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Conch Republican 11-28-2012 06:58 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1755631)
I made the Ape and the cigar with shapes, it is not the premade stuff.
Kind of hard to explain. Basically just take a black rectangle with rounded ends and put a white one, slighty larger behind it.
Then add the swirl things to make smoke. and (((( for the ash.

OK, I will try - but I screw up a stick figure!! :r

Blak Smyth 11-28-2012 07:02 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread

Originally Posted by macsauce13 (Post 1755867)
I'm about sick of this game. :(
Between host migration and connection interrupted every other game, they just seem to have killed a lot of the tactical part of the game. I mainly play HC FFA, and am mediocre (K/D 1.39). I don't like to be debby downer, but only playing small maps where you're lucky to get out of the spawn point alive is driving me crazy.

Well the host migration is not the games fault, it is people who quit out of a game because they are losing. I can't stand when people can't finish a game because they are not winning. At least you don't lose connection when the host quits, like you do in some previous titles.

Blak Smyth 11-28-2012 07:40 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
My newest emblem I made last night, can't make it any bigger on COD Elite:

DPD6030 11-28-2012 10:53 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread I go deer hunting or to my g/f's to use her internet and play some BOII? Hunting I shall go.

Blak Smyth 11-30-2012 08:36 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
It is hard to admit but I am thinking about selling my game to buy Halo4.
I am tired of BO2 already, I thought it wouldn't having staying power but this is extreme.
I would need a map pack soon to keep me interested.

macsauce13 11-30-2012 08:48 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1757324)
It is hard to admit but I am thinking about selling my game to buy Halo4.
I am tired of BO2 already, I thought it wouldn't having staying power but this is extreme.
I would need a map pack soon to keep me interested.

Yep. I'm in the same boat. :( It's a sad day.

hammondc 11-30-2012 08:48 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
Glad I did not buy it.

chippewastud79 11-30-2012 01:28 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1757324)
It is hard to admit but I am thinking about selling my game to buy Halo4.
I am tired of BO2 already, I thought it wouldn't having staying power but this is extreme.
I would need a map pack soon to keep me interested.

The server issues are driving me nuts. Also, as much as I seemed to like the Pick 10 system, now there doesn't seem to be a 10 pack I like. Some of the options are just ridiculous. :2

Unfortunately, the map packs always seem to suck. I haven't gotten a Map Pack since the first one on Black Ops. :td

Blak Smyth 11-30-2012 02:16 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 1757540)
The server issues are driving me nuts. Also, as much as I seemed to like the Pick 10 system, now there doesn't seem to be a 10 pack I like. Some of the options are just ridiculous. :2

Unfortunately, the map packs always seem to suck. I haven't gotten a Map Pack since the first one on Black Ops. :td

The only thing I can't stand is I am bored already.

Blak Smyth 11-30-2012 02:48 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
I figure I will play it this weekend, if I can't take anymore I will trade it in on Monday.
Gamestop is gonna make a killing off of trade-ins.

elderboy02 11-30-2012 09:36 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
I am tired of getting spawn killed.

Starscream 12-01-2012 07:07 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
Awesome oldschool Easter egg: if you have the Nuketown 2025 map, shoot all the heads off the mannequins in under one minute thirty seconds and you can play old Activision games ( Pitfall, Kaboom, and two other games). :tu

DPD6030 12-07-2012 09:44 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
I seem to be doing much better in BO II than any other previous COD releases. The maps do need improvement. My best map seems to be the carrier.

big_jaygee 12-11-2012 08:46 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
well if anybody is still playing... and you play on the xbox 360 give me a shout



Blak Smyth 12-12-2012 05:13 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
PLayed some last night, sorry I missed you Andrew. I was trying out minecraft on Xbox for a few minutes.

The last update they did ruined the FAL with select fire. I think it is dumb that they let use a perminent unlock token on a gun and then they change it. So I am searching for another weapon, think I found one.

The Swat and the M8A1 seem to be better now. Really like both guns right now.

I tried some LMG (Which I never have used in any COD) and they are pretty beastly.

hammondc 12-12-2012 05:50 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
I know for a fact that Santa is bringing me a copy.

Blak Smyth 12-12-2012 05:51 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread

Originally Posted by hammondc (Post 1763532)
I know for a fact that Santa is bringing me a copy.


chippewastud79 12-12-2012 08:28 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
This game, more than any of the previous few, seems to handicap good players and give bad players better spawns or more BS kills, to try and level the playing field. :bh

363 12-12-2012 08:39 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
Haven't played in a few weeks, might have to get back into it again

Blak Smyth 12-12-2012 09:05 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 1763678)
This game, more than any of the previous few, seems to handicap good players and give bad players better spawns or more BS kills, to try and level the playing field. :bh

Definitley seems to be true. I am getting used to not being as good as I was in previous titles though. Once you get over the frustration of not performing up to personal par, it can be fun again.


Originally Posted by 363 (Post 1763683)
Haven't played in a few weeks, might have to get back into it again

You are prolly gonna need to find a new gun, they did an update that changed the effectiveness of many of the weapons.

363 12-12-2012 09:13 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1763715)
You are prolly gonna need to find a new gun, they did an update that changed the effectiveness of many of the weapons.

they messed with all the little ones too? Boo them

Blak Smyth 12-12-2012 09:14 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread

Originally Posted by 363 (Post 1763719)
they messed with all the little ones too? Boo them

I don't know that they messed with them all but the ones they did mess with changes the way the others are now valued IMO.

dijit 12-12-2012 09:20 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread

Originally Posted by 363 (Post 1763719)
they messed with all the little ones too? Boo them

Well isnt that just a boatload of crap! I havent played in 2 weeks and now my weapons are gonna suck?

Blak Smyth 12-12-2012 10:37 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
•UAV: cost increased from 350 to 425.
•Lightning Strike: added 750ms delay

•Bouncing Betty: increased the grace period between trigger and activation by 200ms.
•Sensor Grenade: increased the range (now 1000 units), frequency (now 800ms between pings), and amount of time (now 6s) that players appear after explosion.
•Concussion Grenade: decreased movement penalty and turn speed penalty when hit.

•All: increased hip fire recoil.
•All: increased max hip fire spread from 4.75 to 5.
•All: reduced bullet penetration.
•MSMC: increased recoil slightly.
•PDW-57: increased recoil slightly

Assault Rifles
•All: reduced idle sway for more reliable long-range aiming.
•XM8: reduced lethal range of 3-hit kills from 250 to 50 inches.
•XM8 + Select Fire: increased recoil.
•FAL OSW + Select Fire: increased recoil.
•SWAT-556 + Select Fire: increased recoil.
•MTAR: Made auto aim values consistent with all other assault rifles.

Sniper Rifles
•All: increased hip fire spread.
•All + Laser Sight: increased hip fire spread.
•XPR-50: increased recoil slightly.

•R870: reduced one-hit kill range by 45 inches.

•B23R: reduced headshot multiplier from 1.4 to 1.
•KAP-40: reduced headshot multiplier from 1.4 to 1

macsauce13 12-12-2012 07:38 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
I now officially dislike this game.

hazydat620 12-12-2012 10:52 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
LOL they suckered you all again, paid 60 bucks for the same old stuff. I stopped playing after MW2. just poking fun, sorry. My friends have said the same thing you guys have.

ucla695 12-13-2012 11:21 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread

Originally Posted by hazydat620 (Post 1764308)
LOL they suckered you all again, paid 60 bucks for the same old stuff. I stopped playing after MW2. just poking fun, sorry. My friends have said the same thing you guys have.

I was suckered in for $60 + $50 for the DLC. That's the last time I'll pay in advance for it. :gary

Blak Smyth 12-13-2012 11:30 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
I am actually starting to like this game, I am really enjoying the SWAT.

Blak Smyth 12-13-2012 11:58 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread

Originally Posted by hazydat620 (Post 1764308)
LOL they suckered you all again, paid 60 bucks for the same old stuff. I stopped playing after MW2. just poking fun, sorry. My friends have said the same thing you guys have.

It is definitley not the same old stuff, that is why most people don't like it. It doesn't feel like COD.

On another note:
Still can't believe they nerfed the FAL, it wasn't over powered because the rate of fire was soo slow. Now it is just worthless, you can't have a slow rate of fire and high recoil (At least I can't).

Conch Republican 12-13-2012 12:51 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
I just wish they would stop the quick scoping - That one drives me nuts

Blak Smyth 12-13-2012 01:09 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread

Originally Posted by Conch Republican (Post 1764595)
I just wish they would stop the quick scoping - That one drives me nuts

Well they did decrease the accuracy on no scope snipers so at least they fixed that.

Mikey202 12-13-2012 03:59 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread

Originally Posted by Mrtoadzwildride (Post 1749192)
I will pick my copy up this week. Any takers on a Asylum clan?

I will join a clan. Scooter202 is my game tag on XBOX 360.

dijit 12-14-2012 06:34 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread

Originally Posted by Mrtoadzwildride (Post 1749192)
I will pick my copy up this week. Any takers on a Asylum clan?


Originally Posted by Mikey202 (Post 1764704)
I will join a clan. Scooter202 is my game tag on XBOX 360.

I would be interested in an asylum clan (even if I dont play much) XBOX 360 tag dijit64

Adriftpanda 12-16-2012 04:11 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
Was the network down last night? Couldn't get on :su

Blak Smyth 12-17-2012 05:50 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread

Originally Posted by Adriftpanda (Post 1766216)
Was the network down last night? Couldn't get on :su

I played for a few hours without issue.

Blak Smyth 12-19-2012 06:37 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
So I am trying to unlock the Ballista iron sights (One more game should do it).
I have been running with only the Ballista and the B23R side arm, been having alot of fun and did very well last night.

My best games of TDM last night:

I didn't have a negative game all night, my worst was 18/14.

I can't wait to get home and unlock those iron sights, it has taken me forever to get them.


Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1764566)
It is definitley not the same old stuff, that is why most people don't like it. It doesn't feel like COD.

On another note:
Still can't believe they nerfed the FAL, it wasn't over powered because the rate of fire was soo slow. Now it is just worthless, you can't have a slow rate of fire and high recoil (At least I can't).

To touch back on the FAL, it is still very usable it just takes some getting used to if you used it pre-update. I still use it if I am having a bad game with another weapon.

Blak Smyth 12-20-2012 10:19 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
Man I am getting addicted to this game, I can't wait until the weekend when I can play for a longer duration. I unlocked the iron sights on the Ballista, they are awsome. They deffinitley take skill to use efficiently but I am enjoying the challenge.
My KDR is only 1.5 with the Ballista but it is a fun challenging weapon to use.

Got to play a game or two with Andrew but then we got sepperated and he doesn't have a mic.

DPD6030 12-21-2012 12:27 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
I'm hoping to get a mic soon (besides the one that came with the system). It would be better to hear footsteps and what not. It was good playing with you Shane.

DPD6030 12-23-2012 05:58 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
Currently I'm running and gunning with the MSMC with the forward grip, long barrel and extra penetration. I couple that with toughness, dexterity/silence and flak jacket. It's working quite well for me. I even figured out how to view my past games and uploaded one of my best to the theater.

I played a few games with Drez yesterday.

hammondc 12-26-2012 07:25 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
Santa brought this game to me. I'll be on later.

Blak Smyth 12-26-2012 08:03 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
I have been using only the Sniper with the iron sights, I love that setup. I am worse than other weapons but have more fun.

Blak Smyth 12-26-2012 08:20 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
Here is a team score with some friends the other night, we decemated a team.
Everybody on my team had a 2+ KDR except the one random (Ocular) that still went positive:
My friend ABS has turned into a beast in this game, he started out really rusty but now is pretty amazing.
He gives me a run for my money every game when I am used to being at the top of the leaderboard.

DPD6030 12-26-2012 09:11 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
Invite me when you boys play if you need an extra. Lately I've been doing pretty postive and rarely go negative.

Blak Smyth 12-26-2012 09:18 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread

Originally Posted by DPD6030 (Post 1771096)
Invite me when you boys play if you need an extra. Lately I've been doing pretty postive and rarely go negative.

I always do if you are online and we have a spot open :tu

hammondc 12-26-2012 04:48 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
Spent a few hours playing today. I kinda like the change of pace from BF3 the last 9 months. Not sure what to unlock though. Any suggestions? I am at an 18 rank right now.

hammondc 12-26-2012 04:49 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1771098)
I always do if you are online and we have a spot open :tu

Ditto me too. We are already friends, but have just never hooked up.

GT - iChip

hazydat620 12-26-2012 06:38 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread

Originally Posted by hammondc (Post 1771261)
Spent a few hours playing today. I kinda like the change of pace from BF3 the last 9 months. Not sure what to unlock though. Any suggestions? I am at an 18 rank right now.

have you downloaded the new maps for BF3?

hammondc 12-26-2012 08:24 PM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
Yep. Not really a huge fan.

Blak Smyth 12-27-2012 09:02 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread

Originally Posted by hammondc (Post 1771261)
Spent a few hours playing today. I kinda like the change of pace from BF3 the last 9 months. Not sure what to unlock though. Any suggestions? I am at an 18 rank right now.

Hmm I don't know what there is to unlock that early. I think the most important thing to determine is what type of weapon you are going to use primarily in BO2. Be aware it may not be the same as other games as weapons in this game seem to work a bit different. For example in BO1 I used the MPL, it was pretty amazing but in this game I can't use SMGs although tons of people do. I would reccomend trying the LMGs, they are extremly underated in this game.

elderboy02 12-27-2012 09:22 AM

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Official Thread
I am really loving the M27 with the ACOG. I used to use the target finder, but the target finder isn't very accurate.

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