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irratebass 03-17-2014 12:14 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Agreed Mac......excellent episode and the actress who played "Lizzie" was awesome!

themoneycollector 03-18-2014 01:50 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
It was good in relation to the season, but at the same time a little meh.

I knew she was going to have to "Of Mice and Men" her.

kelmac07 03-26-2014 01:47 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Enjoyed this weeks episode. This whole Terminus has me thinking Woodbury all over again. Why are the gates to Terminus open for anyone to just walk in? And that didn't look like meat that she was grilling. Where was everyone else?

And the group Darryl is with, is this the same group that walked in on Rick (had him jump under the bed) and he ended up killing the guy on the toilet?

Should be an interesting season finale on Sunday. Wonder how they're gonna leave us hanging until October?

jonumberone 03-26-2014 02:06 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Just getting caught up.
The Carol and Tyreese episode was the best of the entire series.
I've always felt the show wasn't dark enough when coming from the "group's" perspective.
The tone of this episode is exactly what I've been looking for.

jsnake 03-26-2014 08:30 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
This episode was much better. This entire Terminus thing is strange. I have a feeling things are about to get really interesting.

irratebass 03-27-2014 06:38 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
This is interesting as hell, and I'm mad at myself for missing it the 1st time around

OLS 03-27-2014 07:41 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
All I hope is that they start moving with a little more of an eye towards SCOPING OUT the Terminus first and not just walking up.
But you know they have people out on the perimeter. Sounds awful Stephen Frickin King to me, after seeing Woodbury, not sure
I would be too hep on walking up on that jernt. I sound like I am an episode behind, just watched 13 +14 last night. Ended with
Tyreese and Carol. SO I will be staying away from here til Monday. ;)

jsnake 03-27-2014 09:16 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1947096)
This is interesting as hell, and I'm mad at myself for missing it the 1st time around

I like stuff like this. I would have never put all that together. Very interesting.

mosesbotbol 03-27-2014 12:22 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Terminus had surreal façade to it. Be interesting to see what the real deal is.

OLS 03-31-2014 06:23 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
I know it is a series, with a script and a need to drive tension and all, but who just walks up on a joint like that
after witnessing the Governor's brand of hospitality? I have yet to see 15&16, so I will wait a bit before I get totally
indignant. But from just reading a little spoiler on Wiki, I am shocked.

massphatness 03-31-2014 06:52 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Disappointed in how the season ended

kelmac07 03-31-2014 09:48 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by massphatness (Post 1948285)
Disappointed in how the season ended

Me too!!! What BS. Plus, where is Beth??

irratebass 03-31-2014 11:03 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
I have to admit I am a little disappointed as well, I expecting some closure, but on the other hand I liked how it set up the next season with one helluva cliffhanger.

OLS 04-01-2014 07:30 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
I think the ending was as good as one could expect. You knew they were gonna hang you, and I think this hang was very
well done, if for only the fact that all night as I lay in bed trying to sleep, I was thinking "WHO ARE these people and
what could they possibly be doing?" Half the crowd came in easy, the second half came in ready for action, both groups
were treated the same as far as we can tell. As for Beth, it was clear she needed some perspective. Her light was glowing
a little too bright for a post-apocalypse survivor. I think a few months of brutality and gang rape will harden her up some.
Poor old Darryl, every woman he tries to love gets taken from him.

But back to my original line of thought, they tidied up some loose ends, got the band back together and left you with
5 months worth of wondering WTF is going on in the old train yard. I can't see much wrong with that. As for Rick,
I am not sure what he is thinking. "They messed with the wrong people?" Really? That's what you say in a boxcar
covered from three angles by snipers? Not sure how Rick intends to 'show them'.

mosesbotbol 04-01-2014 02:24 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
They must have some plans for everyone in the train. The snipers did not try to kill them as they ran around Terminus. Terminus does not have a good vibe and I think they'll get out of there some how.

I heard the next season starts in Washington DC, FWIW...

themoneycollector 04-01-2014 05:42 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 1948695)
They must have some plans for everyone in the train. The snipers did not try to kill them as they ran around Terminus. Terminus does not have a good vibe and I think they'll get out of there some how.

I heard the next season starts in Washington DC, FWIW...

I liked the finale along with the cliffhanger, but just wish this show would pick up the pace and quit with so much dead air.

I woudln't be surprised, they will drag us viewers along for another half season and then skim the surface of the cannibalistic cult that's at the terminus for the mid-season finale, since they tend to have good openers and finales and a whole bunch of filler throughout.

jsnake 04-01-2014 08:58 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
I liked this one. The entire time I was thinking these idiots can't shoot the side of a barn but I thought it was more like the were herding them like cattle to a certain spot. Be interesting to see just how the hell the will get out of this situation.

themoneycollector 04-01-2014 09:09 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
On the plus side, the cannibals are feeding them, even if it's just some powdered milk.

mosesbotbol 04-03-2014 02:37 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Ahhh, so they are cannibals... That's the deal? Did not occur to me, but makes total sense seeing how quiet it was around Terminus.

So, how do they get out? Is there anyone still not at Terminus yet?

bonjing 04-03-2014 04:49 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Carol and Tyrese are still wandering about.

OLS 04-03-2014 05:33 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
I was thinking when they arrived, BOTH groups, 'home girl is just out there grillin' up a storm'. But they go out of
their way to show barely more than herbs and a few ornamentals growing around the area, which is SO industrial
by it's very nature that there is by definition no real area to grow vegetables. TWICE again, they showed the groups
being offered a plate. I was thinking, "Don't eat that stuff, its either human or walker." But even after being slapped
in the face with it twice (and having never really read the comics enough), I still didn't think any more of cannibalism.
But of COURSE it is cannibalism. Duh. And what's more, it just hit me that RICK was purposely teaching his son the
concept of funneling game into a trap. DUH, DUH, DUH. I am amazed at how thick I can be at times.

As for Carol and Tyreese, i think it is funnier still that the one person that can save Rick's bacon is the one person
MOST likely to say "F that jerk...kick ME out of the group, will ya?". But luckily, she is with Tyreese, who forgave
her in a dramatic scene. So the pressure/dilemma will be interesting when they come back.

themoneycollector 04-03-2014 07:03 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Ah yeah, I forgot about Rick teaching Carl how to funnel game into a trap - the dramatic irony.

OLS 04-04-2014 08:39 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
The reason I was so mad with myself is that on this show, you get VERY LITTLE in the way of character story progression,
so EVERYTHING that is said or done on this show by nearly any character, is important in some way. It is something I often
forget. Game of Thrones is even worse, there are so MANY More characters and storylines that they haven't a SECOND to
waste on something that is not relevant. The reason this sux double is that this show is chock full of mumblers. YOU KNOW
that every line is important, and sometimes I have to replay a sequence many times over before I can figure out what was
said in these throwaway line deliveries that lots of these characters give us. Glenn said something the other night that I still
haven't figured out

jonumberone 08-01-2014 06:16 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Surprised nobody posted this

Season 5 trailer

CRIMPS 08-01-2014 10:37 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 1977891)
Surprised nobody posted this

Season 5 trailer


Pantherfan 08-01-2014 12:15 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Can't wait!!!!! Got a feeling Glenn bites the bullet this season

mosesbotbol 08-01-2014 12:15 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Well we know at least they make out of the shipping container...

longknocker 08-06-2014 04:19 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 1977891)
Surprised nobody posted this

Season 5 trailer

Is It Time, Yet? :dr:D

OLS 09-18-2014 07:56 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
I don't know, Greg, but I DO KNOW that this is NOT the actor that plays "Rick", but YOU TELL ME.......WHO is that?
Is that the drummer from James & the Ultrasounds? or is that Andrew Lincoln?

bonjing 10-08-2014 12:44 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
4 more days!

bonjing 10-12-2014 09:18 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

jonumberone 10-13-2014 06:52 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by bonjing (Post 1992409)

:banger:banger:banger:banger is more like it.

Open to close, one of the best episodes, IMO.
I wonder if there will be more of the Terminus story line?
It looks like they are going to give you more of the back story,
It seems like they spent the whole second half of last season getting there, and then were only in Terminus for 1 episode.
Rick still has to kill the guy using the machete, but will that be a big part of the story or just somebody that he crosses paths with later on in the series?

kelmac07 10-13-2014 08:18 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Great opening episode. So much in an hour...was really impressed. Hope this is a sign of things to come for this season.

GTsetGO 10-13-2014 02:32 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
I think there was more action in this one episode than all of last season combined.

kugie 10-14-2014 07:45 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Great opening episode.
It was really dark the part in the container that they showed in the end.

The Tyreese scene was great

"not gonna do it,,"WHACK""

"not gonna do it,,"WHACK""

"not gonna do it,,"WHACK""

irratebass 10-14-2014 07:48 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
So glad Tyrese is back to being a badass and done being a pu$$y.

Now, where the hell is Beth??????

cigarmarine 10-14-2014 08:29 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1992631)
So glad Tyrese is back to being a badass and done being a pu$$y.

Now, where the hell is Beth??????

I agree :banger

jsnake 10-14-2014 08:52 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Is it just me or does the 3 minutes of show followed by 10 minutes of commercials drive anyone else crazy? Great episode. They do the same thing with Hell on Wheels. Too many commercials and not enough content. Never seen any other channel do it like this.

bonjing 10-14-2014 09:30 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by kugie (Post 1992628)
Great opening episode.
It was really dark the part in the container that they showed in the end.

The Tyreese scene was great

"not gonna do it,,"WHACK""

"not gonna do it,,"WHACK""

"not gonna do it,,"WHACK""

:r That was great scene! I kept thinking, stop poking the bear :sl

And the quick little scene where Eugene ran like a little girl from the zombie kept me rolling I had to rewind that part because I couldn't stop laughing.

GTsetGO 10-14-2014 04:59 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1992631)
So glad Tyrese is back to being a badass and done being a pu$$y.

Now, where the hell is Beth??????

it's going to lead up to finding her. with the upcoming scenes showed, she is going to be with the pastor.

themoneycollector 10-15-2014 10:23 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by jsnake (Post 1992648)
Is it just me or does the 3 minutes of show followed by 10 minutes of commercials drive anyone else crazy? Great episode. They do the same thing with Hell on Wheels. Too many commercials and not enough content. Never seen any other channel do it like this.

I hate commercials too

*cough* torrent *cough* :banger

bonjing 10-27-2014 04:45 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Great last couple of episodes!

mosesbotbol 10-28-2014 01:19 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Best season yet so far!

longknocker 10-28-2014 01:37 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Excellent So Far!:tu

Victor808 10-29-2014 06:09 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
It's been pretty awesome. From the last few episodes of Season 3 it's been non-stop action.

For those who followed the comics, did you notices last weekend's episode pretty much mirrored the comic book, with a couple characters swapped out?

irratebass 10-30-2014 09:32 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by Victor808 (Post 1995420)
It's been pretty awesome. From the last few episodes of Season 3 it's been non-stop action.

For those who followed the comics, did you notices last weekend's episode pretty much mirrored the comic book, with a couple characters swapped out?

Per Talking Dead, they said this season they are going to follow the comic a little more, not entirely, but very close to it.

Victor808 10-30-2014 10:46 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1995560)
Per Talking Dead, they said this season they are going to follow the comic a little more, not entirely, but very close to it.

That'll be interesting. I stopped with the comic when things got a little weird with a dude with pet tigers... but up to that point it was good.
The thing I think they're gonna run into problems with though is that the comic is very fast paced... while I thought the dragging of season 2 was ridiculous and boring, I think tracking the comic this closely, they're going to burn through all the comic threads too quickly.
I mean, the last two episodes essentially burned through the equivalent of volume 11 of the comics (with some changes for dead people/different characters).

Victor808 11-03-2014 11:21 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Fist somewhat disappointing episode of the season.

Felt like a bit of a filler episode.

kelmac07 11-03-2014 02:59 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4
Beth episode was EXTREMELY slow!!!

irratebass 11-05-2014 07:55 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 4

Originally Posted by Victor808 (Post 1995603)
That'll be interesting. I stopped with the comic when things got a little weird with a dude with pet tigers... but up to that point it was good.
The thing I think they're gonna run into problems with though is that the comic is very fast paced... while I thought the dragging of season 2 was ridiculous and boring, I think tracking the comic this closely, they're going to burn through all the comic threads too quickly.
I mean, the last two episodes essentially burned through the equivalent of volume 11 of the comics (with some changes for dead people/different characters).

I gave up reading the comics when the show started, too hard to follow and not get confused with the show.


Originally Posted by Victor808 (Post 1996507)
Fist somewhat disappointing episode of the season.

Felt like a bit of a filler episode.


Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1996546)
Beth episode was EXTREMELY slow!!!

Both of you.....right here :fu2

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