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irratebass 06-04-2013 10:44 AM

Re: Game Of Thrones Series 3
Wow! That was awesome, sad and unexpected.

mosesbotbol 06-04-2013 02:04 PM

Re: Game Of Thrones Series 3
I had some suspicions that at least the wife would be killed, but wow! My girlfriend has read several of books so she knew what was going to happen. That was some scene.

Just loving this show!

Chainsaw13 06-04-2013 03:03 PM

Re: Game Of Thrones Series 3

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 1843867)
I had some suspicions that at least the wife would be killed, but wow! My girlfriend has read several of books so she knew what was going to happen. That was some scene.

Just loving this show!

There's a couple of us at work who watch the show and another who's read the books. He's been waiting for this episode to see our reaction. Needless to say we were floored. I have to give Martin credit for not sticking to the regular convention that good always prevails.

BHalbrooks 06-04-2013 06:12 PM

Re: Game Of Thrones Series 3
I have to admit, I wasn't sad at all that Rob Starks wife died, that he died, and that his Mom died. Nothing. Not even the part where he was crawling to her. Literally no reaction. The direwolf dying made me sadder :sh

Great show though.

Gabe215 06-04-2013 09:43 PM

Re: Game Of Thrones Series 3
All hail Kalesie!!!! (or however you spell it)

Ratters 06-04-2013 10:22 PM

Re: Game Of Thrones Series 3

Originally Posted by BHalbrooks (Post 1843942)
I have to admit, I wasn't sad at all that Rob Starks wife died, that he died, and that his Mom died. Nothing. Not even the part where he was crawling to her. Literally no reaction. The direwolf dying made me sadder :sh

Great show though.

Ha, I thought the same thing. Never liked his storyline. It's all about Daenarys. :tu

mosesbotbol 06-05-2013 07:27 AM

Re: Game Of Thrones Series 3

Originally Posted by Ratters (Post 1844078)
Ha, I thought the same thing. Never liked his storyline. It's all about Daenarys. :tu


Same here. -(P

BHalbrooks 06-05-2013 07:49 AM

Re: Game Of Thrones Series 3

bstarrs 06-06-2013 12:28 PM

Re: Game Of Thrones Series 3
Having read the books a little past where the tv show is currently I knew the internet would implode after last weeks episode. My dad went off the handle when he watched it. I'm curious to see what they include the the season finale.

OLS 06-12-2013 09:49 AM

Re: Game Of Thrones Series 3
I am always 2 weeks behind, since I put two episodes on a DVD then burn it and watch it that night.
But spoilers don't bother me, so I knew this was coming from you guys here. And like most people,
it didn't matter to me much anyway. I think someone said it best in the season 2 thread, there are
no good or bad people in this show, it is not set up to be 'the Starks versus the world', or 'the Starks
are the good people and everyone else is trying to take away their kingdom'. It's just a show, a story,
it is what it is and nothing more. NOW, that said, I am not thrilled knowing that the Lannisters
basically come out of this in control of everything, and yes, we know that queen sexy tit5 is a-comin'.
But that episode, combined with the yawner of a season finale, well, it just made me less likely to watch
next season. We'll see. I think it is a sure thing that Peter Dinklage is OUT, so any hopes that the dwarf
king will stab his nephew in the head and make it all right is kind of out the window. Surprised he was not killed
in the finale, considering the solid rumor that he is moving on to other dwarf projects. But we know Tywin's
actor has cancer and is likely gonna be gone, Tyrian is gone, so what the hell? I guess it could be worse
than 'Queen Sexy Tit5 has a peaceful reign filled with long bubble baths and thin dresses in high winds'.

CigarNut 06-12-2013 11:54 AM

Re: Game Of Thrones Series 3
So why do the cast and crew get so much time off between seasons. We get a week or two vacation and then back to work. They should work year-around like the rest of us. That way we don't have to wait so damn long for the next show...


mosesbotbol 06-12-2013 12:04 PM

Re: Game Of Thrones Series 3
Joffrey Baratheon is my favorite character. What prick that kid is, so well acted.

BHalbrooks 06-12-2013 12:19 PM

Re: Game Of Thrones Series 3

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 1847518)
So why do the cast and crew get so much time off between seasons. We get a week or two vacation and then back to work. They should work year-around like the rest of us. That way we don't have to wait so damn long for the next show...


We want season 4 damnit!!!

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 1847539)
Joffrey Baratheon is my favorite character. What prick that kid is, so well acted.

That kid is a great actor. A lot of the people in this series are.

I really thought Jon Snow was going to die last episode.

Chainsaw13 06-12-2013 12:27 PM

Re: Game Of Thrones Series 3

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1847428)
I think it is a sure thing that Peter Dinklage is OUT, so any hopes that the dwarf
king will stab his nephew in the head and make it all right is kind of out the window.

The only thing that makes me question this Brad, is in the last episode, the conversation between Shea and Varis when he tries to give her the diamonds to leave Kings Landing. Is it foreshadowing bigger things to come for Tyrian? It would appear that way, but then this show doesn't follow convention, so you may be right and he's killed off too.

mosesbotbol 06-12-2013 02:25 PM

Re: Game Of Thrones Series 3
I thought Joffrey is poisoned in the books, but since it does not follow it 100%, who knows?

BHalbrooks 06-12-2013 02:26 PM

Re: Game Of Thrones Series 3

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 (Post 1847554)
The only thing that makes me question this Brad, is in the last episode, the conversation between Shea and Varis when he tries to give her the diamonds to leave Kings Landing. Is it foreshadowing bigger things to come for Tyrian? It would appear that way, but then this show doesn't follow convention, so you may be right and he's killed off too.

I know Peter Dinklage isn't staying on with the show, so I'm assuming they'll kill him off at some point. I got the same vibe from that conversation as well. Seemed like ominous foreshadowing.

Islayphile 06-13-2013 06:49 AM

Re: Game Of Thrones Series 3

Originally Posted by BHalbrooks (Post 1847678)
I know Peter Dinklage isn't staying on with the show, so I'm assuming they'll kill him off at some point. I got the same vibe from that conversation as well. Seemed like ominous foreshadowing.

Where have you folks heard this other than the April Fools story?

rennD 06-13-2013 07:39 AM

Re: Game Of Thrones Series 3
The books? :sh

OLS 06-13-2013 05:14 PM

Re: Game Of Thrones Series 3

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 (Post 1847554)
Is it foreshadowing bigger things to come for Tyrian? It would appear that way, but ....

First let me say that I don't have a finger on the entertainment beat, and what I said there is passed around info
I THINK from this thread. The story certainly doesn't seem to indicate an exit for Dinklage, but like you said,
Red Wedding showed us we don't know crap about story writing. I think you are right on another note, based on
Robb's woman getting it not only first, but gruesomely and violently, you might well be able to play that out a
few moves forward and add some foreshadowing and say that she could be plausibly be the next to go,
(perhaps right beside Tyrian) if she doesn't get the hell out. Now as to a April Fool's joke, if that actually happened,
not only did I miss it in that context, but the power of April Fools has stretched to June, since I am passing that
around even today.

BHalbrooks 06-13-2013 06:00 PM

Re: Game Of Thrones Series 3

Originally Posted by Islayphile (Post 1848030)
Where have you folks heard this other than the April Fools story?

I started watching the show this past May, so I missed the April fools. I tried searching for it on Google, but only found articles on 4/1. Maybe I was late to the joke :confused:

I'm ok with that if it keeps him :tu

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