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nozero 03-09-2009 09:03 AM

Re: Stray black lab mix story.

Originally Posted by BamBam (Post 277726)
Is that Animal Control in the background there :D;)

No sir, that's one of Arlington's Police vehicles. I've had very good luck with them and find them to be very professional. I even submitted a compliment to the Police Department via the Arlington City web site, when I got my last speeding ticket. I've had less than professional treatment by police officers in the past, so I appreciate the professionals. He called me sir, explained why he stopped me, the speed limit as well as the speed he clocked me at and told me if I were stopped again from the far left lane, that I should stop on the left hand shoulder. I told him that I had always stopped in the far right shoulder because it give me more room to stay away from the other traffic. Here in Texas, when you pass any emergency vehicle, you are supposed to either move over one lane or if you pass in the lane next to them, you reduce your speed by 20 mph. There were idiots flying by him, I'm sure hitting 70 mph or better.

Anyway, I received a return email with a thank you. Turns out, they don't often get commendations from persons who received tickets.

nozero 03-09-2009 09:10 AM

Re: Stray black lab mix story.
I've become quite concerned about Oprah regarding what will happen to her after I catch her, as I'm quite certain I could capture her now. I worry that the Arlington Animal Services would put her down because she's older and so timid. A lot of people don't want the dog that sits in the corner of the pen at the shelter, which I think she would. Really, I'd keep her if there were any chance of her and Rockie getting along and if I could convince Debbie (my wife) too.

Debbie suggested last night that if I were to see some of the other people that feed Oprah today, that I should inquire to see if they'd be interested in adopting her. Well this morning after I'd been out to take Oprah her morning biscuit and fresh water and decided to go out for a cigar on the front lawn. While I was gathering up my chair, phones, laptop, coffee, lighter, cutter and cigar. I looked across the street and saw one of Oprah's friends. So I crossed the street to talk to her and introduced myself telling her I lived across the street and asked if she was interested in adopting Oprah or if she was just feeding her to be kind. She may have been a little leery of me, I have that effect on some people. She clearly stated that she would be interested! So I gave her my phone numbers and suggested that she call me and give me her number, so I could contact her if I was able to catch Oprah, if she was comfortable with that. Oprah would not go to her but, as she was driving away, I went to Oprah and she again let me pet her.

As I sit typing this now, another of Oprah's friends is across the lot and petting her! I'd be very happy if somebody who cares for her gave her a home! I just walked over and talked to this lady too. Turns out, both of these ladies are named Jan. This one already has two dogs, but she knows the other Jan and said she knew the other Jan wanted to adopt Oprah and make her an indoor dog. She said today was the first time Oprah let her pet her and I could tell it made her feel as good as it did when I petted her for the first time.

Some idiot just hollered at Oprah from the other side of the painted fence next to the alley on the back side of the lot. Oprah ran across the lot, headed toward Green Oaks Blvd and by the time I stood up to see what was going on, I could not see who it was or where they were. I don't see Oprah in the lot now, but have strong hopes that she'll return later today or this evening.

Still hoping for the best! :tu

ahc4353 03-09-2009 09:14 AM

Re: Stray black lab mix story.

This is friggin AWESOME!

I wish you could keep her and I bet she does as well.

heavyd 03-09-2009 09:28 AM

Re: Stray black lab mix story.

Originally Posted by nozero (Post 278488)
She may have been a little leery of me, I have that effect on some people.

I find this hard to believe, Michael. You sound like one hell of a nice guy. Anyone who writes a thank you note to the cops after getting a ticket is basically a saint :D:ss

I'm really enjoying this thread.

Go Oprah! ...never thought I'd say that

King James 03-09-2009 09:35 AM

Re: Stray black lab mix story.
have enjoyed keeping track of this thread.... hope everything works out!

karmaz00 03-09-2009 10:36 AM

Re: Stray black lab mix story.
thanks for your kindness..good luck

foomanto 03-09-2009 04:13 PM

Re: Stray black lab mix story.
i hope every thing works out for her weather she stays with you or not

kayaker 03-09-2009 04:44 PM

Re: Stray black lab mix story.
Best of luck with your efforts to befriend Oprah and find her a good home. :tu

heavyd 03-10-2009 03:29 PM

Re: Stray black lab mix story.
Any updates? My wife is curious too :D

nozero 03-10-2009 04:43 PM

Re: Stray black lab mix story.
Well, the lady that is interested in adopting Oprah called me back yesterday. I need to call her and ask her if she wants me to attempt to capture her or if she is going to get the other lady who's been feeding her to try.

We really don't have room, we have a small house 1368 SQFT and we already have two large dogs. I don't want to capture her then have to keep her for long since Rockie is dog agressive. It would be difficult to cycle them outdoors and indoors. Plus, Oprah is in very bad need of a bath. My hands get black when I pet her back or scratch her belly.

I went out and sat with and petted Oprah again last just after 8 PM. Had to work today so I put her fresh water and biscuit out before I left. Another friend was going to feed her this morning. I've not seen her yet tonight.

I'll keep posting any changes.

Thanks ya'll!

nozero 03-13-2009 06:30 AM

Re: Stray black lab mix story.
We've had some chilly/wet weather lately and I didn't get to see Oprah Tuesday or Wednesday, but the food and water I put out was gone so I was hoping she was the one eating it.

Went out to her last night three different times and got to pet her each time. Also spoke to the lady who wants to adopt her and we're hoping to get moving on this today after work. I'm going to make sure she's available before trying to get a leash on Oprah. I don't want to spook her for no reason. I'm also hoping she won't bite, not that she's ever given any indication that she would, but one can never tell.

Dogs seem to sense everything about us and are very keen on any changes, so I will have to be very calm cool and collected so maybe she'll stay that way too. I'm going to act like it's no big thing and just keep talking to her and will probably have a pocket full of shredded cheese to keep her interested. I'm going to attempt to slip a leash over one shoulder crossing over her chest and under the opposite leg then back up and pull it through the handle loop. This is how I took both Zoe and Rockie from the shelter when we adopted them and it worked pretty well, but they were glad to go with me.

I'm going to call the lady again tonight when I get home from work and work out any details, if the weather holds and we don't have to postpone. Getting Oprah on a Friday night and having Saturday and Sunday to spend alone with her should be a good start for them both before she has to return to work Monday. I've suggested a crate or large plastic kennel to keep her in in the garage in bad weather or back yard weather permitting, so she does not try to dig out and until she gets more comfortable with her new surroundings.

Based on the gray in her chin hair, Oprah's an older dog, I'd guess 6-8 maybe? I would feel so much better if the time she has left were to be shared with somebody who loves her and she could love.

Still hoping for the best. As Oat Willie said "Onward Through the Fog"!

ahc4353 03-13-2009 06:33 AM

Re: Stray black lab mix story.
Wishing you the best of luck in your quest to do a wonderful thing.

King James 03-13-2009 08:16 AM

Re: Stray black lab mix story.
good luck tonight! Hope all goes through without any problems :tu

nozero 03-13-2009 05:44 PM

Re: Stray black lab mix story.

Originally Posted by King James (Post 285520)
good luck tonight! Hope all goes through without any problems :tu

Jan, that's the lady's name called me today and said she would be attending a birthday party for her son until about 8:00 or 8:30. When I got home, I drove by the front of the house and Oprah was in the lot across the street. I rolled down my window and hollered "hello sweetie" and she cocked her head and looked as though to say "where have you been". I drove around back and pulled in the garage and went in the house said hey to my dogs and let them out, then grabbed a biscuit to go see her. Something must have been up, as she would get close and sniff my hand, but would not let me touch her, she just kept backing away. I went out and tried about three times, because she just hung around the front yard. But after she backs up, I stop. I don't "push it", it's going to be on her tems. The last time I was trying, Jan drove up and stopped and got out of her SUV and Oprah increased her distance going back across the street. I don't know that tonight will work. We have about 2 inches of water on the side of our house leading to the front gate to the back yard, this could be hard to get through even if I could get close enough to snag her. It's supposed to warm to 55 tomorrow and no rain is currently in the forcast, but this is Texas and that can change quickly.

If nothing happens tonight, Jan said she'd get out tomorrow and visit the lot and try to get Oprah's trust. I play 8 ball on Saturdays in a league and won't get home until after 5 PM or so. But I figure there's not need to rush this. It took me months to gain Oprah's trust, I'd hate to screw up now. If it takes a while, it takes a while. But it would be nice if Oprah had a home for my 54th B-day Sunday. That would be the best gift I can imagine. But, this is about Oprah, not me.

Even if this does not work out. I will continue to feed and water her for as long as she has the need. When I look into her beautiful brown eyes, I know I could do nothing else and I like to think that she knows I care.

Thanks again for the comments, I appreciate knowing that you all care too.

lightning9191 03-13-2009 06:43 PM

Re: Stray black lab mix story.
Thanx for the update Michael!

nozero 03-14-2009 05:02 PM

Re: Stray black lab mix story.
I just got back from playing pool and she was in the lot across the street. I took a couple of biscuits out and called to her but she just laid there looking at me. I walked across the street and approached and she kept backing away again, but then laid down and exposed her belly. I had noticed something bumpy there before and today I looked closely and found that she has stitches intact! There are at least two, knots exposed and the rest under the skin. I tugged on one gently to see if it would pull out but didn't want to risk hurting her in case they were still connected underneath the skin. I wonder if she was in to be spayed and escaped?

I was able to give her a good scratching all over, ears, neck front and back and especially belly, she seemed to enjoy it very much. I picked up her pink "baby" and squeezed it and it barked and panted. She cocked her head RCA dog style and looked like what are you doing with my baby. So I took it back with me and showed her as I tossed it into her kennel. She's going to have to come get it.

I think it would be better if Jan could get close to Oprah and gain her trust on Oprah's terms before she tries to take her home.

I really wish I could convince my wife that she MAY get along with our dogs. I know Oprah trusts me, so far and I think more than anyone else. I feel as though I'd be betraying her trust if I just caught her and then turned her over to somebody else. What do you think?

Oh, not that it matters, but I lost my match. But at least it was to a good friend who is the one that got me to join the league. It was a 3/4 match, I had to win 3 he had to win 4. He won the lag, then the first two games. On the third he scratched on the 8 ball, the next game I won, then he won the last two.

nozero 03-14-2009 08:09 PM

Re: Stray black lab mix story.
Just got back from my B-day dinner with my wife, two sons and one sons fiancé. Took a biscuit out to Oprah and got her to lay down and let me scratch her belly again! Loved on her a bit then told her to find her a warm dry place to sleep and that I'd see her in the morning.

heavyd 03-14-2009 08:26 PM

Re: Stray black lab mix story.

Originally Posted by nozero (Post 287663)
Just got back from my B-day dinner with my wife, two sons and one sons fiancé. Took a biscuit out to Oprah and got her to lay down and let me scratch her belly again! Loved on her a bit then told her to find her a warm dry place to sleep and that I'd see her in the morning.

I have two rescued Rottweillers and I'm a K9 cop (Belgian Malinois named Irk). Try to find a way to keep her if possible. Oprah wants to stay with you, I can feel it :). You can do it, but it will take a lot of hard work. Whatever happens, I'm glad you are watching over her. You have a big heart my friend.

SmokeyJoe 03-14-2009 08:36 PM

Re: Stray black lab mix story.

Originally Posted by nozero (Post 285412)
Based on the gray in her chin hair, Oprah's an older dog, I'd guess 6-8 maybe? I would feel so much better if the time she has left were to be shared with somebody who loves her and she could love.

Still hoping for the best. As Oat Willie said "Onward Through the Fog"!

Agreed... you are doing a great job, Michael. Hope Oprah will be well cared for and loved... by Jan, or someone else. For now, you have done an outstanding job. :tu

yourchoice 03-14-2009 09:04 PM

Re: Stray black lab mix story.
This is the first time I've seen this thread, and all I can say is what you're doing is awesome. You are clearly a very kind hearted person. Keep being patient with Oprah. I grew up on a horse farm, and we "accumulated" (no real adoption at the time) several stray dogs. Sometimes it takes time....depending on what kind of unknown situation they came from, but as you know if you show them love, they reciprocate in kind.

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