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VTDragon 08-03-2009 09:13 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
Well the Sox finally won that marathon vs. the Orioles yesterday, 18-10 yikes. All throughout the game I couldn't help but think of the rain-delayed game earlier in the season when they blew that big lead. they looked like they were going to do it again, but finally the bats woke up. 5 for 5 for V. Martinez -nice!

Positive note: the new kid Josh Reddick looked very good, nice to see a home grown slugger.

Negative note: Clay Bucholtz - get the kid a shrink. He has the stuff physically, but he obviously still has some issues to work out.

PeteSB75 08-03-2009 09:46 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In

Originally Posted by VTDragon (Post 492135)
Well the Sox finally won that marathon vs. the Orioles yesterday, 18-10 yikes. All throughout the game I couldn't help but think of the rain-delayed game earlier in the season when they blew that big lead. they looked like they were going to do it again, but finally the bats woke up. 5 for 5 for V. Martinez -nice!

Positive note: the new kid Josh Reddick looked very good, nice to see a home grown slugger.

Negative note: Clay Bucholtz - get the kid a shrink. He has the stuff physically, but he obviously still has some issues to work out.

That's why he was sent down last year. I gotta wonder if he's expecting to have a perfect game every time now and beating himself up when it doesn't happen. At this point, we only have one excellent pitcher. Lester has been touch and go, Penny has been off lately and Smoltz has been a joke. When is Wake back from the DL?

Bruins Fan 08-03-2009 10:42 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
I can't understand Buchholz the kid tears it up in the minors and stinks out the ball park in the bigs?
What everyone thought was going to be the strength of the team is not looking good
Smoltz is washed up, Penny sux's, Dice-K he can go back to Japan for all I care, Wake is hurt.
The Sox should have gone after a pitcher, Theo loves broken down circus dogs.
A lot of big games coming up starting tonight.

PeteSB75 08-03-2009 11:18 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In

Originally Posted by Bruins Fan (Post 492253)
I can't understand Buchholz the kid tears it up in the minors and stinks out the ball park in the bigs?
What everyone thought was going to be the strength of the team is not looking good
Smoltz is washed up, Penny sux's, Dice-K he can go back to Japan for all I care, Wake is hurt.
The Sox should have gone after a pitcher, Theo loves broken down circus dogs.
A lot of big games coming up starting tonight.

Yeah, it is definitely a problem. I gotta admit, after the interview Matsuzaka gave to the Japanese paper where he attributed his struggles in the US to the conditioning program, which apparently was not suitable for Japanese physiology, I have no further respect or interest in him.

Yeah, this week might well be make or break for our chances at the division, two games at the Rays and four at the Yankees... With Wake still on the DL, now with sciatica, so probably out for another month. 2/5 starting pitchers able to win games just doesn't cut it.

Bruins Fan 08-03-2009 01:15 PM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
The bull pen got to shoulder the load again, we have three pitchers that are lucky if you get five innings out of them?

VTDragon 08-04-2009 02:15 PM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
Maybe Smoltz needs the challenge of facing the top teams instead of the Baltimores and Washingtons he has faced...maybe, maybe ... I hope!

PeteSB75 08-04-2009 02:20 PM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In

Originally Posted by VTDragon (Post 493979)
Maybe Smoltz needs the challenge of facing the top teams instead of the Baltimores and Washingtons he has faced...maybe, maybe ... I hope!

I just hope Lester pitches 6 or 7 tonight against the Rays...

Bruins Fan 08-05-2009 07:50 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
WTF Francoma what don't you know?
Evan Longoria, which I feel is the best player in Baseball and kills the Sox time after time is allowed to hit two home runs including the game winner.
It's a freakin shame Lester goes out pitches a great game strikes out 10 should have been at least 12 he was getting squeezed by some bad umpiring.
You can pin this loss on Francoma, Bard and Saito.:(

PeteSB75 08-05-2009 07:52 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In

Originally Posted by Bruins Fan (Post 495131)
WTF Francoma what don't you know?
Evan Longoria, which I feel is the best player in Baseball and kills the Sox time after time is allowed to hit two home runs including the game winner.
It's a freakin shame Lester goes out pitches a great game strikes out 10 should have been at least 12 he was getting squeezed by some bad umpiring.
You can pin this loss on Francoma, Bard and Saito.:(

Can't blame the pitching for this one. Held the Rays to two runs through 9. Blame the offense for not getting off their asses to hit a couple runs in.

Bruins Fan 08-05-2009 08:05 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In

Originally Posted by PeteSB75 (Post 495134)
Can't blame the pitching for this one. Held the Rays to two runs through 9. Blame the offense for not getting off their asses to hit a couple runs in.

Yep that's true the offence has been crap, for a while now.
Tito got to start putting the best line up on the field and stop worring about players feelings.
Bay and Drew have done nothing for two months,
Teck is back to his old ways of being an easy out and should be limited to playing twice a week.
Mike Lowell should get some time at DH.
Ortiz should sit agienst leftys.

PeteSB75 08-05-2009 09:36 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In

Originally Posted by Bruins Fan (Post 495148)
Yep that's true the offence has been crap, for a while now.
Tito got to start putting the best line up on the field and stop worring about players feelings.
Bay and Drew have done nothing for two months,
Teck is back to his old ways of being an easy out and should be limited to playing twice a week.
Mike Lowell should get some time at DH.
Ortiz should sit agienst leftys.

Runs down what they think the playing time for Ortiz, Lowell, Tek, Youk, and Martinez should be for the rest of the season. Interesting thoughts there.

Bruins Fan 08-05-2009 09:56 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
That's basically what would do except for Kotchman he can ride the bench, and get a spot start.

taltos 08-05-2009 10:01 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
If you folks don't like Tek at catcher, Martinez will be a real eye opener defensively. They moved him to first because his knees were going and because he sucked defensively at catcher. Moved him back to catcher because he was a worse first baseman. Get used to the fact that the Red Sox will pick up Tek's option for next year, as the article mentioned, he is the third most productive catcher this year.:D

Bruins Fan 08-05-2009 10:29 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
Tek is the worst catcher in baseball he was ranked 28th a few weeks ago as far as throwing out runners?
The argument that he handles pitcher so well is nonsense.
If he was so great the pitchers should never lose a game.
At least Martinez can hit, he also made the 09 All Star team as a catcher.
We as Red Sox fans over rate our guys way to much?

gettysburgfreak 08-05-2009 09:05 PM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
Im getting sick of the lack luster pitching and terrible offense. Brad Penny is terrible, every time he pitches I want to smash my TV. Varitek cant hit a beach ball and the rest of the offense is sputtering. They need to get their **** in gear quick.

PeteSB75 08-06-2009 06:56 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In

Originally Posted by gettysburgfreak (Post 496416)
Im getting sick of the lack luster pitching and terrible offense. Brad Penny is terrible, every time he pitches I want to smash my TV. Varitek cant hit a beach ball and the rest of the offense is sputtering. They need to get their **** in gear quick.

Unless they turn things around now, they will be missing the playoffs for sure.

Bruins Fan 08-06-2009 06:49 PM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
Smoltz I knew that three run shot was coming, If I was the GM he would be released tonight.
He is a washed up hanger on :mad:

Bruins Fan 08-07-2009 03:03 PM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
What the heck took so long?
Smoltz Designated For Assignment:tu
Now we need to kick a few more slacker in the butt,
namely Nancy Drew, Jason Bay, and show big pop up the door.

Bruins Fan 08-08-2009 10:13 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
Tuff loss last night but a great pitchers duel.
Between Lester and Beckett there last 14 inning pitched they have only given up one run, and lost both games.
I can't understand some of the moves or non moves that Tito is making?
He is having a bad week, why no pinch hitter for tek or big pop up.
I would bench his fat butt for the lack of hustle let alone his non production.

The Poet 08-08-2009 10:16 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
You guys may hate the final score, but you gotta admit (like John did) that that was one great game. Nobody left the stadium, and they rarely needed their seats. What a battle.

PeteSB75 08-08-2009 01:09 PM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 500489)
You guys may hate the final score, but you gotta admit (like John did) that that was one great game. Nobody left the stadium, and they rarely needed their seats. What a battle.

Yeah, was definitely a great game, though I would obviously have preferred a different result. Watched the first few innings, then went off to see a movie with my fiance. Got back and hopped online to check the score, only to see they are still scoreless in the twelfth. Watched the rest of the game.

Captain Crunch 08-08-2009 01:18 PM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
**** A-Rod last night... we need Pedro Martinez back, so he can throw a fastball at his head. The curse is reversed!!!

Captain Crunch 08-09-2009 08:16 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
As predicted... they threw at A-Rod last night. Come on Red Sox... lets get some runs for the pitching staff...

Bruins Fan 08-09-2009 08:55 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
I think father time has caught up with the Sox,and management has done nothing to bolster the offense.
Not getting Teshera was a big blow.
Watching Tek, Lowell, and Ortiz is pathetic, Drew is a bust and Bay has done nothing after May.
they need to find someone off the waver wire and screw hurting feelings, if your not doing the job you can't complain.

Captain Crunch 08-09-2009 09:01 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
I also think the Steroid accusations has really hurt the clubhouse...Bruins Fan, I agree age has def caught up with the Red Sox... the only good playes they have are Pedoria,Yukulis, & Ellsbury. Everyone else is a disgrace.

Bruins Fan 08-09-2009 09:17 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
On top of that the injury's have taken there toll, a rejected Yankee farm hand playing ss, any warm body from AA ball in the outfield. and the shuttle form Pawtucket with pitchers that have never pitched in the majors thrown in key big game situations. Not good, not good at all.

Bruins Fan 08-10-2009 03:07 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
Hats off to the Yanks for opening a can of woop a$$ on the home team.
Three very good pitching performances wasted.:td
Lets see if home cooking will get them back on the beam?

The Poet 08-10-2009 01:40 PM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In

Originally Posted by Bruins Fan (Post 502476)
Hats off to the Yanks for opening a can of woop a$$ on the home team.
Three very good pitching performances wasted.:td
Lets see if home cooking will get them back on the beam?

Appreciate that, John, and three of those four games were dang good on both sides. Your Sox seem to be in trouble, and from what I've seen you can't blame the starting pitchers for it. Half of your line-up appear to be DHs,1Bs, or beat-up catchers past their prime, and most of the rest are kids. You need some good veteran outfielders.

What ever happened to guys like Damon and Manny? Oh yeah - you chased them outta town. :D

hotreds 08-10-2009 01:45 PM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
A little help is needed!

Bruins Fan 08-10-2009 03:43 PM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
:What ever happened to guys like Damon and Manny? Oh yeah - you chased them outta town.:

Damon wanted to be a Yankee, he did not want to resign with the Sox.
Manny shot his way out of town beating on a 65 year old secretary, claming he was hurt but did not remember which knee was hurt?
He was refusing to get on a flight to Seattle, but did at the threat of suspension.
At a team meeting 24 out of 25 players voted to get rid of him the only vote to keep him was his own.

PeteSB75 08-12-2009 06:50 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
Hell of a game last night. Can't say I blame Youk for charging the mound, especially after getting hit for the second night in a row. Porcello raising his arms like, what'd I do? as it was happening... Good win too.

Bruins Fan 08-12-2009 07:10 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
Nice tackle by Youk. Coach Belichick could use him as a linebacker :D
Youk must get hit more then any player in the AL?
Watch what kind of suspension , that a$$hat Bob Watson comes up with.:td

gettysburgfreak 08-12-2009 10:10 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
hopefully youk getting nice on the Tigers last night will light a fire under the ass of the Sox. God knows they need it

Captain Crunch 08-12-2009 08:00 PM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
Finally the Sox are starting to play better!

Bruins Fan 08-17-2009 02:54 PM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
Time for Theo to go.
The man has spent 100 million on Cash for Clunkers.
Shilling last season
J D Drew always hurt, highest paid Red Sox.
Wily Mo
Not very good with free agents.
I am sure there are more that can be added to the list?

The Poet 08-17-2009 03:03 PM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
Well, we Yankees coulda warned you about a few of those - but you would not have listened to us. :r

VTDragon 08-19-2009 08:32 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In

Originally Posted by Bruins Fan (Post 512234)
Time for Theo to go.
The man has spent 100 million on Cash for Clunkers.
Shilling last season
J D Drew always hurt, highest paid Red Sox.
Wily Mo
Not very good with free agents.
I am sure there are more that can be added to the list?

Sad to say, I agree with you on most all of these. Theo looks to be trying to acquire talent on the cheap and it just ain't workin'

VTDragon 08-21-2009 09:42 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
the good news: Swept the Blue Jays, 1st in the wild card race, Bucholtz and Lester looked great, Big Papi, Drew and Bay are hitting, everyone seems to be getting healthier, Jerry Remy is baktonight and we now have a professional shortstop.

the bad news: Beckett imploded, 7 games behind the Evil Empire, Sox are actually thinking of bringing Dice-K back this year and Texas thinks they are the 2008 Rays.

news news: Big series with the Yankees coming up. Let's hope we're still talking about taking the AL East when it's over and are not just thinking about beating Texas.

gettysburgfreak 08-21-2009 10:45 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
not to mention the pitching match up favors the yankees again this series. I think the reason Beckett did poorly his last start was V Teck did not catch him, who pretty much always catches for Beckett, and John Farrell was not available that game to go over the hitters, he was back home dealing with some family issues. As a former college pitcher I know how nice it is to have the same routine before each start and Beckett didnt have that.

Bruins Fan 08-21-2009 11:38 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
The bad is we have Bad Penny and a rookie pitching this series.
I don't see Penny getting to many more starts if he don't produce tonight?

The good is the Sox have a new lineup in place, and have solidified the defense.

floydpink 08-21-2009 07:07 PM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
NY Yankees 11 Top 5th

Boston 1

gettysburgfreak 08-21-2009 09:16 PM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
FML Boston sucks, hello wild card :mad:

The Poet 08-22-2009 12:24 PM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
Guys, it ain't over for you yet. Nobody but an idiot is talking magic number at this point.

Bruins Fan 08-22-2009 06:33 PM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
Sox got a little pay back today 14-1 romp :D
Hell they scored 11 last night that should be enough to win any game? But with a piece of crap like Penny giving up eight quick runs the game was out of hand early.

gettysburgfreak 08-23-2009 07:14 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
Penny blows, his fat ass needs to hit the road. Nice to see Gonzalez actually hit one out.

Bruins Fan 08-23-2009 08:34 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 518930)
Guys, it ain't over for you yet. Nobody but an idiot is talking magic number at this point.

Darn straight it ain't over, we might not win the division?
But If we win the wild card, the Sox will go down to a four man rotation, that means someone will see Beckett or Lester twice.
Penny is out, Wake is back this week, Dice-K should be back in two weeks, that's an 18 game winner back in the rotation.
I like our chances:tu

VTDragon 08-24-2009 07:30 AM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In

Originally Posted by Bruins Fan (Post 519709)
Darn straight it ain't over, we might not win the division? But If we win the wild card... I like our chances :tu

:tpd: Absolutely !

The Poet 08-24-2009 02:26 PM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
OK, it's rock-and-a-hard-place time: Are you gonna pull for the Yankees to whup up on the Rangers, or is that totally anathema?

gettysburgfreak 08-24-2009 04:17 PM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 521172)
OK, it's rock-and-a-hard-place time: Are you gonna pull for the Yankees to whup up on the Rangers, or is that totally anathema?

HELL NO! I don't root for them under any circumstances

dunng 08-24-2009 04:27 PM

Re: Red Sox Nation -Check In
My wife is at the game tonight... :tu

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