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blugill 11-19-2014 04:10 PM

Re: SoA Season 7
Now that everything is out in the open, Gemma is a dead woman walking!
Hopefully that maniac Jax is too!

icehog3 11-19-2014 04:12 PM

Re: SoA Season 7
Abel is a rat, I hope he gets it too.

longknocker 11-19-2014 07:17 PM

Re: SoA Season 7

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2000097)
Abel is a rat, I hope he gets it too.

:r:D Good One, Brother!

icehog3 11-19-2014 07:20 PM

Re: SoA Season 7

Originally Posted by longknocker (Post 2000164)
:r:D Good One, Brother!

No, really, Greg.

longknocker 11-19-2014 07:31 PM

Re: SoA Season 7

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2000167)
No, really, Greg.

You Can't Kill The Kid, Brother!:r

icehog3 11-19-2014 07:36 PM

Re: SoA Season 7

Originally Posted by longknocker (Post 2000179)
You Can't Kill The Kid, Brother!:r

I can't, but hopefully Tig will. ;)

shilala 11-20-2014 04:30 AM

Re: SoA Season 7
I think Wendy and the kids walk.
Wendy does Gemma.
Jax could get it from anyone, or falls on the sword from Wendy doing Gemma.
Chibs's girlfriend cop sends him to jail.
Wayne turns on the club cause he's had a gutful and he rides away into the sunset with the cop chick he got lit up.

I didn't see last night's episode yet, I'll watch it later this week.
Weeze gave up on it after a couple shows this season. I'm just sticking it out cause it's the last season, but I still enjoy it.

SD Beerman 11-21-2014 08:34 AM

Re: SoA Season 7

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 2000251)
I think Wendy and the kids walk.
Wendy does Gemma.
Jax could get it from anyone, or falls on the sword from Wendy doing Gemma.
Chibs's girlfriend cop sends him to jail.
Wayne turns on the club cause he's had a gutful and he rides away into the sunset with the cop chick he got lit up.

I didn't see last night's episode yet, I'll watch it later this week.
Weeze gave up on it after a couple shows this season. I'm just sticking it out cause it's the last season, but I still enjoy it.

I like it.....

hammondc 11-21-2014 09:27 AM

Re: SoA Season 7
I did not read these comments because I am only 4 episodes into S7, but my patience is wearing thin. THis should have ended 2 seasons ago with Clay dead.

SD Beerman 12-03-2014 10:22 AM

Re: SoA Season 7
One more week.........

IBQTEE1 12-03-2014 10:24 AM

Re: SoA Season 7
Last nights episode was really good. I think the ending of Gemma was spot on. Enough of Jackson banging the chicks with his butt showing.

icehog3 12-03-2014 01:15 PM

Re: SoA Season 7
Yeah, more of Wendy's tits and less of Jax's rear. :tu

drjammer 12-04-2014 07:25 AM

Re: SoA Season 7

Originally Posted by IBQTEE1 (Post 2002987)
Last nights episode was really good. I think the ending of Gemma was spot on. Enough of Jackson banging the chicks with his butt showing.

Amen to that Sister but I think my wife has been enjoying the scenes :)


Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2003032)
Yeah, more of Wendy's tits and less of Jax's rear. :tu

Agreed :tu

blugill 12-06-2014 07:16 AM

Re: SoA Season 7
I've never seen a show with so much prison rape.
That's pretty much enough of Jax being naked and way too much prison rape.
It's like Sutter creates every episode with a quota of gay anal rape in it for some reason. All I can think of is poor Juice.
Glad Gemma is gone, now I'm guessing when Mayhem Lands Jax will be buried somewhere with a couple of dozen bullets in him.

blugill 12-10-2014 05:45 AM

Re: SoA Season 7
I'm glad it's over with.
The show seemed to devolve from a path J.T. set the club on to one of gang violence and nonstop killing.
I thought for sure after Chibs shot Happy in the arm they were going to let Jax walk free.
But nope, it was also cool to see Vic Mackey driving the truck that killed Jax.

shilala 12-10-2014 06:10 AM

Re: SoA Season 7
Yay!!! Jax is dead!!!
Now I don't have to watch the final episode. :D

IBQTEE1 12-10-2014 08:37 AM

Re: SoA Season 7
While I understand the ending the last scene with him almost slamming into the truck was so fake that it spoiled the rest of the seasons that seemed so real.

GWN 12-15-2014 06:07 PM

Re: SoA Season 7

Originally Posted by IBQTEE1 (Post 2004641)
While I understand the ending the last scene with him almost slamming into the truck was so fake that it spoiled the rest of the seasons that seemed so real.

Agreed, I'm no filmmaker but I would have cut that scene totally differently. The longer shot of him riding at the truck with his arm outstretched, pan up to the crow flying above him and then fade to black. Sometimes less is more.
I have a tendency of dozing off while watching TV (yeah, I'm old) so I must of missed something earlier. Don't get the bread that rolled out of his hands. Something with the street person but not making the connection. Anyone?

icehog3 12-15-2014 06:14 PM

Re: SoA Season 7
Yes, the bread and wine was on the ledge when she gave Jax the blanket. Lots of religious imagery from Sutter, the bread soaked with wine, the "shroud" (blanket), Jax's "Jesus Christ" pose, the 7 crows.

I agree that green screen shot was super cheesy, but to say it spoiled 7 seasons is kind of overblown, don't you think?

GWN 12-15-2014 07:21 PM

Re: SoA Season 7

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2005825)
Yes, the bread and wine was on the ledge when she gave Jax the blanket. Lots of religious imagery from Sutter, the bread soaked with wine, the "shroud" (blanket), Jax's "Jesus Christ" pose, the 7 crows.

I agree that green screen shot was super cheesy, but to say it spoiled 7 seasons is kind of overblown, don't you think?

Thanks Tom. assumed it was A Biblical reference so that makes sense. True, that scene didn't ruin the whole season but a really cheesy way to wrap up what was an enjoyable series.

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