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Paint 10-04-2009 10:49 AM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's

Originally Posted by VirtualSmitty (Post 582085)
I like the way you have continued to bump your own thread and the mature way in which it has developed. Tark may say your not a newbie but you sure act like one. If you have nothing to learn about our hobby and have all the answers, why even bother to come here?

Look, no one is saying the wrapper doesn't matter. Neither Greg nor I implied that wrapper doesn't matter. It plays a part in the blend for sure and changing it does have an effect on the taste. But when talking about thick RG cigars the change is much more subtle because of the size and isn't as drastic as what you are saying. Maybe the filler in the 601s is tweaked across the line, I don't know honestly, but if you take the same filler blend and stick a different wrapper on it the changes aren't going to be very significant.

Why do you think so many people here start shifting to smaller RG cigars? It couldn't possibly be because you taste more of the wrappers flavor could it!? :confused::confused:

Feel free to continue your sandwich banter now :rolleyes:

Wow that was very enlightening...Thanks for the explanation on the real deal on wrappers. Glad you set Red straight. I need to pay more attention on this site so many knowledgeable cigar guys on here willing to help out a newb.

VirtualSmitty 10-04-2009 10:54 AM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's

Originally Posted by Paint (Post 582183)
Wow that was very enlightening...Thanks for the explanation on the real deal on wrappers. Glad you set Red straight. I need to pay more attention on this site so many knowledgeable cigar guys on here willing to help out a newb.

Try it sometime. Swap the wrappers off two cigars you like that have different wrapper leafs and tell me you much of a difference you notice :tu

Paint 10-04-2009 11:03 AM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's

Originally Posted by VirtualSmitty (Post 582194)
Try it sometime. Swap the wrappers off two cigars you like that have different wrapper leafs and tell me you much of a difference you notice :tu

I wont do that with cigars i like ,i cant roll them back up. Why do all the 601's taste so different ,if they are only different by the wrappers? Has to be something too that!

VirtualSmitty 10-04-2009 11:16 AM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's

Originally Posted by Paint (Post 582215)
I wont do that with cigars i like ,i cant roll them back up. Why do all the 601's taste so different ,if they are only different by the wrappers? Has to be something too that!

Why not? It's not that hard and you might learn something from it. Like I said earlier before this this thread became sandwich banter, I don't know about the 601 blends, there could well be differences in the blend. Greg mentioned they were all the same, i've never smoked one so I can't be sure. All i'm trying to do is point out that the wrapper doesn't have as much impact on the flavor as what red is saying on thick RG cigars. It contributes to the flavor but it doesn't dominate it. If your not willing to try it for yourself, next time your at a herf do a blind taste test and see how well you do.

pnoon 10-04-2009 11:17 AM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's
There seems to be a trend, evident in this thread, of turning a serious discussion about cigars into meaningless drivel. Some folks are repeat offenders and have certainly gained some unwanted attention. An occasional joke or diversion is fun but if the salient points are drowned out, the value of any informations is lost.

Keep this one on track or it's done.

ChicagoWhiteSox 10-04-2009 11:22 AM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 582231)
There seems to be a trend, evident in this thread, of turning a serious discussion about cigars into meaningless drivel. Some folks are repeat offenders and have certainly gained some unwanted attention. An occasional joke or diversion is fun but if the salient points are drowned out, the value of any informations is lost.

Keep this one on track or it's done.


itsme_timd 10-04-2009 11:46 AM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's
I am fairly new to CA, but not new to cigars or the forums. There have been a LOT of people on here that have been very friendly, welcoming and generous to me here - a lot of great folks here for sure. But I have to wonder why some FOGs on forums feel the need to call "n00b" if the person is someone they don't personally know? Or why do they feel their opinion holds any more merit than the others?

The initial responses from both NCRadioMan and pnoon were condescending and sarcastic. Smitty seemed to be discussing the topic but then comes on to yell NOOB!

pnoon, when Red said to try the wrapper test yourself your reply was to say "that settles it" and then toss in a :rolleyes: for good measure. Why? Red made a good point. If the 601's all have the exact same blend, and the wrappers make very little difference, then why do the 601's all taste so different from each other? Seems like a pretty darn good question to me.

Three years in the business is really not that long, I've been in my industry for 10 years now and I've still got plenty to learn. I know B&M owners that have been in the business for 15-20 years, and they still ask me things. Not that I know MORE than they do, but I may know something DIFFERENT than they do - we learn from each other.

The thread went into chicken and sandwich 'drivel' because a couple of the FOGs here made it clear that the opinions of the n00bs we're invalid. Red made a statement in his OP, some didn't agree with it, but the conversation was going fine until a couple people got sarcastic and started calling names - and it wasn't the noob that did it.

Red 10-04-2009 11:47 AM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's
Wrappers are 100% of the flavor I don't care what you say LOL ...that's what I've been saying the whole time cuz I'm dumb and ignorant and that's what I really believe. If you take the wrapper off the cigar then has zero flavor. Infact I think all cigars are the same binder and filler And the only thing different is the wrappers ..I'm done now with this thread... Thx for your time
Posted via Mobile Device

Tarks 10-04-2009 11:48 AM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's
Well said Tim.

pnoon 10-04-2009 11:51 AM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's

Originally Posted by itsme_timd (Post 582265)
I am fairly new to CA, but not new to cigars or the forums. There have been a LOT of people on here that have been very friendly, welcoming and generous to me here - a lot of great folks here for sure. But I have to wonder why some FOGs on forums feel the need to call "n00b" if the person is someone they don't personally know? Or why do they feel their opinion holds any more merit than the others?

The initial responses from both NCRadioMan and pnoon were condescending and sarcastic. Smitty seemed to be discussing the topic but then comes on to yell NOOB!

pnoon, when Red said to try the wrapper test yourself your reply was to say "that settles it" and then toss in a :rolleyes: for good measure. Why? Red made a good point. If the 601's all have the exact same blend, and the wrappers make very little difference, then why do the 601's all taste so different from each other? Seems like a pretty darn good question to me.

Much can be lost in internet communication. My reply was in response to Red's statement that "wrapper makes a HUGE difference. Plain and simple" I found that to be a rather condescending statement. Hence my reply. Red's no expert. Nor am I. But I do recognize when someone purports to have the answer to the exclusion of other opinions.


Jbailey 10-04-2009 11:53 AM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's

Originally Posted by NCRadioMan (Post 581879)
Yes, the wrapper can make a slight difference in taste (50rg and under) but not strength. And for the record, I don' think the 601 green isn't that spicy as compared to the corojo Red 601. A little more rich with the oscuro than anything. It's that subjective and taste thing. That's just my opinion after being in the industry for 3 years.

I do believe taste is subjective. If I had to break down the 601 line from mild to strong it would be Blue, Black, Red, Green. I got a few different 601's that I'm tempted to swap some wrappers around. The RG does have a lot to do when it comes to the wrapper. The San Cristobal line is a great example since it's the same blend across the board except the "Guajiro" which has a different one. So taste and compare some different size San Cristobal's and it might be a surprise.

After working at a cigar shop for a few years and getting to know the regulars really well it's interesting how some people pick up different flavors or gravitate towards certain cigars. I had smokers that either smoked the whole 601 line to just one from the line.

Another one to discuss would be the Padron base line which I believe is the same blend. Comparing the natural to the maduro there is a small difference in flavor.

Red 10-04-2009 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 582274)
Much can be lost in internet communication. My reply was in response to Red's statement that "wrapper makes a HUGE difference. Plain and simple" I found that to be a rather condescending statement. Hence my reply. Red's no expert. Nor am I. But I do recognize when someone purports to have the answer to the exclusion of other opinions.


Its just cuz I'm a "pnoob" and you gotta take sides with the fog's no biggiy I understand you conviction..shut er down and give me infractions
Posted via Mobile Device

pnoon 10-04-2009 12:00 PM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's

Originally Posted by Red (Post 582288)
Its just cuz I'm a "pnoob" and you gotta take sides with the fog's no biggiy I understand you conviction..shut er down and give me infractions
Posted via Mobile Device

pnoob - :r
nobody has to take sides with a FOG just because he's a FOG.
I can shut the thread down if you wish.
give you infractions-none warranted here

Red 10-04-2009 12:04 PM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's
Can we start a chicken banter...cuz that was the most fun I've had in a while :)
Posted via Mobile Device

pnoon 10-04-2009 12:06 PM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's

Originally Posted by Red (Post 582298)
Can we start a chicken banter...cuz that was the most fun I've had in a while :)
Posted via Mobile Device

Sure. But this thread is not the place for it.

Red 10-04-2009 01:23 PM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's
ok so can i ask is the padron 1926's the same blend or different... one wrapper is maduro and one is natural...they are both very different to me.

Paint 10-04-2009 01:55 PM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's

Originally Posted by Red (Post 582395)
ok so can i ask is the padron 1926's the same blend or different... one wrapper is maduro and one is natural...they are both very different to me.

Red pay attention wrappers give very little flavor.Wow you are slow.

SmoknTaz 10-04-2009 02:45 PM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's

Originally Posted by Paint (Post 582427)
Red pay attention wrappers give very little flavor.Wow you are slow.

red is being serious, let the guy speak, I'm interested in what others opinion on the 1926 are. I haven't been too impressed with these. :(

Doom 10-04-2009 02:58 PM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's
Man they're harsh on the noobs on this site.

VirtualSmitty 10-04-2009 03:00 PM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's

Originally Posted by Doom (Post 582503)
Man they harsh on the noobs on this site.

Not really. Just don't act like Red and you be good :tu

Doom 10-04-2009 03:31 PM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's

Originally Posted by VirtualSmitty (Post 582507)
Not really. Just don't act like Red and you be good :tu

Ha Ha! Yeah he's a douche!

stevieray 10-04-2009 03:53 PM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's

Originally Posted by Doom (Post 582503)
Man they're harsh on the noobs on this site.

To the contrary....this site is more tolerable than others when it comes to newer members. This site has a lot of members. Some more knowledgeable than others. Threads like these tell a lot about the types of members we have here. It seems that some of these "question" threads are anything but. More like a mish mash discussion thread about nothing with insults thrown in for good measure. The guys that have years of experience with cigars (or FOG's if you will) that can answer these questions shy away from these threads because they don't want to deal with the nonsense.

In more, post less. If newbs have a question be polite and ask. Be respectfull if someone takes the time to answer your question. Don't troll or be a post whore. We all share the same love of the leaf here. Just my :2

*** just to clarify, this is not directed at Doom, just my thoughts in general.

Doom 10-04-2009 04:03 PM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's

Originally Posted by stevieray (Post 582570)
To the contrary....this site is more tolerable than others when it comes to newer members. This site has a lot of members. Some more knowledgeable than others. Threads like these tell a lot about the types of members we have here. It seems that some of these "question" threads are anything but. More like a mish mash discussion thread about nothing with insults thrown in for good measure. The guys that have years of experience with cigars and that can answer these questions shy away from these threads because they don't want to deal with the nonsense. In more, post less. If newbs have a question be polite and ask. Be respectfull if someone takes the time to answer your question. Don't troll or be a post whore. We all share the same love of the leaf here. Just my :2

Dude I've been smoking cigars for years.
Because I just joined this forum gives you or no other the right to suggest otherwise. The point of this thread was almost immediately subverted by smarmy, know it all replies to the initial topic. I use the word "noob" because it was sarcastically applied to people who have been in the cigar community for years who posted in this thread. To me the comments that set Red going seemed to be loaded with pure elitism and that ****'s just a joke.

Doom 10-04-2009 04:05 PM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's

Originally Posted by stevieray (Post 582570)
To the contrary....this site is more tolerable than others when it comes to newer members. This site has a lot of members. Some more knowledgeable than others. Threads like these tell a lot about the types of members we have here. It seems that some of these "question" threads are anything but. More like a mish mash discussion thread about nothing with insults thrown in for good measure. The guys that have years of experience with cigars (or FOG's if you will) that can answer these questions shy away from these threads because they don't want to deal with the nonsense.

In more, post less. If newbs have a question be polite and ask. Be respectfull if someone takes the time to answer your question. Don't troll or be a post whore. We all share the same love of the leaf here. Just my :2

*** just to clarify, this is not directed at Doom, just my thoughts in general.

I posted before seeing your clarifying statement, but most still holds true.

VirtualSmitty 10-04-2009 04:12 PM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's

Originally Posted by Doom (Post 582586)
Dude I've been smoking cigars for years.
Because I just joined this forum gives you or no other the right to suggest otherwise. The point of this thread was almost immediately subverted by smarmy, know it all replies to the initial topic. I use the word "noob" because it was sarcastically applied to people who have been in the cigar community for years who posted in this thread. To me the comments that set Red going seemed to be loaded with pure elitism and that ****'s just a joke.

Wrong. I called red a newb because of his behavior here. His posts have been pretty juvenile, this thread especially. I don't care if you've been smoking cigars for 20 years, if you join a new place and act like a 16 year old with add, well expect some backlash. This isn't CO, or Puff, or CF or whatever place you've been posting on for years. Nobody here knows you, so to us your all new ;)

And i tried to play along and offer a differing viewpoint, but your buddies were pretty set in their ways and dragged the thread into mindless banter. There's no elitism, just an attempt at conversation that went south cause your buddies know it all :tu

Doom 10-04-2009 04:17 PM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's

Originally Posted by VirtualSmitty (Post 582599)
Wrong. I called red a newb because of his behavior here. His posts have been pretty juvenile, this thread especially. I don't care if you've been smoking cigars for 20 years, if you join a new place and act like a 16 year old with add, well expect some backlash. This isn't CO, or Puff, or CF or whatever place you've been posting on for years. Nobody here knows you, so to us your all new ;)

And i tried to play along and offer a differing viewpoint, but your buddies were pretty set in their ways and dragged the thread into mindless banter. There's no elitism, just an attempt at conversation that went south cause your buddies know it all :tu

I wasn't talking about you.
You seem to be a voice of reason.


Originally Posted by NCRadioMan (Post 581152)
But the only difference is the green and black is the wrapper. The wrapper can't magically make the blend mild. :confused:

This on the other hand....

Jbailey 10-04-2009 04:50 PM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's

Originally Posted by Red (Post 582395)
ok so can i ask is the padron 1926's the same blend or different... one wrapper is maduro and one is natural...they are both very different to me.

When it comes to the padron 26 it seem like the same blend to me with the different wraps on them. :2

I'm sure someone could chime in on it.

Red 10-04-2009 07:37 PM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's
i think VS is on the wrong forum..he should sign up for a guidance counslar forum and heal the ill..he is so smart with his words of wisdom..he could really change the world..maybe teach me how to spell

Tarks 10-04-2009 10:01 PM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's

Originally Posted by Red (Post 582890)
i think VS is on the wrong forum..he should sign up for a guidance counslar forum and heal the ill..he is so smart with his words of wisdom..he could really change the world..maybe teach me how to spell

I don't think anyone can teach you how to spell Red! You can't teach an old dog new tricks.

pnoon 10-04-2009 10:38 PM

Re: Connecticut Wrap's
This thread has little hope of anything positive going forward.

We're done here.

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