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spectrrr 12-06-2012 12:05 PM

Re: Borderlands 2

Originally Posted by madwilliamflint (Post 1760278)
Been grinding a bit and just tagged 50 last night.

My heart really belongs to Jakobs though.

Congrats :tu

AMEN to that! Seems like half my snipers are Jacobs.... the other half are Vladoff. Same story with the pistols, love me a Vladoff machine pistol to go with my Jacobs pistol.

not sure if the pirates booty DLC level is fixed, or based on when you start it with your character. It it's anywhere near your high level now, you might want to check out this youtube video:

Shows you how to glitch back into the final treasure room, even after the leviathan is dead gone, and the DLC beaten. (Anyone remember the General Knoxx trick? yeah, same idea, except much more complicated). Took me about 20-30 minutes to learn (but I also watched the good video last, DOH). Key point in the video thats REALLY easy to miss - IF YOU DIE AT ALL, SAVE AND QUIT!!! The exploit becomes IMPOSSIBLE to do after you die, you have to reload. But now it's EASY for me, takes me about two minutes to get into the treasure room.
I looted a few decent E-Tech weapons from there, a legendary class mod (that would be good at any level), and my personal favorite, a legitimate "Trick Shot Maggie" pistol... and I love my Maggie! combine that with a bee, and you've got a very nasty force.

madwilliamflint 12-06-2012 03:06 PM

Re: Borderlands 2
It's definitely scaled. When I hit the end of the DLC on the second playthrough, everything will definitely be 50/51 or so.

I'll skip the glitching. It's too close to just editing saves for me.

I put Zer0 on the back burner and started a Mechro. Between Anarchy and "Upshot Robot" it gets crazy. I'm definitely going to climb up the BFF ladder, then Little Big Trouble. The only Chaos point I have is 1 in Anarchy.

spectrrr 12-06-2012 10:18 PM

Re: Borderlands 2
hehehe, I have far shadier morals when it comes to my gaming :tg

My Zer0 is at level 45, not long to go...

Back around level 35 I opened up the zero in a character editor and changed him to a Mechro. With Anarchy and the shield recharge skill (kill something, full shields), it was NUTS. I owned everything... but... I just don't like anarchy. I'm too much of a precision player, the inability to aim really drove me nuts! (Not surprisingly, Mordacai was my main guy in Borderlands 1 :tg)

I've been thinking about making a commando next... but meh, not sure I'll invest the time to get him leveled.

madwilliamflint 01-16-2013 06:59 PM

Re: Borderlands 2
Hammerlock was fun. *burp*

spectrrr 01-16-2013 07:40 PM

Re: Borderlands 2
which part? :)

madwilliamflint 01-16-2013 07:59 PM

Re: Borderlands 2
New mobs. Tough little sons of *****es. I played the main quest line through and a couple of the side missions. Some of the stuff they put in there was REALLY annoying. Nothing I hate more than timed quests. Escort missions come close. But not quite.

spectrrr 01-16-2013 08:05 PM

Re: Borderlands 2
first playthrough, or second?

I got bored once I started the second... I guess I'm ~halfway through the second playthrough... not sure I'll ever finish it...

madwilliamflint 01-16-2013 08:23 PM

Re: Borderlands 2
I played it after (but still within) the first playthrough. L39 Mech. I've retired my zer0 (aside from some warrior farming now and again) until they raise the level cap.

It still doesn't come close to the Dr. Ned dlc from BL1.

spectrrr 01-16-2013 08:26 PM

Re: Borderlands 2
mm yeah, dr. ned was fun.
I think my Zero is up to level 44.... just don't have the motivation to finish him out to 50...

madwilliamflint 01-16-2013 08:59 PM

Re: Borderlands 2
See that's what I like about zer0. I can just play it like a carnival arcade. Sit someplace and pop badguys with a really nasty sniper rifle for a while if I get in that kind of mood.

spectrrr 01-16-2013 09:16 PM

Re: Borderlands 2
hehe,, Odly enough, I built my zero for melee... which is rare for me, I'm always the sniper. I guess I still use him as a mid-range sniper, I always end up scoring 90% of my kills with a sniper rifle, or precision Jacobs revolver shots. nothing super long range... usually kill 40% at long range with a sniper, then kill another 40% at medium/short range with a pistol... and finish the final 20% at melee.... somethings its 100% melee though :) .... the law and order shield combo has saved my ass so many times....

madwilliamflint 01-16-2013 09:57 PM

Re: Borderlands 2
Yep. Every once in a while I respec to melee build (on your recommendation IIRC.) With the Law and that +200% melee rifle from Scarlett, you can do some serious damage.

But I came across a corrosion sniper rifle (Dandy Pimpernel I think?) That, at point of impact, splits off 6 more rounds. The thing is unreal. Between that and a 27k base railgun and a couple other orange goodies, it's just insane.

Plus I'd always run in to the problem during a melee frenzy where I'd hit something and it wouldn't die. Then I'd come out of stealth with a Wile E. Coyote "uh oh" and get squashed.

spectrrr 01-16-2013 11:18 PM

Re: Borderlands 2

Originally Posted by madwilliamflint (Post 1782521)
Yep. Every once in a while I respec to melee build (on your recommendation IIRC.) With the Law and that +200% melee rifle from Scarlett, you can do some serious damage.

But I came across a corrosion sniper rifle (Dandy Pimpernel I think?) That, at point of impact, splits off 6 more rounds. The thing is unreal. Between that and a 27k base railgun and a couple other orange goodies, it's just insane.

Plus I'd always run in to the problem during a melee frenzy where I'd hit something and it wouldn't die. Then I'd come out of stealth with a Wile E. Coyote "uh oh" and get squashed.

:r :r

yeah, I've had those moments. Although that's where the Law consistently saved my bacon. Just start swinging away till everyone died, or stealth recharged. Almost always lived through it. I discovered that hitting them in the rear while stealthed was critical to getting the one-hit kill. Also waiting until the last 1/2 second of stealth also built up the damage enough to almost always one-hit kill them. but a quick frontal attack failed more often then not.

My biggest problem with the sniper build is that I "usually" killed folks just fine while sniping with a regular build... but with a sniper build, I had that Wile E. Coyote "uh oh" moment *EVERY* time I tried to not snipe them, and habits are a bit*h, I kept trying... and trying... and trying... :tg

madwilliamflint 01-17-2013 08:02 AM

Re: Borderlands 2
See that never bothered me much. Things get too close, whip out a big ol Tediore shotgun, fire it once, then throw it at them for massive damage. Rinse. Repeat.

I really miss the old Mordecai pistol build with the recharging ammo and a Jakobs revolver.

Brutus2600 01-17-2013 11:15 AM

Re: Borderlands 2
Played a whole bunch with my Zer0 character when BL2 was first released. Recently started a new game with a Berserker - honestly I'm having way more fun with him than Zer0. Still haven't played any of the DLC's, but I'm going to hit the pirate one as soon as I'm 30.

mhailey 01-17-2013 11:23 AM

Re: Borderlands 2
I've been playing this for about 2 months or so (maybe a little longer) with a commando. Fun game! I'm not quite at level 30 with him yet. I love all the side missions you can go on, and the multi-player options.

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