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big_jaygee 01-06-2014 10:21 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
i asked if i should plug it in now and this was Scott's response:


Originally Posted by shilala
Welp, if you plug her in empty, the RH will just fluctuate up and down wildly, and you'll make some condensate.
My suggestion would be to fill it back up, then leave it be a little bit more.
70 degrees is awesome for storing your cigars. If you want it a bit lower, You want to fire up that machine and keep it at it's highest setting, bringing it down a little bit a week.
It's gonna go crazy each time you bring it down, but it'll stabilize.

Now, here's a thing.
These thermoelectric coolers are only meant to bring down the inside temp 10-15 degrees below ambient.
If it's 85 in the house and it's set at 65, it'll run itself constantly and dump water all over your floor.
10-12 degrees below ambient is more realistic, in my experience.
So keep that in mind and make adjustments to your set-point as necessary come summer.

so i guess i will fill it up and see what happens. will give and update later this evening and see where the numbers are at.

shilala 01-06-2014 10:32 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
Ya know, Jason, if you can sit stuff out where it'll chill before you put it in, it'll save a bunch of messing around.
I think you posted that it's like 59* out?

big_jaygee 01-06-2014 10:41 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
75* in the house and 34* outside

shilala 01-06-2014 10:44 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
If you chill the sticks, it'll cause condensate to form on them when you put them in the winador.
Bad idea on my part.

big_jaygee 01-06-2014 11:07 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
ok i filled the wineador last night and the RH dropped to 31% but it has since been on the rise. it is currently 58% with a temp of 72*

ambient is 34% RH and 75*

lets see what happens with another day.

kelmac07 01-07-2014 07:36 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
Good to hear Jason. So, did you ever find ouy where the leak/condensation was coming from?

big_jaygee 01-07-2014 07:45 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1919977)
Good to hear Jason. So, did you ever find ouy where the leak/condensation was coming from?

if i had to guess Mac i would say the level was off, and caused a gap on the seal. it has been pretty steady so i think i got the problem fixed. i had to level the stand to the floor, then the wineador to the stand and right now everything is level with each other.

shilala 01-07-2014 08:16 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked

Originally Posted by big_jaygee (Post 1919909)
ok i filled the wineador last night and the RH dropped to 31% but it has since been on the rise. it is currently 58% with a temp of 72*

ambient is 34% RH and 75*

lets see what happens with another day.

Sheeee-it. That's as good as mine beside me here. It's 65* and 60%, which is 5 degrees colder than I like.
Come and fix mine now, will ya? :D

big_jaygee 01-07-2014 08:20 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1920010)
Sheeee-it. That's as good as mine beside me here. It's 65* and 60%, which is 5 degrees colder than I like.
Come and fix mine now, will ya? :D

your smarts and my hands fixed mine...i dont think it would work too well if it was my brains and your hands :r :r

Thanks again Scott for helping with this and i am more then happy to update this as i go so hopefully this can help others :tu

shilala 01-07-2014 09:05 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
Heck yeah, Jason. Make sure to update, especially if things go south.
Odds are that you were right on the money about the unit being racked. They look sturdy, but they're far from it. If they're nice and level, no problem. Sitting on carpet is tough on them unless there's a sheet of plywood underneath them.

big_jaygee 01-09-2014 09:20 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
ok after a couple of days with the 65% HCM Beads and a wineador full of cigars, it looks like things have settled.

Ambient conditions are: 43% RH, 72*

Inside the wineador is: 62% RH, 72*

looks pretty good to me so far. Thanks again Scott :tu

pnoon 01-09-2014 10:31 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked

Originally Posted by big_jaygee (Post 1921469)
ok after a couple of days with the 65% HCM Beads and a wineador full of cigars, it looks like things have settled.

Ambient conditions are: 43% RH, 72*

Inside the wineador is: 62% RH, 72*

looks pretty good to me so far. Thanks again Scott :tu

Doesn't get any better than that. :2

big_jaygee 01-09-2014 10:35 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
i agree Peter, to me that is perfect.

big_jaygee 01-12-2014 10:50 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked

Ambient 53% RH with a temp of 64*
Inside the wineador: 62% with a temp of 64*

looks like the seal is holding up.

shilala 01-12-2014 10:53 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
Awesome. Plain awesome. :)
Well done, Jason. :tu

big_jaygee 01-12-2014 11:10 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
Thank you Scott, i couldn't of done it without your help brother :D

big_jaygee 01-16-2014 09:04 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
Looks like it is doing what i want it to do

Ambient: 40% RH 72*
Inside Wineador: 64% RH 72*


big_jaygee 01-27-2014 08:07 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
well i would have to say the problem has been fixed...knock on wood

Ambient: 45% 72*
Inside: 64% 70*

Thanks again Scott for all you help with this.

big_jaygee 03-16-2014 11:19 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
I was talking with Scott earlier and he asked if i updated this thread lately.

Well it is sitting steady at 65% RH at 72*, ambient is 40% RH and 73*

big_jaygee 08-14-2015 03:12 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
Bumping this with a update

It is still rock solid and holding steady at 62-64 RH and temp is a little high since the ambient temp since it is summer but it never gets above 68 degrees in side the wine cooler.

One word of advice.... Every so often change out the Vaseline and when you do it....change out the Vaseline completely. Do not try to add more to the seal, it only makes a BIG mess.

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