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Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Those pics look familiar... http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/5...rosse40061.jpg http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6...segame2043.jpg http://img709.imageshack.us/img709/3...segame2049.jpg http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/9...segame2052.jpg |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Your pictures are always great EJ, what kind of set up do you use?
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
A bit of an impulse buy about 5 or so years ago due to frustration with the photos I was getting at the rink.... That said, it has ended up being a great purchase. |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Nice pics. We have an NIKON SLR but my wife takes it to work and I am generally not allowed to play with it as I break things. :(
Yeah I almost spit my soda out when Micah asked about soccer. We live across from a school so every Saturday he sees people playing. Some of the kids on his team had a soccer game afterwards which is where he got the idea from. Hoping we have our 3 sports locked up. nothing against soccer fans just don't love the game |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
I have a Rebel XS with the EF-S 18-55mm IS lens. I haven't been able to learn much more than the auto-set point-and-shoot mode. I also have a 75-300mm zoom lens without IS.
I'm sure it takes better shots than I am currently getting, but man they are NOTHING like the ones I am seeing here. One of these days :) |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
2 good fights tonight in the Varsity game..... Both had kids really throwing punches(gloves & helmets on), one for a significant amount of time.... Though I find it a bit amusing and would have no problem with the Little Man going at it if the situation warranted, I still get a very uneasy feeling when parents are cheering high school kids fighting.
Of course the kids in the stands are going to go WILD.... But IMO, it is not a parents(or someone over 30 for that matter) place to cheer fighting at this level......:sh |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
We had a fight in our adult game last tuesday. My teamate was roughed, and retaliated. Aparently the guy and his dad play together. When they were done, and laying on the ground, his dad started yelling get off him, and them slammed his stick a foot from the two downed players. It was pretty funny how mad this guy was, but he almost got layed out by two of us. I'm not a fighter, but I had to get involved, and rough this guy back away.
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
20.2. UHSH Penalties for Fighting A. Any player receiving a Fighting penalty as noted on the official score sheet, (other than players receiving such a penalty while participating with the Utah Stars), shall be suspended for the balance of that game and for the next three games of that team. B. Any player receiving a second Fighting penalty in a season, as noted on the official score sheet, (other than players receiving such a penalty while participating with the Utah Stars), regardless of which other team he/she was playing with when he/she received the penalty, shall be suspended for the balance of that game and for the next five games of that team. C. Any player receiving a third Fighting penalty in a season, as noted on the official score sheet, (other than players receiving such a penalty while participating with the Utah Stars), regardless of which team he/she was playing with when he/she received the penalty, shall be suspended from participating in any UHSH activity, including Utah Stars participation, for a period of one (1) year from the date of the penalty. D. Any player who is suspended for "Fighting" shall not be eligible to participate in any other game activities of UHSH or which are sponsored by UHSH, including but not limited to, participation on another team, participation in the Utah Winter Games, High School All Star Game, out-of-state games, etc., during the period of suspension. In all of the above cases the player may participate with any appropriate team in a practice capacity only, unless prohibited by USA Hockey. E. A player who receives a one (1) year suspension, need not register with UHSH the following season in order for the suspension to be properly served. F. Upon each 1 year suspension, UHSH shall contact, in writing, the Utah Amateur Hockey Association and recommend that the offending player be suspended from any participation in any Utah Hockey program for the same 1 year period. If the player should leave the state and it can be ascertained that he/she is participating in another USA Hockey program, a letter shall be written to that program outlining the sanction and requesting that the player serve the suspension with that program. G. Players receiving a "Fighting" penalty must serve the required number of games for the team with which they were playing when they received the penalty. During the period of required suspension, the offending player must also serve up to a maximum of the same number of games for any other team with which he may be playing, including the Utah Stars. If there are fewer or the same number of games for the other team(s) on which the player also participates than the number of games required to be served on the original team where the penalty was incurred, then the player will only be required to serve that number of games for that other team(s). A player participating on three different teams who receives a first "Fighting" penalty could serve up to a maximum of 3 games for each |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
1-0 for the day so far....
Have another game at 6:45.... |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
No hockey for the boy this weekend. There is a tourney at the rinks.
Micah used to prefer roller to ice. Lastnight after attending a practice he decided this was no longer the case. He has realized he's a lot faster on ice, the Puck does what its supposed to do on ice and his edge work, something he is already recognized for is not as good. It was interesting watching him struggle out there. I am going to keep him going, but I need to research trying to get his pitch the same as ice. His stride looked wrong and he was falling on breakaways and hard turns which pissed him off. So much so he came over to the bench to inform me he was upset and something was wrong with his skates. In fairness to him he was trying out new skates and the chassis is flat so it doesn't skate like an ice skate. His last chasis worked a lot like an ice skate in that it was 3 wheels and you were either on the front 2 or back 2 wheels. I really should start that blog. |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
You should get on the blog Mike, there would be many appreciative and better informed parents out there....
The Little Man's rec team took one on the nose last night.... It could be a LONG SEASON for that team....:( On a brighter note.... Fun day at the rink today.... http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/3...yjackson13.jpg http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/1439/abbyjackson7.jpg http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/4...yjackson10.jpg Trying to fit in with the Little Man and his friends.... http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/635/abbyjackson5.jpg |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Here is what I was referencing.
http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b3...y/IMAG0208.jpg The skate at the back has a tri-d chassis. The middle wheel is always in contact. Then either the rear or front wheel, but never both. This allows you to be up on your toes more. In the other skate all wheels are down. This immediately caused him to feel back on his heels and changed his stride. It became a shorter stride. Today I grabbed two of the stx. Fiddle stx and started working with Micah on throwing left as they had him throwing right at lacrosse class. He was throwing harder and closer to target immediately. Anyone who's boy plays lax which hand is his top hand. Micah is a lefty throws left, bats both, shots hockey right. |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Looks like my youngest, Mitch, is going to Arizona State next year. He received a deans scholarship and the hockey coach has called and talked with his at length.
Who the hell am I going to root for when Penn State plays Arizona!? Mike, as hard as it was I let the boys play whatever sport they wanted when they asked. They always came back to hockey. (Thank God!) |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Tempe would be a GREAT, GREAT place to go to school. I spent a little time on that campus during my college years and was floored by the talent walking around.... |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
As to the sport thing.... I generally agree, but dude ITS SOCCER!!! I know I really have nothing to worry about though. If given a choice he takes the hockey stick everytime. :banger We just have a strict no soccer policy in our house. :r I explained to him Soccer might interfere with hockey and he was over it. He actually has not mentioned it since that day. |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Fuggin kid almost made me eat my words.
So last night Micah was running his mouth about how many goals he was going to score today. He said 7. I said you know what if you even score three I will call the sharks about your tryout. He scored two today. Dad was proud he victimized some kids taking pucks away from kids older and bigger, out skated damn near everyone. Had two goals and possibly a third but I am not giving it to him. :r There was a scrum infront of the net and someone shot the puck off a defenders foot into the goal. |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Started the day with some tailgating, which was only about 100 yards away from the ice rink.....(my neighbors & their tailgate site, yes that is an ambulance)
http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/9752/tailgate4.jpg http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/781/taligate1.jpg http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/2939/taligate2.jpg http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/2972/img8214a.jpg Then had some hockey.... http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/4913/hity.jpg Then got our a$$es handed to us in the Utah vs TCU game... |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Mike, goal scorers get all the glory but the assist guys are the ones that have my heart.
Got to watch Mitch play yesterday! He was +3 with a fight (more of a body slam through the ice after a guy speared him in the throat with a broken stick. Man was he pi$$ed! :D) 7 -1 win Then a 130 mile ride to West Chester PA to watch Penn State kick the snot out of West Chester. Got to see Jr. which was GREAT! He's about two weeks away from playing (keep your fingers crossed). Got home at midnight, sleep, now it's back to West Chester to watch Mitch play the Jr. Flyers. Going to try and get a couple of photos today to post here. Think I'll pick up a cigar on the way for the pre-game. :hm |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
E.J Heard about that Utah game on the radio. Sheeeeeeeesh is all I can say.
Great pic of the Hockey Game. What I find most interesting about the other pics is WTF? They still sell TAB soda? AL awesome about the boys. I can only hope one day to need to do that. :tu Hope mitch plants one for me You know goal scores get all the puck bunnies Al, especially when they got the flow. :r He is getting more and more aware out there. He just turned 5 this month though and I am more excited that he drives the net constantly and camps it some times calling for a pass, initiates some contact, and has good speed and edge work especially for his age. I guess always yelling "skate skate skate" at him works:r. He is also grabbing the puck and sending up the boards to clear the zone. He is starting to pass to kids. At this age you know what thats like though. Timing the pass on a moving player can be funny. I know you have been through this. I get so geeked watching him use his head out there and show signs of development. I had to fight back the smile yesterday when he came to the bench after bumping a kid off the puck to get it and says "dad I couldnt get the puck away fron that boy so I had to bump him" the kid lost his balance. |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Al, where are our photos? (I'll keep my fingers crossed for Jr.)
Good read Mike.... I have yet to find something that gives me a better feeling than I get from watching my children excel at things.... As far as TAB soda....wish I had a response, but I actually gave a WTF when I saw it...??? |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Cluster of a night.... Zamboni went down and leaked everywhere, melting a giant crater in the ice. Game cancelled and they had a bunch of the kids out trying to get the zamboni pushed off the ice & water dispersed....
Anyway, the Assistant Trustee, who was out there helping out, slipped on the ice and smacked his head REALLY HARD. Was out cold for at least 3-5 minutes, maybe more. I was on the phone with 911 getting medical to respond, but was not on the ice. He was breathing and apparently conscious before the medical personnel got there. I don't mind telling you it gave me a bit of a kick to the gut... When you see someone knocked cold and posture, it always gives me a bit of a sick feeling. I still have not heard how he is doing. I am sick for him, his kids who had to watch that, the whole thing..... |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Any word on condition?
This story actually made me decide to buy a new chinstrap. A while back I took mine off my helmet to give it to a kid who needed one. Never replaced it. Today running horseshoe drills I was shaggging pucks from the net and a kid flew into me and I almost ate it. Instantly thought of the story above. Maybe I will just get a new bucket. I got an old itech with the thick white padding. Birth control helmet. Micah scored three clean goals today. 2 breakaways, 1 where he crashed the net and jammed in the rebound. He led his team in scoring today. He should have had a fourth but was stopped. He shot it the goalie made a save then he followed it in and the goalie actually made a really nice second save. Everyone on the other team was going crazy after the second save as everyone thought Micahs was scoring. Really happy today. I told Micah he had to score goals today and skate hard because we were short 2 kids. He skated his arse off and was one of the reasons his team won the first game and tied the second. |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Just to be clear, if there was some confusion. No skates, no helmet. Just on the ice helping direct the kids during an issue with the Zamboni. |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
As for our ice time, County Rec team was CRUSHED AGAIN. I am trying to not show my frustration with that team. They look lost out there and don't appear to be receiving instruction on simple mistakes as they come to the bench....then go out and do it again. I ask the Little Man about it and ask him to be more of a verbal leader, getting in kids ears in a positive way....we will see where that goes....:confused:
He played forward today, which is a change.... Maybe it was due to not having a few kids there.... I thought it went well... Should have had 4 goals, came away with one..... I was a little late on the shutter, but still came away with a decent sequence... http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/7376/goal1.jpg http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/7777/goal3.jpg http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/2467/goal2t.jpg Evening JV High School game rescheduled due to some High School dance....? We're still in Jr. High, what do we know about this stuff....:r |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Dude your boy is huge compared to the other boys in that picture.
As to coaching I hear you. Our primary coach is out of town this week with his boy. I don't like running practices and generally police the screwups to keep them on task. The two past practices and today's game was run be assistant coach who's boy is on our team, and coaches his other boys peewee team. Practices consisted of me trying to explain why multi passing drills are bad at this age and we should be working on give and goes as that's how the games go. We either have a boy make a Breakout pass or a centering feed. His response was well help them. I'm thinking lets walk before we run. End result he gets frustrated cause the kids screw up and sends them to the boards to pass the Puck off the wall or to each other. No one learns much. Today for the first game he just sends out the first 5 boys we got lucky though cause they were already in the lineset we had taught them. Game 2 they were jumbled on the bench he sends out my son the other player on our team who scores and our best d player on the same line. I advise him this is a bad idea. He blows me off. After 3 shifts we are down 2-0. I ask him again to change the lines and tell him what to do. We end the game 4-4. He just doesn't seem to think. |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Well I am much too young to be a hockey parent, but love talking anything hockey. I have been reffing hockey in Ottawa for the last 10 years doing everything up to Major Midget AAA, and have been coaching for 7 years now.
Love reading all of your stories! I am currently head coach of a major peewee competitive team, and understand the frustration some may have with coaches. It appears you are stuck with one of those "my way or highway" coaches who isn't open to talk about other ideas! I surrounded my self with two assisstant coaches who are not parents also, and kept the manager and trainer as parents to have the lines of communication still open. I make sure to do my rounds with the parents at ice times too, let them vent, or compliment! If they feel they can just talk, they are normally happy. And hey, sometimes they have great ideas which I use! My team just won a tourney this weekend. Semis went to double OT. The format was messed up. 10 min periods 3 on 3. You were not allowed to change players on whistles. I used some mens league tactics and placed em at the door after a long shift on a faceoff, and boom switch when puck drops! |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Congrats on the tourney win! Quote:
I just finished reading a blog that his family has been doing...it is stinking emotional. Amazing the ripple effect tragedy has. Hate to see anyone have to go through this crap.... Man life is fragile.... |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Here in Ottawa we know this all too well, and you get reminded every hour at the rinks. One night the dude who shovels the left over snow off after the boni comes off, slipped and cracked his skull. As of 3 years ago I believe, no one, NO ONE, in a city of ottawa arena can step on the ice without a helmet, this includes trainers who are attending to injured players, they must have a helmet to run on the ice. Zamboni drivers who dont even step on the ice do it as well...
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Gotta throw out a huge self indulging congrats to my son. His team, Queen City Steam 98 AA has broken into the top 20 of the USA Tier II teams according to 98Rankings.com
They moved up to 19 this week! |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
That is impressive, congrats to your son and his team:tu |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Sick, only 18 more spots to jump! :P
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Sent you a pm. Just tragic. I can't imagine what the family is experiencing given the time of year, the suddenness, and having children. I prayed for him and his family last night. Spent a moment doing my talk to the lord. His family has my prayers.
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Well today was an odd day. I am writting this to kind of call myself out and laugh at myself. I was not going to write this but felt I should as a reminder.
The last 2 saturday games Micah scored 3 goals each day. Today he scored only one. Its funny I was kind of bummed. I praised him for skating hard and explained to him sometimes its not that easy. He was a little upset. He skated hard made some smart clearing dumps, but just didn't have it. My wife, bless her, smacked some sense into me when I got home. Reminding me majority of the kids in the league have not even scored and I am sad because he had just a good day. So yeah today I was "that dad" and my wife smacked me around. Side note we have a retired Sgt. from another city in our beat. My Lt. Met this guy a few days ago over some concearns he had and the guy showed him his mancave and stogie collection. Today my Lt had us do a little community policing and meet the guy. We start talking and I get a permanent invite to his mancave anytime. Also find out his boy now with the Sheriffs Office played travel hockey for the Santa Clara Blackhawks and SJ jr Sharks till age 20. We talked hockey for a while. |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Just back from the rink....
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Looks like we are skate shopping again.... Went in yesterday, though with the LM having BIG feet, we have a limited selection to even try on.
They did have a size 11 in the 11K's....and he was fairly enamored with the skatelock/lacelock thingy. In a perfect world, he will stay in Graf's... They are going to call Graf Canada on Monday morning and call me back with info as to if they have some 11W G5's in stock....if not...??? Quick look, would not be difficult to order online, Majer Hockey actually has leftover(new) G5 Limited's, same skate he is wearing now(in his size) for a great price.... Though I really hate to not use the local shop... I am sure we'd make up the savings in skate sharpens alone.... Though probably wouldn't make a difference, sure they'd still take care of us... Which is my point I guess.... It would be nice to be in a little more hockey friendly area.... I am sure there are worse places, maybe I should feel fortunate that I actually have a decent shop within walking distance(it would be a good walk) from home..... |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Oh...and he tried on some X60's and they were terribly tight... He has WIDE feet, much like his dad, which also make it difficult to shop. RBK's seem to be a bit wider.
We have gone with Bauer EE's in the past with success..... One of the guys at the shop, who actually helps out/coaches the LM w/ the HS team also seemed to be VERY high on the new CCM Crazy Light's.... Though again, nothing to try on and I am not big on having something shipped that we have never worn.... Total One's....$800...WTF...:r I am fairly liberal with the funds on the LM's gear...but $800 for skates....really.... |
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Good guys win 5. 3. Mitch had a good game. Gonna miss watchin him play when he goes to college. :sad.
Re: Being a Hockey Parent
My kid moved up to size 7 a few weeks ago, he had X50s but actually liked the fit of the X40s better (which is awesome, saved me like $150). Perani's in Detroit had the 40's for $320. $469 for the 50s. And yea they had those Total Ones for $800 too!
A week or so after that (less than 2 weeks ago I think?) we bought him a new stick while in St. Louis. He always tore up the one piece sticks so we went 2 piece this time. Guess what? Yea that thing got snapped today. He said a kid stepped on that joint during a play. Luckily the blade snapped off right where it goes into the shaft, so all he needs is a new blade. It's always something! On a side note, please forgive my shameless plug, but his team took 2 out of 3 this weekend against the #5 team in the country, the Pittsburgh Aviators. On a side-side note, we'll be in Pittsburgh the weekend of Jan 29-30 playing them again, who wants to smoke a cigar!?!??!?! |
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