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BC-Axeman 06-22-2010 08:56 PM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
Hey Scott, I think you misunderstand. I bought 11 yards of commercial garden soil. It is sterile and well composted. It was made from those ingredients but resembles none of them. It looks just like the potting soil you get in bags. The stuff in the worm castings is just a handful mixed in when they were planted. I can see a difference there, though. So far I didn't feed anything when I planted except those few plants. I have to dig out my ph meter and do a test. Around here lime is usually oyster shells.

BC-Axeman 06-22-2010 09:29 PM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
OK, I got out my fish tank electronic ph meter and checked it on a 8 ph cal pack and it was 8.04. My unsoftened tap water came back 7.78. I have a reverse osmosis/deionizer for fish tank water. It measures 6.74, slightly acid. This is right for very pure water. I used the RO/DI water to soak a big handful of the unused garden soil for about 15 min. It measured 7.75. Slightly base. I just checked it again and it's 7.67.
Somewhere I have a soil test kit for NPK. I should get a new one though, that one is, like, 15 years old or more. Waddaya think, Scott?

Mark C 06-25-2010 07:25 PM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
Anyone here have any experience growing nut trees? I'm buying a new house in southern PA, hopefully the last house I'll buy ever (or at least for a very very long time). I've started thinking about landscaping, but I'm really not interested in growing things I can't eat. My grandparents had an apple tree, it made a huge mess, there were bees and rotting fruit everywhere, so I'm not interested in a fruit tree.

That got me thinking about nut trees. Walnuts are out because I don't want their toxic roots killing my tomatoes, chestnuts are out because I don't want to deal with the spiky balls of fun. Looks like hazlenuts grow well in this area, possibly certain cultivars of pecan and almond also.

So, anybody have experience with nuts?

HK3- 06-25-2010 07:29 PM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens

Originally Posted by Mark C (Post 899499)
Anyone here have any experience growing nut trees? I'm buying a new house in southern PA, hopefully the last house I'll buy ever (or at least for a very very long time). I've started thinking about landscaping, but I'm really not interested in growing things I can't eat. My grandparents had an apple tree, it made a huge mess, there were bees and rotting fruit everywhere, so I'm not interested in a fruit tree.

That got me thinking about nut trees. Walnuts are out because I don't want their toxic roots killing my tomatoes, chestnuts are out because I don't want to deal with the spiky balls of fun. Looks like hazlenuts grow well in this area, possibly certain cultivars of pecan and almond also.

So, anybody have experience with nuts?

This whole forum is full of nuts! :r

Had a hazel nut tree one time. Fairly easy to take care of and they are nice looking trees as well. My aunt has a pecan tree and they are wonderful to eat. That's all I've got for you.

Skywalker 06-25-2010 08:17 PM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
My first time growing anything besides flowers and trees:
Banana Peppers
Jalapeņo Peppers
Cherry Tomatoes

BC-Axeman 06-26-2010 09:46 AM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens

Originally Posted by Skywalker (Post 899553)
My first time growing anything besides flowers and trees:
Banana Peppers
Jalapeņo Peppers
Cherry Tomatoes

I only get the top of that photo.
Welcome to the slope.
Beware, it's slippery.:tu

Rabidsquirrel 06-26-2010 02:41 PM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
Question for the gurus. What's eating holes in my broccoli leaves?

T.G 06-26-2010 10:20 PM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens

Originally Posted by Rabidsquirrel (Post 900106)
Question for the gurus. What's eating holes in my broccoli leaves?


That will be $20 please.

*DING* next question.

T.G 06-26-2010 10:26 PM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens

Originally Posted by Mark C (Post 899499)
Anyone here have any experience growing nut trees? I'm buying a new house in southern PA, hopefully the last house I'll buy ever (or at least for a very very long time). I've started thinking about landscaping, but I'm really not interested in growing things I can't eat. My grandparents had an apple tree, it made a huge mess, there were bees and rotting fruit everywhere, so I'm not interested in a fruit tree.

That got me thinking about nut trees. Walnuts are out because I don't want their toxic roots killing my tomatoes, chestnuts are out because I don't want to deal with the spiky balls of fun. Looks like hazlenuts grow well in this area, possibly certain cultivars of pecan and almond also.

So, anybody have experience with nuts?

Whatever tree you get, check into if it's self-fertile or needs cross pollination. If it's a cross-pollinator, make sure you plant two - one "male", one "female" or you could potentially end up with a tree full of nothing, or like what happened to a friend of mine with his avocado tree (which isn't exactly a male/female relation, but needs cross pollination to fruit IIRC) where it bore fruit for decades, until the neighbors cut down their tree, now instead of many hundreds of avocados, he's lucky if he gets 20 avocados per year off a tree with a 30' crown.

BC-Axeman 06-26-2010 11:28 PM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens

Originally Posted by Rabidsquirrel (Post 900106)
Question for the gurus. What's eating holes in my broccoli leaves?

Perhaps grasshoppers, grasshopper.
Try insecticidal soap. It's not poison, it just tastes bad to the bugs. Sometimes it works.

Rabidsquirrel 06-27-2010 11:23 AM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 900358)

That will be $20 please.

*DING* next question.

Bah, didn't think of that. :r


Originally Posted by BC-Axeman (Post 900418)
Perhaps grasshoppers, grasshopper.
Try insecticidal soap. It's not poison, it just tastes bad to the bugs. Sometimes it works.

Thanks, I'll try that.

BC-Axeman 06-28-2010 07:21 AM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
I went from having frost on June 17 to the first day in the 90s yesterday and back to forecasted springlike weather for the coming week but my garden is starting to take hold. I got some dolomite pellets and sprinkled them lightly to add lime to the soil. That should buffer any acid that gets produced in the soil. Only the lemon cucumbers have yellow leaves now and I think it's just the plants as the regular cuke right next to them looks normal. No bug problems yet! I think it may be because of the excavation zone around the garden and the new soil. The bird population is larger this year too.

shilala 06-28-2010 08:18 AM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
Lisa and I got in the garden last night. We weeded around plants and replaced some tomatoes that weren't doing well.
I bought some tomatoes at the nursery and they just kind of sat there. They wouldn't push roots. They obviously held them back so long that they refused to grow.
A friend brought by a few great big bucketed romas and we used them, plus we transplanted some volunteers in other holes.
We also mooched some lettuce starts from the neighbor, replanted some cucumber seeds, and planted a new zuchini to take up when the other plant stops producing.
I pulled all the runners off the great big strawberry plant and got the cart out of the garden and the garbage can out of the compost bin.
We're super dead serious now. :)
I picked a couple little banana peppers that were holding their respective plants back, too.
Everything looks great, and some of the corn is "Knee high by the fourth of July". Just on Lisa, and she's pretty short, but I'll take it. My corn is never this far along this early. :tu

BC-Axeman 06-29-2010 12:49 PM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
Foggy morning.
In front are my artichokes planted in square concrete tubes set on the hardware cloth. I don't know what these concrete things are, the came with the house. Probably some kind of landscaping supply.

shilala 06-29-2010 12:52 PM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
It all looks beautiful, Lance. :tu
Plant some grass, will ya? :D

BC-Axeman 06-29-2010 12:56 PM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
Weed block and gravel is more like it. ;)

HK3- 06-29-2010 01:33 PM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
Really cool setup you got going on there Lance. :tu

I dusted my plants the other day because I saw some droppings on the tomato plant leaves from a critter. Upon further investigation I found some small limbs and leaves missing. Forkin bastages can eat quick cant they!?!? :gn

Skywalker 06-29-2010 01:34 PM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens

Originally Posted by BC-Axeman (Post 902695)
Foggy morning.
In front are my artichokes planted in square concrete tubes set on the hardware cloth. I don't know what these concrete things are, the came with the house. Probably some kind of landscaping supply.

Look at that fog!!!

I wish I was at your place right now!!!

Oh yeah... Nice garden!!!

Rabidsquirrel 06-29-2010 03:50 PM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
Those squarish things look like a chimney liner.

Gonesledn 06-29-2010 03:57 PM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens

Originally Posted by Rabidsquirrel (Post 902809)
Those squarish things look like a chimney liner.

i agree... chimney flue sections

Mr B 06-29-2010 04:01 PM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens

Originally Posted by HK3- (Post 902727)
Really cool setup you got going on there Lance. :tu

I dusted my plants the other day because I saw some droppings on the tomato plant leaves from a critter. Upon further investigation I found some small limbs and leaves missing. Forkin bastages can eat quick cant they!?!? :gn

Tomato Hornworms. Filthy Bastages.

Salvelinus 06-29-2010 04:59 PM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
Just caught up to this thread. I tried a garden last year and failed miserably. This year I took the previous owners sand box and made a raised bed out of it. I put some matting under it because I hate weeding. The rest of my lawn is basically sand so it drains well.

I think I overplanted, but I couldn't bear to not plant any of the plants I paid for. I have been hitting the lettuce hard for the past two weeks. I just pulled all my radishes and don't plan on doing another batch. I have 3 pepper varieties, some bush beans, and cucumbers in the bed along with the lettuce. There is some basil, rosemary, and chive in a small box out of the picture as well as a couple of tomato plants. My hops are growing like weeds right now as well. Can't wait for homebrew with homegrown :banger

shilala 06-29-2010 05:24 PM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
The garden looks gorgeous, Brendan. Nice work!!!

Here's a pic of a tobacco leave. My hand is in there to give an idea of size. It's amazing how fast they grow. They're not even to my knees, but the leaves on the bottom are huge. They're beautiful this year. :)

BC-Axeman 06-29-2010 05:33 PM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens

Originally Posted by Rabidsquirrel (Post 902809)
Those squarish things look like a chimney liner.


Originally Posted by Gonesledn (Post 902813)
i agree... chimney flue sections

That makes sense as there used to be a chimney in the house that got destroyed in the '89 Loma Prieta earthquake.

HK3- 06-30-2010 07:12 AM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens

Originally Posted by Mr B (Post 902815)
Tomato Hornworms. Filthy Bastages.

Sure enough, that's the lil POS for sure!

Took a newer photo of my tomato plants yesterday. I enjoy looking at the change week to week. That vine is slowly taking over my shed!!!!!

rack04 06-30-2010 07:20 AM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
When you all saying "dusted" veggies what product are you referring to? Up until now I haven't had a problem with insects but I would like to know what products are safe to use on edibles. I think I have a possum problem but that's another story.

shilala 06-30-2010 07:28 AM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens

Originally Posted by rack04 (Post 903265)
When you all saying "dusted" veggies what product are you referring to? Up until now I haven't had a problem with insects but I would like to know what products are safe to use on edibles. I think I have a possum problem but that's another story.

I don't use powder, I use spray because I feel it works a lot better and it doesn't leave residue on the plants, and it doesn't block sunlight.
It doesn't look pretty, either.
Tons of people use the powder, I think mostly cause it's easy to sprinkle on. You don't have to load a sprayer and everything. My garden is big enough that if I want to get any effect, I have to load a sprayer.
It's just preference, really. Like cigars. :)
Oh yeah, they do have a little spray bottle with pre-mixed Sevin now. I bought one awhile back and I use it to spot kill stuff. I refill it myself. I mostly wanted it cause it was a bright red bottle and it makes it easy to find. :D

shilala 06-30-2010 07:30 AM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens

Originally Posted by HK3- (Post 903260)
Took a newer photo of my tomato plants yesterday. I enjoy looking at the change week to week. That vine is slowly taking over my shed!!!!!

Haliburtage, your tomatoes are gonna be red in no time.
My plan is to raid your garden while you're on vacation.

rack04 06-30-2010 07:33 AM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
I removed a couple of sad looking rose bushes and I can't stand looking at empty beds. Are there any veggies and/or spices that can I can plant this time of the season? This summer we will see many 100 degree days and the spot I will plant gets majority shade.

HK3- 06-30-2010 08:07 AM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 903271)
Haliburtage, your tomatoes are gonna be red in no time.
My plan is to raid your garden while you're on vacation.

:r My dad and dogs will be guarding my veggies!

HK3- 06-30-2010 08:08 AM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens

Originally Posted by rack04 (Post 903265)
When you all saying "dusted" veggies what product are you referring to? Up until now I haven't had a problem with insects but I would like to know what products are safe to use on edibles. I think I have a possum problem but that's another story.


Originally Posted by shilala (Post 903270)
I don't use powder, I use spray because I feel it works a lot better and it doesn't leave residue on the plants, and it doesn't block sunlight.
It doesn't look pretty, either.
Tons of people use the powder, I think mostly cause it's easy to sprinkle on. You don't have to load a sprayer and everything. My garden is big enough that if I want to get any effect, I have to load a sprayer.
It's just preference, really. Like cigars. :)
Oh yeah, they do have a little spray bottle with pre-mixed Sevin now. I bought one awhile back and I use it to spot kill stuff. I refill it myself. I mostly wanted it cause it was a bright red bottle and it makes it easy to find. :D

I do the dust because I'm too lazy to mix and spray. Scotts right though, the powder is a mess so if you go that route don't dust heavily in one spot! :tu

shilala 06-30-2010 08:13 AM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens

Originally Posted by HK3- (Post 903325)
:r My dad and dogs will be guarding my veggies!

Means nothing, I'm a ninja.

HK3- 06-30-2010 08:19 AM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 903330)

Yes you are. ;)

Mr B 06-30-2010 09:40 AM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 903330)


bigswol2 06-30-2010 03:24 PM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
Great looking gardens guys!

BC-Axeman 07-06-2010 10:21 AM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
I have this houseplant, it's a Dracena fragrans.
It's called a "corn plant" in the house plant trade. This one is about 20 years old. It gets too tall and breaks sometimes. Then we stick the broken branch into another pot or back in this same pot and it will grow.
A couple of days ago my wife asked me if I had noticed the flowers on this plant. I had not. I looked up and saw these.
None had opened yet, though. Now that they are opening it is obvious why they are called "fragrans". Intense lily smell, beautiful but overpowering in the evening. We might have to cut it off if it gets much stronger. It looks like it will be opening for a while.

HK3- 07-16-2010 07:42 AM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
Bump for the gardens.

Picking tomatoes like crazy down here. So far I've managed to fill two large mixing bowls with them.

My vine that was climbing my shed fell down after a storm earlier in the week. I had to hack some of the vines off and prop it back up so it will keep growing. Everyday it latches onto my pepper plants and I have to remove them. Note to self- Don't plant vines close to the veggies! :td

mmblz 07-16-2010 08:34 AM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
2 Attachment(s)
the only thing we have resembling a garden so far is a big field of buckwheat.
this was all weeds / wild grass / stones / branches / roots.
growing buckwheat to improve the soil, then hopefully planting lawn this fall.
tilling it under tomorrow for the second crop of buckwheat...

BC-Axeman 07-16-2010 10:05 AM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
My new soil is so porous that it dries out quickly. A great hassle. The pumpkins, squash and melons are taking off. The regular green cukes are looking good but the lemon ones aren't. It has only just the last few days gotten hot enough to start setting tomatoes so we'll see how that goes. I lined all the paths with weedblock and covered them in gravel and finished the french drain (for the rainy season) this last weekend. My back still hurts. Pics when I can get to them.
I was going to put up a garden webcam with something like half hour updates. I have the camera and the site but not the time.

BC-Axeman 07-19-2010 10:28 AM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
I think this whole thing will be much better next year.

BC-Axeman 07-29-2010 08:22 AM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
I finally got a soil test kit. It tests N-P-K on a scale of 0-4, Depleted to Surplus.
My results are:
Nitrogen 2, adequate but most plants want more
Phosphorus 3.5, plenty
Potassium (K) 0-1, barely readable, big problem
Soil ph is 7.4
How do I fix this?

mmblz 07-29-2010 08:45 AM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by mmblz (Post 918204)
the only thing we have resembling a garden so far is a big field of buckwheat.
this was all weeds / wild grass / stones / branches / roots.
growing buckwheat to improve the soil, then hopefully planting lawn this fall.
tilling it under tomorrow for the second crop of buckwheat...


HK3- 07-29-2010 08:47 AM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
Still eating lots of maters down here. Having to throw some out because we can't eat them fast enough. Picked my first three habaneros yesterday. :dr <--- mouth on fire

BC-Axeman 08-03-2010 01:52 PM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
I just received a note from a local tomato grower that there is a problem with the Tomato Russet Mite in this area this year. A nasty critter that is probably why my potatoes up and wilted suddenly. I am going to take a close look with a lens and find out.

mmblz 08-03-2010 01:55 PM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens

Originally Posted by mmblz (Post 933105)

our damn (brand new) tractor keeps having problems.
didn't get enough front weights to use the tiller
fuses blew a few times while trying to till, then stopped long enough to finish front yard.
tiller was apparently installed wrong so it broke the pto shaft
then traction assist or whatever it is called got stuck on, so mowing was tearing up the lawn on turns
now fuses blow so often we can't get anything done.
tractor back at dealer :(

BC-Axeman 08-03-2010 02:10 PM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
How much power on the tractor? It looks small for a tiller. But then I have an 8hp walk behind that tills a 2ft swath OK.

mmblz 08-03-2010 02:20 PM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
27 hp
John Deere dealer recommended and sold us the tiller...

BC-Axeman 08-03-2010 02:56 PM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
There should be a shear pin that shears before the shaft snaps. Or a slip clutch link.

I hope it comes back from the shop in good to go shape.

mmblz 08-03-2010 03:21 PM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens

Originally Posted by BC-Axeman (Post 939952)
There should be a shear pin that shears before the shaft snaps. Or a slip clutch link.

I hope it comes back from the shop in good to go shape.

yup, theory is the slip clutch was not set up right.

still no clue what's with the fuses.

hoping our problems are over after this round - we bought a deere in hopes it would "just work"

BC-Axeman 08-09-2010 09:10 PM

Re: Let's see those '10 gardens
I used a microscope on my potato and tomato leaves and verified I have Tomato Russet Mites. So small yet so harmful. There is an organic seed extract from the Neem tree that is supposed to control these. $7 a treatment. Repeat every week. It also works on powder mildew which is hitting my squash and melons bad right now. This is the most challenging year I have had yet. My corn is dwarfed by the total lack of potassium. Everything is slowed down by the unusual cold summer. I can't wait until next year.

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