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Bruins Fan 10-31-2012 12:03 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
Tara's hand will never heal if she keeps throwing them rights:sl

cjhalbrooks 10-31-2012 01:12 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5

Originally Posted by Bruins Fan (Post 1742282)
Tara's hand will never heal if she keeps throwing them rights:sl

Lol that's what I told my wife. Tara needs to learn a left hook.

Gophernut 10-31-2012 01:55 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
Seems like it's all gonna be crashing down for Clay here soon...

shilala 10-31-2012 02:03 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
I thought last night's episode was a little dry and all over the place. I think it's because they're trying to set up so many things all at once.
I'm not saying it was bad, it had it's moments. It just wasn't up to par.
It's going to be impossible to keep up with all the story lines they have going on right now, doing justice to each one in any particular episode. Either that or it's just gonna get absolutely wild. :)
I figure Clay kills Victor Sifuentes real soon. I'd like it to go the other way around cause I like Jimmy Smits and he's great for the show. :tu

Black Coral 10-31-2012 02:07 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
It was a great episode. It played into the fact jax is growing up and becoming all of his past

kydsid 10-31-2012 02:07 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5

OK wtf am I missing here? Clay is bad news, Jax knows this needs to get him but he needs proof? We gonna have a trial here or something. Frankie admits to FIVE people, including two not in the club that Clay is behind this mess. The guy hired with the van gives up more info.

Seriously we are waiting on more proof, but for who? Jax has at the least 4 or 5 votes on his side. Who does Clay have with the Nomads gone, 2 or 3? Bring the hooker and Jimmy Smits in to tell the Frankie story and vote the SOB and Frankie out of the club.

Once he's out of the club put a 45 slug in his head cause the only reason I can think not to kill Clay is because you aren't supposed to kill a club member.

Seriously you are vicious enough to kill the guard with a snow globe, the hired van driver and everything else but you don't have the nuts or smarts to bring it to the 'table' which you have majority of the votes locked up and kill this guy for good.

Talk about stretching the BS out.

cjhalbrooks 10-31-2012 02:16 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5

This may be true. BUT you have to think Jax needs to totally DESTROY clay. Clay has the support of the club even if he doesn't have the chair. You have to take in the fact that clay has held that chair for years and you know that if clay still has a hint of a doubt to stand on the club could be thrown into civil war. Also clay's ties to charming are going to back him over Jax. Clay needs to be taken out I TOTALLY agree but it needs to be done perfect.
:gn CLAY

kydsid 10-31-2012 02:28 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
If you are talking about SAMC as a whole unit, not just little SAMCRO in Charming I can see your point about Clay having support given how long he was President of SAMCRO.

But I also think any of those loyalties could be totally blown by Gemma telling them about all the **** Clay did over the years. She has so much on him to destroy him yet, all we are gonna do is use her to be a spy for the current events. That doesn't make sense either.

The one marginal reason to keep Clay and totally bust him is the Irish and Jax's need to keep the Irish because of the CIA.

Even that is flimsy. Clay is toast and it isn't a court of law. IMO he has enough to go to the table.

SAMCRO is now only 8 members, two of which are Clay and Frankie. Tell me he doesn't have the votes to get rid of his rotten turd?

icehog3 10-31-2012 02:46 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5

Originally Posted by kydsid (Post 1742357)

Seriously we are waiting on more proof, but for who?

Kurt Sutter....he needs to stretch this out for the rest of the season. ;)

newcigarz 10-31-2012 03:31 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
Jax is stone cold.

Gophernut 11-01-2012 06:46 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
I was thinking that Jax is having Jemma do this not as much to get proof against Clay, because I feel he has all the proof he needs to get rid of Clay, but to humiliate Jemma for what she did to his kids. Kind of 2 birds with one stone.
So he gets further proof, gets back at his mom, and cements his leadership role within SAMCRO.

Ogre 11-03-2012 07:11 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
Here is Clays new club.

cjhalbrooks 11-03-2012 10:09 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
Lol awesome

CRIMPS 11-04-2012 12:44 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5

Originally Posted by Gophernut (Post 1742749)
I was thinking that Jax is having Jemma do this not as much to get proof against Clay, because I feel he has all the proof he needs to get rid of Clay, but to humiliate Jemma for what she did to his kids. Kind of 2 birds with one stone.
So he gets further proof, gets back at his mom, and cements his leadership role within SAMCRO.


I feel like the show needs to finally allow Jax to kill Clay. Something tells me that won't happen. The show needs the inside-the-club antagonist. Season 5 and 6 of most shows start to tailspin and I think we are seeing that now. Sucks.

newcigarz 11-07-2012 06:33 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
Good episode.

elderboy02 11-07-2012 06:48 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5

Originally Posted by newcigarz (Post 1746083)
Good episode.

Agreed. Juice is toast. I was hoping Jax would bust in the house at the end of the episode and take out Clay and Juice at the same time.

newcigarz 11-07-2012 07:11 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1746088)
Agreed. Juice is toast. I was hoping Jax would bust in the house at the end of the episode and take out Clay and Juice at the same time.

90 minute episode next week, so we'll see.

I gotta get me some of that perfume :xxx

Gophernut 11-07-2012 07:56 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5

Originally Posted by Bruins Fan (Post 1742282)
Tara's hand will never heal if she keeps throwing them rights:sl

Seems she's using her left hand just fine now....


jonumberone 11-07-2012 08:03 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
I don't understand why Jax needs Gemma to get new "secrets" out of clay.
Why can't Gemma just tell the club about how Clay killed JT?
Doesn't Jax have the letters now? That should be all the evidence he needs?
Or does the club have a statute of limitations on killing its members?

Also, if Jax figured out the rat, why meet with Eli?
Why risk meeting with a cop while you're armed and toting around a dead body?
Why tip your hand to Eli, and give him the opportunity to warn Juice?

I get that the show is pure pulp, and you aren't talking real life here, but I just feel like we've been down this road before.
The Jax/Clay stuff needs to end, it's getting stale.
I feel like I'm watching a dog chase his tail, over, and over again.

muligan 11-07-2012 06:21 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
I think juice will make a deal with Jax and give him info on clay

cjhalbrooks 11-07-2012 06:24 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5

Originally Posted by muligan (Post 1746454)
I think juice will make a deal with Jax and give him info on clay


And why try to get off to that nasty one eyed freak

MoTheMan 11-07-2012 06:27 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
Thank god I have DVR. I can watch it tonight & FF through the commercials.

cjhalbrooks 11-07-2012 06:28 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
So i take it no spoilers......

Bruins Fan 11-07-2012 06:55 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
Juice must die, I really didn't care for last nights episode.

CRIMPS 11-08-2012 11:39 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5

Originally Posted by Bruins Fan (Post 1746485)
Juice must die, I really didn't care for last nights episode.

Juice may die... But, I think he is actually the person that helps Jax get the proof he needs to take out Clay.

CRIMPS 11-08-2012 11:40 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
I loved how you saw Jax' intuition on who the rat was.

newcigarz 11-14-2012 09:09 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
Wonder how this Tara thing is going to play out?

icehog3 11-14-2012 09:55 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
Not to mention the Tig thing, the Clay thing, the Juice thing......

xFreebirdx 11-14-2012 10:08 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
They do have a lot of "things" going on...........;)

Ogre 11-14-2012 10:19 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
To many "Things" going on at one time. Will see what happens next.

cjhalbrooks 11-14-2012 10:24 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
I brought this up to my wife, Have you noticed that Jax is buying all the votes at the table. If he keeps Juice alive then he will have one more vote. True Juice really messed up. But if Jax gets rid of Juice then it will show the club that you betray you die. But if he keeps juice he will have leverage over juice forever. Clay he will be taken out before the Cartel can do anything. The Irish and the cartel both want Clay to be back in charge. I think that with in the next few weeks we will see clay's down fall. I don't think he will die, but prison yes. If Clay dose die i think that it will be done by Jemma.

JAX REALLY MESS UP BY KILLING OPIES KILLER. He might have destroyed a close ally.

"And i think we need to change some by-laws."

On another note I KNOW NOTHING

elderboy02 11-14-2012 09:10 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
I agree that Jax messed things up with the Lodi gang.

icehog3 11-15-2012 12:19 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1750082)
I agree that Jax messed things up with the Lodi gang.

I understand the point you guys are making, but it someone killed my best friend the way that guy killed Opie, he would wish I only put a bullet in the back of his head. ;)

longknocker 11-15-2012 04:24 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1750116)
I understand the point you guys are making, but it someone killed my best friend the way that guy killed Opie, he would wish I only put a bullet in the back of his head. ;)

Agreed. Jax Needed Payback Revenge For Opie's Closure.

blugill 11-15-2012 08:32 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
I'm really wondering who to root for anymore. Jax is nothing but Clay 2.0 now.
He used to be the moral conscious of the MC.
Everyone is just shades of bad and worse now.

blugill 11-15-2012 08:36 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
Clay won't die or disappear from the show unless Ron Perlman wants him to. He's still anA list actor and with this cushy gig he can collect checks for seasons to come:)

CRIMPS 11-15-2012 10:42 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
Really good episode. The Auto scene was crazy to watch. You knew he was going to do something, but didn't know what that "something" was going to be. I expected he was going to hang himself or something.

Tara is in some serious trouble.

The Lodi gang leader knew the rules... Jax was right about that. I don't think he completely burned that bridge.

BlindedByScience 11-15-2012 11:23 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5

Originally Posted by blugill (Post 1750208)
I'm really wondering who to root for anymore. Jax is nothing but Clay 2.0 now.
He used to be the moral conscious of the MC.
Everyone is just shades of bad and worse now.

Agreed. My wife and I watch every episode and after this weeks installment, she turned to me and said exactly that - Jax is now Clay Jr.

I have to wonder if the season cliffhanger will be every shady back room deal Jax has made blows up in his face all at once; Juice, Jemma, Tig, the Lodi gang, name it. Never mind the heat from the cartel / CIA to keep the guns flowing. With the pressure, Tara takes the offer in Portland. Jax and Tara move to Portland and that puts Clay back at the head of the table. That sets up next season for the crew to talk Jax into returning and the conflicts that brings.

Hey, it's one theory......:D

Bruins Fan 11-15-2012 01:22 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
Looks to me like the show is just spinning it's wheels,the water is just getting muddier and muddier.

icehog3 11-20-2012 10:35 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
What is that Terriers dude gonna do with Tara? Yipes.

Is it me, or does Tara get better looking every season?

Will Bobby be successful? My spidey-sense tells me this will not be Clay's last season of SoA.

Will Jax ace his deal, and let Tig kill the murderer of Tig's daughter?

Will Nero go completely gangster? He seems well on his way.

Juice? Freshly squeezed, or frozen concentrate?

So many questions, so little time.

elderboy02 11-21-2012 04:58 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
What is that Terriers dude gonna do with Tara? Yipes.

---That dude really is scary. I loved him in Terriers.

Is it me, or does Tara get better looking every season?

---Yes, she definitely gets hotter.

Will Bobby be successful? My spidey-sense tells me this will not be Clay's last season of SoA.

---I agree with you

Will Jax ace his deal, and let Tig kill the murderer of Tig's daughter?

---Not sure about this one

Will Nero go completely gangster? He seems well on his way.

---I am not sure, but I love seeing Jimmy Smits go all gangster. Just walks in and starts messing people up :gn :r

Juice? Freshly squeezed, or frozen concentrate?

---Juice... ground to a pulp

Chainsaw13 11-21-2012 05:59 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1753092)

Is it me, or does Tara get better looking every season?

---Yes, she definitely gets hotter.

:tu When she was sitting there talking to Unser in the hospital, after they left the chemo treatment room, I think that was the best I'd ever seen her look.

icehog3 11-21-2012 09:07 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 (Post 1753103)
:tu When she was sitting there talking to Unser in the hospital, after they left the chemo treatment room, I think that was the best I'd ever seen her look.

That is exactly when that thought came to mind for me too, Bob.

hscmit 11-26-2012 10:31 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
What is that Terriers dude gonna do with Tara? Yipes.

think it might be the murdered nurses husband/brother/family

going after otto and tara and the guards in the prison working with him

blugill 11-26-2012 05:16 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
I gotta say, the last episode was a bit better. It seemed like it was really going no where fast. Hopefully it's found it's ground again.

Skywalker 11-27-2012 07:37 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1753068)
What is that Terriers dude gonna do with Tara? Yipes.

The new character is Lee Toric, played by Donal Logue.

I'm curious if he is an enemy or a friend?

Do we know that Jax's brother Tommy really died when he was a child??? Soap Opera sh!t, right???

BTW - Tom, To answer your question - It's you, Tara is hot but you are getting hotter!

icehog3 11-27-2012 08:55 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5

Originally Posted by Skywalker (Post 1755393)
BTW - Tom, To answer your question - It's you, Tara is hot but you are getting hotter!

Aw, shucks.....

CRIMPS 11-27-2012 09:46 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
Fun Fact. The nurse that Otto killed was the sister of the new character, Lee Toric (thanks, Tom), in Terriers. It seems FX likes to reuse their actors.

Tig is dead. It has to happen. Of course, I would probably say the same thing about Clay, except that the show would probably end if that were to happen.

Skywalker 11-27-2012 10:46 AM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5

Originally Posted by CRIMPS (Post 1755461)
Fun Fact. The nurse that Otto killed was the sister of the new character, Lee Toric (thanks, Tom), in Terriers. It seems FX likes to reuse their actors.

Tig is dead. It has to happen. Of course, I would probably say the same thing about Clay, except that the show would probably end if that were to happen.

Great Information!!!

blugill 11-27-2012 12:52 PM

Re: Sons of Anarchy - Season 5
I really doubt they'll kill of Tig. They are more likely to kill off Pope instead as he has just had a few bit parts in the series.

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