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WildBlueSooner 05-22-2009 04:22 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.
Awesome pics again! :tu

acarr 05-22-2009 04:36 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.
Are there any cheapo sticks at this job site?

flat6nut 05-22-2009 04:37 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.
5-21-09 cont...

Well lunch time came and I got back with a hand full of treats.

Nub Habana, which I smoke alot of. Cant wait for the Maduro Nub!
Benchmade Robusto, cheap thing the B&M girl told me to try.
San Cristobal Clasico 5x50, been wanting to try one.
Padron 7000 maduro, should be double the fun of a 3000...we will see.
Diamond Crown Figurado #6, cause its looked hella yummy!
CAO America Landmark 6x60...been wanting to try one, never had anything by CAO, might as well try one that looks cool.

So what was going to be my after lunch smoke?....The Padron 7000 of course. Are you kidding me?

$5.66? Why the heck am I spending all this money buying anni's?...cause they are great thats why! But seriously, The 7000 was really good.
I still got alot of the same flavors I get when smoking a anni. Perhaps not nearly as smooth and flavorful as a 26 or 64, but at under $6...very nice.


ECPrevatte 05-22-2009 04:41 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.
I laughed at the torches original use, and now what you use it for.

flat6nut 05-22-2009 04:47 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.
5-21-09 cont. some more...

Just for acarr, before heading home for the day I decided to try the el cheapo that the girl at the B&M said to try. I asked what she thought was a decent cigar for cheap. Benchmade Robusto I paid $2.71, and it was worth it because I did not lose out on too much money. This thing was definitely a dog stick. It is supposed to be from Ashton.

Cant really explain it, but it had the worst after taste. I chucked this thing out the window on the way home. I barely made it to the half way point. Much better than an Acid though!


flat6nut 05-22-2009 05:07 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.

Ah Friday, and a three day weekend to boot! I decided to smoke the CAO America Landmark, 6x60. First thing you notice about this stick is its cool barber pole wrapper. I also liked its size. Big, just like a double robusto. I did not get alot of smoke from it, but alot of flavor to make up for it. I would rate this as an average cigar, that I would definitely smoke again. I kept getting a hint of mint. Am I alone in this?

Well thats another week of smokes. Hopefully after the weekend my sinus infection will be better along with my taste buds. Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend.


kelmac07 05-22-2009 07:00 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.
Great pics as usual Michael...keep em coming.

Bax 05-22-2009 07:42 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.
Great thread and awesome pics!:tu

m69c44 05-22-2009 08:23 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.
Michael great pic's I felt the same way about the America Landmark not too sure of the mint thing, but yes a good smoke

kelmac07 05-22-2009 08:41 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.
I have one of the Americas sitting in the humi...keep staring at me every time I open it up. Might be time to burn em up.

flat6nut 05-28-2009 07:14 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.

Over the long weekend we went to Tampa Sweethearts to buy a few goodies. I did a review in the non cuban review section on the #500 Maduro if anyone is interested in an excellent "cheap" cigar. I am sure I will smoke one soon on the job and include it here.

I had heard alot of mixed reviews on this next cigar, but being the huge maduro fan I had to find out for myself. Camacho, Triple Maduro. First off this cigar has a great presence about it. Decent size ring guage and maduro wrapper. Not to mention its look at me silver and black band.

Well, thats about as much praise that I can give it. It was a strong cigar but it had no flavor. Now if you consider terms like earthy, and dirt, then you will more than likely love this cigar. I love full flavor cigars that are strong, but I do not want the same stagnet flavor all the way thru the cigar. I did nub it, but only because i try to give a cigar a complete chance of proving itself. For me, it never did. Sorry.

On the plus side it did give off nice smoke.


troutbreath 05-28-2009 07:23 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.
Love this thread. Really great photos.

And, I'm finding out about a TON of different sticks.

flat6nut 05-28-2009 07:38 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.

Todays first smoke was another cigar I have heard mixed reviews on, but I am constantly trying something new as everyones tastes are not the same.
San Cristobal, Clasico 5x50.

This size and shape of cigar along with having a maduro wrapper is something I am always drawn to. They fit perfect in my hands without getting in the way of work, so I had high hopes. probably had them set to high because the only thing great about these guys is the looks and the pretty band. I sure hope I smoke something new that I like soon, because this thing was a turd.
Really hard cigar to nub.

Speeking of nub...Thats waht my after lunch cigar was. Nub, Habano

Not the biggest fan of the Nubs, but the Habano is one that I will smoke about once a month. To be honest, I smoke them because they are a change from the norm and they look cool. Just another mild to slightly medium cigar that always gives me the bitter bite at the back of my tongue towards the end of the cigar. I am however really looking forward to trying the new Nub Maduros I hear are coming that some have already tried.


flat6nut 05-28-2009 07:59 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.

Took the wife to the airport this morning. She flew into Shreveport La., where she was picked up by family and driven to Jacksonville Tx. So I am pretty much the bachlor for the least while my daughter is hanging out with her friends.

I brought a few #500 maduro Tampa Sweethearts with me today, but felt like something new. So after lunch I swung by the local Tobacco Depot and bout something that caught my eye. Cusano, 59 Rare Cameroon Preferido.

Now I have seen the funky modern bands of Cusano cigars before, and they turned me off just by their looks. Once my eyes caught this good looking feller though...I just knew I was going to give it a try, and let me tell ya brothers...I am impressed! Very tasty indeed. A medium bodied cigar that packs alot of flavor. cant describe any of them (lol), but a very nice change of pace. I will be buying more of these.

Again, thanks to all who have enjoyed this thread. I promise to keep up with it, and hopefully learn how to give a proper review.


TripleF 05-28-2009 08:12 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat thread. Great idea! Great pics. Love to see the smokes and the progression of the job.

If I could hit your REPUTATION I would right now but I've given out too much in the last 24 hours. :mad:

Can't wait til we herf! :ss

joetownhound 05-28-2009 08:42 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.

Originally Posted by flat6nut (Post 387492)

Still sick but I could not resist trying another one of my Ybor purchases (I bought a few of these because I have been looking for them for awhile locally with no luck till now).

Olivas' Master Blend #3 Even though I was still not feeling perfect, the cigar tasted wonderful. Full flavor and lots of smoke. so glad I have more of these to try when I am not sick.

What a great looking cigar these things are.

I was feeling alot better today (5-18-09), and had planned on smoking an ESG to celebrate...but it was way to rainy to waste. Looks like the rain will be here all week.

Thanks everyone who has enjoyed this thread. Perhaps I can give better reviews in the future. There is always tomorrow!


How far are you from Tampa Humidor, reason I ask is because I was there today and they carry both of these cigars. They are a good retailer to find many hard to find cigars that you can't find at other retailers.

flat6nut 05-28-2009 09:06 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.

Originally Posted by joetownhound (Post 402122)
How far are you from Tampa Humidor, reason I ask is because I was there today and they carry both of these cigars. They are a good retailer to find many hard to find cigars that you can't find at other retailers.

I visit Tampa Humidor about twice a month. I actually stopped in there after leaving Ybor where I had bought the MB3. I did see them there that day, but never recall seeing them before. I really enjoy going to TH because I think they have one of the best humidors in the state, and the smell is out of this world.:tu

I live in Lutz, its just on the North side of Hillsbourgh County. Look forward to meeting you at our next herf.

joetownhound 05-28-2009 09:39 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.

Originally Posted by flat6nut (Post 402166)
I visit Tampa Humidor about twice a month. I actually stopped in there after leaving Ybor where I had bought the MB3. I did see them there that day, but never recall seeing them before. I really enjoy going to TH because I think they have one of the best humidors in the state, and the smell is out of this world.:tu

I live in Lutz, its just on the North side of Hillsbourgh County. Look forward to meeting you at our next herf.

Likewise can't wait to be able to herf again. There are two herf planned for next month if you is not aware of.

flat6nut 05-29-2009 04:04 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.

Today started off very well. Morning cigar, Tampa Sweethearts, #500 Maduro. As some of you may have already read my review of these in the non-cuban review section...nothing has changed. Every single one of these I have smoked is as good as the last. If you were blindfolded you would have no idea you were smoking a $2.14 cigar ($42.75 for a bundle of 20). :dance:

Even though these things are rolled by apprentice rollers for A. Fuente, you would not know it. Every one of them in my bundle look the exact same, and have a perfect draw. Tons of smoke, that is smooth enough to nose with every draw. I absolutely love these things...which is a bad thing for my local B&M's because I will not be smoking as many big money sticks.

The only bad thing I can think of is they do not come in any sizes larger. As soon as I nub one out, I want to lite another.

Nice burn from start to finish...and it does have a very nice finish. I brought along a 26 PAM to smoke after lunch becuase I knew nothing else was going to top what my morning smoke was. Unfortunitly I had a very rough afternoon, and did not want to waste a great smoke on such a horrid day.

Perhaps I will smoke that tomorrow since I have to work...or maybe I will smoke three TS #500 Maduros instead. ;)


Jimbo14 05-29-2009 11:58 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.
Fantastic stuff like always! Keep it comming mate!

longknocker 05-30-2009 09:09 AM

Re: Job Site Sticks.

Originally Posted by flat6nut (Post 355373)
I hope that people do not get the wrong idea about me, although I have lived my life not carring a whole lot what people thought. I am by far Mr money bags. I have been smoking cigars out of zip lock baggies for years. This past Easter my wife bought me a 25 count humi, and stuck some nice sticks into the easter basket as well (2 Ashton ESGs and 2 Perfection #4s, and a 3 count tin of perfections....I have always bought a bunch of Opus when they can be had at good prices...the prices I see on the internet are crazy high.

The way I see it is, if you are going to smoke something it might as well be good. As I continue with this thread you will definitely see some high dollar smokes enjoyed on the job site, but you will also see some good cheap smokes that are my go tos as well. Like the first one in this thread...La Fontana's are by far one of my fave smokes, and I buy them for $4.40 a stick. I only know of one place in Tampa to buy them. Fortunitly here in Tampa we have tons of places to buy cigars, and the prices are not that bad because of it.

I am currently in the process of building (in my mind) a custom humi out of a curio cabinet. I need more space to keep more cigars so I can save money. I can only fit 20 or less sticks in my 25 count I sure as heck aint going to put dog sticks in there. ;) Its prolly a good thing you didnt see what I have smoked in the last couple months. I will get cheaper as time goes on.

I really do not want people thinking I am a bragging snob...I am just really enjoying getting back to cigars, and wanted to share some of the experience with you guys.:ss


:tu We understand, Michael. We just enjoy smoking through You, Brother!:)

kelmac07 05-30-2009 09:15 AM

Re: Job Site Sticks.
Your thread has given me some insight on a few sticks I might have or might not have bought...keep em coming!!!

elderboy02 05-30-2009 09:33 AM

Re: Job Site Sticks.
How did I miss this therad? I like it.

Keep 'em coming :tu

flat6nut 05-30-2009 01:22 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.

I have two more to add for todays, but I'll load up the pics later. Gotta take care of some business around the house.

akakirby 05-30-2009 01:53 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.

Originally Posted by flat6nut (Post 404238)

I have two more to add for todays, but I'll load up the pics later. Gotta take care of some business around the house.

looking forward to it! :ss

flat6nut 05-31-2009 11:41 AM

Re: Job Site Sticks.

My choice for Sat morning was an easy one...yet another Tampa Sweetheart #500 Maduro.

Every time I toast one up and take the first draw, I am amazed. How in the heck something so cheap can be such a great smoke. I keep thinking I may have been very lucky with the bundle I bought, because these guys have all been very consistant in quality. They have all looked the same, had the same perfect draw, performed and tasted solid all the way to the nub, same great finish.

Picture with my new Z-plus insert i bought for my old Zippo.


shilala 05-31-2009 11:57 AM

Re: Job Site Sticks.

Originally Posted by flat6nut (Post 404844)
Every time I toast one up and take the first draw, I am amazed. How in the heck something so cheap can be such a great smoke. I keep thinking I may have been very lucky with the bundle I bought, because these guys have all been very consistant in quality. They have all looked the same, had the same perfect draw, performed and tasted solid all the way to the nub, same great finish.

At a time, I believe it said at Tampa Sweetheart's website that the Sweethearts were rolled with the identical tobacco as the hemingway series. Get yourself the maddies, and you have yourself the vaunted difficult-to-find hemingway maduro at a tiny fraction of the price.
I have smoked dozens of each, and quite frankly, I can tell no appreciable difference between one and the other (tampa sweetheart maduros or hemingway maduros). The Sweethearts just need a bit of time to dry out and get ahold of themselves.
I love the sweethearts. I'm gonna go smoke a 500 right now that's about a year old. :)

flat6nut 05-31-2009 11:58 AM

Re: Job Site Sticks.
... 5-30-09 cont.

Afternoon smoke, 1926 PAM.

This was actually a misstake. When i left the house I thought it was going to be a great smoke for a Saturday work day smoke. Unfortunately for the PAM, it was not a good idea. You see, the morning cigar was almost perfect, and aalot cheaper. As much as I love the PAM's, I never should have smoked one back to back with my new found $2 wonder. Perhaps it was because the 26's are so much milder than the 64's. ( I am sure the 64 Pam would have stood up alot better flavor wise) I have smoked the camaroon wrapped 26 before, but this was my first time with a maduro 26.

Very smooth cigar indeed. But nowhere near as flavorful or strong as the 64 maduro. I actually think my morning cigar gave me more enjoyment...except i did have alot of fun trying to make big ash with the PAM.


TripleF 05-31-2009 01:07 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang. Nice afternoon smoke bro! :tu

AriesOpusX 05-31-2009 02:24 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.
Nice photos brother and a great thread idea. I smoke most of my sticks on the job too, helps stir up a few conversations when other cigar smokers spot the smoke signals from your truck. Hope you keep it up, really enjoy the mini reviews and photos. :tu

kelmac07 05-31-2009 02:28 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.
Thanks...I was hell bent on buying a Pardon 1926 Anniversary but after reading your review, I will go with the 1964 maduro instead. Thanks!!

akakirby 05-31-2009 02:30 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.
I think I may try a bundle of those tampa sweethearts #500 if when they have them in stock again. thanks for the review.

RaiderinKS 05-31-2009 03:01 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.
Yeah, you reminded me that I need to buy a bundle of those TSM's too.

flat6nut 05-31-2009 03:06 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 404966)
Thanks...I was hell bent on buying a Pardon 1926 Anniversary but after reading your review, I will go with the 1964 maduro instead. Thanks!!

Dont get me wrong...the 26 is a great cigar. I personally prefer the 64 because it is a stronger cigar and very smooth. I have an 80th 26 that I paid too much for...I have a feeling it will come up short. I really do not think that the 3000 and 7000 fall to short of the annies.

Everyone has different tastes, a great cigar for me could be the next guys worst.

jonharky 05-31-2009 03:36 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.
I sit in a office all day and have 15 min breaks so no way for a workday smoke unfortunately

longknocker 05-31-2009 05:43 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 404966)
Thanks...I was hell bent on buying a Pardon 1926 Anniversary but after reading your review, I will go with the 1964 maduro instead. Thanks!!

Interesting. I usually prefer Maddies, but I like the Nat Padron 1926 better!:2

shilala 05-31-2009 05:52 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.
I burned that TS 500 Maduro today. It was excellent.
Thanks for reminding me, brother. :tu

RaiderinKS 05-31-2009 07:35 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.
I smoked a TS 50 that someone gifted me over a year ago and loved it. Bundle city here I come.

DPD6030 05-31-2009 08:12 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.

Originally Posted by TripleF (Post 402074)
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat thread. Great idea! Great pics. Love to see the smokes and the progression of the job.

If I could hit your REPUTATION I would right now but I've given out too much in the last 24 hours. :mad:

Can't wait til we herf! :ss

Don't you worry sir. I took care of it for you! :tu

acarr 05-31-2009 09:54 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.
I will have to get my hands on some of the TS's also and thanks for all the great pictures.

flat6nut 06-06-2009 11:18 AM

Re: Job Site Sticks.

Monday mornings smoke was yet again another TS #500.

Does this little guy make you hungry?

This is taken from the far South side of the 60 acres.

After lunch smoke guessed it...another TS #500. And yes, I washed my hands at lunch...the wife hates it when I write on my hands.

I simply can not get enough of this cheap smoke. Unfortunatly I will be completely out of these.


longknocker 06-06-2009 11:32 AM

Re: Job Site Sticks.

Originally Posted by flat6nut (Post 412262)

Monday mornings smoke was yet again another TS #500.

Does this little guy make you hungry?

This is taken from the far South side of the 60 acres.

After lunch smoke guessed it...another TS #500. And yes, I washed my hands at lunch...the wife hates it when I write on my hands.

I simply can not get enough of this cheap smoke. Unfortunatly I will be completely out of these.


No wonder they're out of these smokes! Everyone is buying them after your reviews, Michael! These sticks are dog rockets, repeat, "Dog Rockets"!:

flat6nut 06-06-2009 11:33 AM

Re: Job Site Sticks.

Picked this baby up a couple weeks ago. Diamond Crown, Figurado It looked really cool, and I wanted to give the brand a second chance after the Maximus I smoked with the sinus infection.

Glad I did! Very nice smoke and a change from my usual maduro wrapped sticks I always lean towards.

At lunch time I went to buy some smokes for a bombing run the next day. I had liked this smoke previously, so I picked another for myself, and one to include in the bomb. Cusano 59,Rare Cameroon Preferido.

I like everything about this smoke. I love the shape, it feels perfect in the hand, and has a nice change of flavor.

My days have been very busy. GC is under the gun with my client, so I have not taken many pictures...well pictures I want to share...most pictures I take are for documenting non-favorable pics. ;)


longknocker 06-06-2009 11:34 AM

Re: Job Site Sticks.
Jkg, I hope you know, Michael!:) Thanks for the Review!:tu

longknocker 06-06-2009 11:37 AM

Re: Job Site Sticks.
Regular Cusano seems one-dimensional to me, although it's an OK smoke. Did you really like the one you smoked enough to buy another?

flat6nut 06-06-2009 11:45 AM

Re: Job Site Sticks.

I am afraid I have no clue of what happened to this day. I think all I smoked was...

Seriously...did I not smoke a cigar on this day?:(


flat6nut 06-06-2009 11:51 AM

Re: Job Site Sticks.

Originally Posted by longknocker (Post 412287)
Regular Cusano seems one-dimensional to me, although it's an OK smoke. Did you really like the one you smoked enough to buy another?

Uh, yeah.:D Its the only one I have smoked. But I did buy a Cusano, Hanano LXI Sun Grown yesterday I plan on taking for a test drive next week at work.

I will admit that it was a mild/medium smoke but it did have a nice flavor. Remember, I am no expert, nor do I claim to have any taste take my reviews with caution. ;)


flat6nut 06-06-2009 12:04 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.

Very busy day, but I did get a chance to smoke this little RP Decade. My PM stopped by and gave it to me. I have only smoked one other RP, and it was a larger Decade. Ihave been tempted to try the sun grown everyone raves about.

Over all the decade is a good smoke. I seem to remember it has a cocoa flavor to it. Has tons of smoke. This little guy had a tight draw compaired to my last one.

Did not get done with my floor flatness test till 10pm, these guys saw cutting cj's did not get done until 12:30am. I have to watch every thing...I have some long days ahead.


flat6nut 06-06-2009 12:25 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.

Did not have anything to smoke in the morning hours, but stopped into T-depot after lunch and picked up some smokes.

I have smoked plenty of AF, but never the Short Storie. Dang good midget it was.

It was such a tastey little treat that I smoked the other one I bought an hour after the first one. Thanks Paul for the "finger".

The slab pour for early Sat morning was cancelled.:tu Sorry if todays posts seemed rushed...I just gotta get moving. Lots to do today, but i wanted to update the thread.

Everyone have a great weekend.


kelmac07 06-06-2009 09:48 PM

Re: Job Site Sticks.
Great pics & reviews as usual Michael!!

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