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taltos 02-08-2009 01:35 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by Partagaspete (Post 223254)
Wasn't Clemens roiding too? where did he come from? Oh yeay your organization. Didn't you guys try to outbid NY for A-Rod but loose? What would you guys be saying if you had him. Gimme a break!

Some Bo-sox fans can be so hypocritical it is not even funny. Not to mention a bit xenophobic.

You want to talk Sports; then talk about your Bruins instead of Hating on the Yankees. They are doing great and have a real shot this year.


Couple of points, the Red Sox won the A-Rod derby but the Players' Association would not let him redo his contract. Also, Clemens spent more time outside the Boston organization than he did within it. You obviously did not read my post where I condemned any Boston players who used performance enhancing drugs. Hating on the Yankees is a Boston tradition as is Yankee fans hating on the Red Sox. Try being fair in your responses when fairness is justified.

MiamiE 02-08-2009 01:39 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use
I hate the Yankees, and enjoy the Red Sox success a lot. I am not a fan of either, but if you think no former or current Red Sox are 'juicing', you are living in la la land. This is a sports writers dream.

VirtualSmitty 02-08-2009 04:00 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by Partagaspete (Post 223254)
Wasn't Clemens roiding too? where did he come from? Oh yeay your organization. Didn't you guys try to outbid NY for A-Rod but loose? What would you guys be saying if you had him. Gimme a break!

Some Bo-sox fans can be so hypocritical it is not even funny. Not to mention a bit xenophobic.

Red Sox nation wouldn't be Red Sox nation if they didn't constantly ***** about every little thing the Yankees do. Whining is their specialty Pete ;)

Anywho, i'm pumped. The added A-Rod hate over roiding isn't going to make any difference. Hardly anyone here likes the guy, can't see how he could be booed any more than he already has been. Lord knows i'll be there opening day with a few choice words for him :D

AD720 02-08-2009 04:30 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use
A-Rod will get in the H.O.F. Mark Mcguire will get in the H.O.F. Barry Bonds will get in the H.O.F.

Peter Edward Rose will not. :sad

Yazzie 02-08-2009 04:39 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by AD720 (Post 223460)
A-Rod will get in the H.O.F. Mark Mcguire will get in the H.O.F. Barry Bonds will get in the H.O.F.

Peter Edward Rose will not. :sad

I'm not so sure about that. The writers have clearly said (by their vote or lack there of) that they are not ready to put McGuire in......

AD720 02-08-2009 04:44 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by Yazzie (Post 223471)
I'm not so sure about that. The writers have clearly said (by their vote or lack there of) that they are not ready to put McGuire in......

McGuire or not my point is the same. Pete Rose did his time now let him in!

Sorry for the thread jack.

BigFrank 02-08-2009 04:49 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use
Not surprised by A-Rod. Most guys use, or have used. Thinking guys arent on something is being naive.

Asher 02-08-2009 04:57 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by SeanGAR (Post 221678)
Exactly. Players know the other guys are doing it and if they don't, they may lose their edge and their jobs to the other guy's drugs. ARod was using before it was illegal.

I don't know what type of steroids A-Rod was using or whether he had a prescription, but MLB banned steroids in 1991, and anabolic steroids were classified as controlled substances in 1990.

Ace$nyper 02-08-2009 05:17 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use
They just picked the biggest name player to out. Bigger news story. That's probably why the boston fans are so busy up in arms, no one cares about anyone their.

That aside, no really, It's just biggest name most shock. I dunno I kind am on the fence, I mean if you sat at your office job and guzzled HGH you won't be huge you still need to work out for it. Should we ban protein shakes next?

Sports of any kind have always been about the edge, be it race cars drilling holes in the suspension for that last pound, putting your hands behind you to force a foul or gobble something to wire you up.

Not putting any spin on it that's just how it is, and riods are now the loophole or edge that is getting closed.

Personally I'm mixed on it, these people live for this sport they aren't morons they understand the risks should it be stopped? It is unfair to those who choose not to. But is giving up 5 years later on worth it for another good season? I'm not holding a needle and wondering that.

I'm not looking to stand up for or bash any of the players. Just throwing it out.

VirtualSmitty 02-08-2009 05:19 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by Asher (Post 223494)
I don't know what type of steroids A-Rod was using or whether he had a prescription, but MLB banned steroids in 1991, and anabolic steroids were classified as controlled substances in 1990.

There was no testing and no penalties for doing so though. Testing didn't come until 03, penalties didn't come into effect until 04.

Asher 02-08-2009 05:31 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by VirtualSmitty (Post 223521)
There was no testing and no penalties for doing so though. Testing didn't come until 03, penalties didn't come into effect until 04.

Yeah, and we can thank the players' union for that. With a steroid ban but no testing or penalties, any player who did the right thing and didn't take steroids was at a disadvantage.

wrench turner 85 02-08-2009 05:34 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by dunng (Post 221324)
Not surprised... :ss


Starscream 02-08-2009 06:17 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use
I'm not condoning steroids, but nowadays you have to take them just to be competitive w/ the rest of the users in professional sports today. There are still some greats who are steroid free, such as Griffey Jr. (at least as far as we know), but it seems that more and more of these guys are users. Makes me wonder why Barry Bonds was crucified when there were many others doing the same thing he was doing (and before you say they crucified him for being an @$$hole, look at Ty Cobb).

I kinda expect this outta A-Rod, but I'd be shocked if it comes out that Jeter was a user. He's more of a class act than that, despite him being a Yankee.

AD720 02-08-2009 07:08 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by andysutherland (Post 223600)
I'm not condoning steroids, but nowadays you have to take them just to be competitive w/ the rest of the users in professional sports today. There are still some greats who are steroid free, such as Griffey Jr. (at least as far as we know), but it seems that more and more of these guys are users. Makes me wonder why Barry Bonds was crucified when there were many others doing the same thing he was doing (and before you say they crucified him for being an @$$hole, look at Ty Cobb).

I kinda expect this outta A-Rod, but I'd be shocked if it comes out that Jeter was a user. He's more of a class act than that, despite him being a Yankee.

I can only speak for myself but for me it is because he broke long-standing and respected records with the help of an advantage that the record holders did not have. I highly doubt that Hank Aaron used anabolic steroids.

gettysburgfreak 02-08-2009 07:18 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

great list detailing what a scumbag this guy has been

Starscream 02-08-2009 07:42 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by AD720 (Post 223705)
I can only speak for myself but for me it is because he broke long-standing and respected records with the help of an advantage that the record holders did not have. I highly doubt that Hank Aaron used anabolic steroids.

I also highly doubt that Hank Aaron faced pitchers who used anabolic steroids either. :)

Yazzie 02-08-2009 07:45 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by andysutherland (Post 223763)
I also highly doubt that Hank Aaron faced pitchers who used anabolic steroids either. :)

True....I think MLB is going to have to have some kind of Asterik, footnote (call it what you want) to distinguish the Steroid Era. I love the game and it will go on. Tough decision though on how to account for this

Genetic Defect 02-08-2009 07:45 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use
I guess its ok to cheat if everyone is cheating, and also ok to steal if everyone is stealing, etc.

Starscream 02-08-2009 07:50 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by Big Vito (Post 223771)
I guess its ok to cheat if everyone is cheating, and also ok to steal if everyone is stealing, etc.


No, it's not, but if everyone else is doing it, one person should not be crucified while others are merely slapped on the wrist. I'm not condoning the use of steroids, just pointing out an often overlooked point-of-view.

AD720 02-08-2009 07:52 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by andysutherland (Post 223763)
I also highly doubt that Hank Aaron faced pitchers who used anabolic steroids either. :)


Originally Posted by Yazzie (Post 223770)
True....I think MLB is going to have to have some kind of Asterik, footnote (call it what you want) to distinguish the Steroid Era. I love the game and it will go on. Tough decision though on how to account for this


Originally Posted by Big Vito (Post 223771)
I guess its ok to cheat if everyone is cheating, and also ok to steal if everyone is stealing, etc.


It is a shame but it is true. Baseball definitely lost it's innocence in the last 10 years or so and it is really sad.

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