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Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
not really a garden, but when you live in base housing its pretty much all you can do.
http://i1135.photobucket.com/albums/...g?t=1304822851 |
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
The dogs tore up all the newly planted tomatoes to get to the fish meal in the bottom of the holes. So I spent the day yesterday putting up a fence because we planted a lot more. Beans, peas (even though I think it's too late), melons, onions, cucumbers, squash, peppers, eggplant and more tomatoes is what I can remember. I have a lot of seeds to plant too. Carrots, more beans, corn, beets, bok choi and something else.
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
We have had a long cold winter followed be a cold spring here. Everything is late.
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Still too wet!
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
The heat and lack of rain is starting to take its toll on the garden. We haven't had but a 1/4" of rain in a month or more. I picked another gallon of beans today. May have a gallon or two left growing, but I think thats going to be it on the green beens. I may plant a few more to see if they come up or not. May have a second run of beans.
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Another gallon of beans and pulled a few carrots to see how they are doing.
http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphot...1_839642_n.jpg Soybeans about ready to pick http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphot..._1799065_n.jpg A few of the cucumbers on the trellis http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphot..._7385785_n.jpg Lima beans are doing ok. Could use some more water. http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphot..._3631450_n.jpg |
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Those soybeans are looking good! Mine look pretty bad right now. If your green beans were Contender, I read that they will not continually produce like other varieties. Contender was made to fruit all at once for commercial harvesting. That is still a heck of a lot of green beans. |
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
I'm not sure if I mentioned or not, but I may get a little garden in yet. I had some pressure treated frames from shelves that will work perfect. I'll have three more when I tear another shelving unit apart.
It won't be much, but it'll be more than I wanted to mess with. I might have to get you guys to all come over and dig them in. I'll supply the dirt, drinks, food and smokes. :D |
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Beautiful carrots, Shawn!
Wayne, planted Kentucky Blue pole and Blue Lake bush several times. Both produced very well, especially the pole. I planted a small, new row every 2-3 weeks and they keep putting out all season. Quite delicious and almost more than our family could keep up with. Shared them with the neighbors. Japanese beetles love them, too. ;) |
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Finally got my stuff in the ground. It was a late spring here. Lots of rain and cold.
(1) Parks Whopper Tom. (2) Lemon Boy Toms. (4) Early Girl Toms. (4) Celebrity Toms. (12) Jalapenos (8) Green Bells (2) Orange Bells (2) Green Zuks. (2) Yellow Zuks. (4) Hybrid Burpless Cucs. (1) Habanero and from seed: Spinach Butter Leaf Carrots Raddish (a little late, I know) Basil Chives Strawberries Pics to come later |
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Still fighting the dogs here. I will never, EVER, put fish meal in the ground again. That move is costing me a lot of money in fencing and reinforcement. I may have to go electronic next. Hours and hours of extra time spent that I could have been relaxing with a cigar. I need to find a "bad mood" icon to insert here.
On second thought, I could randomly trowel in a little fish meal in gopher holes around the field to distract the dogs. |
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
and works better?? A little electric fence unit. You can get em at farm supply stores, and they provide a very educational pop. Testing them is fun, too, haha. But if you hang little streamers or cds from the shock wire, you can trun the shock unit off after a few pops and I promise you they won't go near it the rest of the season. |
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
I am also planting the raddish's in an area that gets a little less sun than the rest of the garden so it should be fine. I hope.:) |
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
I tore apart another big shelf and got me another two frames for the garden. If I get moving, I'll have a couple more. I'll have a nice little terraced thing going on. I'm stoked. :tu
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
lesson, but the wire is so cheap you can run that shizzle everywhere you want to control behavior and man, does it work. Done training the garden gnomes, string some up off the fence line. The one lesson I need to teach right now is the pond is not a pool for dogs OR a drinking fountain. |
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
:tu |
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
I like the idea of spreading out the planting a few weeks. I will try that next year or maybe this year if I get enough time for a second run of plants. I myself had to put up fencing. Last year, I used wood 2x2s for posts but they rotted and the termites ate them. So I went with a metal t-post. They are more sturdier and I can use them over and over. I got a 25' roll of chicken wire that I strung out as tight as I could to keep the dogs out. The back part of the garden is bordered by chainlink, so that saved me some fence/cash. |
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
I managed to turn up some dirt alongside the house for a garden. I'll turn up the whole side eventually and use some treated lumber to hold back the dirt.
I improved the dirt with composted poop and SAP, so it should grow stuff well. I'm excited to see how it goes. :D |
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
I just dragged home 40 more bags of composted poop. I gotta go work.
Sville, I'm just using 2x4's and they'll be lower than the dirt. It's hard to explain how it's laid up, so I won't bore you guys. anyways, if the chemicals can defy gravity, they can have me. ;) |
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Think I'm going to plant some peanuts this weekend where my onions are now growing. Think the kids will like to see the process.
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
We're getting March weather in May.
I decided not to garden. http://fracstar.com/pics/trinrobex3.jpg |
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
If anyone would like to take a go at growing tobacco, I have tons of open-pollinated seed from last year.
There were three starting varieties, Havanah 2000, San Andres MX, and Perique. The Havanah did real well, the Perique was small, and the San Andres was very susceptible to sucking insects and scale. A couple more generations and selection of this new outcross should yield an excellent northern variety. Select it where you live and you have a nice southern variety. Point being, the genetic diversity is there in these seeds, and that's what you want if you're gonna start and perfect your own cultivar. It's why I outcrossed and saved the seed. Regardless of whether or not you want to use the tobacco, they are a GORGEOUS plant, take zero attention, and show tons of beautiful, fragrant flowers. All plant magazine advertising aside, it's basically a weed, and it grows as easy and fast as a weed. Shade or full sun, it doesn't care. It's very tolerant of wet feet, but it likes dry, rock hard unamended soil best. It's super easy to start, super easy to grow, and it's just plain fun. It's a very forgiving weed, for sure. If any of you guys want some seed, just post here and send me a pm with your address. I can send seed in a little ziplock inside a regular envelope, it's no biggie at all. And it would be my pleasure. :tu |
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
I'm down to try it. I don't really know anything about growing tobacco or what to do with it when its done. I'll probably have lots of questions. First one being, is Nebraska a good place to grow tobacco?
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Nebraska is as good as anyplace, I suppose. You can start the seeds right in the dirt or start them indoors. They're easier than growing tomatoes and grow a lot faster. :tu |
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Here is one such article: http://www.victoryseeds.com/tobacco/...ltivation.html If you didn't want to make cigars from it, you could chop it up and grind it fine to make cigarette, snus, chew, etc. |
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Cliff and Earl, your tobacco seed is on the way. :tu
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
awesome, thanks again
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
I don't think so. this one came with some tomatoes already growing on it and it was pretty much all Ace Hardware had left. It looked kinda sickly when i bought it too.
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Scott I will take you up on a few tobacco seeds. I've been watching you grow it every year and they do look pretty! :tu
Was out checking my garden yesterday and noticed a good size snake hanging out by it. He has a hole that goes under the edging of the garden. Not sure what kind he is but I'm sure he's killing critters! :) Going to take the camera out there in a minute to see if I can catch him out there today.... |
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Grabbed some lima beens and another gallon of green beens today. There is a little left on the beens for growing. I pulled out a few plants that were "done" and planted another seed in its place, and those new sprouts are comming up already!!
Hopefully I can get a second round of plants out this year. I also grabbed a 15" bowl full of soybeans for making edamame. I love that stuff!! |
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Hi guys, newbie here. A week ago I planted a couple of tomato plants I got from Home Depot. Bad Idea?
Anyway I planted them in a plastic pot I bought from home depot. They are less than 5 gallons. I am also planning to plant some peppers and eggplants this weekend. Is it too late for that? I ordered a few of those 7-gallon smart pots so I can transfer my tomato plants and plant peppers and eggplants in them. Any advice is appreciated. |
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Where are you located. That will determine a great deal of what you can plant. Also, I prefer SWC's for tomato's. They seem to need a ton of water later on in life. Here is a good method for making one: http://www.globalbuckets.org/ |
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Make sure you have a "water catch basin" under the 5 gal pot. Those toms will suck down the water when planted in containers. |
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
I have a decent sized garden this year:
4 6 ft rows of green beans 4 6 ft rows of peas 4 5 ft rows of lettuce (2 of them are getting very close to pruning the outside leaves for salads) 3 bush beans 4 roma tom 10 tomatoes (celebrity, better bush) 4 jalapeno 2 serrano 16 green p 4 yellow p 2ft x 10ft "patch" of raspberries Question: I know lettuce will do fine for a fall harvest since it is a little cooler, how about peas? |
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
Re: Let's see those '11 gardens!
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