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Re: Any Duck Dynasty Debate Thoughts?
Re: Any Duck Dynasty Debate Thoughts?
Greg, my experiences have been very similar. I lived in a very small town in TN for many years. Grew up in the most racist neighborhood I have ever experience anywhere. Cross burnings in yards in the early 80's. A families home burned down in the late 70's because they were the wrong race. I grew up in Indianapolis, IN, Ravenswood was the suburb name. I lived in Tullahoma TN. The racist experiences in Ravenswood far exceeded those in Tullahoma, Winchester, Deckerd, and Belvidere TN combined. It is naive at best to think racism doesnt exist anywhere in this country but I have experienced far worse in the north than the south.
Re: Any Duck Dynasty Debate Thoughts?
Re: Any Duck Dynasty Debate Thoughts?
I've seen the show a couple of times. If you want the show to be honest and real, people are going to have real opinions that may not sit well with PC "there's only one world view" crowd.
The anti-Christian propagandists have been rampant for a while and it's refreshing to see them put down for once. The inclusive societal view is only inclusive to their vision. There is no tolerance in their eyes. Funny how politicians are keeping quiet (mostly) with elections around the corner and no one wants to put words to paper that could bite them either way. |
Re: Any Duck Dynasty Debate Thoughts?
Re: Any Duck Dynasty Debate Thoughts?
Not really a simple truth... more a suspicion framed as a platitude. Warren's point was that you don't have to sacrifice what you believe to love (really love) someone who disagrees (really disagrees) with your religious beliefs. This is not another way of saying love the sinner hate the sin. It applies to all parties, not just the Bible thumper. And FWIW, I know orthodox Christians who say they do not hate and live lives that seem to show that they really don't. Course they could all be kicking puppies when I'm not around. |
Re: Any Duck Dynasty Debate Thoughts?
I was born and raised in NC, lived in TN for 3 years after college, and have lived in NJ over 30 years. I cannot disagree with Greg and Michael about the existence of racism in the North, as it has at times shocked me too. But that's not the point. On the one hand, I am rational enough (or cynical enough, if you prefer) to believe that EVERYONE is racist, regardless of their race. It is primal, even evolutionary, and part of our DNA. The trick is not to let racism affect the way you treat people, for that is not racism but rather bigotry. There is a difference. Paul Robertson may never have allowed his "primal" racism to affect the way he treated individual blacks he has doubtless encountered throughout his life, I'll grant you that. But that does not mean his neighbor hasn't, so his statement that he never heard a black man he was hoeing cotton beside in his youth say "Doggone white folks" is, at best, naive, and at worst downright stupid and deceitful.
Defending a foolish racist comment by saying racism exists outside of Louisiana is, to me, a meaningless defense. It is true, but so what? It does not excuse it, wherever it is. |
Re: Any Duck Dynasty Debate Thoughts?
Ps: uncle Si is hilarious! |
Re: Any Duck Dynasty Debate Thoughts?
Re: Any Duck Dynasty Debate Thoughts?
And let me further say that I am not conceding that anything he said was racist, the man simply states what he saw with his own eyes in his part of the world. Personally I think to make this racist is disingenuous at best for all the news media and race baiters.
Re: Any Duck Dynasty Debate Thoughts?
Re: Any Duck Dynasty Debate Thoughts?
Let's tread carefully, Gentlemen.
Re: Any Duck Dynasty Debate Thoughts?
These kind of threads go well for a while, like this one has, but in my experience they go South, almost always. If it look like it's going to turn that way, don't be shocked if the ToE shuts 'er down.
Re: Any Duck Dynasty Debate Thoughts?
Re: Any Duck Dynasty Debate Thoughts?
I still think we should all get together have a smoke and figure out how to fix New York. Or maybe San Diego. :r
Re: Any Duck Dynasty Debate Thoughts?
I will say again on my exit from this thread. Not trying to belittle or denigrate Thomas or anyone else. I am simply stating what I think and welcome anyone else to do the same. I believe that our inability to have a dialogue without calling names and discussing (which is what I am trying to do) is what is wrong with our once Great Nation and why it's in the shape it's in.
Peace out and Merry Christmas Brothers. |
Re: Any Duck Dynasty Debate Thoughts?
Very well said. |
Re: Any Duck Dynasty Debate Thoughts?
Craig, Rick Warren is an evangelical Baptist pastor of a megachurch whose net worth is estimated in excess of $10 million, and whose "official" annual salary is $900,000, yet believed to be more than $2 million. This is not exactly the type of Christian guidance I'd choose myself, but others are free to do so . . . though it does not seem Warren himself would welcome that "free" part. :D You live in Charlotte, home to perhaps the most famous and most respected "bible thumper" of all, Billy Graham. His ministry also amassed a vast fortune over his 60 years of preaching, and he was during that time about as fundamentalist a Christian as anyone. Yet, lest my memory fails me, he assiduously tried to avoid embroiling himself in conflicts such as this one, keeping his peace like I was taught a good Christian should. That was my only point. I dismiss the comment of Rick Warren out of hand because I dismiss its relevance, not its sincerity. By the same token, I dismiss the comments of Charlie Sheen, who has jumped onto Paul Robertson with both feet. Charlie Sheen is . . . well, I don't know exactly WHAT Charlie Sheen is. Hell, I'm not certain HE knows what or who he is from moment to moment. But his hateful vitriol is, to me anyway, as meaningless as the insipid pablum I view Rick Warren's statement to be. Neither seem relevant to the core issue, namely, should Paul Robertson face consequences which stem from statements he made which others found offensive. Two other quick points. Warren may be right in stating that Paul's remarks to GQ did not express hatred. However, there is a sermon Paul Robertson made in 2010 that is being cited where he quite clearly expressed what I believe are his true feelings about homosexuality, decrying it as a vile sin for which its practitioners shall be condemned to hell, to burn for all eternity. That seems pretty unambiguous to me. Secondly, you can think what you want about Charlie Sheen (as long as you don't defend Paul Robertson's First Amendment right to speak his mind while telling Charlie to STFU :D ), but at the very least he knows a little something about facing the consequences of his own words and actions. True, it took him a while to accept it with a modicum of grace, and even to apologize for his deeds (sincerely or not, who can say), but at least he moved on . . . not to a place I'd want to be, but it's his life. I can only hope that, upon reflection and with the passage of time, the Robertson clan can, individually and/or collectively, can reach a similar insight, if not a true epiphany. |
Re: Any Duck Dynasty Debate Thoughts?
And to be clear, as Michael noted, when I said I believe everyone is racist, I did not say that every white American is racist, regardless of geography. I said EVERYONE, meaning just that, regardless of race, region, nationality, or religion. That troop of hominids across the stream competes with mine for food and for water, and has abducted our females in the past. They are not like us, and are our enemy, and they must be kept in their place . . . or eliminated. How much more primal can you get? |
Re: Any Duck Dynasty Debate Thoughts?
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