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kugie 02-06-2010 07:25 AM

Re: *Storm of 2009 Pictures*

Originally Posted by Rabidsquirrel (Post 689491)
Last night:

Been there done that

BigFrank 02-06-2010 08:19 AM

Re: *Storm of 2009 Pictures*
Just got back inside from playing in the snow with my oldest son. I didnt get a measurement as the snow is still falling. But 3 feet would be a low ball number easily.

hotreds 02-06-2010 08:24 AM

Re: *Storm of 2009 Pictures*

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 689207)
Seth, did you man "locos" or locals?:D

local locos!

Sauer Grapes 02-06-2010 09:48 AM

Re: *Storm of 2009 Pictures*

it doesn't look like you guys got much more than us so far. Still falling though. I say we got less than a foot and a half here so far. Drifts much higher though. Damn power is out, but wife and I went for a walk, right down the middle of the street.

Better save my phone battery now.

secretsquirrel 02-06-2010 09:57 AM

Re: *Storm of 2009 Pictures*
We Got about a foot that a good amount for around cincinnati area

Rabidsquirrel 02-06-2010 10:57 AM

Re: *Storm of 2009 Pictures*
About 15 inches here so far.

Ratters 02-06-2010 12:41 PM

Re: *Storm of 2009 Pictures*
Hey, we had almost a quarter inch of rain last night. I think the temp even dropped to the upper forties. Whew.


dunng 02-06-2010 12:44 PM

Re: *Storm of 2009 Pictures*
From my brother in MD...

cort 02-06-2010 12:47 PM

Re: *Storm of 2009 Pictures*
It's been pouring rain here all day. It's even 58* right now:td

Don Fernando 02-06-2010 01:01 PM

Re: *Storm of 2009 Pictures*
send some of that to Florida, they deserve some snow.

ScottishSmoker 02-06-2010 01:56 PM

Re: *Storm of 2009 Pictures*

Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 749755)
send some of that to Florida, they deserve some snow.

Not until after February 14th...thats when I fly back to my safe place of no snow fall...

BobbyRitz 02-06-2010 04:48 PM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
1st pass:

Hopefully the last:

Mark C 02-06-2010 05:20 PM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
^ That looks about right. Too many drifts around me to get a 'true' number, but I think we ended up around 26".

Resipsa 02-06-2010 06:09 PM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics

Originally Posted by BobbyRitz (Post 750024)

P******y......get out your shovel brother:r

floydpink 02-06-2010 07:03 PM

Re: *Storm of 2009 Pictures*

Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 749755)
send some of that to Florida, they deserve some snow.

God forbid. Not a snowblower within 500 miles.

n3uka 02-06-2010 07:25 PM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
Pity my big truck is waiting for a part. Would have been a blast.

Phiberglass 02-06-2010 07:33 PM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
Just getting rain over here, Southern California.

RGD. 02-06-2010 09:23 PM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
This was the forecast for the east coast:



n3uka 02-07-2010 11:13 AM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
As I was about to head out to shovel, 3 guys knocked on the door to ask if I wanted them to do it. Best $50 I spent all week. Dam corner house. 250' of sidewalk can be a pain.

Snow plow was nice to put a 5' wall of snow in front of blazer

Since no shoveling had time to play with the pooch

Did someone say BACON! :r

Sauer Grapes 02-07-2010 12:25 PM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics

Says our BOTL in Leesburg, VA got 34.5"!

Sauer Grapes 02-08-2010 01:49 PM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
They updated this week's forecast...

yourchoice 02-08-2010 10:06 PM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
So who is ready for round 3? Ugh.
Posted via Mobile Device

SNKBYT 02-09-2010 04:22 AM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
thought you snow bound guys could use a laugh

December 8 6:00 PM
It started to snow. The first snow of the season and
The wife and I took our cocktails and sat for hours by
The window watching the huge soft flakes drift down
From heaven.. It looked like a Grandma Moses print. So
Romantic we felt like newlyweds again. I love snow!

December 9
We woke to a beautiful blanket of crystal white snow
Covering every inch of the landscape. What a fantastic
Sight! Can there be a more lovely place in
The whole world? Moving here was the best idea I've
Ever had!
Shoveled for the first time in years and felt like a
Boy again. I did both our driveway and the sidewalks.
This afternoon the snowplow came along and covered
Up the sidewalks and closed in the driveway, so I got
To shovel again. What a perfect life!

December 12
The sun has melted all our lovely snow. Such a
Disappointment! My neighbor tells me not to worry-
We'll definitely have a white Christmas. No snow on
Christmas would be awful! Bob says we'll have so much
Snow by the end of winter, that I'll never want to see
Snow again. I don't think that's possible. Bob is such
A nice man, I'm glad he's our neighbor.

December 14
Snow, lovely snow! 8 inches last night. The
Temperature dropped to -20. The cold makes everything
Sparkle so. The wind took my breath away, but I warmed
Up by shoveling the driveway and sidewalks. This is
The life! The snowplow came back this afternoon and
Buried everything again. I didn't
Realize I would have to do quite this much shoveling,
But I'll certainly get back in shape this way. I wish
I wouldn't huff and puff so.

December 15
20 inches forecast. Sold my van and bought a 4x4
Blazer. Bought snow tires for the wife's car and 2
Extra shovels. Stocked the freezer. The wife wants
A wood stove in case the electricity goes out. I think
that's silly. We aren't in Alaska, after all.

December 16
Ice storm this morning. Fell on my ass on the ice in
the driveway putting down salt. Hurt like hell. The
Wife laughed for an hour, which I think was very

December 17
Still way below freezing. Roads are too icy to go
Anywhere. Electricity was off for 5 hours. I had to
Pile the blankets on to stay warm. Nothing to do but
Stare at the wife and try not to irritate her. Guess I
Should've bought a wood stove, but won't admit it to
Her. God I hate it when she's right. I can't believe
I'm freezing to death in my own living room.

December 20
Electricity is back on, but had another 14 inches of
The damn stuff last night. More shoveling! Took all
Day. The damn snowplow came by twice.
Tried to find a neighbor kid to shovel, but they said
They're too busy playing hockey. I think they're
Called the only hardware store around to see about
Buying a snow blower and they're out. Might have
Another shipment in March. I think they're lying. Bob
Says I have to shovel or the city will have it done
And bill me. I think he's lying.

December 22
Bob was right about a white Christmas because 13 more
Inches of the white s*it fell today, and it's so cold,
It probably won't melt till August. Took me 45 minutes
To get all dressed up to go out to shovel and then I
Had to piss. By the time I got undressed, pissed and
Dressed again. I was too tired to shovel. Tried to
Hire Bob who has a plow on his truck for the rest of
The winter, but he says he's too busy. I think the
Asshole is lying.

December 23
Only 2 inches of snow today. And it warmed up to 0.
The wife wanted me to decorate the front of the house
This morning. What is she, nuts?!!
Why didn't she tell me to do that a month ago? She
Says she did but I think she's lying.

December 24
6 inches - Snow packed so hard by snowplow, I broke
The shovel. Thought I was having a heart attack. If I
Ever catch the son of a bit*h who drives that snow
Plow, I'll drag him through the snow by his balls and
Beat him to death with my broken shovel. I know he
Hides around the corner and waits for me to finish
Shoveling and then he comes down the street at a 100
Miles an hour and throws snow all over where I've just
Been! Tonight the wife wanted me to sing Christmas
Carols with her and open our presents, but I was too
busy watching for the damn snowplow.

December 25
Merry f---ing Christmas! 20 more inches of the damn
slop tonight - Snowed in
The idea of shoveling makes my blood boil. God, I hate
the snow!
Then the snowplow driver came by asking for a donation
and I hit him over the head with my shovel. The wife
says I have a bad attitude. I think she's a fricking
idiot. If I have to watch "It's A Wonderful Life" one
more time, I'm going to stuff her into the microwave.

December 26
Still snowed in. Why the hell did I ever move here? It
was all HER idea.
She's really getting on my nerves.

December 27
Temperature dropped to -30 and the pipes froze;
plumber came after 14 hours of waiting for him, he
only charged me $1,400 to replace all my pipes.

December 28
Warmed up to above -20.. Still snowed in. The bi*ch is
driving me crazy!!!

December 29
10 more inches. Bob says I have to shovel the roof or
it could cave in. That's the silliest thing I ever
heard. How dumb does he think I am?

December 30
Roof caved in. I beat up the snow plow driver, and now
he is suing me for a million dollars, not only for the
beating I gave him, but also for trying to shove the
broken snow shovel up his ass. The wife went home to
her mother.
Nine more inches predicted.

December 31
I set fire to what's left of the house. No more

January 8
Feel so good. I just love those little white pills
they keep giving me. Why am I tied to the bed?

68TriShield 02-09-2010 04:26 AM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
:tt funny.

tuxpuff 02-09-2010 07:40 AM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
haha good one Alex!

The Postman 02-09-2010 05:50 PM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
Thats hilarious!!! You guys are posting great pics, I really like the one of the doggy romping in the snow. Our little dog takes one step into it, and then its back into the house for her.

Steve 02-09-2010 06:06 PM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics

Originally Posted by RGD. (Post 750336)
This was the forecast for the east coast:


BigFrank 02-09-2010 06:44 PM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
Snowing again here right now. They are saying another 18-22inches...

Steve 02-10-2010 09:18 AM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
I don't know when or where this was taken (a friend passed this along), but this is just ridiculous, wrong cold!

I think I would head SOUTH!!!

Looking at it I'm not convinced it's not photochopped. Look at the boats in the background...but it's still just plain wrong :D

68TriShield 02-10-2010 12:52 PM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
Mack manning the snow blower..

Stog-a-Boy 02-10-2010 01:12 PM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics

Rabidsquirrel 02-10-2010 01:48 PM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
Most of the weekend snow compacted down to about 10" overall. The winds haven't really picked up yet. Here's a picture about an hour ago:

SNKBYT 02-10-2010 04:05 PM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
did he have to plow the the street afterwards?..........glad I moved ;s

Stog-a-Boy 02-10-2010 04:09 PM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics

BigFrank 02-10-2010 04:21 PM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
Loving the pics there Evan. Much the same here. I'm maybe 20 minutes south of you...

ChasDen 02-10-2010 09:25 PM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
Great pics :tu

We got a foot and a half here in OH over the weekend and another 6 the last 24 hours. I had to go dig out the same daughter twice in one day Sunday. The second time she was stuck in a frozen tire track on flat ground. :bh

Man I am sick of this, this year :(


Rabidsquirrel 02-11-2010 05:57 AM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
The tent covering my '67 mustang collapsed... Can't wait to get over there and deal with that mess.

white_s2k 02-11-2010 06:05 AM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
Got about 1/2 inch this morning here in Dallas. Everyone is FREAKING OUT!!! :r :r

macpappy 02-11-2010 07:05 AM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
All this snow is what happens when Hell freezes over and the Saints win the Superbowl.

They are forecasting 2 - 4 inches of snow in the area north of New Orleans for tonight.

SNOW! It's why I live down here and not in Washington State.

Steve 02-11-2010 07:48 AM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
Just remember, GLOBAL WARMING :ss

Stay warm and safe everyone!

TripleF 02-11-2010 08:03 AM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
Call me strange, but I love blizzards.....only wish I were there to help unburry you all.

St. Lou Stu 02-11-2010 09:42 AM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics

Originally Posted by TripleF (Post 755449)
Call me strange, but I love blizzards.....only wish I were there to help unburry you all.

Me too buddy!
Pecan Cluster is my favorite flavor! :r

Steve 02-11-2010 10:09 AM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
I prefer the Oreo myself...

acruce 02-11-2010 11:53 AM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
Just south of Dallas, expecting 6 inches . My daughter and the snowman we just made . It would be her first one we have had a chance to make.

Tombstone 02-11-2010 12:15 PM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
Where in the world is Al Gore?

macpappy 02-11-2010 12:29 PM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
I know I live in the south and normally it doesn't get that cold down here but I can sympathize with many of you because I spent six years in Washington State, 3 years in New Jersey and 3 years on Governors Island in NY Harbor. I also spent 28 months on an icebreaker. I think I know cold.

That being said, it is "raining" ice crystal outside my window. I went outside a short time ago and there was a small squirrel sitting on the hood of my truck eating a nut. The engine was still warm.

Titan410 02-12-2010 07:56 PM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
When I retire I'm moving South. The pics are from South of Baltimore in Anne Arundel County.

Rabidsquirrel 02-13-2010 06:18 AM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics

Originally Posted by Titan410 (Post 757439)
When I retire I'm moving South. The pics are from South of Baltimore in Anne Arundel County.

Won't do you any good. Saw on the weather channel last night 49 out of 50 states have snow right now.

joeobx 02-13-2010 06:58 AM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics
1 Attachment(s)
I left my house Friday morning at 530 for work and returned Thursday night 730. They took it easy on us this time only put in 104 hrs by Friday night at 4.This in one of our trucks that got stuck over night Wednesday night

Sailchaser 02-13-2010 07:04 AM

Re: *Storm of 09 Blizzard of 2010 Pics

Originally Posted by joeobx (Post 757913)
I left my house Friday morning at 530 for work and returned Thursday night 730. They took it easy on us this time only put in 104 hrs by Friday night at 4.This in one of our trucks that got stuck over night Wednesday night

Thanks for sharing the shot and for your efforts to help everyone out by working so hard

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