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landhoney 04-20-2010 03:06 PM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!

Originally Posted by Kreth (Post 833456)
Mad TV has been done for a while now. Wanda Sykes has the 11:00 slot on Fox. In one segment, she has a roundtable with 3 guests where they discuss a current news event. It's usually pretty funny.
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I have not caught the show, but do not care for Sykes. Don't you find her comedy predictable? Same kind of jokes, theme, etc?

Kreth 04-20-2010 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by landhoney (Post 833661)
I have not caught the show, but do not care for Sykes. Don't you find her comedy predictable? Same kind of jokes, theme, etc?

I think she's funnier when she's not restricted by network TV, but so far, I've enjoyed the new show.
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icehog3 04-25-2010 10:47 PM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!
Seth Meyers was the only thing even remotely funny last night, even my girl Wiig let me down...and that host was the worst since Steven Segal. :td

MedicCook 04-25-2010 10:50 PM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!
I tried to watch a little but could not handle 'Precious'.

icehog3 04-25-2010 10:50 PM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!

Originally Posted by MedicCook (Post 839768)
I tried to watch a little but could not handle 'Precious'.

Weekend update actually made me laugh out loud 3 times. I didn't even smile the rest of the show, and Precious' triceps made me gag.

MedicCook 04-25-2010 10:53 PM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!
I turned it off after the 'digital short' with the cherries. Comedy does not include Precious' cherry.

icehog3 04-25-2010 10:58 PM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!

Originally Posted by MedicCook (Post 839773)
I turned it off after the 'digital short' with the cherries. Comedy does not include Precious' cherry.

Worst. Digital. Short. Ever.

You should have recorded it, Weekend Update was worth scrolling through the crap for.

Kreth 04-26-2010 06:06 AM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!
I watched Dr. Who outwit the Judoon and a Plasmavore, and called it a night by midnight.
Posted via Mobile Device

OLS 04-26-2010 07:55 AM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 839771)
and Precious' triceps made me gag.

Hahahahaha, it was like TWO LEGS hanging off her shoulders, right one where the left should be
and vice versa. Now there is nothing funny about that, but it sure had a major effect on me.
Your arch-ememy Armisen really hit new lows with the Danish Sinatra show thing. God is he
tough to watch. But he seems to be the lead player in alot of situations, with the rest just
supporting him. Even in staging, he is way upstage. On the bright side, it looks like McGRUBER
is going to be pretty good. At least over the top if not predictable. Val Kilmer, Powers Booth.

landhoney 04-26-2010 10:02 AM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 839771)
and Precious' triceps made me gag.

Yeah, but I bet you wish your triceps were that big. :r Heck, I wish my biceps were that big. ;)

icehog3 04-26-2010 10:42 AM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!

Originally Posted by landhoney (Post 840119)
Yeah, but I bet you wish your triceps were that big. :r Heck, I wish my biceps were that big. ;)

My LEGS ain't even that big, Seth! ;)

Kreth 05-07-2010 03:12 PM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!
So the last few weeks I've been watching Dr. Who, but I'll have to watch tomorrow night when Betty White hosts. :tu
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Kreth 05-09-2010 09:15 AM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!
Some thoughts on last night:
Other than the cold open, very little Armisen. :tu
Betty White was hilarious, but had a few flat spots, notably the Scared Straight sketch with Kenan.
I could have done without Jay-Z's extended "greatest hits" medley. And who was the Sting Mini-Me that came out for his second performance?
It was nice to see all the former cast members who haven't done anything since leaving SNL (except Tina Fey).
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icehog3 05-09-2010 10:22 AM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!
I thought the Betty White / Tina Fey Census sketch was the funniest thing SNL has done all year. :r

Kreth 05-09-2010 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 853401)
I thought the Betty White / Tina Fey Census sketch was the funniest thing SNL has done all year. :r

Definitely a highlight. The digital short was pretty funny too: "Happy Mother's Day, motherf***ers!" :r
Posted via Mobile Device

icehog3 05-09-2010 10:31 AM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!

Originally Posted by Kreth (Post 853406)
Definitely a highlight. The digital short was pretty funny too: "Happy Mother's Day, motherf***ers!" :r
Posted via Mobile Device

And when she asked McGruber "Are you out of your f***ing mind?" :r

icehog3 05-09-2010 10:32 AM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!
And I still think Maya Rudolph is hot. ;)

Kreth 05-09-2010 10:39 AM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!
I think my favorite was Delicious Dish, aka the Dusty Muffin. :r
Posted via Mobile Device

Kreth 05-09-2010 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 853410)
And I still think Maya Rudolph is hot. ;)

It was cool to see her on WU as Whitney Houston. I always thought that was one of her best characters.
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jonharky 05-09-2010 10:45 AM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!
I have it dvr'd looking forward to watching it today

Eleven 05-09-2010 01:22 PM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!
Other than playing Beer Pong with Jimmy Fallon and grabbing Sandra Bullocks boobs, exactly why is everyone on the Betty White bandwagon these days? I surely missed something.

icehog3 05-09-2010 01:37 PM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!

Originally Posted by Eleven (Post 853496)
Other than playing Beer Pong with Jimmy Fallon and grabbing Sandra Bullocks boobs, exactly why is everyone on the Betty White bandwagon these days? I surely missed something.

Because she is almost 90 and is still relevant and funny?

Kreth 05-09-2010 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Eleven (Post 853496)
Other than playing Beer Pong with Jimmy Fallon and grabbing Sandra Bullocks boobs, exactly why is everyone on the Betty White bandwagon these days? I surely missed something.

Well, she did do a few things before that. :p
Seriously, I think a lot of her appeal is that she can play a role as saccharine as the dim-witted Rose from the Golden Girls, and then do something like the digital short from last night's SNL.
Posted via Mobile Device

Eleven 05-09-2010 03:12 PM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not hatin on Betty, I just find it odd that *now* she is the toast of the town. A couple years ago she was just another old actress. Now she is an A-lister with some sort of cult-like following.

Just wondering where it all changed.

icehog3 05-09-2010 03:23 PM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!

Originally Posted by Eleven (Post 853556)
Don't get me wrong, I'm not hatin on Betty, I just find it odd that *now* she is the toast of the town. A couple years ago she was just another old actress. Now she is an A-lister with some sort of cult-like following.

Just wondering where it all changed.

Someone had to replace Bea Arthur as the ultimate Cougar. ;)

Kreth 05-09-2010 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Eleven (Post 853556)
Don't get me wrong, I'm not hatin on Betty, I just find it odd that *now* she is the toast of the town. A couple years ago she was just another old actress. Now she is an A-lister with some sort of cult-like following.

Just wondering where it all changed.

I think it's a combination of the fact that she's still taking on new projects, and the ubiquity of social networking tools. Ten years ago, you might talk about something like last night's SNL with a half dozen people around the proverbial water cooler. Now, any moron with a blog or Facebook account can post up "OMG!!1! Betty White talks about her dusty muffin!!!!" complete with embedded video and reach hundreds of people. :2
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Kreth 05-16-2010 02:46 PM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!
Watched Dr. Who last night (Daleks FTW!), then switched over to SNL at midnight. Caught Tom Petty, a bit of WU, then Armisen and Wiig came on doing that stupid sketch where they adlib nonsense songs. Click.
Posted via Mobile Device

icehog3 05-16-2010 02:55 PM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!
After a one week respite, SNL was back to sucking, even with Baldwin hosting. I laughed once in 90 minutes, near the end of the "Hooker with a Heart" sketch.

MedicCook 05-16-2010 09:58 PM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!
They definately peaked with Betty White.

Kreth 05-17-2010 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by MedicCook (Post 860856)
They definately peaked with Betty White.

I think Lorne Michaels knew she'd be a tough act to follow, and tried to pull out the big guns. Unfortunately, not every Baldwin show has a Pete Shweddy sketch.
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OLS 05-17-2010 06:24 AM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!
I think they often try too hard to "blue" out a squeaky-clean host. It was as if every
sketch they had Betty White in had some kind of a curse word bleeped out. It's funny
a few times, but it got old fast. Of course, that's what they do best, right?

icehog3 05-17-2010 09:14 AM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!

Originally Posted by Kreth (Post 861019)
I think Lorne Michaels knew she'd be a tough act to follow, and tried to pull out the big guns. Unfortunately, not every Baldwin show has a Pete Shweddy sketch.
Posted via Mobile Device

Or "Canteen Boy". :r

Kreth 05-17-2010 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by OLS (Post 861037)
I think they often try too hard to "blue" out a squeaky-clean host. It was as if every
sketch they had Betty White in had some kind of a curse word bleeped out.

I guess the squeaky-clean image comes from The Golden Girls. She's always made pretty suggestive (if not quite so explicit) comments on talk shows, and in Lake Placid she was pretty foul-mouthed (about the only thing worth watching in that POS).

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 861193)
Or "Canteen Boy". :r

One of my favorites was him and Steve Martin trying to kill each other and claim the title for most times as host.
Posted via Mobile Device

MedicCook 05-17-2010 09:56 PM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!
Betty White is far from clean. Watch her on some of the Comedy Central Roast's. :r

Kreth 05-22-2010 10:13 PM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!
Once again, I watched Dr. Who, then switched to SNL. Oh cool, Tina Fey, she's pretty funny. Who the f**k is this Hansen brother wannabe in the sketch with her? And Armisen. Ugh. Well, maybe the next sketch will be better.
Commercial, then "Ladies and gentlemen, Justin Beeber (sp?)." Click.
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icehog3 05-23-2010 08:54 AM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!
I saw the Tina Fey episode the first time it aired. Regardless of how cute she is, I wasn't going to put myself through that 90 minutes a second time.

Kreth 05-23-2010 09:02 AM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!
You remember on Beavis and Butthead how a crappy video would come on, and they would just sit there staring at the TV with these horrified looks on their faces? That was me when the "musical" number started, for about 30 seconds, then I dove for the remote to change the channel. :r
Posted via Mobile Device

MedicCook 05-23-2010 09:10 AM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!

icehog3 05-23-2010 09:10 AM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!

Originally Posted by Kreth (Post 866928)
You remember on Beavis and Butthead how a crappy video would come on, and they would just sit there staring at the TV with these horrified looks on their faces? That was me when the "musical" number started, for about 30 seconds, then I dove for the remote to change the channel. :r
Posted via Mobile Device

That's because you aren't a 12 year old girl, Jeff. :r

MedicCook 05-23-2010 09:15 AM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!

Kreth 05-23-2010 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by MedicCook (Post 866942)

Depositories :r:r:r
Posted via Mobile Device

MedicCook 05-23-2010 09:34 PM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!

Originally Posted by Kreth (Post 866970)
Depositories :r:r:r
Posted via Mobile Device

I love B&B.

icehog3 06-14-2010 09:51 PM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!
Maybe Fred will get a job washing cars before next season.

Kreth 06-14-2010 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 887243)
Maybe Fred will get a job washing cars before next season.

I don't get it. :confused:
I tried watching the repeat of the Baldwin episode, and got to the same spot: when Armisen and Wiig started crapping up WU with that stupid sketch ad-libbing nonsense songs. And when did Tom Petty turn into Bob Dylan?
Posted via Mobile Device

icehog3 06-14-2010 10:16 PM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!

Originally Posted by kreth (Post 887285)
i don't get it. :confused:
I tried watching the repeat of the baldwin episode, and got to the same spot: When armisen and wiig started crapping up wu with that stupid sketch ad-libbing nonsense songs. and when did tom petty turn into bob dylan?
posted via mobile device

2002. ;)

MedicCook 06-14-2010 10:16 PM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!
Tom Petty rules.

icehog3 05-14-2011 10:28 PM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!

Kreth 05-14-2011 10:38 PM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!
I lasted until WU, and the appearance of the duo I like to call Garth and *click* :r
Posted via Mobile Device

icehog3 05-14-2011 10:40 PM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!

Originally Posted by Kreth (Post 1262975)
I lasted until WU, and the appearance of the duo I like to call Garth and *click* :r
Posted via Mobile Device

That's what prompted the pic. ;)

OLS 05-15-2011 12:17 PM

Re: Fred Armisen Must Die!
You know Kreth, I used to come into this thread and think, "Boy, who crapped in his corn flakes?". I find F.A. annoying,
but he's not really THAT bad. Yes, he is....and last night really put the cherry on top. can tolerate a lot of stuff that
idiot does, but that garth and kat thing is the weakest, lamest, most annoying schtick I have ever seen in 30 years of
SNL. Just awful. I muted the TV and surfed the web for 7-8 minutes. What's worse is he will probably stay FOREVER.

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