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thecatch83 03-30-2012 05:39 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1604323)

So now you're playing God.....

pnoon 03-30-2012 05:43 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by thecatch83 (Post 1604328)
So now you're playing God.....

Yep. That's me. :rolleyes:

thecatch83 03-30-2012 05:44 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1604332)
Yep. That's me. :rolleyes:


kelmac07 03-30-2012 05:45 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?
I personally prefer my NC's over the CC's everyday of the week and twice on Sundays. It's been said here numerous times...smoke what you like, like what you smoke. :D

OLS 03-30-2012 06:03 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by Bad Finger (Post 1604170)
Wow, Really Mark? That's how you read what I said? .

I read, or tried to read what you said to Markem and comprehend it, the stuff quoted above and below,
and I can't figure out WHAT you are saying. So do not be surprised that people misunderstand you.


Originally Posted by Bad Finger (Post 1604170)
while being one of the biggest cc whores most Asylum members know is pretty weak. Give the man an
actual answer, he is only seeking help..

Why is anyone bound by this mysterious code, to be honest with their fellow annonymous internet buddy?
Most people say 'smoke what you like' in order to stay out of long, drawn out arguments with people who
have already asked a loaded question and are likely to whine about any answer you give, like a child
that answers every answer with "but why..?" You can't make people think like you, you can't make them
answer a simple question the way you do.


Originally Posted by Bad Finger (Post 1604170)
I was only noting that the site in fact DOES give the preference to CC's and not NC's.
Build it and people who want your environment will come. If it gets lonely, don't complain to me" makes
you look like an elitest.

Is this what the mods around here expect out of their senior members? If so, then you probably are right.
I should go find somewhere else..

Your response showed me that you likely came here and signed up and started posting away. They show me
you likely did not read any of the sticky material that tells the story of how this board came to be. This is not
a democracy. It is kind of like a theocracy. There is a group of people that pays for this site out of their own
pocket and can set it up the way they like it. They constantly listen to suggestions but are under no pressure
to comply with them. If it leans towards havanas, maybe it is because the TOE, which is the Team of Eleven,
since you likely did not read that story, are a group of connoisseurs who seem to all prefer havanas.
They include the NC forum because they are fair. You can holler here and people might not treat you like they
do at some of the more animalistic forums, but never think that this is one of these boards that has to listen to
their advertisers or even their members. The way things are here may NOT be like any other place you will find.
But while you MIGHT think that is a negative, we here find it just about right.

I don't think anyone is telling you you should leave. They are probably telling you to find out where you are
before you start to behave as if you are where you might think you are. I think it is fair to say that you have
a lot of reading to do. If you fail to try to understand the asylum and just bash your head against the wall of
your cell, no one will miss you when you leave.

To answer your last actual question, a 'lot of other boards" separate CCs from NCs because they are smart enough
to realize, as this one does, that not every newbie that walks in, slaps down a username and password and
freemail address needs to have access to a forum where almost internet-wide, a little decorum is necessary for a
product that for a lot of smokers is "illegal". A lot of new members on baords come in and shoot their mouths off
about sources and ways of mailing contraband and get into arguments about how CCs suck, etc. It is smart to
segregate a board that requires "decorum and tact" from those people who have none of either until such time
as they LEARN some and EARN the priviledge. A separate board is an easy way to do this.

pnoon 03-30-2012 06:10 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1604360)
If it leans towards havanas, maybe it is because the TOE, which is the Team of Eleven,
since you likely did not read that story, are a group of connoisseurs who seem to all prefer havanas.
They include the NC forum because they are fair.

Brad - Maybe you didn't read MY post.

Originally Posted by pnoon
For anyone who cares, it is my opinon that this board and countless others stratify CCs and not NCs solely based on what Clayton has succicntly stated below.

Originally Posted by akumushi (Post 1604108)
2. The fact that there are small, finite set of marcas that has hardly changed in the last 10 years, and as such can easily be given that kind of detailed treatment. I dare you to try to organize every Marca on the NC side that's existed in the last ten years.

markem 03-30-2012 06:15 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by Mattso3000 (Post 1604327)
I try not to talk about my Pet Johnson.

Is this your band?

thecatch83 03-30-2012 07:30 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by Mattso3000 (Post 1604327)
I try not to talk about my Pet Johnson.


See what I mean

OLS 03-30-2012 07:32 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1604362)
Brad - Maybe you didn't read MY post.

Stating there was no reason to be nasty, or where you explained the TOE?
I guess either one is enough to keep me quiet from here on out.

Mattso3000 03-30-2012 07:38 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by markem (Post 1604367)

Long story as short as I can here, we use a word of the year for team names in one of my fantasy football leagues. 2 years ago the word was Panis (extreme obesity) and I went with Panis Attack. Another team used the name Detachable Panis...I never got it until now. Thanks, I guess?

pnoon 03-30-2012 08:51 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1604426)
Stating there was no reason to be nasty, or where you explained the TOE?
I guess either one is enough to keep me quiet from here on out.

Where I explained why there are CC sub forums and not NC sub forums. Clayton (akamushi) nailed it. I don't believe it has anything to do with the ToE's general preference for CCs.

Starscream 03-30-2012 09:51 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?
When do I get access to the Swisher Sweets sub forum?

icehog3 03-30-2012 11:38 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1604541)
When do I get access to the Swisher Sweets sub forum? ;)

Starscream 03-31-2012 12:07 AM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1604598) ;)

I guess my comment deserved that one.;s

scottdurand 03-31-2012 12:55 AM

Re: CC's or NC's?
Most people some Cubans just to say they are smoking a Cuban. For some of us it's about the certain complex flavors that we enjoy. I simply can't find anything that I like more than a nicely aged Punch Punch or Magnum 46 (have to slip the Siglo VI in as well). The interesting thing about the attraction for people to Cuban cigars is that many people that walk into a humidor skip over most of what tastes closest to a Cuban (e.g. Por larranaga Cabinet Corona and a few of the Curivari). This is probably why sitting in a local B&M and someone mentions Cubans and where to get them usually 2 or 3 guys have a pile and know right where to get them but don't offer up info. With that said i'm lucky to have made a couple buddies at my local shop that have taught me a lot, and if I listen to them go on I realize I still know very little about these wonderful sticks. :banger

Zeuceone 03-31-2012 01:11 AM

Re: CC's or NC's?
Cuban smokers are snobs...

mithrilG60 03-31-2012 01:18 AM

Re: CC's or NC's?
... and NC smokers have an inferiority complex when it comes to Cubans. Sweeping generalizations: a fun game the whole family can play :tu

Ratters 03-31-2012 01:27 AM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1604598) ;)

Gonna have to report that post. :rlz


Personally, I don't smoke anything from an island. Isthmus, maybe.

ArgusP2 03-31-2012 02:11 AM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by Zeuceone (Post 1604654)
Cuban smokers are snobs...

You're a snob!! :D

Zeuceone 03-31-2012 04:34 AM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by ArgusP2 (Post 1604699)
You're a snob!! :D


OLS 03-31-2012 07:46 AM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1604506)
I don't believe it has anything to do with the ToE's general preference for CCs.

That's where I think you are wrong. I don't think any one of the eleven can be accused of being a havana-
only smoker, but I think that all eleven have a keen interest in and deep love for havanas, and it SHOWS in
their decisions to finely detail the havana reviews section, if not in their choice to have a section for both,
which we see in almost all the forums that offer info on the two. Now don't think me dense, I read Clayton's
ideas and they WERE spot on as you said. And of course I am not a TOE, I am more of a heel, so I could be wrong. ;)

pnoon 03-31-2012 09:08 AM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1604778)
That's where I think you are wrong. I don't think any one of the eleven can be accused of being a havana-
only smoker, but I think that all eleven have a keen interest in and deep love for havanas, and it SHOWS in
their decisions to finely detail the havana reviews section, if not in their choice to have a section for both,
which we see in almost all the forums that offer info on the two. Now don't think me dense, I read Clayton's
ideas and they WERE spot on as you said. And of course I am not a TOE, I am more of a heel, so I could be wrong. ;)

Actually, you are an ass, Brad.

;s That was too easy. :D
All in fun.

Smokin Gator 03-31-2012 10:07 AM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1604803)
Actually, you are an ass, Brad.
;s That was too easy. :D
All in fun.

Yeah, but he is our ass... and that is why we love him:D

forgop 03-31-2012 12:30 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?
NC's all the way. See, there is a Cuban embargo in effect and it is illegal to purchase Cuban cigars. I will always side with our lawmakers in its selective opposition to communism.

RichieBklyn 03-31-2012 12:47 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?
As a new poster and starter of this thread let me first start by saying 122 replies WOW!! No this is not a brag post, just impressed to see the interest in a subject that is often in my mind when it comes to cigars.

Secondly, let me say I have been in poker forums for years and the worst post to spend my time reading was an insulting or tirade laced post, when I'm trying to just enjoy comments on the subject matter. I think everyone needs to think before they write every post and ask themselves is this going to insult someone. Not solely because one doesn't want to be offensive, hell im a NY'er u know we don't care about that. But becuase most of us don't want to read the next 5 insulting fight posts along the way trying to get back to the subject at hand. Just my experiences guys. Now before I offend anyone else, I have another question related to some posts in this thread.

A few people have stated they get tastes from CC's that they don't get from NC's. Whether it be thru the mouth or nose. And many people associated NC's with strong full bodied pepper tastes. With that said can anyone explain tastes that they get from NC's that they don't get from CC's? Naming the cigar would also be great!

akumushi 03-31-2012 12:57 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by RichieBklyn (Post 1604922)
As a new poster and starter of this thread let me first start by saying 122 replies WOW!! No this is not a brag post, just impressed to see the interest in a subject that is often in my mind when it comes to cigars.

Secondly, let me say I have been in poker forums for years and the worst post to spend my time reading was an insulting or tirade laced post, when I'm trying to just enjoy comments on the subject matter. I think everyone needs to think before they write every post and ask themselves is this going to insult someone. Not solely because one doesn't want to be offensive, hell im a NY'er u know we don't care about that. But becuase most of us don't want to read the next 5 insulting fight posts along the way trying to get back to the subject at hand. Just my experiences guys. Now before I offend anyone else, I have another question related to some posts in this thread.

A few people have stated they get tastes from CC's that they don't get from NC's. Whether it be thru the mouth or nose. And many people associated NC's with strong full bodied pepper tastes. With that said can anyone explain tastes that they get from NC's that they don't get from CC's? Naming the cigar would also be great!

I don't get the sour-apple Honduran funk or the cloying, metallic Dominican twinge from CCs.
But seriously, the rich chocolate/coffee you get in spades in the Padron Anniversaries is rare and less pronounced when you find it in CCs, and the strong black pepper blast or jalepeno spiciness that you get from some of the Nicaraguan Pepins (Blue Label) or the LFD double ligero lines are pretty much nonexistent in the CC world.
If you reverse the question, floral notes are pretty rare and usually one dimensional or cloying in NCs, but the CC world has about 500 shades of floral character all over the brands.

shilala 03-31-2012 12:59 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by RichieBklyn (Post 1604922)
As a new poster and starter of this thread let me first start by saying 122 replies WOW!! No this is not a brag post, just impressed to see the interest in a subject that is often in my mind when it comes to cigars.

Secondly, let me say I have been in poker forums for years and the worst post to spend my time reading was an insulting or tirade laced post, when I'm trying to just enjoy comments on the subject matter. I think everyone needs to think before they write every post and ask themselves is this going to insult someone. Not solely because one doesn't want to be offensive, hell im a NY'er u know we don't care about that. But becuase most of us don't want to read the next 5 insulting fight posts along the way trying to get back to the subject at hand. Just my experiences guys. Now before I offend anyone else, I have another question related to some posts in this thread.

A few people have stated they get tastes from CC's that they don't get from NC's. Whether it be thru the mouth or nose. And many people associated NC's with strong full bodied pepper tastes. With that said can anyone explain tastes that they get from NC's that they don't get from CC's? Naming the cigar would also be great!

Richie, those are good questions. They'd probably be far better served if you start a new thread, odds are it'll be lost five pages deep.
You can always link back to this thread as a reference for your new topic. :tu

shilala 03-31-2012 01:02 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1604803)
Actually, you are an ass, Brad.

Imagine my shock and dismay when I agree with him about 95% of the time, Peter. :lr
(A good portion of the other 5% is when I have no idea what the hell he's talking about.)

Bill86 03-31-2012 01:08 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1604932)
Imagine my shock and dismay when I agree with him about 95% of the time, Peter. :lr
(A good portion of the other 5% is when I have no idea what the hell he's talking about.)

Toss me in that group as well.

As for favors in NC that aren't in CC's....I don't taste any resemblance so for me all of them. Even if you get pepper in both, it's a different kind. With NC's it's like someone took a pepper-mill and ground it into my sinuses, CC's not so much.

icehog3 03-31-2012 01:18 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?
The black cherry I sometimes get from aged Opus X is one taste I don't find in CCs. That's the one that comes most prominently to mind.

Regarding the insult followed by 5 insults in response....The ToE keep a goodf watch on things, so that only goes on so long before threads get closed, and if necessary, people get time-outs. ;)

maninblack 03-31-2012 01:51 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?
What the hell is a Cuban cigar? I heard they were all fakes. :)

Pseudosacred 03-31-2012 02:07 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by maninblack (Post 1604989)
What the hell is a Cuban cigar? I heard they were all fakes. :)



Mr.Maduro 03-31-2012 02:08 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by RichieBklyn (Post 1603188)
Im very impressed by the amount of replys to all posts on this site, great job guys!

Ofcourse I will only smoke what I like. The point I am making is in my experiences talking to many life long smokers it seems like when people start smoking CC's thier is often a point of no return to NC's. They just stick with CC's ans almost rate NC's as second hand smokes. Although it doesn't seem that way by this group's responses.

Don't just go by me Rich! ;)

RichieBklyn 03-31-2012 02:13 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by Mr.Maduro (Post 1605002)
Don't just go by me Rich! ;)

Ya, but as u can see u have some paaaaaaartners...

shilala 03-31-2012 03:09 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?
I have never tasted black pepper in a CC. I also have never tasted that anise/wet sneaker/two week worn underwear taste of Tatuaje in CC's.
Clayton mentioned a couple more nasty ones.
I do find the same Pepin spice in fresh PLpc's, it's why I love them so much. I don't generally find cedar flavor in such huge abundance among nc's. It's one of my cc put-offs that I try to minimize by getting rid of cedar sheets in my boxes.
Chocolate, caramel, bugundy, spice, cedar, sweetness, citrus, I can find all those in both.
The floral notes, tea, and distinct flavor profiles of cc's I can't find among nc's.
Whereas lots of nc's taste very similar, I don't find that in cc's. I honestly feel that there are far more flavors in the handful of cc marcas than in the entire nc realm.
Maybe it's because there are only a very small number of master nc blenders and a huge number of master cc blenders?

OLS 03-31-2012 04:01 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?
I think what I would say to Richie is that I don't feel like I left NCs behind as much
as THEY left me behind. When I used to smoke them, Cameroon wrappers were HUGE,
(which I preferred), blends were well thought out and interesting. They came out with
"innovation after innovation", (like the habana 2000 wrapper - yech) THEN I started in
with havanas. While I was exploring that end, something happened in the NC biz.
Everything had to be big. Every thing had to packed with ligero. All of the blends I
used to prefer seemed to change. Makers that started out with a bang started to slip
in quality control in their striving for more shelf space with new brand extensions, etc.
I came to the understanding that they just didn't suit me anymore. Not for nothing,
but Habanos SA is doing the same thing, just seemingly without the blinding power.
I do not prefer a strong smoke. I prefer a thin smoke. I do not feel like a fayg when
I have a Lancero in my hand. I DO feel like a male poarn star when I have a 60 ring
gauge smoke in my mouth. YES I have abandoned them and do not intend to go back.
But they started Peter. ;)

akumushi 03-31-2012 04:09 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1605077)
I DO feel like a female poarn star when I have a 60 ring
gauge smoke in my mouth.

Changed for accuracy.:D

lenguamor 03-31-2012 06:28 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1605038)
I have never tasted black pepper in a CC. I also have never tasted that anise/wet sneaker/two week worn underwear taste of Tatuaje in CC's.
Clayton mentioned a couple more nasty ones.
I do find the same Pepin spice in fresh PLpc's, it's why I love them so much. I don't generally find cedar flavor in such huge abundance among nc's. It's one of my cc put-offs that I try to minimize by getting rid of cedar sheets in my boxes.
Chocolate, caramel, bugundy, spice, cedar, sweetness, citrus, I can find all those in both.
The floral notes, tea, and distinct flavor profiles of cc's I can't find among nc's.
Whereas lots of nc's taste very similar, I don't find that in cc's. I honestly feel that there are far more flavors in the handful of cc marcas than in the entire nc realm.
Maybe it's because there are only a very small number of master nc blenders and a huge number of master cc blenders?


Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1605077)
I think what I would say to Richie is that I don't feel like I left NCs behind as much
as THEY left me behind. When I used to smoke them, Cameroon wrappers were HUGE,
(which I preferred), blends were well thought out and interesting. They came out with
"innovation after innovation", (like the habana 2000 wrapper - yech) THEN I started in
with havanas. While I was exploring that end, something happened in the NC biz.
Everything had to be big. Every thing had to packed with ligero. All of the blends I
used to prefer seemed to change. Makers that started out with a bang started to slip
in quality control in their striving for more shelf space with new brand extensions, etc.
I came to the understanding that they just didn't suit me anymore. Not for nothing,
but Habanos SA is doing the same thing, just seemingly without the blinding power.
I do not prefer a strong smoke. I prefer a thin smoke. I do not feel like a fayg when
I have a Lancero in my hand. I DO feel like a male poarn star when I have a 60 ring
gauge smoke in my mouth. YES I have abandoned them and do not intend to go back.
But they started Peter. ;)

Lotta truth there.

TJtorpedo 03-31-2012 07:05 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?
I've smoked waaay more NCs than CCs, but probably only because of the accessibility of NCs. I can smoke singles of NC stuff and if I like, I may buy a box. I enjoy CCs, but I can't readily try singles or a fiver of CCs before pulling the trigger on a box.

thecatch83 03-31-2012 08:52 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by forgop (Post 1604910)
NC's all the way. See, there is a Cuban embargo in effect and it is illegal to purchase Cuban cigars. I will always side with our lawmakers in its selective opposition to communism.

Purchasing Cuban cigars is not just can't bring them into the states.

akumushi 03-31-2012 09:14 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by thecatch83 (Post 1605273)
Purchasing Cuban cigars is not just can't bring them into the states.

Technically, I believe this is incorrect. As far as I understand the trading with the enemy laws, it is illegal for an American citizen to purchase and smoke a Cuban cigar, whether it is in France, Cuba or Canada. Now, you can do so without much fear of being caught, because who would be procecuting you? But still, it's technically illegal. Just as if you bought something from Iran while vacationing in Iraq, it's doesn't matter if you're not trying to bring something home that's illegal, it's the fact that you're engaging in trade and therefore breaking embargos/sanctions against a sworn enemy of the united states.

Stick 03-31-2012 09:17 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by thecatch83 (Post 1605273)
Purchasing Cuban cigars is not just can't bring them into the states.

Yep, pretty sure Clayton has it correct.

"The Regulations prohibit any person subject to U.S. jurisdiction from dealing in any property in which Cuba or a Cuban national has or has had any interest. Under the Regulations, “property” is very broadly defined and includes such things as contracts and services. For example, unless authorized, persons subject to U.S. jurisdiction (including U.S. overseas subsidiaries) may not purchase Cuban cigars in third countries...


CRIMPS 04-01-2012 10:37 AM

Re: CC's or NC's?
The driver of this thread was surely drunk. I dont even remember what the original post was about. Something about really fat **** stars, I think.


Islayphile 04-01-2012 04:00 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?
I have a question for all of you guys who smoke Cubans...

Do you prefer the arm, the leg or the wing?

OLS 04-01-2012 04:30 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by thecatch83 (Post 1605273)
Purchasing Cuban cigars is not just can't bring them into the states.

I would say that nothing could be further from the truth, but the second part of your sentence was correct.
NO AMERICAN is allowed to purchase ANY PRODUCT in which a cuban has any interest.
No matter where you buy them, if the product is one in which a cuban benefits, you
cannot buy it. So no matter who bought the cigars from cuba to sell to whomever, no matter
where they sell them, as an American citizen you cannot legally be involved in the chain of transactions
in any way. If a cuban built the tire valve stem caps in a mercedes-benz roadster and was paid to do so,
you could not buy that car. If you are in London, you cannot buy a cuban cigar if you are an American.
If you are in Mexico, you cannot buy a cuban cigar. if you are at the North Pole, well, you get the idea.

The intention of the US embargo against Cuba is to keep our cash out of their hands. It is NOT to keep
cuban products out of the United States per se. It doesn't matter where you do it, if you benefit a cuban
through a transaction anywhere on the globe, you have "hurt the USA" and "helped Cuba"
Clayton is on a bit of roll lately, sorry I did not read his response to your reply first. He is correct in every way.

E.J. 04-01-2012 06:41 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?
Man, I went read the whole thing.....:r

I love both. Went on vacation and my filled 30ct traveler was close to 50\50...

A lot like the arguments over the Tat releases or where JohnnyO gets his tobacco ect, I wonder why people get so intense(is that a good word), about rolled tobacco leafs....

I have to assume people feel there always has to be a line in the sand.....:confused:

My name is E.J., I like to smoke cigars.....if they are tasty, I don't care where they are rolled.... I have smoked tasty cigars from many different Countries....

RWhisenand 04-01-2012 09:40 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1605769)
I would say that nothing could be further from the truth, ...

The intention of the US embargo against Cuba is to keep our cash out of their hands. It is NOT to keep
cuban products out of the United States per se. It doesn't matter where you do it, if you benefit a cuban
through a transaction anywhere on the globe, you have "hurt the USA" and "helped Cuba"
Clayton is on a bit of roll lately, sorry I did not read his response to your reply first. He is correct in every way.

We trade with Cuba all the time.

pnoon 04-01-2012 09:49 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by RWhisenand (Post 1606023)

We trade with Cuba all the time.

Rob, I think the point is that the average citizen is prohibited from engaging in economic activity with Cuba.

RWhisenand 04-01-2012 09:52 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1606025)
Rob, I think the point is that the average citizen is prohibited from engaging in economic activity with Cuba.

Oh for sure I agree with you, its unfortunate too.

BMack 04-05-2012 03:47 PM

Re: CC's or NC's?
I don't speed either. ;)

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