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ScottH 04-10-2009 01:23 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Downloading it now...Looks awesome!

xeemz 04-10-2009 02:54 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
I need an iPhone.

tenbaseg 04-10-2009 03:31 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Ken, I downloaded the update this afternoon. I had added Nub to my Oliva list. Now that you added it, I've gone into my Oliva list to remove it. I swipe left and get the delete button. When I hit delete, the app crashes.

Can you tell me if this is a bug or something specific to my iPhone?

blugill 04-10-2009 03:41 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Got the app!
Love it!

sikk50 04-10-2009 03:59 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Yay! Updates! Best part of apps!

PV1191 04-11-2009 12:42 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Awesome App! You got my $3.99!!!!! Well worth it. Now I have to do an inventory..................:-( I really didn't want to know the actual number of sticks I have. 1 28ct Vino stuffed to capacity, one coolerdor, large, and one 100ct desk humi at work. I'll report back in a week or so.

Mirrorlure7m 04-11-2009 06:16 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Nice update KenS!

Mirrorlure7m 04-11-2009 08:21 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by KenS (Post 313194)
Cool. Now if you'd just go buy a couple dozen more copies, maybe I could crack the top 50 :D.

Seriously, thanks to all the inmates in the asylum for the support. Sales have now come from 12 different countries:
  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Sweden
  • United States
  • Germany
  • Great Britain (UK)
  • Russian Federation
  • Italy
  • France
  • Hong Kong

That alone has made this a pretty cool experience for me. :tu

You are doing a great job with the app. You know I am there to help and add stuff to the cigar database. This is a must have program for cigar smokers.

Gonesledn 04-11-2009 08:22 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
someone posted this on cigarbid, and reminded me of this post. just thought i would pass it on to the original poster.


Current Board: Cigars & Related - iphone app developer needed for cigar project (5 Posts)

Jump to Bottom | Reply to Thread | Post a New Thread

1. Author: snappers7 Date: 04/11/2009 01:00 AM Reply
Wanted, registered, experienced iphone app developer for iphone application. Must be willing to sign NDA, work for percentage of sales. Possibility of long term relationship with 5-10 applications for iphone. email Michael at with portfolio of work.

Thank you

KenS 04-11-2009 07:39 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by tenbaseg (Post 330556)
Ken, I downloaded the update this afternoon. I had added Nub to my Oliva list. Now that you added it, I've gone into my Oliva list to remove it. I swipe left and get the delete button. When I hit delete, the app crashes.

Can you tell me if this is a bug or something specific to my iPhone?

Can you tell me if this is repeatable? I think I have found a memory leak in certain circumstances that might explain it, but if you can tell me how to reproduce the issue I can be sure

12stones 04-12-2009 08:09 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Just downloaded this and will work on getting it up and updated on my iPhone. I'll probably post a review on my blog, Ken. I'll let you know.

ScottH 04-12-2009 09:18 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
This is a very cool app! Thanks for the hard work!

tenbaseg 04-12-2009 10:04 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by KenS (Post 332035)
Can you tell me if this is repeatable? I think I have found a memory leak in certain circumstances that might explain it, but if you can tell me how to reproduce the issue I can be sure

Cigar Reference-->Oliva-->Swipe Left on the "Nub" that I created-->Tap Delete

I just tried it again today to simulate the steps for you and it worked without crashing. I had repeated that process yesterday about 4x with it crashing each time. The only difference between yesterday and today is that I did a backup/sync on my iPhone yesterday afternoon. I'm not sure if that matters at all.

KenS 04-12-2009 11:37 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by tenbaseg (Post 332841)
Cigar Reference-->Oliva-->Swipe Left on the "Nub" that I created-->Tap Delete

I just tried it again today to simulate the steps for you and it worked without crashing. I had repeated that process yesterday about 4x with it crashing each time. The only difference between yesterday and today is that I did a backup/sync on my iPhone yesterday afternoon. I'm not sure if that matters at all.

Yeah, that would matter, but there is still a bug ... a slight memory "leak" that can show up if your device gets tight on memory. Sorry about that...

I'll get the update out this week to squash that bug, and deliver a few more features I've been working on.

Thanks for letting me know :tu

DPD6030 04-12-2009 05:14 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Downloaded the update. Thanks again Ken for all your hard work and time invested. :tu

Serts 04-13-2009 03:06 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
I also downloaded the update verry good thing

Thanks Ken :D keep up the good work

kydsid 04-15-2009 08:45 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
A friend showed this too me on his iPhone and looked well done and something I would be interested in. Even without an iPhone thanks for all your work. That said, any chance you might do a s60 version? :tu

KenS 04-15-2009 10:52 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by kydsid (Post 337790)
A friend showed this too me on his iPhone and looked well done and something I would be interested in. Even without an iPhone thanks for all your work. That said, any chance you might do a s60 version? :tu

I have so many new features to add to the iPhone version, with such a limited amount of time for this hobby, there's no way I could try to port this to other platforms...sorry.

longknocker 04-15-2009 04:47 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by KenS (Post 338001)
I have so many new features to add to the iPhone version, with such a limited amount of time for this hobby, there's no way I could try to port this to other platforms...sorry.

Ken, can't figure out how to download the update. Thanks!

KenS 04-15-2009 06:41 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by longknocker (Post 338538)
Ken, can't figure out how to download the update. Thanks!

Well if you aleady own the app, you can just go to the app store (either with your device or with iTunes) and you should automatically see the update. let me know if this doesn't work for you.

longknocker 04-15-2009 06:49 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by KenS (Post 338726)
Well if you aleady own the app, you can just go to the app store (either with your device or with iTunes) and you should automatically see the update. let me know if this doesn't work for you.

Got it, Bro! I thought I was "Buying" the app again, but the site gave me the update for free! Thanks again for such a great app! Works so much better than any other cigar app I have!:tu

Mirrorlure7m 04-15-2009 08:29 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
What version should it be ? I have 1.1.0 is that the latest version ?

longknocker 04-15-2009 08:31 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by Mirrorlure7m (Post 338927)
What version should it be ? I have 1.1.0 is that the latest version ?


Mirrorlure7m 04-15-2009 08:33 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Alrighty good deal. I wanted to make sure I was all up to date.

sikk50 04-15-2009 11:17 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Here's a glitch for you Ken. After deleting an Opus Ronusto from I hit back to fuente the back to my cigars and it pulls up the same screen (fuente) again hit it again same deal, after the forth or fifth try it crashes. Open back up then went to delete a taboo torpedo and back to taboo then when hitting back to my cigars same thing after the forth or fifth try crashed. This was all done while deleting cigars from one of my humis.

KenS 04-16-2009 06:24 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by sikk50 (Post 339249)
Here's a glitch for you Ken. After deleting an Opus Ronusto from I hit back to fuente the back to my cigars and it pulls up the same screen (fuente) again hit it again same deal, after the forth or fifth try it crashes. Open back up then went to delete a taboo torpedo and back to taboo then when hitting back to my cigars same thing after the forth or fifth try crashed. This was all done while deleting cigars from one of my humis.

yep, you are the 2nd person to report that behavior. I did find the bug; it's exactly one line of code in the program. I was hoping to get some new feature stuff implemented and included in the next update, but I can't let this linger out there with a bug in it. I'll see if I can ship out a quick verion 1.1.1 update to fix this one item. (although "quick" is relative: it seems to take Apple about a week to review and approve any updates).

Thanks for the heads up.

KenS 04-16-2009 06:53 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Version 1.1.1 was just sent to Apple, with this bug fix as the only change. Now, back to adding new features ;)

SmokeyNL 04-21-2009 03:30 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Just installed it, its the 1.1.0 version (just got it from the itunes store) first app I ever bought for my ipod touch, thanks!

KenS 04-21-2009 07:08 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by SmokeyNL (Post 347723)
Just installed it, its the 1.1.0 version (just got it from the itunes store) first app I ever bought for my ipod touch, thanks!

Great, thanks for your support. :tu

FYI, the 1.1.1 release is still "in review" at Apple. It has only the one bug fix, and should get released any day now.

The next release that I'm working on now will be a much bigger change. Along with a few smaller items, the big item is a "live update" feature that will allow users to click a button in the app to get database updates automatically. This will allow me to add new cigars, and add/correct information on existing cigars without going through a whole update cycle with Apple, and has been the #1 requested feature from users.

There is a lot of stuff to do around this feature, so probably another week of coding and testing before sending it to Apple. This is probably a "version 1.5" type of update. Version 2.0 is still targeting a whole section on smoking notes/reviews, etc.

Oh yeah, one more update: the app has now been sold in 21 countries :ss

DPD6030 04-21-2009 07:11 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Congrats on helping another country slide down the slope Ken! :tu

longknocker 04-21-2009 02:01 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by DPD6030 (Post 347884)
Congrats on helping another country slide down the slope Ken! :tu

Thanks, Ken!:tu

Mirrorlure7m 04-21-2009 03:37 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by KenS (Post 347882)
Great, thanks for your support. :tu

FYI, the 1.1.1 release is still "in review" at Apple. It has only the one bug fix, and should get released any day now.

The next release that I'm working on now will be a much bigger change. Along with a few smaller items, the big item is a "live update" feature that will allow users to click a button in the app to get database updates automatically. This will allow me to add new cigars, and add/correct information on existing cigars without going through a whole update cycle with Apple, and has been the #1 requested feature from users.

There is a lot of stuff to do around this feature, so probably another week of coding and testing before sending it to Apple. This is probably a "version 1.5" type of update. Version 2.0 is still targeting a whole section on smoking notes/reviews, etc.

Oh yeah, one more update: the app has now been sold in 21 countries :ss

I am so happy you got this added I know I was one of the ones who made requests for you to do the live update feature. Now you can add so much stuff. This is a great new feature coming !

tenbaseg 04-21-2009 03:47 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Wow, the live updates would be awesome. Thanks for all the work you've put into this. I hope it's paying off.

white_s2k 05-04-2009 02:58 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Got an iPod touch this week and this is the first app I downloaded! Working great so far.. thanks Ken!

mkr160 05-05-2009 02:58 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Hey Ken. Where do we stand on any new updates? Got the first one. Love the app. Thanks.

mkr160 05-05-2009 02:59 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Also, when do you think the notes and review sections will be added? Thanks.

white_s2k 05-28-2009 08:06 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Hey Ken I'm loving the app, got any new updates coming soon?

LasciviousXXX 05-29-2009 12:15 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Awesome work bro. Just purchased it :tu

LasciviousXXX 05-29-2009 12:04 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Been playing around with the app and I'm really enjoying it. The "my humidor" part is really neat as I can keep track of my inventory on the fly (which I've sorely needed to do for awhile now anyway) and I REALLY love the "web search" portion of the program :tu

As with others I would like to see some single cigar pics next to each description (similar to the pics on cigars-review) but I'm sure you're already working on it :)

hikari 05-29-2009 12:58 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Hey Ken.

Just a FYI the app is crashing allot on the dev v3 version beta5

I added a new humidor, (home) added cigar partages shots to the list filled in all the info save.

Then when i goto my cigars and click on my humidor crashes at that point.
Cleared memory tried again same thing
Restarted phone tried again same thing

KenS 06-03-2009 06:00 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by hikari (Post 403047)
Hey Ken.

Just a FYI the app is crashing allot on the dev v3 version beta5

I added a new humidor, (home) added cigar partages shots to the list filled in all the info save.

Then when i goto my cigars and click on my humidor crashes at that point.
Cleared memory tried again same thing
Restarted phone tried again same thing

Thanks for the heads up. Just a quick status update, in that life and work have been crazy busy over the past month or so. Lots of travel and late work days, so very little time to look at Mobile Stogie code. Looks like it will be quieting down now, so I can get back to work on it.

Priorities at the moment:
  • Make sure it works well with upcoming iPhoneOS 3.0 (or Apple will pull it from the app store :)).
  • Complete the "auto sync" for new cigars in the master database (grab new cigars from my website). This code is almost done.
  • Smoking notes section.

Sorry for the delay in making more progress, but life has its priorities ;)

hikari 06-09-2009 01:06 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Ken Gold 3.0 came out.

Tested again reinstalled also same results.

Question is there a way you can incorp a way to export and import the database.

I always worry about my phone crashing or dieing and having to reinput in all my cigars.

KenS 06-09-2009 01:36 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by hikari (Post 416162)
Ken Gold 3.0 came out.

Tested again reinstalled also same results.

Question is there a way you can incorp a way to export and import the database.

I always worry about my phone crashing or dieing and having to reinput in all my cigars.

I'm working with the 3.0GM code now, and unfortunately several of the database calls break with 3.0. Fixing them to work with 3.0 breaks them for 2.x, so I'm working the issue now ... this was definitely not expected with the 3.0 release. :bh :bh

more to come...

spivy 06-09-2009 01:38 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Quick question. Does it have places that you can put in price paid or value?

hikari 06-09-2009 01:47 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by KenS (Post 416196)
I'm working with the 3.0GM code now, and unfortunately several of the database calls break with 3.0. Fixing them to work with 3.0 breaks them for 2.x, so I'm working the issue now ... this was definitely not expected with the 3.0 release. :bh :bh

more to come...

Yha fun stuff.
yha i wish they had a better database all togeather.

Any how if you need someone to test something i'm around.
I also have 3 phone's myself mine my wifes and a test phone.

have you put any consideration into an export/import for the DB.

KenS 06-09-2009 02:59 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by hikari (Post 416214)
Yha fun stuff.
yha i wish they had a better database all togeather.

Actually, I'm pretty impressed with the embedded sqlite3 database. For lightweight stuff like this, it's pretty solid. FYI, I think I have the code fixed to work with both 2.x and 3.0 now, but I have to do pretty extensive testing now, because I have made a lot of code changes under the hood. Also, some of the new stuff I have been working on have to be backed out to get this update submitted. I can't afford to have the app crashing for people when the 3.0 update is released on the 17th.


Any how if you need someone to test something i'm around.
I also have 3 phone's myself mine my wifes and a test phone.
I may take you up on that, depending on how straightforward my testing goes tonight. Thanks for the offer :tu


have you put any consideration into an export/import for the DB.
Yes, but it's a little more complex than you might think, due to the limitations imposed around the file system. However, the number one thing I test in all of my code changes is ensuring that no data gets overwritten. I do know that people want to be able to export for other reasons though, so I'll keep working on that.

Azpostal 06-09-2009 03:05 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
I really enjoy your app. It's the one I use the most on my Ipod touch. Thanks for all the work Ken.

KenS 06-15-2009 08:24 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Quick update: since there was a crashing bug in the release code with the new iPhone OS 3 (which will be generally available in a couple of days), I had to take a pause from other coding/testing to get out a specific update for the new OS.

So, if you upgrade to iPhone OS 3, you'll need version 1.1.5 of Mobile Stogie. Hopefully Apple will approve and post it soon.

Now back to the more interesting work... :tu

LasciviousXXX 06-16-2009 11:08 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
For all us "non-devs" ;) OS 3 is being released tomorrow!

Don't forget to upgrade guys, tons of new features! And the Jail-break dev guys will be releasing their jailbreak tutorial probably within a matter of hours of the OS 3 release :tu

sikk50 06-16-2009 12:57 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
I'm affraid to jailbreak mine, I'm not tech savy and don't want to mess my life line up

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