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Rockestone 11-22-2008 06:27 AM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by zmancbr (Post 81017)
I am betting that it is that crappy gay pearl and not Verizon... I am not saying it couldn't have happened on Verizon's network... but I am saying that the pearl is the biggest piece of ever loving crap!!! I have one and I get dropped calls constantly in areas with Tmobile that I shouldn't be getting dropped...

Gess!! Such hostility toward the Pearl!!

smitdavi 11-22-2008 06:34 AM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by Rockestone (Post 81573)
Gess!! Such hostility toward the Pearl!!

yes...I hate mine too

barbourjay 11-22-2008 06:54 AM

Re: Blackberry Storm
mine just went active this morning. there is already an update for it available. i'll post my impressions after the review.

mrreindeer 11-22-2008 07:38 AM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by barbourjay (Post 80474)
if you have it synced with outlook it shouldn't be a problem.

Ooops.....I use the Palm software, not outlook....any way to sync the two?


Originally Posted by Spect (Post 80948)
Too bad it's only on AT&T, I want a solid network.


Well....we went to our local store yesterday and they didn't have any Storm's. They never got any in the first place supposedly. And I picked up an EnV for mrsreindeer and I'm kicking myself already because I realized after the fact that I could have possibly ordered through you Jay...can we?

For the enV, they charged $169 with a $50 mail-in rebate for signing up for another 2 years...I come home to find a Verizon ad saying that after rebate, the enV is $79. WTF! :mad::fl:mad:

dunng 11-22-2008 08:01 AM

Re: Blackberry Storm
Yep, just pull from Palm into Outlook and then sync to BB... :ss

zmancbr 11-22-2008 10:04 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by Rockestone (Post 81573)
Gess!! Such hostility toward the Pearl!!

You definitely don't want me to post how I really feel... :fl:fl:fl

Let's just say I will take a very sick pleasure in destroying every piece of my pearl much like they did in Office Space... only I won't be using bats and shoes... just my hands and it will be a bloody mess! :fl:fl

As for the storm I may have to wait just a tad longer... I blew my budget on CCs... too damn many good deals lol and the storm will be there later the deals may not, at least that was my justification... :D:D

Rockestone 11-23-2008 05:56 AM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by zmancbr (Post 82605)
You definitely don't want me to post how I really feel... :fl:fl:fl

Let's just say I will take a very sick pleasure in destroying every piece of my pearl much like they did in Office Space... only I won't be using bats and shoes... just my hands and it will be a bloody mess! :fl:fl

As for the storm I may have to wait just a tad longer... I blew my budget on CCs... too damn many good deals lol and the storm will be there later the deals may not, at least that was my justification... :D:D



Stog-a-Boy 11-24-2008 05:04 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm
Can't pick mine up until Wednesday :fl

Spect 11-24-2008 05:24 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by Stog-a-Boy (Post 85195)
Can't pick mine up until Wednesday :fl

I noticed if you order on-line the ship date is pushed out to the 15/12.

Stog-a-Boy 11-24-2008 05:49 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by Spect (Post 85228)
I noticed if you order on-line the ship date is pushed out to the 15/12.

I saw that, pretty bad.

I pre-ordered from Best Buy, but they took more pre-orders then the amount of phones they were getting in apparently.

zmancbr 11-24-2008 06:56 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by Stog-a-Boy (Post 85250)
I saw that, pretty bad.

I pre-ordered from Best Buy, but they took more pre-orders then the amount of phones they were getting in apparently.

Typical BS...sell more than you have just in case so you can cover your a$$... never mind the customer...:mad::fl I get so sick of these stores... I just wanna smack 'em around a bit.. :bx:bx

barbourjay 11-24-2008 09:13 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by zmancbr (Post 85388)
Typical BS...sell more than you have just in case so you can cover your a$$... never mind the customer...:mad::fl I get so sick of these stores... I just wanna smack 'em around a bit.. :bx:bx

in all fairness VZW ordering said we would have as many as we wanted. then they all the sudden cut our orders in half.

BTW, after playing with this phone it's not worth it. a curve will do the same stuff 100X better. if you still want one i should have more coming in way before the 15th. we had to take care of locals fist though and then i can start sending them out. i can do 50$ off the price generally.

Stog-a-Boy 11-25-2008 03:02 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by barbourjay (Post 85725)
in all fairness VZW ordering said we would have as many as we wanted. then they all the sudden cut our orders in half.

BTW, after playing with this phone it's not worth it. a curve will do the same stuff 100X better. if you still want one i should have more coming in way before the 15th. we had to take care of locals fist though and then i can start sending them out. i can do 50$ off the price generally.

Yea i've been hearing that for heavy users its not so good. Im not a heavy user yet (a couple emails, some web surfing), probably not for a couple of years. Its not worth the $600 im paying for it, but whatever, its cool and i want it haha :ss

houdini 11-25-2008 09:53 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm
I got mine today...Its a great change from the LG Chocolate I had!

longknocker 11-26-2008 04:12 AM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by barbourjay (Post 85725)
in all fairness VZW ordering said we would have as many as we wanted. then they all the sudden cut our orders in half.

BTW, after playing with this phone it's not worth it. a curve will do the same stuff 100X better. if you still want one i should have more coming in way before the 15th. we had to take care of locals fist though and then i can start sending them out. i can do 50$ off the price generally.

I'm leaning more toward the new I-Phone! Has wi-fi, multiple apps; connection issues and dropped calls are much less now!:)

Stog-a-Boy 11-29-2008 01:14 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm
So i've had the phone for about a day now. Its pretty damn cool. Had to cut up some paper to put behind the battery to improve the clicking. The contacts list is pretty plain looking but thats a blackberry thing. Its a fingerprint magnet too, but I put a screen protector on it, but everything else just wipes off with a microfiber cloth. Its also pretty slow and laggy, but that will hopefully be fixed with the updates.

I listed all the bad thing s about it haha but i like it.

Spect 11-29-2008 02:18 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by Stog-a-Boy (Post 91847)
So i've had the phone for about a day now. Its pretty damn cool. Had to cut up some paper to put behind the battery to improve the clicking. The contacts list is pretty plain looking but thats a blackberry thing. Its a fingerprint magnet too, but I put a screen protector on it, but everything else just wipes off with a microfiber cloth. Its also pretty slow and laggy, but that will hopefully be fixed with the updates.

I listed all the bad thing s about it haha but i like it.

Nice. I'm just waiting for Jeremy to get some in.

The Korean 12-12-2008 06:52 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm
Any more feedback, I heard they put out some update to help with some of the intial issues, I don't know what those issues were if there were any at all.

Stog-a-Boy 12-12-2008 07:36 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm
I actually returned mine today. The update did help though. It was alot faster and 10 times better then when I bought it. But I had some hardware problems and from what I read online it would take more then 1 return to find one that works perfectly. This was mainly the click screen and not clicking properly the whole way around the screen. I'm eligible for and official upgrade in august and will most likely buy the Storm again. By then all the bugs should be worked out. I really did love the phone and if you get one thats perfect then it would be a great phone.

dunng 12-12-2008 07:39 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm
That's why I still have my Curve... :ss

Stog-a-Boy 12-12-2008 07:52 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by dunng (Post 116436)
That's why I still have my Curve... :ss

Thats what I want to buy now. I posted in WTB forum. How do you like it? You have Verizon?

dunng 12-12-2008 07:54 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by Stog-a-Boy (Post 116465)
Thats what I want to buy now. I posted in WTB forum. How do you like it? You have Verizon?

Yep, it's great! I saw the WTB and chuckled a little... :D

zmancbr 12-12-2008 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Stog-a-Boy (Post 116426)
I actually returned mine today. The update did help though. It was alot faster and 10 times better then when I bought it. But I had some hardware problems and from what I read online it would take more then 1 return to find one that works perfectly. This was mainly the click screen and not clicking properly the whole way around the screen. I'm eligible for and official upgrade in august and will most likely buy the Storm again. By then all the bugs should be worked out. I really did love the phone and if you get one thats perfect then it would be a great phone.

I guess I got lucky with works perfect.. Getting used to
The typing is a bit weird though... I would say get one to anyone who was
On the fence...
Posted via Mobile Device

Stog-a-Boy 12-12-2008 09:46 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm
The hype is WAY too much!

Stog-a-Boy 12-12-2008 09:47 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm
for now at least

The Korean 12-13-2008 06:55 AM

Re: Blackberry Storm
I really want one, but I think I may wait a few months for the bugs to get worked out.

smitdavi 12-13-2008 07:44 AM

Re: Blackberry Storm
I ended up just buying the iPhone :D

Genetic Defect 12-13-2008 08:16 AM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by smitdavi (Post 117020)
I ended up just buying the iPhone :D

correction, Katie ended up buying you the iPhone :salute:

smitdavi 12-13-2008 08:39 AM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by Big Vito (Post 117060)
correction, Katie ended up buying you the iPhone :salute:

lol, you are correct sir :ss

Genetic Defect 12-13-2008 08:40 AM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by smitdavi (Post 117101)
lol, you are correct sir :ss

I'm going to fondle it later today :D

smitdavi 12-13-2008 08:41 AM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by Big Vito (Post 117103)
I'm going to fondle it later today :D


barbourjay 12-13-2008 08:42 AM

Re: Blackberry Storm
i've only been getting like 2 a week so far and they are all gone withing 10 minutes.

they are junk. the curve is such a better phone. i can't believe how they screwed this one up so bad.

Genetic Defect 12-13-2008 08:43 AM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by smitdavi (Post 117108)

smitdavi 12-13-2008 08:45 AM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by barbourjay (Post 117111)
i've only been getting like 2 a week so far and they are all gone withing 10 minutes.

they are junk. the curve is such a better phone. i can't believe how they screwed this one up so bad.

Sounds like they were rushing to get this baby out before the holidays :hn

Genetic Defect 12-13-2008 08:46 AM

Re: Blackberry Storm
could be that VZW didn't help by crippling it.

Genetic Defect 12-13-2008 08:47 AM

Re: Blackberry Storm
Also the original iPhone was not flawless ;)

smitdavi 12-13-2008 08:49 AM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by Big Vito (Post 117121)
Also the original iPhone was not flawless ;)

very true...hell the 3G iPhone isn't flawless

Genetic Defect 12-13-2008 08:50 AM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by smitdavi (Post 117126)
very true...hell the 3G iPhone isn't flawless

still on the fence on this, I've seen both and like both what a decision.

Blueface 12-16-2008 04:14 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by Big Vito (Post 117133)
still on the fence on this, I've seen both and like both what a decision.

Me too.
With my Verizon credits, the Storm will run me $50 v. $300 for the iPhone.
iPhone just seems so much nicer but AT&T is my cell company for my business cell phone and they are inferior next to Verizon for service/reception.

No WiFi on the Storm.
No text message with photo on the iPhone but with my MacBook, it only makes sense to get the iPhone.
No speaker on the iPhone but one on the Storm.
For iTunes, the iPhone is better.
For iPhoto, the iPhone also takes the prize.
For gadgets, I think the iPhone is also the winner.
Just sucks that one is stuck with AT&T and the major price difference that can be enough for a nice box of Cuban Churchills.:D

King James 12-16-2008 04:20 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm
I really don't like that the storm doesn't have wifi. Plus, I really like my ipod touch, which is the iphone w/ out the phone. Only problem is the cancellation fee to switch to att and then $70 or whatever it is a month for the bill.

Blueface 12-16-2008 04:25 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by King James (Post 122596)
I really don't like that the storm doesn't have wifi. Plus, I really like my ipod touch, which is the iphone w/ out the phone. Only problem is the cancellation fee to switch to att and then $70 or whatever it is a month for the bill.

I am lucky in that regard I guess as my contract with Verizon is up in January.
I just need to be patient another 30 days or so.

Genetic Defect 12-16-2008 04:29 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 122591)
Me too.
With my Verizon credits, the Storm will run me $50 v. $300 for the iPhone.
iPhone just seems so much nicer but AT&T is my cell company for my business cell phone and they are inferior next to Verizon for service/reception.

No WiFi on the Storm.
No text message with photo on the iPhone but with my MacBook, it only makes sense to get the iPhone.
No speaker on the iPhone but one on the Storm.
For iTunes, the iPhone is better.
For iPhoto, the iPhone also takes the prize.
For gadgets, I think the iPhone is also the winner.
Just sucks that one is stuck with AT&T and the major price difference that can be enough for a nice box of Cuban Churchills.:D

Get the Storm and a box of Cuban Churchills :D Im leaning towards the iPhone but rather not switch to ATT

Originally Posted by King James (Post 122596)
I really don't like that the storm doesn't have wifi. Plus, I really like my ipod touch, which is the iphone w/ out the phone. Only problem is the cancellation fee to switch to att and then $70 or whatever it is a month for the bill.

Wifi really isn't that big of deal for me

zmancbr 12-16-2008 04:56 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by Big Vito (Post 122608)
Get the Storm and a box of Cuban Churchills :D Im leaning towards the iPhone but rather not switch to ATT

Wifi really isn't that big of deal for me

I would get the storm as well... Using it for your mp3 player is easy... when you open the blackberry updates you see a section to sync your BB with itunes and then magically all your music appears on your BB... I just added all my music to the BB and will probably sell my ipod soon as it has become obsolete... :D

longknocker 12-16-2008 05:00 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by zmancbr (Post 122637)
I would get the storm as well... Using it for your mp3 player is easy... when you open the blackberry updates you see a section to sync your BB with itunes and then magically all your music appears on your BB... I just added all my music to the BB and will probably sell my ipod soon as it has become obsolete... :D

Which phone is faster, Storm or new I-Phone?

Genetic Defect 12-16-2008 05:03 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by longknocker (Post 122642)
Which phone is faster, Storm or new I-Phone?

on the 3G network both are the same, on wifi is where the iPhone wins, I don't have access to wifi that often

longknocker 12-16-2008 05:06 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by Big Vito (Post 122646)
on the 3G network both are the same, on wifi is where the iPhone wins, I don't have access to wifi that often

I wonder if you can pick up the internet on Blackberry in remote locations?

Genetic Defect 12-16-2008 05:10 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm
I'm guessing if you have bars you can

Screwbag 12-16-2008 05:13 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm
they were even talkin about this on Tom Leykis the other day...

I like my just works so great with my mac! and I love my mac!

Genetic Defect 12-16-2008 05:14 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm
If the iPhone was available on VZW I would have one

longknocker 12-16-2008 05:22 PM

Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by Big Vito (Post 122667)
If the iPhone was available on VZW I would have one

I'm like you, Perry, in that I have much better reception & customer support with VZ. Had ATT for several years before that and lots of dropped calls, reception problems in certain areas, etc. Maybe they will have the bugs worked out in another year when I'm ready to upgrade from my BB Pearl.

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