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Chingas 08-07-2010 12:46 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
I'd like to change my vote after recent unforeseen events!

shvictor 08-07-2010 12:54 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
I have about 50 or so

GolfNut 08-07-2010 03:27 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Just got a box of Henry Clays in so that put me back to around 40. Last year I had 400 at the peak! Got a little (ok a lot) carried away with bombs on another forum and nearly wiped myself out, but damn it was fun! Arsenal will be rebuilt though.

montecristo#2 08-07-2010 07:05 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by jledou (Post 931679)
Or think of it this way ... at 2 cigars a day 365 days per year 2500 cigars is almost 3.5 years :D

Or if you smoked once a week, you will have one mighty nice collection that will last 50 years.


For me, it is all about perspective.

Smoke what you like and if you have the means to buy more cigars, go for it.

For me, it is not about numbers. For someone who likes bundles, one could easily spend $1K and end it up with 500-1000 cigars.

On the other hand, there are some people who have no problem dropping $5 to 10K (or more) on a box of vintage cigars.

It all depends on what you can afford and what you like to smoke. I buy cigars I like to smoke and try not to get caught up in what other people have.

With that said, I do love looking an people's collections.

jbuck 08-15-2010 01:04 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
around 1200

GTsetGO 08-15-2010 01:20 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
i have around 300 i would say.

just need to find some time to smoke some of them.

Tank 09-11-2010 05:05 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
About 3,500 sticks here. I have two very large lockers in my shop. One local retailer buddy has some stored for me. Another retailer buddy in FL. is storing boxes for me. 3 cabinets in my office at home with an additional 9 desktops. Yeah I have a problem. When I smoke a cigar I love to smoke 2-5 year aged sticks in addition to newer sticks that I like to smoke now.

My favorite "go to" stick now is the Partagas Benji master series and I have 10 boxes and I keep getting more as there are only 5,000 boxes produced. Just picked up 3 boxes of the new CAO La Traviata Maduro as these are excellent and I get each box at $65/box.

TheDudeAbides 09-11-2010 05:41 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Somewhere in the 300 ish range. Plus that box coming UPS. Oh and those other two fivers. Damn, time for a bombing run to make room.

Tank 09-11-2010 05:49 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Just added another 10 sticks to my collection. A fellow BOTL from Portland just bombed me with 10 sticks, a bottle of Pyrat rum, some Tillamook cheese, and smoked tuna and chinook salmon. Gonna be a great evening.

Chingas 09-12-2010 10:25 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by Tank (Post 985538)
Just added another 10 sticks to my collection. A fellow BOTL from Portland just bombed me with 10 sticks, a bottle of Pyrat rum, some Tillamook cheese, and smoked tuna and chinook salmon. Gonna be a great evening.

New thread coming soon?

dwoodward 09-12-2010 12:39 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Just counted. 114... much less than I had thought that I had. Anyway tho, by the end of the week it will be up to 143 sans any I smoke lol.

hammondc 09-12-2010 01:12 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
I have a Davidoff Humidor that a friend from 'the business' gave me. I keep about 50 or so in it which makes it about 75% full. I'd love to get a cabinet so I can buy boxes, but I simply do not smoke enough to justify it (1-2 per week). I am considering a coolerdoor that can go in the closet.

EDIT...just counted...there are 51 now and I have an order on the way. Bout half full, I suppose.

Tank 09-13-2010 03:47 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by Chingas (Post 986070)
New thread coming soon?

Usually I am doing the damage! But I was blindsided!

And the smoked seafood and dope sign for my garage!

gijoey959 09-24-2010 09:48 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Uhh... after I receive the 3 Tatuaje blacks I'm buyin off of Bill86... uhh... I will have 3 xD

I'm at that special stage where you learn very quickly that wedding rings are expensive

ucla695 09-24-2010 09:51 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
My answer: not enough
My wife's answer: Too many

sevans105 09-24-2010 09:56 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Just did inventory when I transfered all of my cigars from the coolers into the gigantodor cabinet. 553. It'll be 552 in just a few minutes when I go smoke one although I think I've got an order or two still hanging out there.

I've vowed not to order any more until I've smoked/given away at least a tray full of them. So, I'm gonna try and stay around the 500 mark. We'll see. The trouble is, I still have 2 completely empty trays! They look so lonely next to their brothers. Ah well. We'll see how long I can last.

sevans105 09-24-2010 10:03 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by pektel (Post 939626)
Sounds like fun! I've never smoked with another BOTL before.

I tried man! You backed out on me! Just teasin, I completely understood the reason. It was a bit too bad though. I had brought along some of the CC that Chingas had given me. Had planned on floating a few your way. Ah well. There is always OKTOBERFEST!!!

pektel 09-24-2010 10:04 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
I just counted mine yesterday. 46 :D

pektel 09-24-2010 10:06 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by sevans105 (Post 999428)
I tried man! You backed out on me! Just teasin, I completely understood the reason. It was a bit too bad though. I had brought along some of the CC that Chingas had given me. Had planned on floating a few your way. Ah well. There is always OKTOBERFEST!!!

I tried to go! Had to make that money though. I will be in New Hope tomorrow night at a buddies place...... I'll see if he's down for one more if you want to. I'm gonna do my damnedest to get to oktoberfest. Should be awesome!

jeepthing 09-25-2010 11:00 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Not as many as I would like. 15 to 20 on hand, 10 of these are long term, rest are daily sticks

smelvis 09-25-2010 11:25 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Well Crap
Lets say I am in the amount some may call excessive. ROTFLMAO

Ahbroody 09-25-2010 11:30 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Right around 200 I think. To broke to build it up any higher.

PCR 09-26-2010 12:07 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
One. (No kidding).

dwoodward 09-26-2010 12:51 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by PCR (Post 1001055)
One. (No kidding).

Easiest way to maintain that status, don't buy a humidor. :r

PCR 09-26-2010 01:36 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by dwoodward (Post 1001074)
Easiest way to maintain that status, don't buy a humidor. :r

Nah, the humidor is seasoning now. I need to get more sticks. :D

x man 09-28-2010 09:31 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
My stash goes in cycles. But, my philosophy is,
u can never get enough love or have enough cigars.

x man 09-28-2010 09:35 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by waffle (Post 931711)
I keep looking at my humidor and asking myself where all these cigars came from...

Thats why i band every cigar i get in trades, so i remember
when and who sent it, so when i get to smokin it i can thank the person.

litedave 10-11-2010 05:07 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
I stock up once a year for around $1000. Then I always have the experimentals.

smelvis 10-11-2010 05:27 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by x man (Post 1004219)
Thats why i band every cigar i get in trades, so i remember
when and who sent it, so when i get to smokin it i can thank the person.

Now that's a smart man, I had separate drawers but they are since full, I really need to do this, I remember some but age does have it's drawbacks memory is one :)

Da Klugs 10-11-2010 07:01 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Lonsdales :)

alwayslit 10-11-2010 07:03 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by Da Klugs (Post 1019012) da man......nice:tu

ylo2na 10-14-2010 06:49 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
I went crazy for awhile, but am just under 30k and counting. Cigarbid, Famous-Smoke, JR auctions and a few BM's have lots of my money!
I do need counseling...

CasaDooley 10-14-2010 09:28 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by ylo2na (Post 1023248)
I went crazy for awhile, but am just under 30k and counting. Cigarbid, Famous-Smoke, JR auctions and a few BM's have lots of my money!
I do need counseling...

Wow. Is that really 30,000 or did you mean 3,000? Not bustin balls here, just curious. :ss

CasaDooley 10-15-2010 03:14 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by CasaDooley (Post 931940)
Last time I did a quick count it was around 1200 give or take a few. Who wants to come over for a smoke? :ss

After a couple of recent purchases this month I'm gonna have to change this to around 1600. :ss

Tashaz 10-15-2010 03:21 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Currently at about 700 odd but still growing (buying) at the rate of about 40 more than I smoke each month.;)

cmitch 10-15-2010 09:19 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
I have about 150+ sticks. Brick House, Hellhound, Perdomo, Maxx, Gurkha, Ashton among a few others dominate the collection. I enjoy a Baccarrat every once in a while but I'm out. I had to make a make shift humidor out of a Rubbermaid container and it's nearly full. I've got to get a larger humidor or a locker. I smoke about 5-6 sticks a week. I would die a slow agonizing death at the hands of my very tolerant wife if I had a collection of 700 sticks. LOL!

BluesGuy 10-15-2010 09:29 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Around 50......and unfortunately for me they are what all you men of taste would term Dog Rockets.

poker 10-15-2010 09:40 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by BluesGuy (Post 1023897)
Around 50......and unfortunately for me they are what all you men of taste would term Dog Rockets.

There are no men of taste here :r

poker 10-15-2010 09:43 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by ylo2na (Post 1023248)
I went crazy for awhile, but am just under 30k and counting. Cigarbid, Famous-Smoke, JR auctions and a few BM's have lots of my money!
I do need counseling...

Then this is the thread you need to see..


Da Klugs 10-15-2010 09:51 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
1 Attachment(s)
Just counted.... I have 1650.

In the cooler under my desk. :)

poker 10-15-2010 09:56 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
What about the other 216 coolers?

hscmit 10-15-2010 09:58 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by BluesGuy (Post 1023897)
Around 50......and unfortunately for me they are what all you men of taste would term Dog Rockets.

smoke what you like, dont worry about what other people think

Da Klugs 10-15-2010 10:03 AM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by poker (Post 1023933)
What about the other 216 coolers?

:D Only 4 others. Too funny just brought a new 100 quart one in today to make some room in the display cabinet.

ylo2na 10-15-2010 03:59 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
Yes, it is 30,000....

markem 10-15-2010 04:06 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by ylo2na (Post 1024334)
Yes, it is 30,000....

:dr I'd love to see some pics of that! That is one excellent collection!

CasaDooley 10-15-2010 06:05 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by ylo2na (Post 1024334)
Yes, it is 30,000....

Great Googly Moogly!:tu

Tashaz 10-15-2010 06:13 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by ylo2na (Post 1024334)
Yes, it is 30,000....


Smokin Gator 10-15-2010 06:51 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?

Originally Posted by ylo2na (Post 1024334)
Yes, it is 30,000....

Please PM your addy. I know you want to adopt a 50 year old child:tu I have recently gone into the embarassing last category but can't imagine having 10X that many!!!

Mustard&Mayo 10-21-2010 10:13 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
I can only imagine how addicting this could be...ask me to take this poll in another six months!

sobranie10 10-21-2010 10:41 PM

Re: How many cigars in your possession?
I have a excuse my two sons enjoy cigars, otherwise my hobby could be called insanity.

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