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smelvis 10-07-2010 12:15 AM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by Tatuaje (Post 1014076)
After reading this whole thread and seeing everyones concerns, I might be tempted to sell only 666 boxes next year all directly from my Saints & Sinners club website....It will piss off a lot of retailers but at least I can keep the retail price at the suggested one. Of course anyone in California would have to pay OTP and local tax.....

First come first serve limit one per logged in customer......

I'm getting tired of being blamed for prices above suggested retail......

I briefly met you in Seattle but so many people were hanging on I couldn't get to talk to you, Was going to buy a couple more boxes for you to sign for the troops.

Just couldn't get a word in so many were hanging on, so I just got a box of cabs and left. Dang it.

I also say leave it alone, we don't blame you. I am pissed at your groupies though :)

Drazzil 10-07-2010 08:40 AM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
Heres a novel idea: Instead of making it a limited number cigar sold at only a few stores that people and retailers gouge, why don't you make it a limited time cigar so that everyone has a fair crack at ordering/buying it if they want it.

Bingo, problem solved.

klipsch 10-07-2010 09:12 AM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by Drazzil (Post 1014649)
Heres a novel idea: Instead of making it a limited number cigar sold at only a few stores that people and retailers gouge, why don't you make it a limited time cigar so that everyone has a fair crack at ordering/buying it if they want it.

Bingo, problem solved.

Halloween comes at the same time every year. We're all on this forum, so apparently we all have internet access. There's almost 2000 boxes of The Face being produced, which is more than enough for everybody. The people that do have boxes locked in already don't have some magical source that they're able to sit around in their underwear and HTF, LE, Rare sticks just show up at their door (except for Brooks... :r). For anybody that is still in turmoil over the Halloween release that is going to be showing up out of no where, apparently with no best suggestion would be to start with this list of stores. People have cigars shipped from out of state all the time. As far as price gouging goes...just because some people already have a box or 18 boxes locked in...doesn't mean they didn't get gouged on the price. If anything...I'd be complaining about the @holes that are buying as many boxes as possible so that they can turn around and sell them for double what they paid this time next year. They're the ones that are eating up what's available for everybody. It's not Pete or the retailers. Those people need to get beat with a stick that has a nail in it.

Enough with the whining already...

klipsch 10-07-2010 09:59 AM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by klipsch (Post 1014707)
Halloween comes at the same time every year. We're all on this forum, so apparently we all have internet access. There's almost 2000 boxes of The Face being produced, which is more than enough for everybody. The people that do have boxes locked in already don't have some magical source that they're able to sit around in their underwear and HTF, LE, Rare sticks just show up at their door (except for Brooks... :r). For anybody that is still in turmoil over the Halloween release that is going to be showing up out of no where, apparently with no best suggestion would be to start with this list of stores. People have cigars shipped from out of state all the time. As far as price gouging goes...just because some people already have a box or 18 boxes locked in...doesn't mean they didn't get gouged on the price. If anything...I'd be complaining about the @holes that are buying as many boxes as possible so that they can turn around and sell them for double what they paid this time next year. They're the ones that are eating up what's available for everybody. It's not Pete or the retailers. Those people need to get beat with a stick that has a nail in it.

Enough with the whining already...

This wasn't meant to be directed at any one person...and I apologize if it appeared that way.

Tatuaje 10-07-2010 10:20 AM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
I think if I made them available for only a short time, I would still have a problem. Retailers would be pissed because they wouldn't get their order in on time and I would still have to limit them on quantities that they could purchase.

688sonarmen 10-07-2010 10:25 AM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
Once again you can't please everyone. As we say in the Navy a b*tching sailor is a happy sailor.

Brutus2600 10-07-2010 10:34 AM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by Tatuaje (Post 1014808)
I think if I made them available for only a short time, I would still have a problem. Retailers would be pissed because they wouldn't get their order in on time and I would still have to limit them on quantities that they could purchase.

Yeah, I think whatever you do, as stated earlier in this thread:

With any limited release cigar, there will be scalpers, there will be collectors, there will be hoarders, and there will be the people who just want to try the cigar. With the release of the dress box and the plain box, I think you've covered your bases for the Tatuaje fans who matter. As for the scalpers and hoarders, well, not much you can do about them no matter how you distribute your cigars.

Personally, I won't be buying a dress box even though I'd love one, I can't afford it at MSRP or inflated prices, so that doesn't really matter to me. I will however try to pick up a few of the singles when they're released in the plain box.

Drazzil 10-07-2010 10:36 AM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
Look, I've been thinking about this thing, and I've been kind of a dick on the face thread. Fact is, last I checked I still had a box coming, I paid a price I am happy with and when push comes to shove, those who want to try it will get a shot at it, if not at the retailers, then on the rebound.

I was kind of in a really foul mood that day I blasted Tat's marketing. Truth told, people could make a casebook on Pete's marketing under the category "Do this if you can". As I am going to marketing school, I should have realized this.

Yes there are people out there on Tats unlucky list of thirteen that tried to gouge prices, I got past those folks and ordered from a place that I am EXTREMELY happy with. I got what I want, he got what he wanted, and in the end, Pete gets paid.

Capitalism at it's best and I am sorry for the sour grapes. For those who had to endure my drama queen mood I have only one thing to say ;s

stewshi 10-07-2010 11:18 AM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
Being fairly new to this will the cigars in a dress box be more than they are as singles? This is my first Tat LE release im following. Thanks in advance.

xlc12rf 10-07-2010 11:46 AM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
Im just hoping to get my hands on a few singles :)

neoflex 10-07-2010 12:27 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
I am just impressed to see Pete posting and stating his case. I have never seen any other manufacturer ever post on a public message board. Shows a lot about his character in my opinion.
Just keep doing what you do. People will b*tch and moan no matter how you release the sticks or if you decide not to continue the limited release and if you do. Like someone else said, "You can;t please everyone. The fact that people are making a big deal and getting so pissed about just means your doing something right.

smelvis 10-07-2010 12:50 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by Tatuaje (Post 1014808)
I think if I made them available for only a short time, I would still have a problem. Retailers would be pissed because they wouldn't get their order in on time and I would still have to limit them on quantities that they could purchase.

You sell and make one of the most sought after brands today, I tend to think you must be already doing it right LOL

marge796 10-07-2010 12:50 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by neoflex (Post 1014975)
I am just impressed to see Pete posting and stating his case. I have never seen any other manufacturer ever post on a public message board. Shows a lot about his character in my opinion.
Just keep doing what you do. People will b*tch and moan no matter how you release the sticks or if you decide not to continue the limited release and if you do. Like someone else said, "You can;t please everyone. The fact that people are making a big deal and getting so pissed about just means your doing something right.


Don Fernando 10-07-2010 12:55 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 1008260)
I have my hopes on the European distributer, last year he was able to get some Dracs and Boris. I called dibs on the Face's if he gets them.

And he came through, there are 2 boxes heading for The Netherlands, one has my name on it :D And as I am not greedy and selfish, I will share them with my fellow Dutch botls.

BigAsh 10-07-2010 01:04 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 1015004)
And he came through, there are 2 boxes heading for The Netherlands, one has my name on it :D And as I am not greedy and selfish, I will share them with my fellow Dutch botls.

hey...I'm 1/32 Dutch!....:r

Don Fernando 10-07-2010 01:15 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by BigAsh (Post 1015016)
hey...I'm 1/32 Dutch!....:r

and that's the part of you that acts up as soon as the waiter brings the bill? :D

kelmac07 10-07-2010 01:16 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 1015021)
and that's the part of you that acts up as soon as the waiter brings the bill? :D

Good one Ferdie!! :r :r :r

BigAsh 10-07-2010 01:18 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 1015021)
and that's the part of you that acts up as soon as the waiter brings the bill? :D


Beagleone 10-07-2010 01:19 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by Brutus2600 (Post 1014826)
Personally, I won't be buying a dress box even though I'd love one, I can't afford it at MSRP or inflated prices, so that doesn't really matter to me. I will however try to pick up a few of the singles when they're released in the plain box.

Does that mean you want me to bring one of the Dracs and Borris to the herf this weekend for you?


Originally Posted by stewshi (Post 1014885)
Being fairly new to this will the cigars in a dress box be more than they are as singles? This is my first Tat LE release im following. Thanks in advance.

I don't think many of us inmates knew that Pete was on this forum. I am glad to hear from him nonetheless.

Skywalker 10-07-2010 04:59 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by Adriftpanda (Post 1011258)
I agree with you very much right there and I think most of us actually agree. I had a conversation with my buddy today (one of the 13 shops) and he thought the same. It's not Tatuaje that comes up with these rules.

On another topic, as far as pricing goes, msrp should be around $13 a stick. Looking forward to smoking em.

Did you smoke one today???

How was it???

Did you get hints of leather???

Brooks W 10-07-2010 05:13 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
A box will be here tomorrow, so we will see...


Matt-N-Ga 10-07-2010 05:20 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
Regardless of how you handle this Pete, someone is gonna be pissed.

i.e...take the guy who can't get's your fault that you didn't produce enough, making demand too high, causing a panic...all the while, you sit back and collect the profit.

i.e...You sell them from your site...The B&M owners/supporters see you as taking product from them to keep profit for yourself, so now they are pissed.

Long story short, your never going to please everyone. Do what you feel is best, sleep well (if you sleep at all) and let those who whine, whine. Let those who have garnered a relationship with a retailer that can get them their desired sticks continue to enjoy your product. I know I love my Noella Reservas, even though they at times can be hard to find.

688sonarmen 10-07-2010 05:29 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
Looks like some people allready have their hands on these.

neoflex 10-07-2010 05:48 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
I thought these don't ship until the 13th????

muhren 10-07-2010 05:51 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
I saw a box on facebook already

688sonarmen 10-07-2010 05:52 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
Seems it would be kind of hard to hit a delivery date of the 13th to every one of the 13. That's some serious coordination that is probably impossible to do, so I would imagine most will get theirs early. Could you imagine the high pitched whines is they were late:r

neoflex 10-07-2010 05:53 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by muhren (Post 1015351)
I saw a box on facebook already

Nice, so now the search begins.:r

Skywalker 10-07-2010 05:55 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by 688sonarmen (Post 1015323)
Looks like some people allready have their hands on these.


neoflex 10-07-2010 05:55 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
They may have been asked by Pete to remove it since they are slated for the 13th. May be gun shy that an angry mob will be outside his house ready to burn him at the stake.:r

Smokin Gator 10-07-2010 06:12 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
I have no problem with the marketing or the markups that retailers may demand. That is the open market. My only *itch is that an LE product should be top notch. Last year that was not the case. The Dracs are not a top quality product. I hope for the ones that buy this year's product that it is awesome. For me I don't care for the size and am still miffed by last year's product.

BTW.. I thought the Frank was great.

E.J. 10-07-2010 06:25 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
When I first heard of the size of this smoke, I was not interested....but as the release came closer, I decided that I probably should just try to acquire a box and see what happened...

Don Fernando 10-08-2010 01:37 AM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
The box that is headed my way will be split between JHinc, SmokeyNL and me :banger

Adriftpanda 10-08-2010 01:57 AM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by Skywalker (Post 1015294)
Did you smoke one today???

How was it???

Did you get hints of leather???

Smoked one as soon as the boxes were in today. It was good, reminded me of the Boris. First half was good and with the last 3rd left, it just picked up and went to work with some good flavors. I think most of you guys will enjoy this cigar. :D

Adriftpanda 10-08-2010 02:00 AM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
I should do a review before Brooks gets his smoke in tomorrow, lol.

BTW Brooks I shipped out your smokes today.

Louistogies 10-08-2010 02:15 AM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
After reading this hole thread I realized...My eye hurt now! And no were closer to getting a box, great.

Drazzil 10-08-2010 03:26 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
My source is tapped.

kelmac07 10-08-2010 03:31 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
Boxes??? Hell, I'd be happy to find ONE single stick!! :D

neoflex 10-08-2010 05:30 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1016290)
Boxes??? Hell, I'd be happy to find ONE single stick!! :D

:tpd:I have a few phone calls out but nothing has come to fruition yet.

Darrell 10-08-2010 05:49 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by Adriftpanda (Post 1015669)
BTW Brooks I rubbed my sack all over your smokes today.

Geez, Wii. :D

stewshi 10-08-2010 05:56 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
Anyone in AZ going to the Tuscon store on release date?

acarr 10-08-2010 06:11 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by stewshi (Post 1016380)
Anyone in AZ going to the Tuscon store on release date?

I will be there.

Ratters 10-08-2010 07:23 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
Really Andy, that's so surprising. :ss

Was at a Tat event last night. He actually is a pretty cool guy like most people say.

acarr 10-08-2010 08:17 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by Ratters (Post 1016431)
Really Andy, that's so surprising. :ss

Was at a Tat event last night. He actually is a pretty cool guy like most people say.

Well you know I have to complete the collection. Even though I said I wouldn't be tracking these down this year, it wasn't much of a problem. I just have to "visit a client down in Tucson", find a baby sitter, miss my wife's birthday, ect to get down there for the event.:D

Matt-N-Ga 10-08-2010 08:46 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
It appears that I won't be getting any this year. My normal circle seems to be unawares of how to get any, and my buddy at GStreet said he is giving his walk-in customers first chance (which I think is fair, and really good of him, they are his life blood) if he has any left, they are mine, but not seeing that as a viable option.

jitzy 10-09-2010 06:22 AM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
I just wanna say everyone that thinks there not gonna get any, just relax and have patience last year and the first year I didn't think I would get any either and ended up with a boat load. Your gonna start seeing them pop up on the boards for sale or somewhere else. Not everyone will like it and try to sell them or sometimes guys will look to get some money back on the box they bought and sell a fiver. I remember guys getting boxes of Borris months after the release. Just have patience and remember if you see 15 guys online say they called ALL the shops on the list maybe one will have called. There will be cigars out there and I'm sure whoever really wants one will find one.

OLS 10-09-2010 09:08 AM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by Drazzil (Post 1012569)
If you guys want a box of face, PM me for his personal cell phone number and tell him David from Cigar Asylum sent you and he will set you up. I already softened him up for you guys.

As of 3:09 PST he still has dress boxes of face in stock. He does not know how much longer he will have em in so call me if you folks dont mind buying another box of tat.

hahaha, earlier in the thread you HAD HAD IT with The marketing, the BS, the hype, and you were OUT. Now you're pimpin' for em??? hahaha:r:noon:D:=:

OK, I see later in the thread you apologized for pulling what we like to call an 'OLS'. I still thought it was hilarious.

Brutus2600 10-09-2010 09:32 AM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
Does anybody know of a calendar of Tatuaje events? I'm curious if there are going to be any in my area. I didn't see anything on the site, but I might've missed it ;s

klipsch 10-09-2010 04:58 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
Allz I can say about that they're absolutely DELICIOUS!

Goldie 10-09-2010 06:02 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
Imagine that, Walt thinks another Tatuaje cigar is tasty.

Just kiddin' ya' Walt, because you just so happen to be right about all the Tatuaje's. They are good.

neoflex 10-09-2010 06:06 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
With that, anyone have a 5er they would be willing to sell, hell I would be happy with 2 at this point. I've come up with bubkis so far.

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