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jonumberone 02-03-2016 09:32 AM

Re: Fake Cohiba?
Fondle our desperate women?

Adriftpanda 02-03-2016 09:36 AM

Re: Fake Cohiba?
MK05? Dat you?

dmiller662 02-03-2016 10:28 AM

Re: Fake Cohiba?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 2073542)
Since you are new here, you might consider dispensing with the cryptic remarks and try and establish some credibility here. What you're doing now is boderline trolling.

no need to be cryptic and I don't troll... but you can call it whatever you want.. I love when a forum decides to bash for no reason.. and its always funny people like to bash miles away and over a internet.. My address is available at anytime to anyone. Im a grown man, and don't need kids wanting to pretend they are grown.. Anyone form this forum is welcome to come on by my house , go through my collection, pick one out, feel free to smoke it, along with a nice drink on my patio, and have a manly conversation with me.. Get to know me, don't assume anything until you meet me in person! We can even have a Lank measuring contest if that would make someone feel better.. Hell its true, everything is bigger in TX.... I have no shame whipping mine out, but bring big tape measure...

AdamJoshua 02-03-2016 10:30 AM

Re: Fake Cohiba?
I think the only question was what you meant by good to go, like they are "good" or "bad" or whatever, you know more of an explanation or well a post. :tu

FRT and I (and I'm assuming others) honestly have no idea what that means heh

pnoon 02-03-2016 10:34 AM

Re: Fake Cohiba?

Originally Posted by dmiller662 (Post 2073564)
no need to be cryptic and I don't troll... but you can call it whatever you want.. I love when a forum decides to bash for no reason.. and its always funny people like to bash miles away and over a internet.. My address is available at anytime to anyone. Im a grown man, and don't need kids wanting to pretend they are grown.. Anyone form this forum is welcome to come on by my house , go through my collection, pick one out, feel free to smoke it, along with a nice drink on my patio, and have a manly conversation with me.. Get to know me, don't assume anything until you meet me in person! We can even have a Lank measuring contest if that would make someone feel better.. Hell its true, everything is bigger in TX.... I have no shame whipping mine out, but bring big tape measure...

Appreciate your hospitality. But some of your posts haven't been clear. Many have been asking for clarification which you have ignored. If you're a "grown man", act like one and be a bit more open and humble. And respond to legitimate questions.

Porch Dweller 02-03-2016 10:39 AM

Re: Fake Cohiba?

Originally Posted by dmiller662 (Post 2073564)
no need to be cryptic and I don't troll... but you can call it whatever you want.. I love when a forum decides to bash for no reason.. and its always funny people like to bash miles away and over a internet.. My address is available at anytime to anyone. Im a grown man, and don't need kids wanting to pretend they are grown.. Anyone form this forum is welcome to come on by my house , go through my collection, pick one out, feel free to smoke it, along with a nice drink on my patio, and have a manly conversation with me.. Get to know me, don't assume anything until you meet me in person! We can even have a Lank measuring contest if that would make someone feel better.. Hell its true, everything is bigger in TX.... I have no shame whipping mine out, but bring big tape measure...

I thought it was abundantly obvious that no one really knew what the heck you were trying to say with your first post in this thread. Then when questioned your responses just became more and more cryptic.

No one was "bashing for no reason", unless you feel that someone stating "I'm confused. Please explain" and "I honestly don't understand what you meant by your post" is bashing. If that's the case then yes, everything including overly sensitive whining IS bigger in Texas.

And do you really think that "come by my house and I'll show you my d--k" is the first impression you want to give at a forum?

dmiller662 02-03-2016 10:39 AM

Re: Fake Cohiba?
Actually , was just sitting here and thinking..

I am a member of Several Forums (not Cigar related), and which some I am a sponser, some a Vendor, and some just a member.

I came here because I am a AVID cigar smoker who ENJOYS a smoke, I have a pretty nice collection, and im in the middle of doing a build , etc.. And after researching, I thought I understood this to be the go to site..

I thought I would visit on a regular basis, and become a regular visitor here, and with my build get some valuable advice, as well as maybe even give some advise to some..

But I clearly see now, it must be the wrong place for me... I surely must be in the wrong and am just another dumb A-- that doesn't deserve to be a part of such a community that's over my intellectual thinking... and didn't realize I need to be the forum B---- first and foremost...

Again my apologies, and im sure you being a mod, or someone clearly in power, as im only the shop boy, I will stay off your forum... and im sure to expect a Ban....

Thanks to others that have been civil, I appreciate you.....

Porch Dweller 02-03-2016 10:54 AM

Re: Fake Cohiba?
These were your responses to legitimate questions about your first post in this thread:


Originally Posted by dmiller662 (Post 2073348)
LOL.. if you say so....


Originally Posted by dmiller662 (Post 2073464)
no time to entertain FRT's


Originally Posted by dmiller662 (Post 2073488)
Fo dw


Originally Posted by dmiller662 (Post 2073528)
maybe check the family tree

So allow yourself to answer yourself:


Originally Posted by dmiller662 (Post 2073568)
I surely must be in the wrong and am just another dumb A-- that doesn't deserve to be a part of such a community that's over my intellectual thinking.

dmiller662 02-03-2016 10:57 AM

Re: Fake Cohiba?
yep... my ethnic spectrum is way below your standards I guess

Adriftpanda 02-03-2016 11:34 AM

Re: Fake Cohiba?
You will be missed.

kydsid 02-03-2016 11:55 AM

Re: Fake Cohiba?
I dont think you will be banned for not understanding clear questions when others are confused. I have no idea what you are on (about) but Im thinking about moving out of Texas so I dont have to worry about a herf including a meassuring contest....seriously that's just a weird thing to say.

dmiller662 02-03-2016 12:28 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?

Originally Posted by kydsid (Post 2073587)
I dont think you will be banned for not understanding clear questions when others are confused. I have no idea what you are on (about) but Im thinking about moving out of Texas so I dont have to worry about a herf including a meassuring contest....seriously that's just a weird thing to say.

good luck on your journey if you decide to undertake it...

Adriftpanda 02-03-2016 12:30 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?
So that's how you boys herf down south... And here I thought us Bay Area guys were weird.

big_jaygee 02-03-2016 12:36 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?

Originally Posted by Adriftpanda (Post 2073591)
So that's how you boys herf down south... And here I thought us Bay Area guys were weird.

Must be a North Texas thing.... First I am hearing about that event taking place at a herf.

kydsid 02-03-2016 01:07 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?

Originally Posted by big_jaygee (Post 2073592)
Must be a North Texas thing.... First I am hearing about that event taking place at a herf.

It would have given a new meaning to the Big Damn Wing Ding herf though :r

WhiteMamba 02-03-2016 01:11 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?
and this is why you should only buy cigars from reputable sources.

Brlesq 02-03-2016 01:17 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?

Originally Posted by big_jaygee (Post 2073592)
Must be a North Texas thing.... First I am hearing about that event taking place at a herf.

This reminded me of an old joke . . .

CigarNut 02-03-2016 01:21 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?

Originally Posted by dmiller662 (Post 2073571)
yep... my ethnic spectrum is way below your standards I guess

You never answered a single question to clarify your posts, and you decide to retreat and take the easy way out. Blame everyone else and accept no personal responsibility.


big_jaygee 02-03-2016 01:22 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?

Originally Posted by kydsid (Post 2073594)
It would have given a new meaning to the Big Damn Wing Ding herf though :r

Stogies would never be the same :lr

Weelok 02-03-2016 02:06 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?
Ok, I'm ignorant but what is FRT? Seriously, I have no idea. I live in an acronym rich environment as we all do but FRT is new to me.

Weelok 02-03-2016 02:07 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?
Oh, and I took the "good to go" statement as they were legit Cubans and I agree, they are legit. My two cents.

markem 02-03-2016 02:08 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?

Originally Posted by dmiller662 (Post 2073590)
good luck on your journey if you decide to undertake it...

Do you shoot skeet?

CigarNut 02-03-2016 02:09 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?

Originally Posted by markem (Post 2073614)
Do you shoot skeet?

:r :r

massphatness 02-03-2016 02:12 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?

Originally Posted by Weelok (Post 2073612)
Ok, I'm ignorant but what is FRT? Seriously, I have no idea. I live in an acronym rich environment as we all do but FRT is new to me.

I'm going to guess "F'ing retreads" but not retreads

Weelok 02-03-2016 02:20 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?
If it's Fweeking Retodded Trolls, well, I have been known to be guilty of that ahahahahaha but not many take that as a proud acknowledgement and it's often poor taste to enter a new board that way so hopefully it's more like Forward Repair Team.

Tio Gato 02-03-2016 02:53 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?
"What we have here is failure to communicate.":bh

FTR and fo dw and check the family tree confused me for sure. Now I'm trying to figure out what "ethnic spectrum" is all about.:confused:

I do know persecutory delusion when I see it. :tf:tf:tf

Porch Dweller 02-03-2016 03:04 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?

Originally Posted by Tio Gato (Post 2073625)
"What we have here is failure to communicate.":bh

FTR and fo dw and check the family tree confused me for sure. Now I'm trying to figure out what "ethnic spectrum" is all about.:confused:

I do know persecutory delusion when I see it. :tf

The "fo" is f--k off. I'm going to take a guess that the "dw" is d--k wad.

He'll explain what "ethnic spectrum" is if you go to his house with a tape measure. He'll get you a cigar and a drink, and then you'll have to put up with some...unpleasantness, but after that I'm sure he'll explain.

Tio Gato 02-03-2016 03:08 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?
Thanks for enlightening me. I love learning new stuff.:)

8zeros 02-03-2016 04:12 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?
Just out of curiosity, and maybe cuz this thread has unraveled, what looks suspect about the Cohiba? I haven't seen or smoked many and looking at that link that was posted the only thing I can figure is the type might be too bold.
Oh, and all's well out here in west central TX.

AdamJoshua 02-03-2016 04:26 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?

Originally Posted by Tio Gato (Post 2073628)
Thanks for enlightening me. I love learning new stuff.:)

fo dw!


kydsid 02-03-2016 04:44 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?
I wonder if this guy just assumed we all knew what he was saying all along and were just making fun of him by asking.

Brlesq 02-03-2016 04:49 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?

Originally Posted by kydsid (Post 2073648)
I wonder if this guy just assumed we all knew what he was saying all along and were just making fun of him by asking.

Fo' shizzle

Weelok 02-03-2016 05:34 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?
:chrI do have another question. If I visit And we are measuring male appendages, if I do smoke a cigar, has it been given a Lewinsky treatment or a Caitlyn Jenner special cigar? I'm not completely sure which is worst but I pretty sure I can attempt to hijack this thread while we discuss it?


dmiller662 02-03-2016 08:55 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?

Originally Posted by Weelok (Post 2073673)
:chrI do have another question. If I visit And we are measuring male appendages, if I do smoke a cigar, has it been given a Lewinsky treatment or a Caitlyn Jenner special cigar? I'm not completely sure which is worst but I pretty sure I can attempt to hijack this thread while we discuss it?


Well if I had my choice, and had to go with one or the other, much rather give it the Ol' Lewinsky treatment myself.. And bless Bill!!!

Weelok 02-03-2016 10:13 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?

Originally Posted by dmiller662 (Post 2073707)
Well if I had my choice, and had to go with one or the other, much rather give it the Ol' Lewinsky treatment myself.. And bless Bill!!!

ahahah, and I have to agree with you completely!!! Ok, but here is the next probably even more important question. Who here will admit to having Lewinsky'd a cigar? I have had one Lewinsky but no Caitlyn Jenners and no plans on a Caitlyn Jenner.

kydsid 02-04-2016 05:11 AM

Re: Fake Cohiba?
I Lewinskied a Gurkha. I was desperate to make it taste better. :r

dmiller662 02-05-2016 12:33 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?

Originally Posted by Weelok (Post 2073717)
ahahah, and I have to agree with you completely!!! Ok, but here is the next probably even more important question. Who here will admit to having Lewinsky'd a cigar? I have had one Lewinsky but no Caitlyn Jenners and no plans on a Caitlyn Jenner.

Well........ Jennering a Cigar is out of the question............. Well maybe, just maybe being paid enough money to purchase a small private island, and get plenty of counseling, with plenty of money left over, just might be a consideration......... Nah, I considered, and its still a NO!!

Dave128 02-05-2016 01:47 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?
In all seriousness, dmiller662, can you please clarify what you meant by "good to go"? I'm sure the majority of the group would also appreciate it.

On another serious note, first impressions are damn near impossible to erase. You'll find that these are a great group of guys and gals that hang out here. As you are a new member here, I'd strongly suggest taking a step or two back and rethink how you've jumped at the legit questions asked of you. Just my :2

cmitch 02-05-2016 02:39 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?
As far as the overall band dmiller posted, I don't see what's so far off about it. It has the correct number of rows above Cohiba, the font is correct but I can see the font looks a tad bit too bold but without actually holding the band, it's hard to tell. I only have 3 authentic Cohibas to compare it to and 2 are Maduro 5's (Secretos and Genios).

markem 02-05-2016 02:40 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?

Originally Posted by cmitch (Post 2073900)
As far as the overall band dmiller posted, I don't see what's so far off about it. It has the correct number of rows above Cohiba, the font is correct but I can see the font looks a tad bit too bold but without actually holding the band, it's hard to tell. I only have 3 authentic Cohibas to compare it to and 2 are Maduro 5's (Secretos and Genios).

True Cohiba bands will not truncate any row of squares. That's a big tip-off.

cmitch 02-05-2016 02:45 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?

Originally Posted by markem (Post 2073901)
True Cohiba bands will not truncate any row of squares. That's a big tip-off.

There appears to be a thin black line, approx. 2 pts. in size above the top row. Again, hard to tell from the picture since it's so dark.
Standard band 'D' on this site appears to be cut off:

markem 02-05-2016 02:46 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?

Originally Posted by cmitch (Post 2073903)
There appears to be a thin black line, approx. 2 pts. in size above the top row. Again, hard to tell from the picture since it's so dark.
Standard band 'D' on this site appears to be cut off:

The row just above the cohiba logo.

Weelok 02-05-2016 02:50 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?
I looked up in a dictionary legit Cuban Cohiba labels and dmillers picture popped up. Webster is never wrong even when they are.

dmiller662 02-05-2016 03:45 PM

Re: Fake Cohiba?
well guys, I wont sit a debate what I have or have not.. I know what I have, and what I have aquired... and I uhhhh aquire real... as with most forums, the particulars are not discussed or allowed to discuss.. And yep, I been through the confiscation of some too... I do aquire if that is a way of saying a politically correct a box or 2 every couple years if it works out.. And the one in particular is from 2009... And without much or any particulars, a full box takes a month+ to umm aquire lets say... Again, I wont debate, I moved on.. I do like the joking from a few of you guys and the admissions of some dipping or dunking, lol.. At any rate..... enjoy, ... I have.....

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