the same questions to find their answers. Please think of the next new smoker who is going to come along after you before you hit post.

EDIT: Mark, not directed at you - your post snuck in there while I was typing.

WittyUserName 09-21-2011 11:37 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by mkarnold1 (Post 1415911)
Thanks, I learn a lot reading this thread. You may think it's a silly question but there are a lot of folks out there like me that don't do forums much and are not well versed in this stuff. :2

Ditto, honestly I was opening up all the quotes I wanted in another tab then copying and pasting them into one reply box. It was a pain in the butt. Thank for asking mark and then you to everybody who answered the call.

New smoker thought of with this post.

icehog3 09-21-2011 12:26 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1415918)
Guys, by cluttering this thread up with unnecessary banter, you make it very difficult for those who come along after you with the same questions to find their answers. Please think of the next new smoker who is going to come along after you before you hit post.

EDIT: Mark, not directed at you - your post snuck in there while I was typing.

Yes. We have dozens of "banter" threads, and we have PMs. Please keep this thread for beginniner questions and answers. Thank you.

icehog3 09-21-2011 02:07 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
FYI....this wasn't directed at the instructions being given for multi-quoting, that was all legitimate assistance. This was to address earlier back and forth that had nothing to do with the intent of this thread. Apologies to anyone who thought it was directed at people helping people. :)

longknocker 09-21-2011 02:22 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1415857)
HOLY CRAP!!!! It worked thanks.....I know this is like internet 101, but it was driving me crazy!!!

See on my screen I couldn't see that "+" it is just looks like quotations to me, but I got it now and cheers to you all :chr

:banger :D Don't Feel Bad, Mickey, It Took "Two" Lengthy PM's From Sean & Mark-in-Ca To Have Me Posting Pictures In The Forum!:r

T.G 09-21-2011 03:58 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1416087)
FYI....this wasn't directed at the instructions being given for multi-quoting, that was all legitimate assistance. This was to address earlier back and forth that had nothing to do with the intent of this thread. Apologies to anyone who thought it was directed at people helping people. :)

Right, nor did I mean it to sound as if my comment was directed at the "Thank you" posts.

mkarnold1 09-23-2011 04:38 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
So, I post pics in some threads and they are tiny thumbnails. How do you post the cool big pics?

WittyUserName 09-23-2011 04:43 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by mkarnold1 (Post 1418784)
So, I post pics in some threads and they are tiny thumbnails. How do you post the cool big pics?

You have to post them on a host site (Flikr, Photobucket) then copy the image link and past it in the thread using the "insert Image" button. You can also past the location in between [ I M G ] [ / I M G ] with no spaces.

mkarnold1 09-23-2011 04:48 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Would shutterfly work?

WittyUserName 09-23-2011 04:53 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by mkarnold1 (Post 1418794)
Would shutterfly work?

The best thing to do would be to try. I assume any site that hosts pictures and allows you to get the URL would work.

mkarnold1 09-23-2011 05:09 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

mkarnold1 09-23-2011 05:09 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Hey! It worked! There's a good pic of me pilfering Mattso3000's stash. Thanks a ton Adam.

WittyUserName 09-23-2011 07:36 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by mkarnold1 (Post 1418815)
Hey! It worked! There's a good pic of me pilfering Mattso3000's stash. Thanks a ton Adam.

No Problem Bro :tu

SteelCityBoy 09-29-2011 01:16 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!) I want to know more about the specific tastes of cigars and what, if anything you shoud drink when smoking them. I have heard a lot about paring of cigars with drinks but really don't know what goes well with what. I often drink good beer with my smokes but have tried to level off from that due to the disruption of my palate and the flavor experience of the cigar.

I am guessing that this question may have been posted before, but I was hoping someone would be out there that could guide me in the right direction so that I can get the full experience out of my smokes!

When I read descriptions of cigars I always try to taste what is being described, i.e. earthiness, peppery, mocha, etc...yet I often have a hard time making those distictions!

I know everyone palate is different, but I want to be able to make out the flavor profiles of my smokes as best as possible.

Thanks for any advice....

Crownedone 09-29-2011 01:18 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
test test

Mattso3000 09-29-2011 01:26 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Ken, a couple thread links:

CigarNut 09-29-2011 01:28 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by Crownedone (Post 1424498)
ok now i think i got it... thanks for the tread.

Instead of spreadhing this test out over three posts, you could have edited and corrected your original post.

You have 30 minutes after posting to edit a post. The EDIT button is on the lower-right corner of the post right next to (on the left of) the QUOTE button.

Crownedone 09-29-2011 01:30 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

I know everyone palate is different, but I want to be able to make out the flavor profiles of my smokes as best as possible.
Every new smoker will most likely ask this same question....I know with me it took time...and a lot of smokes. I have been smoking a little over a year or so now and I am still developing the palate for the various flavors. I imagine that you can spend a life time developing the palate to pick up the subtleties that you read about...some of those that brag about all the little flavors, well…. may just be full of crap, it’s your call. I do know that your palate over time will begin to pick up some of the flavors. I can still remember my first smoke that the strong taste of coco/chocolate came through, the guys at my local B&M thought I was nuts....just keep at it and you will get there

Blak Smyth 09-29-2011 01:31 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by SteelCityBoy (Post 1424484)
Thanks for any advice....


Originally Posted by Mattso3000 (Post 1424505)


SteelCityBoy 09-29-2011 01:46 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Thanks Matt! Looks like a ton of opitons that I can try....I just want the most out of each smoke. Thanks for the insight.

SteelCityBoy 09-29-2011 01:51 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Thanks Shane. I KNOW you have done your homework! Coffee seems to be your latest and greatest. You know what we need to try is a good cognac! A dark rich chewey smoke just sounds delicious with a cognac!

Noodles 09-29-2011 01:53 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by SteelCityBoy (Post 1424484)
When I read descriptions of cigars I always try to taste what is being described, i.e. earthiness, peppery, mocha, etc...yet I often have a hard time making those distictions!

I know everyone palate is different, but I want to be able to make out the flavor profiles of my smokes as best as possible.

Don't worry too much about what other people's experience with their cigars. A lot of factors affects the taste of a cigar.

Light the cigar and enjoy. Given time, you will be able to discern some or all of those taste.

Blak Smyth 09-29-2011 01:56 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by SteelCityBoy (Post 1424535)
Thanks Shane. I KNOW you have done your homework! Coffee seems to be your latest and greatest. You know what we need to try is a good cognac! A dark rich chewey smoke just sounds delicious with a cognac!

Honestly I have never had any kind of cognac, but I'm down to try it. Some people swear by it.

SteelCityBoy 09-29-2011 02:00 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Thanks for the advice Stephan. I have been smoking routinely for about a year now myself but am constantly trying to make out exactly what it is I am tasting. Well I guess just more smoking and time can help do the trick! Happy smoking to you!

mkarnold1 10-04-2011 09:32 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
I just had this:
happen to a cigar that I was thoroughly enjoying. Needless to say, it was frustrating to lose the smoke with the first third having been so promising. I am wondering if there is something that can be done to avoid this, or if I did something wrong to cause the split, or if this is just something that happens once in a while.

Ismith75 10-04-2011 09:37 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by mkarnold1 (Post 1429672)
I just had this:
happen to a cigar that I was thoroughly enjoying. Needless to say, it was frustrating to lose the smoke with the first third having been so promising. I am wondering if there is something that can be done to avoid this, or if I did something wrong to cause the split, or if this is just something that happens once in a while.

Humidity first and foremost...either too low or maybe a big swing. Cold weather also...don't know how cold it is right now in MN but I've had problems already with some cold nights in Chicago and its only October. Hope this helps! :tu

mkarnold1 10-04-2011 09:42 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Thanks Ian, it was a new delivery, maybe that had something to do with it. But it's not cold here right now, kind of an indian summer. It was probably 65 on my deck at 9:00PM.

Ismith75 10-04-2011 09:45 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by mkarnold1 (Post 1429684)
Thanks Ian, it was a new delivery, maybe that had something to do with it. But it's not cold here right now, kind of an indian summer. It was probably 65 on my deck at 9:00PM.

Most likely the humidity if they were ROTT. Always a good idea to let them adjust to your own humi for a couple weeks...but I think we all know how much easier that is said than done! :r

mkarnold1 10-04-2011 09:47 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
New question: How do you deal with the cold and the possibility of a split like this? Knowing I will be facing this issue for the next several months it would be good to have some ideas on how to lower the chances and finish more good smokes. My first idea would be to keep my humi in the fridge and lower the stogies to 40* so that the temp change is not so drastic taking them outside. Any suggestions?

deadrise 10-04-2011 09:48 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
yea it happens try letting them rest and if that don't work try duck tape works for me taste a little funny tho

DaBear 10-04-2011 10:11 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by mkarnold1 (Post 1429691)
New question: How do you deal with the cold and the possibility of a split like this? Knowing I will be facing this issue for the next several months it would be good to have some ideas on how to lower the chances and finish more good smokes. My first idea would be to keep my humi in the fridge and lower the stogies to 40* so that the temp change is not so drastic taking them outside. Any suggestions?

Let the stick sit out in open air for maybe an hour or two might do the trick. The humidity will at least regulate a little bit

CigarNut 10-05-2011 08:26 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
The bigger the difference between the RH of your cigar and the RH of the ambient environment (e.g., outside air) the more likely that your wrapper will split. This is an even bigger problem for cigars with fragile (thin) wrappers (e.g., Connecticut).

If you know you are going to be smoking in a lower RH, then you should dry box a few cigars and have them ready. It can take several days (or more) for the RH of the cigars to drop.

irratebass 10-05-2011 09:19 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
New question:

Can you put different flavored or infused cigars together or do I have to put each bundle or so into separate tupadors or humis?

Blak Smyth 10-05-2011 09:26 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1430026)
New question:

Can you put different flavored or infused cigars together or do I have to put each bundle or so into separate tupadors or humis?

Honestly I wouldn't worry to much about putting them together.
I know a guy that has had infused in a humidor with non-infused for almost a year (on different shelves) and has not had any noticeable issues. I know everybody says not to and I personally wouldn't but the one person I know who has been doing this has had no issues.
I would imagine you should be fine, only one way to know for sure.
Besides if they mix you could end up with fruit punch:r

DaBear 10-05-2011 09:26 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1430026)
New question:

Can you put different flavored or infused cigars together or do I have to put each bundle or so into separate tupadors or humis?

I don't believe it makes much to any difference as long as you're not mixing flavored/infused cigars with traditional cigars.

That said, I've never done it so I'm no expert on it, but I've never had someone complain at work that their infused cigars tasted very similar because they were placed next to each other in the humi.

jjirons69 10-05-2011 09:31 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Unless you want a mixture of flavors, segregate the infused from normal cigars. Probably best to use a cheap tupperdor with infused smokes. Also, probably best to keep each 'flavor' in a separate tupperdor to prevent mixing the flavors.


Lonely Raven 10-05-2011 09:52 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1430026)
New question:

Can you put different flavored or infused cigars together or do I have to put each bundle or so into separate tupadors or humis?


Originally Posted by jjirons69 (Post 1430037)
Unless you want a mixture of flavors, segregate the infused from normal cigars. Probably best to use a cheap tupperdor with infused smokes. Also, probably best to keep each 'flavor' in a separate tupperdor to prevent mixing the flavors.


Having a crapton of infused, and some flavored, I can say for sure that having them in the same container with regular cigars does impart some flavor on the least on initial light up. I guess some of the scent gets into the foot.

I've read that you'll get more scent/flavor transfer if the wrappers are touching (even on normal cigars - especially oily ones), and since most of the sweet flavor on Acids (for example) is in the wrapper, I certainly wouldn't want different flavors/infusions to touch regular cigars.

IMHO, anything cherry needs it's own box. That scent just hangs on everything. Yuk!

I mix my acids in the same box, but I'll keep my fiance's flavored at very least divided, if not in a different box if I have the space.

irratebass 10-05-2011 10:00 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Thanks guys, I have a bundle of Trader Jacks and was going to put them in a separate tupperware container, but was just wondering if I went and bought some Acids or Java or any other flavored or infused sticks if they would be ok together in the same container NOT in my humis with my other I guess they will be ok. :tu

DaBear 10-05-2011 10:55 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1430072)
Thanks guys, I have a bundle of Trader Jacks and was going to put them in a separate tupperware container, but was just wondering if I went and bought some Acids or Java or any other flavored or infused sticks if they would be ok together in the same container NOT in my humis with my other I guess they will be ok. :tu

They should be fine, but leave them in their cello to minimize contact, thats where the most flavor transfer will end up happening.

T.G 10-05-2011 10:59 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
FWIW, at the Drew Estates factory, there are three storage areas for completed cigars, one for all ACID products, one for all coffee based infusions, and finally, one for non-infused cigars. Each of the storage areas has sealed walls and independant ventelation so that no mingling of the aromas occurs.

Just something to think about before you mix loose Java and ACIDs in the same humidor/tupperware.

irratebass 10-05-2011 11:03 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by DaBear (Post 1430101)
They should be fine, but leave them in their cello to minimize contact, thats where the most flavor transfer will end up happening.

Well they came in bag...I am sure they are not in cellos, I haven't opened them yet (been in the freezer), but I could just stick them in a separate baggie I is a pic so you have an idea of what I am talking about.

Blak Smyth 10-05-2011 11:03 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1430106)
FWIW, at the Drew Estates factory, there are three storage areas for completed cigars, one for all ACID products, one for all coffee based infusions, and finally, one for non-infused cigars. Each of the storage areas has sealed walls and independant ventelation so that no mingling of the aromas occurs.

Just something to think about before you mix loose Java and ACIDs in the same humidor/tupperware.


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