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pektel 10-29-2011 10:56 AM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine
I was going to try to make this. No 190 everclear here :(

Maybe I'll try it with the weaker everclear.
Posted via Mobile Device

deadrise 10-29-2011 11:19 AM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1125427)
Thought it would be better if I posted my recipe here...more cost effective than sending out pints.

Mac's Applie Pie Shine
Prep time 5 Min
Cook time 30 Min

1 gallon apple juice
1 gallon apple cider (make sure to get a legit cider. It makes for a better product.)
3 cups white sugar
1 table spoon of Vanilla Extract
8 cinnamon sticks (again, get a legit brand. Spend the extra cash.)
1.5 (750 milliliter) bottles 190 proof Everclear grain alcohol
6-8 shots of Pinnacle Whipped Cream Vodka

In a large pot, combine apple juice, apple cider, sugar, vanilla extract and eight cinnamon sticks. Bring to a boil, then remove from heat and let cool completely (overnight preferred). When juice mixture is cool, Stir in the grain alcohol and place in jars.

Store in fridge. Before serving, shake the jar (cinnamon residue will float to the bottom), pour in a cup of ice, and drink up!!

alright time to start mass production :banger

chaase321 10-29-2011 12:29 PM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine

Originally Posted by deadrise (Post 1457042)
alright time to start mass production :banger

I am so trying to make some of this tonight! Glad someone posted about this so I could see it, good recipe mac! :tu

kelmac07 10-29-2011 02:10 PM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine

Originally Posted by chaase321 (Post 1457068)
I am so trying to make some of this tonight! Glad someone posted about this so I could see it, good recipe mac! :tu

Cole...if you read page two of this thread, I posted the recipe last year. Always good to read some old threads from the beginning. :D

chaase321 10-29-2011 02:16 PM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1457128)
Cole...if you read page two of this thread, I posted the recipe last year. Always good to read some old threads from the beginning. :D

Yeah, I read from the beginning, I was just happy that someone posted to the thread again so it would bump up to the front page of the forums!!!

Looks great though mac!

kelmac07 10-29-2011 02:20 PM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine

Originally Posted by chaase321 (Post 1457130)
Yeah, I read from the beginning, I was just happy that someone posted to the thread again so it would bump up to the front page of the forums!!!

Looks great though mac!

Tastes even better. :dr :dr

chaase321 10-29-2011 03:32 PM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine
Mac. Can you pm me how you get your everclear in va? My local abc doesn't carry it.

kelmac07 10-29-2011 03:39 PM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine

Originally Posted by chaase321 (Post 1457211)
Mac. Can you pm me how you get your everclear in va? My local abc doesn't carry it.

One of the benefits of being retired Army is that I can still use the class 6 store Cole. Virginia has a state law that only allows VA ABC stores to sell the 150 proof...whereas on post, I can still buy the 190 proof.

deadrise 11-12-2011 08:02 AM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine
made my first 1/2 batch last night that is not the bottle of everclear I got a 750 from a
friend and gave him that one. going to have a bon fire tonight and got 1 gallon of
mac sauce

Mutombo 11-12-2011 09:54 AM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine
This sounds really good, I'm going to have to make it for the holidays.

deadrise 11-13-2011 01:35 AM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine
do not bother it is no good everyone drank it all up and laughed (actually cried where is some more)I should have made a full batch

kelmac07 11-13-2011 02:51 PM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine
This years batches were another success at Epic IV. :tu :tu (Note to self...make three batches next year, as two was not enough)

emopunker2004 11-16-2011 10:25 PM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1472309)
This years batches were another success at Epic IV. :tu :tu (Note to self...make FOUR batches next year, as two was not enough)


spectrrr 11-21-2011 11:17 AM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine
With the holidays fast approaching, a good supply of pie shine is a necessity! Which has got me thinking about ways to tweak the recipe... and I'm pretty sure mac has already tried a number of things, so here's a few questions for ya!

As the recipe stands now, I calculated it to be roughly 13% - 14% ABV

1) What would be the affect of using 2gal of cider instead of 1gal cider and 1gal apple juice?

2a) How about doubling the everclear and leaving all else constant - would the apple flavor get too watery?

2b) If one started with more apple mixture and cooked it down slowly until some evaporated, would the resulting more potent apple mixture offset the increased everclear content?

3) Ever try leaving the cinnamon sticks in the bottle of everclear for about a month prior to making the batches?

kelmac07 11-21-2011 11:24 AM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine
Well Francis...

1) What would be the affect of using 2gal of cider instead of 1gal cider and 1gal apple juice? I believe the apple juice takes the tartness out of the shine, although if you want a little tartness, go with all cider. And it would make the shine really murky as opposed to a clearer look.

2a) How about doubling the everclear and leaving all else constant - would the apple flavor get too watery? I tried this once...and it tasted nothing like apple pie. Just a too strong for me alcohol taste.

2b) If one started with more apple mixture and cooked it down slowly until some evaporated, would the resulting more potent apple mixture offset the increased everclear content? Not sure how this would effect it, Everclear and Pinnacle are added the following morning after it's cooled down.

3) Ever try leaving the cinnamon sticks in the bottle of everclear for about a month prior to making the batches? Might have to give this a try...:hm :hm

spectrrr 11-21-2011 11:56 AM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine
:wo thanks mac :)

I'll do a little playing around, see what I come up with. And then again, sometimes things can't be improved upon ;)

Got the idea of soaking the cinnamon sticks from when I made limoncello. have to soak the lemon zest in everclear for 2 weeks minimum... 3+ months if you want a reallllly smooth product.

Beyond that I have no experience with moonshining, so maybe it wouldnt work at all with the cinnamon!

I've got a little time to soak it if i start now, since I won't be able to get the vodka until Dec 10

rizzle 11-21-2011 01:08 PM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1472309)
This years batches were another success at Epic IV. :tu :tu (Note to self...make three batches next year, as two was not enough)

For realz. I barely got a glass. Matter of fact, I took the last glass of it and that was about dusk on Saturday. It was gone, bro. Bunch of damn lushes. :sl

kelmac07 11-21-2011 01:10 PM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine

Originally Posted by rizzle (Post 1480889)
For realz. I barely got a glass. Matter of fact, I took the last glass of it and that was about dusk on Saturday. It was gone, bro. Bunch of damn lushes. :sl

That's cause you're slow Ritchie. :r :r Put some out Friday night and some more out Saturday morning. Might have to come up with a better "ration plan" for next year. :D

Don Fernando 11-21-2011 01:17 PM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine
ration plan is "make more shine, much more shine"

kelmac07 11-21-2011 03:26 PM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine

Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 1480898)
ration plan is "make more shine, much more shine"

Yeah yeah yeah!! :) :)

Bill86 11-21-2011 03:31 PM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine

Originally Posted by spectrrr (Post 1480854)
:wo thanks mac :)

I'll do a little playing around, see what I come up with. And then again, sometimes things can't be improved upon ;)

Got the idea of soaking the cinnamon sticks from when I made limoncello. have to soak the lemon zest in everclear for 2 weeks minimum... 3+ months if you want a reallllly smooth product.

Beyond that I have no experience with moonshining, so maybe it wouldnt work at all with the cinnamon!

I've got a little time to soak it if i start now, since I won't be able to get the vodka until Dec 10

Here's what I did with Mac's recipe. Cut everything in half except the alcohol. I find it's just fine, still very tasty but it has a bit more of a kick.

Maybe a bit too weak for my tastes but it all depends on the person.

I'll make a third batch and tweak it a bit more, we'll see.

deadrise 11-21-2011 03:45 PM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine
wow that is a lot of everclear I am sure it taste OK long as you do not drink to much that stuff kills people.
just that 1 gallon I made put my wife and her friend to bed before 9pm.
I would say it might need a little more not sure about double it would be bad for those of us who don't know
when to stop unless your like my uncle and drink it strait

Fordman4ever 11-21-2011 03:53 PM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine
My brother (kneedragger) is in town this week and we're making some apple pie shine tomorrow. gonna be a good week.

spectrrr 11-21-2011 04:08 PM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine

Originally Posted by deadrise (Post 1481003)
wow that is a lot of everclear I am sure it taste OK long as you do not drink to much that stuff kills people.
just that 1 gallon I made put my wife and her friend to bed before 9pm.
I would say it might need a little more not sure about double it would be bad for those of us who don't know
when to stop unless your like my uncle and drink it strait

Only real danger of everclear is how high the alcohol content can be (hidden) in something. A bit of juice and you don't really taste it or realize how much (dangerously) you are drinking.

Everything is relative. There's much more juice and cider in it - to be exact, 83% of the recipe is non-alcoholic. That's more than enough to cut the everclear way down, all the way to around 13% abv, that's wine territory! double the everclear and you nearly double the ABV to around 25%. how safe is it at 25%? mmm, that's a good question, depends largely how smooth it is! I could easily drink a few quarts of the original before I realized how much i had consumed!


Originally Posted by Fordman4ever (Post 1481008)
My brother (kneedragger) is in town this week and we're making some apple pie shine tomorrow. gonna be a good week.

I'm heading to the grocery store tonight to pick up some supplies. Probably make a 1/3 or 1/4 sized batch. enough for a nice glass of thanksgiving joy, and also small enough to play with the ratios a little bit. Only have about 1L of everclear on hand right now.... need to make a supply run sometime.

Bill86 11-21-2011 04:37 PM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine

Originally Posted by deadrise (Post 1481003)
wow that is a lot of everclear I am sure it taste OK long as you do not drink to much that stuff kills people.
just that 1 gallon I made put my wife and her friend to bed before 9pm.
I would say it might need a little more not sure about double it would be bad for those of us who don't know
when to stop unless your like my uncle and drink it strait

I believe my last batch was ~23% ABV. So really not that bad. I'll be going up to around 28-30% for this third batch I make in about a month or so.

I intend on finding the ideal ABV-Taste ratio for myself.

spectrrr 11-21-2011 04:46 PM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1481057)
I intend on finding the ideal ABV-Taste ratio for myself.

I think that's the key. Going to be a different number for different people. Some want to drink a little and feel buzzed... others want to drunk of it liberally without fear of a hangover.

And of course, some folks can hold a lot more than others :)

rizzle 11-22-2011 10:15 AM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1480891)
That's cause you're slow Ritchie. :r :r Put some out Friday night and some more out Saturday morning. Might have to come up with a better "ration plan" for next year. :D

Why you gotta make fun of an old man? ;)

kelmac07 11-22-2011 10:19 AM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine

Originally Posted by rizzle (Post 1481862)
Why you gotta make fun of an old man? ;)

I can see I'm gonna have to "stash" a jar for you next year. :D

rizzle 11-22-2011 10:23 AM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1481868)
I can see I'm gonna have to "stash" a jar for you next year. :D

Oh boy? :sl


deadrise 11-22-2011 10:26 AM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine
if things go as planed I should be going to md to get some everclear Wednesday I hope and make a batch for thanks giving :D

kelmac07 11-22-2011 10:36 AM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine
Might be time to make another batch myself...down to three quarts in the fridge.

spectrrr 11-22-2011 10:37 AM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine

Originally Posted by deadrise (Post 1481876)
if things go as planed I should be going to md to get some everclear Wednesday I hope and make a batch for thanks giving :D

remember, its gotta cool down. may want to cook the cider today so you can mix it tomorrow :tu

spectrrr 12-11-2011 04:12 AM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine
Just found a bottle of the whipped cream vodka, now I can brew a "true" batch :wo

elderboy02 12-11-2011 08:06 AM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine

Originally Posted by spectrrr (Post 1498732)
Just found a bottle of the whipped cream vodka, now I can brew a "true" batch :wo

Do they have it at The Party Source? I forgot to look yesterday.

chippewastud79 12-11-2011 08:14 AM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1498772)
Do they have it at The Party Source? I forgot to look yesterday.


kelmac07 12-11-2011 08:17 AM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine
Going to the store to grab some cider and cinnamon sticks...gotta make me a batch for the holiday season. :dr :dr

spectrrr 12-11-2011 10:43 AM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 1498779)

$17.99 for a 1.75
$9.99 for a 750

Scottw 12-16-2011 03:50 PM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine
I paid $15 each for 2 750s of 190 proof Everclear today. When I was in high school (I mean Grad School), this stuff cost $6.99 a bottle. Anyway. I used a gallon of cider and 3/4 of a gallon of juice, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup brown sugar and 10 cinnamon sticks. It finished boiling 2 hours ago and I'll let it cool until tomorrow morning. I will use the entire two bottles of everclear so I assume I will be approaching 20 ABV. Now to find something big enough to mix it in. The house smells lovely.

Scottw 12-16-2011 04:18 PM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine
I also removed the sticks after taking it off the heat. Not sure if that was a good play as there is still plenty of cinnamon residue in there but it still tastes and smells like apple pie with vanilla ice cream (the alcohol is not in it yet)

Scottw 12-19-2011 07:06 PM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine
Finishing up the second gallon we made, thanks for the recipe (sp) it was awesome!

big a 12-24-2011 09:36 AM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine
Just finished up my first batch today. Has anyone used apple cider that has not been pasteurized? I got some from a local orchard like that. I brought it to a boil and let it sit out over night to cool. I have a weird paranoia of making people sick from something I make. I just want to make sure that bring it to a boil i will be good.

kelmac07 12-24-2011 09:44 AM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine

Originally Posted by big a (Post 1511981)
Just finished up my first batch today. Has anyone used apple cider that has not been pasteurized? I got some from a local orchard like that. I brought it to a boil and let it sit out over night to cool. I have a weird paranoia of making people sick from something I make. I just want to make sure that bring it to a boil i will be good.

Boiling it will be fine. :D

big a 12-24-2011 11:05 AM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1511990)
Boiling it will be fine. :D

Thanks Mac! What kind of shelf life do u get out of this drink if stored in the frig?

kelmac07 12-24-2011 11:09 AM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine

Originally Posted by big a (Post 1512049)
Thanks Mac! What kind of shelf life do u get out of this drink if stored in the frig?

I've had some keep as long as 4-5 months in the fridge...the problem is getting it to last that long. :dr :dr

Only issue with storing in the fridge, is the sentiment that settles at the bottom of the jar...but after shakikng vigorously...problem solved. :tu

proguy747 05-06-2012 10:53 AM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine
Anyone try soaking the sticks in the everclear yet?

spectrrr 05-07-2012 11:50 PM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine

Originally Posted by proguy747 (Post 1632159)
Anyone try soaking the sticks in the everclear yet?

nope... I was in a rush on my last batch and didn't have time.. thanks for the reminder I think I'll start some soaking RIGHT NOW. Need to make another batch in a few weeks anyway...

kelmac07 05-09-2012 12:41 PM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine
Down to one jar...time for a new batch. :D

spectrrr 05-09-2012 09:11 PM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine
last batch I tried I started making with Cider, but discovered that the only cider available for me to buy in my area tasted like @$$, weak, watery, etc.

I found that this worked as a "passable" substitute - not on par with the batch I made in the fall (with fresh cider), but far superior to the batch made with the poor cider available. Same general 1:1 ratios as before, just use this instead of the cigar part.


TJarv 05-09-2012 09:22 PM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine
Im gonna need to try this

Don Fernando 05-10-2012 04:21 AM

Re: Mac's Apple Pie Shine

Originally Posted by spectrrr (Post 1634702)
just use this instead of the cigar part.


Are there cigars in the Apple Pie Shine? :cf1

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