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BHK-J 06-30-2018 01:33 PM

Re: Draw tool
Perfect draw and all tchotchke from their site. Great stuff.

hwgoesit 06-30-2018 02:11 PM

Re: Draw tool

Originally Posted by nutcracker (Post 2145547)

I have a slightly used Redeemer I’ll sell for $50 plus shipping. PM if interested

hwgoesit 06-30-2018 02:18 PM

Re: Draw tool

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 2146151)
Er no not at all, I just bought a couple of the $25 ones, got them a couple days ago and havent even opened the box yet, when i go i'll check them out ... someone said they also changed the handle part, it used to be round. The american way, you make some money and right away you figure out how to do it cheaper and faster and fvck your reputation

Will be sending this b!tches right back

I have both the old and new. I much prefer the new one. The barbs are lined up rather than offset from one another. The new one grabs more tobacco and I found does a better job unplugging. It’s jist a little longer, but is noticeable.
The hex cap prevents the tool from rolling around. Previously the pocket clip served that function. I don’t wear a pocket protector anymore, so the clip is not that useful for me.

SurfnSafari 07-28-2018 11:41 AM

Re: Draw tool
I own the PerfecDraw Cigar C.P.R Tool, it is one of the Cigar Accessories that actually does as advertised. Bought mine in early 2018 when the price dropped to under 25.00.

I also bought a bottle of PerfecRepair Cigar Glue another product that works as advertised.

Tip I will share if your PerfecDraw Tool get tabacco bit stuck in the teeth/blades a brushing with a soft-dry new tooth brush, will clean the blade/teeth as easy as pie.

Use a dedicate toothbrush for cleaning your PerfecDraw Tool, they are inexpensive.


markem 07-28-2018 11:59 AM

Re: Draw tool

Originally Posted by SurfnSafari (Post 2157209)
I own the PerfecDraw Cigar C.P.R Tool, it is one of the Cigar Accessories that actually does as advertised. Bought mine in early 2018 when the price dropped to under 25.00.

I also bought a bottle of PerfecRepair Cigar Glue another product that works as advertised.

Tip I will share if your PerfecDraw Tool get tabacco bit stuck in the teeth/blades a brushing with a soft-dry new tooth brush, will clean the blade/teeth as easy as pie.

Use a dedicate toothbrush for cleaning your PerfecDraw Tool, they are inexpensive.


I'm with you on the PD. Amazing tool. An excellent nubbing tool as well. I've had good luck with just blowing on the tool or using a finger nail to get off stuck tobacco, but it is good to know your technique as well. If I am at a friend's maybe I can find a toothbrush to use. :banger

SurfnSafari 07-29-2018 11:35 AM

Re: Draw tool

Originally Posted by markem (Post 2157210)
I'm with you on the PD. Amazing tool. An excellent nubbing tool as well. I've had good luck with just blowing on the tool or using a finger nail to get off stuck tobacco, but it is good to know your technique as well. If I am at a friend's maybe I can find a toothbrush to use. :banger

Suggestion is Wally-World, as they have cheap toothbrushes, that in the longrun cost way less, then the cost of lost friends.:)

SurfnSafari 10-01-2018 07:34 PM

Winner in Germany of Best Cigar Accessory of Year - 2018
1 Attachment(s)
Got an e-mail from Dr. Rod's it inventor couple of days ago, he won, he went to Germany to the announcement ceremony.

So IMHO this is an Accessory that works as advertised, not just a lot of noise, but no bank for the buck.

If you thought about a Cigar C.P.R. Tool this one saves plugged, and over pack stick. Still on sale. Crummy screen shot below of the e-mail I got, but better then zero. FYI

PerfecDraw is the winner of Cigar Journal's "2018 Best Cigar Accessory of 2018" Award. :noon. Very Cool to be voted best of best.

markem 10-01-2018 07:52 PM

Re: Draw tool
perfecdraw is the gold standard. The early one with the round handle is the collectors item. I use it every day. And I smoke almost every day.

T.G 10-01-2018 08:09 PM

Re: Draw tool

Originally Posted by markem (Post 2160991)
perfecdraw is the gold standard. The early one with the round handle is the collectors item. I use it every day. And I smoke almost every day.

Wow. Your cigars must all be f-ed up to need it that often, Mr. Mark...

Feel free to send them to me for pedestrian disposal.

markem 10-01-2018 08:11 PM

Re: Draw tool

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 2160994)
Wow. Your cigars must all be f-ed up to need it that often, Mr. Mark...

Feel free to send them to me for pedestrian disposal.

It is also a nub tool.

T.G 10-01-2018 08:26 PM

Re: Draw tool

Originally Posted by markem (Post 2160995)
It is also a nub tool.

Didn't realize you liked Nicaraguan cigars that much...

markem 10-01-2018 09:05 PM

Re: Draw tool

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 2160999)
Didn't realize you liked Nicaraguan cigars that much...

There is a reason why you are still single.

T.G 10-01-2018 09:25 PM

Re: Draw tool

Originally Posted by markem (Post 2161002)
There is a reason why you are still single.

Yes, but that isn't it.

icehog3 10-02-2018 09:03 AM

Re: Draw tool

Originally Posted by markem (Post 2160991)
I use it every day. And I smoke almost every day.

What do you use it for on the days you don't smoke? :confused: :r

SurfnSafari 10-02-2018 09:34 AM

Re: Draw tool
Well I was think last night wehen I could not sleep so good, as I had just got a Second Set in the mail yesterday. PerfecDraw Tool, and Perfect Repair. The inventor apprently update his long placing a color band with trademark logo at the foot of the barrel that hold the instrument. With the Hex-Hand and the Band I said self, this look like a Migicians Wand. Might just be that as the PerfecDraw work Magic to Cigar that are plugged, tight, or do not draw. It is a pleasure enhancer.

Honestly if you have not check out this product, do yourself a favor. Visit the web-site, check out the U-tubes, then see if it something you want, and need.

IMHO their is nothing on the market like it, it might be under priced, when you consider the Cigar that will not be trashed, but saved.

It share a common word in it name in two product I lover Cuban Crafter Perfect Cutter, & PerfecDraw Cigar Tool. PERFECT is the the right word IMHO

icehog3 10-02-2018 09:42 AM

Re: Draw tool
I've never been the inventor of a draw tool, but I played one on TV.

hotreds 10-02-2018 10:13 AM

Re: Draw tool
So you stayed at a Holiday Inn Express?

SurfnSafari 10-02-2018 10:26 AM

Re: Draw tool

Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 2161025)
So you stayed at a Holiday Inn Express?

I don't fly, I don't go no where, I most stay at home. I enjoy simple things like Popeye's Chicken, a Cold beer, a Great Cigar, and apprieciate things that work as advertised.

Someday people will realize there are 4 things in life money can not buy, most of the other toys are not important.

Cigars are one of the things I will buy that give me pleasure. Cigars are simple, smoke what makes you happy, it not about the cost, it's about the experience.:noon

hotreds 10-03-2018 08:09 AM

Re: Draw tool
Money can't buy happiness- but it can make misery more enjoyable!

SurfnSafari 10-03-2018 09:09 AM

Re: Draw tool

Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 2161071)
Money can't buy happiness- but it can make misery more enjoyable!


Health, if you have good health be happy. Think of people who were loaded with money, but modern medicine could not save em.

Time, can not retrieve the last minute, or any period of time.

Happiness can not be bought, toy are just that. Thing might make you happy but that's not happiness.

Love, true love not a night of lust, or?

If you have those 4 your lucky.

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