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x man 04-20-2012 08:58 AM

Re: New York Yankees 2012

Originally Posted by Islayphile (Post 1620954)

Yeah, the Grandyman can.
He is the example of what baseball is about.
The only time he grandstands, well u know the rest.
The 3rd one left so fast Sterling didnt have time to say
it is high, it was there it goes, it`s gone.

Islayphile 04-20-2012 09:18 AM

Re: New York Yankees 2012

Originally Posted by x man (Post 1621026)
Yeah, the Grandyman can.
He is the example of what baseball is about.
The only time he grandstands, well u know the rest.
The 3rd one left so fast Sterling didnt have time to say
it is high, it was there it goes, it`s gone.

Reminded me very much of how Winfield used to knock them out of the ol' park

BigJPinDC 04-20-2012 01:29 PM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
Crazy uniforms today. Good to be working from home.

Islayphile 04-20-2012 01:34 PM

Re: New York Yankees 2012

Originally Posted by BigJPinDC (Post 1621234)
Crazy uniforms today. Good to be working from home.

I'm going to try to sneak out early to watch the game at my cigar lounge.

Go Yanks!

Islayphile 04-20-2012 01:42 PM

Re: New York Yankees 2012

BigJPinDC 04-20-2012 01:45 PM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
and Chavez! Love it, love every minute of it.

Islayphile 04-20-2012 01:46 PM

Re: New York Yankees 2012

Originally Posted by BigJPinDC (Post 1621259)
and Chavez! Love it, love every minute of it.


BigJPinDC 04-20-2012 02:31 PM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
lol - always in the back of my mind is how like 60% of the 10 (kidding) saves Mo has ever blown in his career are against the Sox. We need a 3 run lead to be safe.

BigJPinDC 04-20-2012 04:36 PM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
Yankeeeesss Winnn!!!

BigJPinDC 04-21-2012 06:11 PM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
Another awesome addition to the rivalry history. Swisher is unstoppable.

Islayphile 04-22-2012 09:11 AM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
NY Yankees...sometimes down but NEVER out!

BigJPinDC 04-24-2012 06:17 AM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
All is right in the world. CC pitching through the 8th, Mariano closing, A-Rod homering and Jeter .400-ing.

BigJPinDC 04-24-2012 06:18 AM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
How the catchers will communicate wtih the pitchers tonight is a mystery to me.

The Poet 04-26-2012 03:35 PM

Re: New York Yankees 2012

Originally Posted by VirtualSmitty (Post 1530321)
Well, looks like the starting rotation is no longer a problem. Pineda and Kuroda in the same night? Cue the march ;)


Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 1530364)
I like the move.
Wish it was king Felix coming back, but this definitely makes them younger in the rotation.
I feel like it was a good trade.
Montero didn't have anywhere to play, and Pineda has a huge upside.
The 4 man race for the last 2 rotation spots will be fun to watch!


Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 1530508)
I'm not so sure I like this trade, and likely won't be for years. Pitching is fragile, while I can see Montero being a 40/100 guy for the next 15 years. And remember, Posada was once denigrated for his lack of ability behind the dish, yet did better than OK IMHO. True, he was never Pudge, but he was never the Pizza man either.

OK, you decide . . . did I predict this, or jinx it? :confused:

BigJPinDC 04-26-2012 05:27 PM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
What a mess this is now, huh?

x man 04-26-2012 10:44 PM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
MP and Joba out till into next season,
Andy got tagged in Trenton wed. nite.
The rotation was my worry since we didnt get Lee
and now i`m not sleeping.
Oy vay.

Islayphile 04-27-2012 04:26 AM

Re: New York Yankees 2012

Originally Posted by x man (Post 1625859)
MP and Joba out till into next season,
Andy got tagged in Trenton wed. nite.
The rotation was my worry since we didnt get Lee
and now i`m not sleeping.
Oy vay.

I was at the game that Andy pitched in Trenton

He didn't get tagged....very poor fielding that was scored as a hit vs. an error....that one allowed 2 of the runs.

Another error in the 3rd led to another run.

The Thunders' 3rd baseman made both blunders...he needs a lot of work defensively.

x man 04-27-2012 08:11 AM

Re: New York Yankees 2012

Originally Posted by Islayphile (Post 1625941)
I was at the game that Andy pitched in Trenton

He didn't get tagged....very poor fielding that was scored as a hit vs. an error....that one allowed 2 of the runs.

Another error in the 3rd led to another run.

The Thunders' 3rd baseman made both blunders...he needs a lot of work defensively.

So, how did he look to you?

x man 04-29-2012 04:14 PM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
Saw Joba in dugout, seems he`s wearing a boot, and might return this yr.

Islayphile 04-30-2012 06:15 AM

Re: New York Yankees 2012

Originally Posted by x man (Post 1626039)
So, how did he look to you?

He looked pretty good to me.

1. Still has strike out quality stuff

2. Pick off move is stilll very sharp

3. Pounced off the mound for a ball and he looked very quick and agile doing it.

BigJPinDC 04-30-2012 07:50 AM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
Took 2/3 from the Tigers but really was because we lined up our two best pitchers.

Islayphile 05-03-2012 01:15 PM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
It'd sure be nice if the bats came alive in the KC series

BigJPinDC 05-03-2012 06:25 PM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
Ca-no. Let's catch lightning in a bottle with Phelps tonight!
Also hoping for the emergence of the Soriano-Hughes-Robertson trifecta while Mariano heals. Please Joe.

BigAsh 05-03-2012 10:33 PM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
Mo out for the year with torn ACL???....

Mariano Rivera's season -- and perhaps his career -- may have ended during batting practice on Thursday. The initial diagnosis on Rivera's right knee is a torn anterior cruciate ligament, Yankees manager Joe Girardi told reporters after Thursday's game in Kansas City. Rivera is expected to get a second opinion.

"If that's what it is, that's about as bad as it gets," Girardi told reporters.

The 42-year-old had hinted before the season that the 2012 season may be his last.

Rivera injured his right knee during batting practice before Thursday's game at Kauffman Stadium. Rivera was examined by Royals doctor Joe Noland and Yankees trainers before being sent to KU MedWest for an MRI.

Girardi and bullpen coach Mike Harkey picked Rivera up off the ground and carried Rivera to a cart to be taken off the field.

MLB Network showed live footage of Rivera being taken off the field. Rivera was slumped against the center-field fence during Yankees batting practice before Girardi and Harkey helped him to the cart.

YES Network had video footage of Rivera shagging fly balls that showed a ball hit by Jayson Nix that went over Rivera's head and he jumped to try to catch it, but it appeared his right knee buckled and he fell to the ground.

They also showed the reaction of Nix and Alex Rodriguez. Rodriguez, who was behind the batting cage could be seen saying, "Oh, my God. Oh, my God."

Rivera has shagged foul balls throughout his career in the big leagues. Considered one of the team's best athletes, Rivera has often joked that he'd like to come back as a centerfielder after retiring as a pitcher.

jonumberone 05-04-2012 04:48 AM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
UGh, Mo going down is a killer.
While it sucks for the team and the fans, I really feel for Mo.
You got the feeling this was going to be his last year, but he was going to go away on his terms and on top!
It will be sad if this injury ends his career, but will be sadder if he tries to come back and isn't the same. :(

I think Hughes needs to stay in the rotation.
If Tex and Cano don't start hitting, might as well call this a rebuilding year and it won't matter who's pitching or closing for that matter.

In happier news,
did anyone catch AJ Burnett's line from the other night?

2.2 IP 12H and 12 Earned runs
Your manager must really hate you if he leaves you in to give up 12 Earned runs! :r

yachties23 05-04-2012 05:02 AM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
I feel terrible for Mo. Honestly one of the best guys in sports. I've had the opportunity to meet him once and he was just the nicest guy. I do hope he can come back from this, because no player deserves to go out like that, specifically one of his caliber.

That being said, if a Met closer tore his ACL shagging fly balls, the jokes made at his expense would be limitless. So while I do feel terrible for Mo, I have absolutely zero sympathy for Yankee fans.

jonumberone 05-04-2012 05:13 AM

Re: New York Yankees 2012

Originally Posted by yachties23 (Post 1630861)
That being said, if a Met closer tore his ACL shagging fly balls, the jokes made at his expense would be limitless. So while I do feel terrible for Mo, I have absolutely zero sympathy for Yankee fans.

Shagging fly's is pretty common for pitchers around the league.
During BP the pitching staff works out in the outfield, they don't just sit around the clubhouse drinking beer and eating chicken.
Well they do on one team, but thats a story for another day. ;)

BigJPinDC 05-04-2012 05:14 AM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
I think you are confusing 'fans' of a particular team with jerks who happen to also be fans of a particluar team. Kind of shallow to make an inclusive statement like that about anybody. Unless it's Packers fans obviously.

yachties23 05-04-2012 05:21 AM

Re: New York Yankees 2012

Originally Posted by BigJPinDC (Post 1630867)
I think you are confusing 'fans' of a particular team with jerks who happen to also be fans of a particluar team. Kind of shallow to make an inclusive statement like that about anybody. Unless it's Packers fans obviously.

Nah, I'm not. Ask Dom, he will tell you. Like I said, I have nothing but respect for the man, but that doesn't mean in any way shape or form I have to feel bad for the Yankees or Yankee fans.

Second off, He was booed at Yankee stadium two seasons ago. YOU BOOED MARIANO RIVERA. Are you serious? This man is the reason you won 5 world series since 96. Without him, you would have been just as good as everybody else, he was the difference maker, and he was booed. I still will never fathom that.

jonumberone 05-04-2012 05:33 AM

Re: New York Yankees 2012

Originally Posted by yachties23 (Post 1630871)
Nah, I'm not. Ask Dom, he will tell you. Like I said, I have nothing but respect for the man, but that doesn't mean in any way shape or form I have to feel bad for the Yankees or Yankee fans.

Second off, He was booed at Yankee stadium two seasons ago. YOU BOOED MARIANO RIVERA. Are you serious? This man is the reason you won 5 world series since 96. Without him, you would have been just as good as everybody else, he was the difference maker, and he was booed. I still will never fathom that.

I don't know why Chris has so much animosity towards Yankee fans.
Last time I checked he wasn't a Mets fan. :sh ;)

Yes, Yankee fans did Boo Rivera.
Though, you aren't painting a complete picture.

He was Booed in 2005.
The Year after the worst postseason collapse in sports history. (Yes, I said it :D)
We opened that season against the Sox.
Rivera's first 2 save opportunities, he blew to the Sox.
That's when he was booed.
While I don't agree with that, I am willing to say the fans had a little bit of pent up frustration, and the boos weren't 100% directed at him.
Actually the point is moot!
Real Yankee fans don't go to Yankee games, they cant afford it! :r

yachties23 05-04-2012 05:38 AM

Re: New York Yankees 2012

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 1630875)
I don't know why Chris has so much animosity towards Yankee fans.
Last time I checked he wasn't a Mets fan. :sh ;)

Yes, Yankee fans did Boo Rivera.
Though, you aren't painting a complete picture.

He was Booed in 2005.
The Year after the worst postseason collapse in sports history. (Yes, I said it :D)
We opened that season against the Sox.
Rivera's first 2 save opportunities, he blew to the Sox.
That's when he was booed.
While I don't agree with that, I am willing to say the fans had a little bit of pent up frustration, and the boos weren't 100% directed at him.
Actually the point is moot!
Real Yankee fans don't go to Yankee games, they cant afford it! :r

LOL... I love the last line..

Ironically I'm going to 2 yankee games this season. Up in Boston and down in Baltimore...

Subvet642 05-04-2012 06:17 AM

Re: New York Yankees 2012

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 1630864)
Shagging fly's is pretty common for pitchers around the league.
During BP the pitching staff works out in the outfield, they don't just sit around the clubhouse drinking beer and eating chicken.
Well they do on one team, but thats a story for another day. ;)

Maybe he should have been in the clubhouse eating chicken; our chicken eaters are still playing and Mo is looking at working the card and memorabilia shows. He should do quite well, he was always a class act. :tu

E.J. 05-04-2012 06:54 AM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
Just wanted to come on and say too bad for Rivera. Everything I have seen from him makes me feel like he is a classy guy. Hate when this stuff happen to athletes, but there is extra sting when it happens to one of the good guys.

Loosing Rivera is bad for baseball, hope he stands on a mound again.

Dave128 05-04-2012 07:58 AM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
This really sucks. Rivera is, IMO, the best and classiest closer in baseball. This is no way for a first ballot HOF'er to end his carreer. I truely hope he is able to recover and get back on the mound for at least one more save.

BigJPinDC 05-04-2012 11:09 AM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
Yachties you also one of those guys that thinks the Great Joe Torre got run out of town and unfairly disrespected? Just checking.

BigJPinDC 05-04-2012 01:43 PM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
Interesting commentary on Michael Kay's show today - this is the time to elevate Soriano to the job he was paid to do.

Hughes - Ro - So. Could work.

yachties23 05-04-2012 03:18 PM

Re: New York Yankees 2012

Originally Posted by BigJPinDC (Post 1631045)
Yachties you also one of those guys that thinks the Great Joe Torre got run out of town and unfairly disrespected? Just checking.

I've actually said my peace on Joe Torre.

I think he is the most overrated manager in the history of baseball.

The Thoroughbred horse he was given to ride by the combination of Buck Schowalter and Stick Micheal was amazing. There aren't many guys who wouldn't be hall of fame bound with that team to coach. Let us not forget the headline of the NY Daily News the day he was hired "Clueless Joe"

I don't think he was disrespected, and I think what he did to the yankees in his biography was horrible.

I think the guys who the franchise disrespected were:
Bernie Williams
Don Mattingly
Buck Schowalter

Islayphile 05-09-2012 07:38 AM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
Houdini was a little shakey last night, but we've seen this before from him and he almost always gets out of it

Hence Houdini

x man 05-09-2012 08:35 AM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
I hope so.:confused:

BigJPinDC 05-09-2012 02:42 PM

Re: New York Yankees 2012

Originally Posted by yachties23 (Post 1631172)
I've actually said my peace on Joe Torre.

I think he is the most overrated manager in the history of baseball.

The Thoroughbred horse he was given to ride by the combination of Buck Schowalter and Stick Micheal was amazing. There aren't many guys who wouldn't be hall of fame bound with that team to coach. Let us not forget the headline of the NY Daily News the day he was hired "Clueless Joe"

I don't think he was disrespected, and I think what he did to the yankees in his biography was horrible.

I think the guys who the franchise disrespected were:
Bernie Williams
Don Mattingly
Buck Schowalter

Interesting, I'm surprised that your blanket statement about Bombers fans and booing Mo didn't translate over to hate on the org for pushing him out. I agree with your sentiments on Sleepy Joe completely.

How was Bernie dissed? I had to sit through him playing take me out to the ballgame twice in the outfield on opening day.
Mattingly made his own bed archoring himself to Torre, and he must not interview very well to not land that job unless again it was about him being with Torre and he got his job now anyways.

Good stuff, cheers,

yachties23 05-09-2012 05:46 PM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
They didn't even offer Bernie a spring training invite iir.

I mean the guy is a borderline HOFer in my opinion, and one of the core guys who helped them win 4 world series. I think they owed him that much.

I didn't know all that about Donnie. Honestly I think Girardi has over managed and even though I never thought I would say this, Mattingly might have been a better baseball choice here, as he's done a great job with a much lesser team.

Islayphile 05-10-2012 10:35 AM

Re: New York Yankees 2012

Originally Posted by x man (Post 1634327)
I hope so.:confused:

Well, Houdini drowned in the water torture chamber last night


BigJPinDC 05-10-2012 02:05 PM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
Terrible. I'm tellin ya D-Rob and his antics are not good long term for that position unless something changes. It should be Soriano's job to lose - the guy rang up 45 saves with the Rays his last year. Come on Joe.

MedicCook 05-12-2012 04:48 PM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
Yankees win 6-2 over the Mariners today. Best outing for Hughes this season.

x man 05-12-2012 10:26 PM

Re: New York Yankees 2012

Originally Posted by BigJPinDC (Post 1635143)
Terrible. I'm tellin ya D-Rob and his antics are not good long term for that position unless something changes. It should be Soriano's job to lose - the guy rang up 45 saves with the Rays his last year. Come on Joe.

BC didnt want Sori, he had to be talked into it.
I think JG and the owners forced him to sign Sori.

MedicCook 05-12-2012 11:00 PM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
You have to go by the performance of both pitchers from last year and this year so far. Robertson was the best reliever in baseball last year and this year until the blown save. I think what you will end up seeing is both guys get save opportunities. Keep them rotating and the arms fresh since they both like to throw a lot of pitches.

x man 05-13-2012 07:19 AM

Re: New York Yankees 2012

Originally Posted by MedicCook (Post 1636541)
You have to go by the performance of both pitchers from last year and this year so far. Robertson was the best reliever in baseball last year and this year until the blown save. I think what you will end up seeing is both guys get save opportunities. Keep them rotating and the arms fresh since they both like to throw a lot of pitches.

That makes sense to me, i think the other day was a fluke.

Islayphile 05-13-2012 08:36 AM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
Robertson needs to be more economical with his pitch count, and needs to walk less batters.

If he gets those two things clamped down, he'll be our closer for many years to come.

yachties23 05-13-2012 08:48 AM

Re: New York Yankees 2012

Originally Posted by Islayphile (Post 1636665)
Robertson needs to be more economical with his pitch count, and needs to walk less batters.

If he gets those two things clamped down, he'll be our closer for many years to come.

I think Robertson is going to be more than fine. Just know that he isn't going to be Mariano and you will be ok with him. Is he going to blow 2 out of 10 saves? Probably. Its something new for yankee fans, but welcome to what its like to be a fan of any other team. Insecurity at closer is just something that you have to get used too.

x man 05-13-2012 09:24 AM

Re: New York Yankees 2012
It would be nice if Mo could teach someone before he goes to the HoF.

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