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CoffeeWaterBeer 01-29-2014 07:53 AM

Re: Reasons to hate cold weather
The poor kids will be going to school until mid-July

markem 01-29-2014 07:57 AM

Re: Reasons to hate cold weather
and people wonder why I live in rainy Oregon. It's because we don't get Georgia weather!

maninblack 01-29-2014 09:10 AM

Re: Reasons to hate cold weather
Bunch of whiners. Man up. ;)

shilala 01-29-2014 09:27 AM

Re: Reasons to hate cold weather
I keep two whole house humidifiers running all winter long. I have to fill the jugs that go in them most every day. If it weren't for them, I'd dry up and turn into a pork rind.
I used to hate winter with a white-hot intensity. Now I just ignore it so I don't snap.

icehog3 01-29-2014 09:44 AM

Re: Reasons to hate cold weather

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1928776)
Woke up to find this...6+ inches. For an area that usually gets a few inches every third year...

That's what she said, Mac. :noon

stearns 01-29-2014 09:46 AM

Re: Reasons to hate cold weather

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1928864)
That's what she said, Mac. :noon

I'm just glad he uploaded the wrong pictures... these ones are just of his house :r

G G 01-29-2014 09:56 AM

Re: Reasons to hate cold weather
They are saying it's a good possibility for sleet in NE Florida north of Interstate 10. Want to guess where I'm at? I know sleet with flurries isn't a big deal to the snowmen here, but for Florida it's a nightmare, because the temps are only in the mid 30s now as soon as the sun goes down it will freeze pretty quickly and all the idiot drivers will still drive 85+ miles an hour and the roads are possibly going to have a sheet of ice on them.

G G 01-29-2014 10:19 AM

Re: Reasons to hate cold weather
It happened in 1989 and it was cars in the ditch every 7 feet.

stearns 01-29-2014 10:22 AM

Re: Reasons to hate cold weather
Here's to hoping you don't end up in a ditch, Greg :)

G G 01-29-2014 10:32 AM

Re: Reasons to hate cold weather

Originally Posted by stearns (Post 1928880)
Here's to hoping you don't end up in a ditch, Greg :)

haha Ben.:r but I shall not be out driving in it, I guess I should have clarified and said "the other idiots" :r

CigarSquid 01-29-2014 11:49 AM

Re: Reasons to hate cold weather
Damn global warming!

TFed 01-29-2014 01:19 PM

Re: Reasons to hate cold weather
Don't hate it. Embrace it.

I love bundling up and sitting outside in the winter with a good cigar as long as it isnt much below zero. Last Saturday night 1am, my son in law and I sat out on his enclosed but unheated porch, 3 below, smoking for an hour, then went for a short walk while we finished off our smokes.
Very cold, but the brandy helped. ��

hotreds 01-29-2014 01:32 PM

Re: Reasons to hate cold weather

Heavy_d 01-29-2014 02:52 PM

Re: Reasons to hate cold weather

Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 1928918)

When did you come take a pic of my car? :r

icehog3 01-29-2014 03:18 PM

Re: Reasons to hate cold weather

Originally Posted by TFed (Post 1928914)
Don't hate it. Embrace it.

I'd love to embrace it, my two hands firmly embracing it's evil neck. ;)

bruceolee 01-29-2014 03:24 PM

Re: Reasons to hate cold weather

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1928621)
I love how the extremists in the "Global Warming" camp are saying that Global Warming is responsible for the Polar Vortex and the arctic temperatures. Rain or drought, hot or cold, humid or dry, Hell, locusts or killer bees, the Global Warming people will somehow say it's due to this. :lr

Global warming is the modern boogieman. Had a bad day at work? Global warming! Get pulled over for speeding? Global warming!

But don't you know that there have been warmer times in our recent history? Blah blah blah CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!! Global warming!!!!

One volcano eruption puts more CO2 into the atmosphere than all the major cities of the world COMBINED! Don't you think..............AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! SHUT UP GLOBAL WARMING CAUSES ALL OUR PROBLEMS!!!!

Surface temps cannot be measured accurately without full cooperation from all world governments to get such data would cost billions to do, not to mention that a long terms study would have to be done for at least 100 years costing billions every single year and the latest satellites tell us that atmospheric temps are actually down indicating a cooling period and that is the cheapest and most accurate way to measure temps globally.......AL GORE GLOBAL WARMING AL GORE GLOBAL WARMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GWN 01-29-2014 04:35 PM

Re: Reasons to hate cold weather
My FIL is a man of few words, but he sums up my feelings toward winter beautifully in this frame:

Though I will admit, it does offer a few benefits:

And it does make it easier to sell my wife on trips such as this:

Steve 01-29-2014 04:47 PM

Re: Reasons to hate cold weather

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1928944)
I'd love to embrace it, my two hands firmly embracing it's evil neck. ;)


Subvet642 01-29-2014 05:01 PM

Re: Reasons to hate cold weather

Originally Posted by bruceolee (Post 1928946)
Global warming is the modern boogieman. Had a bad day at work? Global warming! Get pulled over for speeding? Global warming!

But don't you know that there have been warmer times in our recent history? Blah blah blah CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!! Global warming!!!!

One volcano eruption puts more CO2 into the atmosphere than all the major cities of the world COMBINED! Don't you think..............AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! SHUT UP GLOBAL WARMING CAUSES ALL OUR PROBLEMS!!!!

Surface temps cannot be measured accurately without full cooperation from all world governments to get such data would cost billions to do, not to mention that a long terms study would have to be done for at least 100 years costing billions every single year and the latest satellites tell us that atmospheric temps are actually down indicating a cooling period and that is the cheapest and most accurate way to measure temps globally.......AL GORE GLOBAL WARMING AL GORE GLOBAL WARMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And another thing, we only just emerged from the "Mini Ice-Age" in the 1830's, or so. Wouldn't one expect to get warmer when emerging from an ice-age? Oh yeah! If we are getting warmer, then warmer than what? In what year was our climate theoretically correct? They tell us that our climate is "abnormal" (my word); was there a time, a year that it was "normal"? If not, then there isn't any normal at all and thus there cannot be any abnormal. :tf
Note that they call it climate change, now. Like it's gonna do anything else.

jjirons69 01-29-2014 07:21 PM

Re: Reasons to hate cold weather
Since last night and still holding strong today, we have ice everywhere! Everything is covered in ice with a nice powdering of snow and sleet. Low 20s tonight so it's going nowhere. This is the edge of America and we don't suppose to have things like this. I bet half my folks call out tomorrow because daycares and schools are still closed. I am playing golf Sat and Mon though, suppose to be in the mid-60s both days. Can't freaking wait!

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