![]() |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Damn Tom!!! That's some herfing brother!!! :tu Hope to add my name to the list one day.
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Two many people to count, I wish I had Toms memory.
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Fixed...love you Bro. |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Re: Who have you herfed with?
That is damn impressive Tom. Glad my name could be added to the list.
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Cbrewfisher Altercall (from other forums) JaVeCa CaddoMoney hoping to make the Don't mess with Texas herf in october to expand this list |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Thats it??? :D |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
David Lee Roth...that's it. :banger
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Hmmmm, let's see:
JohnnyKay5 Volt Tbone Don Fernando SmokeyNL Kaisersozie Icantbejon Akakirby BigBruce Loki Brokenskeg Lensjockie S0lefulone Ucubed |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Wow, can' beat Toms list!
RevSmoke 14holestogie Xenosmoke Hippi3SLay3r Tristan Root thebandit23 apNgb dcamacho Sr_Jerry I tinhk that is it... |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Tom you forgot me.
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Blueface Sr. ron1yy atlharp harryculo Tico nely madurofan cobraskip Made In Dade snykbyt icehog3 68trishield txdyna65 MrsTxdyna65 detroitpha357 kiwimichelle tech-ninja cre8v1 Jbaily Tristan RenoB Anejo77 Dux PeteSB75 adsantos13 hova45 alarmguy1 squid houdini TmoneYNYY Golfman MeNimbus kingof9ex Opus ColdCuts BeagleOne Scubajohn13 Maurice onlyonerm Carlito's Way lynngod volfan geoffrie fredster newcigarz landhoney uncubed ir13 s0leful0ne Goodfella UFpowersmoker 357 Addiction allanb3369 Ambientboy Awsmith4 Batman BeachCougar BobbyRitz Bobfire bonggoy Bruce BuckeyeJack Buena Fortuna ChasDen cigardawg clampdown cle_smoker Coach Da Klugs DAFU Dandee DavenportESQ DBall DocLogic77 DonJefe Dr.Dan drevim Elderboy Ender field Fredster gpugliese GreekGodX GTS21 hotreds Jay Hemingway jkim05 Jonharky Jokermann joshpip JPH King James LockOut lostark374 M1903A1 macms Mauirce md4958 Mikepd Mrs. Rock Star Mugen910 n3uka Natgolfer Navydoc NCRadioMan Old Sailor OLS ParkBear Parshooter physiognomy pnutbutsangwich pnoon PuffDaddy QueenJames ResIpsa Rhythm11 Rock Star SailChaser SailKat Sancho Sandman seagarsmoker Shaerza Siebec Simplified Skibumdc smitdavi Smoking Ape stearns Steelheaderdu St. Lou Stu tedrodgerscpa The Dakotan Tireiron Tkoepp ToddziLLa Trogdor Tw3nty Vertigo Vicvitola Sorry if I missed anyone.... |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
No one. I tried to meet up with Scottie (volfan) a couple of times last fall but my work schedule kept getting in the way.
But this will change - my first herf is Sept 12 - the Raleigh Pig Pickin' Herf. :wo |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Quality if not Quantity (but I'm working on that too :D)
Smokin Gator Starchild GGainey DrHalle Kydsyd Navydoc |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
My updated list grew substantially over this last week :D
357 68trishield allanb3369 alley00p Ambientboy Awsmith4 BengalMan Big Vito Bobby Ritz BuckeyeJack Buena Fortuna CBI_2 ChasDen chippewastud79 Coach cre8v1 Da Klugs DavenportESQ detroitpha357 drevim Elderboy02 field fulltime Goodfella GreekGodX Guitarman-S.T- hitagain hollywood hotreds hotredsmama icehog3 IndyRob ir13 jamesb3 Jbaily jkim05 joetownhound Jonharky joshpip King James Kyle Hunter landhoney livwire68 M1903A1 macms Maurice md4958 Mikepd Mr. Maduro Mrs. Rock Star Mugen910 Nabinger16 Navydoc NCRadioMan Old Sailor Mrs. Old Sailor OLS physiognomy pnoon Prozac_Puros QueenJames ResIpsa rizzle Rock Star s0leful0ne SailChaser SailKat Sancho Sandman ScottishSmoker Shaerza Seanohue Simplified smitdavi snykbyt spooble stearns Steelheaderdu tech-ninja tedrodgerscpa The Dakotan The Professor ToddziLLa TripleF Tw3nty ucubed UFpowersmoker White97Jimmy Wolfgang |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
I think this is complete:
hk3- Volt SeanGAR leasingthisspace mugen910 lensjockie Stearns BeachCougar Rock Star tireiron kelmac07 Icantbejon JohnnyKay5 Tbone Don Fernando SmokeyNL Akakirby Loki S0leful0ne Ucubed BigBruce |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
I'v smoke mostly in Davidofd in Manhatan, But smoked in different shops like Nat sherman and barc rex, dela councha, I never ever met a member. I did mention the CS site one and one guy from NJ said yeah I'm a member but all most never go on.
So guys, if you ever see me, just please say Hello :) |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Ole Skeeter has been around quite a bit, in one incarnation or another.
However, since Ole is the operative word, no list is forthcoming....estimate 150-200 folks though... |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Love the Skeeter. :)
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Re: Who have you herfed with?
My list is way too long............................ |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
I frequently have a smoke at my local B&M with the forme CEO of St. Judes. Great guy.
Re: Who have you herfed with?
I am glad i can say that i have herfed with the Skeeter on several occasions.
As well as the rest of the Detroit crew....as well as a bunch of Canadian borthers as well. I can try to make a list, uh White 97Jimmy Skeeter Sailchaser.Sailkat Detroitpha..aah hell...Booker Sancho 357 Old Sailor and Gail...key word "OLD"...hehe Dragonman MarkTHS Kidrock Shaggy Big Vito Bear Conch Republican and probably more that i can't remember. Met tons of good people through herfing. |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Added one
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Re: Who have you herfed with?
I think someone should start a new Thread: Who haven't You Herfed With?;)
Re: Who have you herfed with?
So far:
Big Vito BillyCigars cobe-winston DonWeb Fishbeadtwo Hippi3Slay3r icehog3 illinoishoosier Jbailey jaycarla Joan King James M1903A1 papajohn67 QueenJames RichardW Zoomschworts I'm hoping to expand the list by the end of this month:ss |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
I can't even try to start the list. It is way too hard to keep up with. I will say I have enjoyed every second of herf time I have spent with everyone, in Texas and DC. I am looking forward to adding people.
How did Scottie (Volfan) forget me? That is why I am not listing anyone. I know how horrible my memory is. |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Feel the love, Kevin!! :D
1f1fan 357 4WheelVFR 56Tweed 68TriShield Addiction AlCarbon allanb3369 altbier Ambientboy Andyman AntiqueGuy Archie ATLHarp AvidToker Awsmith4 backwoods bassrocker Batman BeachCougar Beagle Boy BigJim BigVito Bigwaved Blueface Bman bobarian Bobb BobbyRitz Bobfire bonggoy bookman Brandon Bruce Bruce5 BuckeyeJack Buckwheat buddhadaddy Budman Buena Fortuna C From The D calistogey CasaDooley catfish catfish2 catfishm2 CgarWyzrd ChasDen chibnkr chip cigarsc351w cigardawg cigarflip cigargal CigarTexan cigartoyz clampdown cle_smoker Coach cobe-winston Cochise CodeBlue coma-one cre8v1 croatan cubatobaco Da Klugs dadof3illinois DAFU Dandee DavenportESQ Daveteal DBall D Camacho Deano decesaro Deem DETROITPHA357 DocLogic77 DonJefe DonWeb Dr.Dan drevim drill Dux dvickery Egoist Elderboy Ender Ermo Etenpenny field filly fissure flipflop floydp Fredster Froglicker77 gabedog1 galaga germantown rob GKitty Goat Locker Goodfella gorob23 gpugliese GreekGodX GTS21 Habanaman HardCZ HarryCulo Hatred Havanaaddict Havana Ray Hollywood hotreds hoyohio IBMer IBQTEE1 IHT illinoishoosier Ir132 Ironman Itstim J6ppc Jay Hemingway Jbailey Jeff jkim05 Joan Joed Jonharky Jokermann joshpip jovenhut JPH JustDanD jwintosh kayak rat kenstogie King James Kiwi Michelle kunomofo kurtdesign1 ky toker Kyle Hunter landhoney LockOut lostark374 M1903A1 macms MadeinDade Madurofan Mark5 markem Mattfury Matthew MattK Mauirce md4958 Miami Mikepd MikeZ mitro mmblz Moglman montecristo#2 MoTheMan mr.c MrJerry Mr Maduro Mrs. Rock Star Ms. Floydp Ms. SeanGAR Mugen910 Mustylusty n3uka Natgolfer Navydoc NCRadioMan Nely Old Sailor Omowasu OLS onlyonerm Opus Opusex Opusxtasy ParkBear Parshooter PartagasSerieDNo4 Pds PeteSB75 physiognomy pipeyeti PLANETbetter pnutbutsangwich pnoon poker PuffDaddy Pulse Pyrokin QueenJames raisin RedBaron rennD RenoB replicant argent ResIpsa Rhythm11 Rjs RobW Rock Star Ron1YY ronski rookie139 RPB67 SailChaser SailKat Saka SaltyMcGee Sam Sancho Sandman Scud SDBeerman SDMate seagarsmoker Sean9689 SeanGAR Seanohue Shade Shaerza Siebec Simplified Sirreal1 Sir Tony Skibumdc skindiver smitdavi smokesnake SmokinAFuente smokin' machinist Smoking Ape snkbyt SoCalSmoker Spagg Spooble Sportsnut Stashu stearns Steelheaderdu Steve r Stick St. Lou Stu stogeyfish SVTNate Swl Tbain tchariya tech-ninja tedrodgerscpa The Dakotan The Pict The Professor Thschrimm Tico Tireiron Tkoepp TmoneyNYY Todd ToddziLLa TravelJ Tristan Trogdor Tw3nty Twill413 txdyna65 ucmba Usahog Vertigo Vicvitola VirtualSmitty zemekone |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Adding PlanetBetter
Blueface Blueface Sr. ron1yy atlharp harryculo Tico nely madurofan cobraskip Made In Dade snykbyt icehog3 68trishield txdyna65 MrsTxdyna65 detroitpha357 kiwimichelle tech-ninja cre8v1 Jbaily Tristan RenoB Anejo77 Dux PeteSB75 adsantos13 hova45 alarmguy1 squid houdini TmoneYNYY Golfman MeNimbus kingof9ex Opus ColdCuts BeagleOne Scubajohn13 Maurice onlyonerm Carlito's Way lynngod volfan geoffrie fredster newcigarz landhoney uncubed ir13 s0leful0ne Goodfella UFpowersmoker 357 Addiction allanb3369 Ambientboy Awsmith4 Batman BeachCougar BobbyRitz Bobfire bonggoy Bruce BuckeyeJack Buena Fortuna ChasDen cigardawg clampdown cle_smoker Coach Da Klugs DAFU Dandee DavenportESQ DBall DocLogic77 DonJefe Dr.Dan drevim Elderboy Ender field Fredster gpugliese GreekGodX GTS21 hotreds Jay Hemingway jkim05 Jonharky Jokermann joshpip JPH King James LockOut lostark374 M1903A1 macms Mauirce md4958 Mikepd Mrs. Rock Star Mugen910 n3uka Natgolfer Navydoc NCRadioMan Old Sailor OLS ParkBear Parshooter physiognomy PlanetBetter pnutbutsangwich pnoon PuffDaddy QueenJames ResIpsa Rhythm11 Rock Star SailChaser SailKat Sancho Sandman seagarsmoker Shaerza Siebec Simplified Skibumdc smitdavi Smoking Ape stearns Steelheaderdu St. Lou Stu tedrodgerscpa The Dakotan Tireiron Tkoepp ToddziLLa Trogdor Tw3nty Vertigo Vicvitola |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Tom's memory is damned impressive. I could try, but it would be sad to see how many I would miss.
After this last Shack herf, I can say I've herfed with (nearly) all the Daves in the cigar community ;) I'd estimate my list at somewhere in the 150+ range. Need to make a west coast swing to add some new blood to the list. Right. Peter?!? :tu |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Let's see SW Michigan Crew, Detroit Crew, Old Sailor/Shaggy Canadian Crew, Ohio/Kentucky crew at Beer Seller, can't name all the names since I know I'll miss some of you. Soon to be herfing with the FL crew!
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Anoher one added to the list! :D
1f1fan 357 4WheelVFR 56Tweed 68TriShield Addiction AlCarbon allanb3369 altbier Ambientboy Andyman AntiqueGuy Archie ATLHarp AvidToker Awsmith4 backwoods bassrocker Batman BeachCougar Beagle Boy BigJim BigVito Bigwaved Blueface Bman bobarian Bobb BobbyRitz Bobfire bonggoy bookman Brandon Bruce Bruce5 BuckeyeJack Buckwheat buddhadaddy Budman Buena Fortuna C From The D calistogey CasaDooley catfish catfish2 catfishm2 CgarWyzrd ChasDen chibnkr chip cigarsc351w cigardawg cigarflip cigargal CigarTexan cigartoyz clampdown cle_smoker Coach cobe-winston Cochise CodeBlue coma-one cre8v1 croatan cubatobaco CurlyCut Da Klugs dadof3illinois DAFU Dandee DavenportESQ Daveteal DBall D Camacho Deano decesaro Deem DETROITPHA357 DocLogic77 DonJefe DonWeb Dr.Dan drevim drill Dux dvickery Egoist Elderboy Ender Ermo erratum Etenpenny field filly fissure flipflop floydp Fredster Froglicker77 gabedog1 galaga germantown rob GKitty Goat Locker Goodfella gorob23 gpugliese GreekGodX GTS21 Habanaman HardCZ HarryCulo Hatred Havanaaddict Havana Ray Hollywood hotreds hoyohio IBMer IBQTEE1 IHT illinoishoosier Ir132 Ironman Itstim J6ppc Jay Hemingway Jbailey Jeff jkim05 Joan Joed Jonharky Jokermann joshpip jovenhut JPH JustDanD jwintosh kayak rat kenstogie King James Kiwi Michelle kunomofo kurtdesign1 ky toker Kyle Hunter landhoney LockOut lostark374 M1903A1 macms MadeinDade Madurofan Mark5 markem Mattfury Matthew MattK Mauirce md4958 Miami Mikepd MikeZ mitro mmblz Moglman montecristo#2 MoTheMan mr.c MrJerry Mr Maduro Mrs. Rock Star Ms. Floydp Ms. SeanGAR Mugen910 Mustylusty n3uka Natgolfer Navydoc NCRadioMan Nely Old Sailor Omowasu OLS onlyonerm Opus Opusex Opusxtasy ParkBear Parshooter PartagasSerieDNo4 Pds PeteSB75 physiognomy pipeyeti PLANETbetter pnutbutsangwich pnoon poker PuffDaddy Pulse Pyrokin QueenJames raisin RedBaron rennD RenoB replicant argent ResIpsa Rhythm11 Rjs RobW Rock Star Ron1YY ronski rookie139 RPB67 SailChaser SailKat Saka SaltyMcGee Sam Sancho Sandman Scud SDBeerman SDMate seagarsmoker Sean9689 SeanGAR Seanohue Shade Shaerza Siebec Simplified Sirreal1 Sir Tony Skibumdc skindiver smitdavi smokesnake SmokinAFuente smokin' machinist Smoking Ape snkbyt SoCalSmoker Spagg Spooble Sportsnut Stashu stearns Steelheaderdu Steve r Stick St. Lou Stu stogeyfish SVTNate Swl Tbain tchariya tech-ninja tedrodgerscpa The Dakotan The Pict The Professor Thschrimm Tico Tireiron Tkoepp TmoneyNYY Todd ToddziLLa TravelJ Tristan Trogdor Tw3nty Twill413 txdyna65 ucmba Usahog Vertigo Vicvitola VirtualSmitty zemekone |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Ok so I have not herfed officially with anyone from here but last week I had the pleasure of smoking a cigar with Rocky Patel himself at his event at Holts in Philly. He autographed a box of RP Decade Robustos for me which I think is so cool and will sit in my humi for as long as I can keep my hands off of them.
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Off of no sleep memory. Forgive me if I miss you!
FFFer CBI_2 JoeTownHound Wolfgang Wolfgang Sr. Catfish The Lovely Mrs. Catfish nerfGIRL (she's smokin hot) DougieFresh MadeInDade "The" Smokin Gator s0leful0ne UFpowersmoker Steve Starchild themanwithnoname Mrs. themanwithnoname soon to be maybe RPmark I'm missing someone that came to Thompson's and to Blue for the Reserva Event (little help FFFer) awsmith4 DoctorBJ (before I knew he was DoctorBJ) Bengleman ...to be continued (EPIC2)... |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
WAIT!! why am i not on that list !!! :tu |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Triple F
rck70 massphatness Tenor CS joetownhound sailchaser sailkat CBI 2 landhoney scottishsmoker awsmith4 ucubed soulfulone wolfgang IR13 Goodfella Av8tor152 jbonnefsc tedrodgerscpa barbourjay updated: Smokin Gator RPguy Pyrokin UFPowersmoker320 TheManWithNoName mackhaus catfish St. Lou Stu |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
The Professor Blueface Blueface Sr. ron1yy atlharp harryculo Tico nely madurofan cobraskip Made In Dade snykbyt icehog3 68trishield txdyna65 MrsTxdyna65 detroitpha357 kiwimichelle tech-ninja cre8v1 Jbaily Tristan RenoB Anejo77 Dux PeteSB75 adsantos13 hova45 alarmguy1 squid houdini TmoneYNYY Golfman MeNimbus kingof9ex Opus ColdCuts BeagleOne Scubajohn13 Maurice onlyonerm Carlito's Way lynngod volfan geoffrie fredster newcigarz landhoney uncubed ir13 s0leful0ne Goodfella UFpowersmoker 357 Addiction allanb3369 Ambientboy Awsmith4 Batman BeachCougar BobbyRitz Bobfire bonggoy Bruce BuckeyeJack Buena Fortuna ChasDen cigardawg clampdown cle_smoker Coach Da Klugs DAFU Dandee DavenportESQ DBall DocLogic77 DonJefe Dr.Dan drevim Elderboy Ender field Fredster gpugliese GreekGodX GTS21 hotreds Jay Hemingway jkim05 Jonharky Jokermann joshpip JPH King James LockOut lostark374 M1903A1 macms Mauirce md4958 Mikepd Mrs. Rock Star Mugen910 n3uka Natgolfer Navydoc NCRadioMan Old Sailor OLS ParkBear Parshooter physiognomy PlanetBetter pnutbutsangwich pnoon PuffDaddy QueenJames ResIpsa Rhythm11 Rock Star SailChaser SailKat Sancho Sandman seagarsmoker Shaerza Siebec Simplified Skibumdc smitdavi Smoking Ape stearns Steelheaderdu St. Lou Stu tedrodgerscpa The Dakotan Tireiron Tkoepp ToddziLLa Trogdor Tw3nty Vertigo Vicvitola |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Nobody !!!!!!!!!!!
..... yet ;) |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
a few, but I wouldn't want to leave anybody offf the list...
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Blueface Blueface Sr. ron1yy atlharp harryculo Tico nely madurofan cobraskip Made In Dade snykbyt icehog3 68trishield txdyna65 MrsTxdyna65 detroitpha357 kiwimichelle tech-ninja cre8v1 Jbaily Tristan RenoB Anejo77 Dux PeteSB75 adsantos13 hova45 alarmguy1 squid houdini TmoneYNYY Golfman MeNimbus kingof9ex Opus ColdCuts BeagleOne Scubajohn13 Maurice onlyonerm Carlito's Way lynngod volfan geoffrie fredster newcigarz landhoney uncubed ir13 s0leful0ne Goodfella UFpowersmoker 357 Addiction allanb3369 Ambientboy Awsmith4 Batman BeachCougar BobbyRitz Bobfire bonggoy Bruce BuckeyeJack Buena Fortuna ChasDen cigardawg clampdown cle_smoker Coach Da Klugs DAFU Dandee DavenportESQ DBall DocLogic77 DonJefe Dr.Dan drevim Elderboy Ender field Fredster gpugliese GreekGodX GTS21 Hogg hotreds Ironman Jay Hemingway jkim05 Jonharky Jokermann joshpip JPH King James LockOut lostark374 M1903A1 macms Mauirce md4958 Mikepd MoTheMan Mrs. Rock Star Mugen910 n3uka Natgolfer Navydoc NCRadioMan Old Sailor OLS OpusEx ParkBear Parshooter physiognomy PlanetBetter pnutbutsangwich pnoon PuffDaddy QueenJames ResIpsa Rhythm11 Rock Star SailChaser SailKat Sancho Sandman seagarsmoker Shaerza Siebec Simplified Skibumdc smitdavi Smoking Ape stearns Steelheaderdu St. Lou Stu tedrodgerscpa The Dakotan The Professor Tireiron Tkoepp ToddziLLa Trogdor Tw3nty Vertigo Vicvitola |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Last Friday night I had a couple cigars with Santa Clause . He was out of uniform and incognito . :D Can't change the the look of the beard and mustache though .
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Adding: MiamiE Neuromancer rrplasencia DougBushBC ----------------- Blueface Blueface Sr. ron1yy atlharp harryculo Tico nely madurofan cobraskip Made In Dade snykbyt icehog3 68trishield txdyna65 MrsTxdyna65 detroitpha357 kiwimichelle tech-ninja cre8v1 Jbaily Tristan RenoB Anejo77 Dux PeteSB75 adsantos13 hova45 alarmguy1 squid houdini TmoneYNYY Golfman MeNimbus kingof9ex Opus ColdCuts BeagleOne Scubajohn13 Maurice onlyonerm Carlito's Way lynngod volfan geoffrie fredster newcigarz landhoney uncubed ir13 s0leful0ne Goodfella UFpowersmoker 357 Addiction allanb3369 Ambientboy Awsmith4 Batman BeachCougar BobbyRitz Bobfire bonggoy Bruce BuckeyeJack Buena Fortuna ChasDen cigardawg clampdown cle_smoker Coach Da Klugs DAFU Dandee DavenportESQ DBall DocLogic77 DonJefe Dr.Dan drevim Elderboy Ender field Fredster gpugliese GreekGodX GTS21 Hogg hotreds Ironman Jay Hemingway jkim05 Jonharky Jokermann joshpip JPH King James LockOut lostark374 M1903A1 macms Mauirce md4958 Mikepd MoTheMan Mrs. Rock Star Mugen910 n3uka Natgolfer Navydoc NCRadioMan Old Sailor OLS OpusEx ParkBear Parshooter physiognomy PlanetBetter pnutbutsangwich pnoon PuffDaddy QueenJames ResIpsa Rhythm11 Rock Star SailChaser SailKat Sancho Sandman seagarsmoker Shaerza Siebec Simplified Skibumdc smitdavi Smoking Ape stearns Steelheaderdu St. Lou Stu tedrodgerscpa The Dakotan The Professor Tireiron Tkoepp ToddziLLa Trogdor Tw3nty Vertigo Vicvitola |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
rrplasencia DougBushBC Blueface Blueface Jr. Blueface Sr. ron1yy atlharp harryculo harryculo jr. nely madurofan cobraskip Made In Dade snykbyt knuckles altbier landhoney Did I forget anybody? |
Re: Who have you herfed with?
No one from the site :(
Re: Who have you herfed with?
Hell I never thought I would fly across the country to to smoke with some people ever, some I never meet before. |
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