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jonumberone 10-15-2012 07:23 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3
Really liked this episode.
I like the new Rick!
I always thought he was a bit of a cry baby.

irratebass 10-15-2012 07:30 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3
Wow! What an awesome 1st episode!!! Really sets the tone for the season eh?

Zombies in riot gear :banger :banger and the look on Maggie's face when she figured a way to kill them.....priceless.

CRIMPS 10-15-2012 09:12 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3
The zombie stillborn thing sent me into a 20 minute trance, I think...

I hated to see Hershel get bit. That sucked. The group needs a doctor.

N2 GOLD 10-15-2012 10:54 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3
Great episode be hate the fact that Hershel was bit. I do like they found some new characters in the prison... Nice twist...

Let's see how Rick new bad @$$ attitude plays out... So far I like it. It took some balls to chop Hershels leg...

irratebass 10-15-2012 11:09 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3

Originally Posted by N2 GOLD (Post 1733601)
Great episode be hate the fact that Hershel was bit. I do like they found some new characters in the prison... Nice twist...

Let's see how Rick new bad @$$ attitude plays out... So far I like it. It took some balls to chop Hershels leg...

And he had NO HESITATION, just cold man, understand it had to be done, but WOW!

Oh another :banger part when Rick took off the helmet and the skin of the zombies face came with it, just badass! They really upped the ante with this 1st episode.

longknocker 10-15-2012 12:29 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3

Originally Posted by longknocker (Post 1733244)
Can't See It. Have Dish Network.:sh

Bought This Year's Season From iTunes Since I Can't Get It Otherwise. Seems To Be Worth The Money After Watching The First Episode! :banger:tu

icehog3 10-15-2012 01:26 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3
I am already in deep. :tu

Gophernut 10-15-2012 08:03 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3
I just got to finally see the new episode. Very intense, great zombie action. There were a few ties that I had to look away so I didn't get sick to my stomach. Excellent storyline. Couldn't believe it when Rick grabbed the hatchet to hopefully save Hershel. Should be a great season!

Blak Smyth 10-16-2012 05:07 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3
Spoiler Alert: If you haven't seen the new episode you shouldn't be reading this.

I thought some things were poorly executed but it was very entertaining, wish it was a 2 hour episode. The thing that bugged me the most is that the group didn't stand at the fench (Safely) and kill the zombies through the fence, they thought it was a better idea to go into the prison and do it.
Also when the zombie with the keys was already dead they should have run a stake through his head, you never can be too sure. The master zombie hunter that finished the last season was extremely under dramatic this episode. So far everything was very predictable and I am not good at predicting whats coming next typically. I am really not looking forward to the birth scene, hoping for a zombie baby but don't think they go that route. I will continue to be harsh with this series, you have to really surprise me when it comes to zombies. There is not much that hasn't already been done so what you do has to be done perfectly.

Now onto the positives, the prison is a great location to set up if they can find a food source. The farmers daughter is still HOT! I liked the way the episode ended with the other survivors. There was some nice gore which is important in any zombie show/movie. The riot shields and masks were a refreshing new problem. I like that Rick is not happy about the pregnancy, I hope he never is happy but always tries to protect the baby and his wife, It shows some grit and character. I like the way the farmer was older and worn out looking, like he had been through some chit compared to when he was hiding in his farm house.

This is all my worthless opinion, just thinking on the keyboard.

Blak Smyth 10-16-2012 05:09 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 1733465)
Really liked this episode.
I like the new Rick!
I always thought he was a bit of a cry baby.

Exactly, it's like he became a man!


Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1733468)
Wow! What an awesome 1st episode!!! Really sets the tone for the season eh?

Zombies in riot gear :banger :banger and the look on Maggie's face when she figured a way to kill them.....priceless.

I wish I had as much joy as you in that minute because I love her. But I was thinking "really, you had to have a revelation to realise you can't hit them in the face." But I like the riot gear idea, kinda wanted a zombie to try and bite somebody and not be able to because of the face shield.

hscmit 10-16-2012 07:22 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3
already so much better than the start of the second season

irratebass 10-16-2012 07:28 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1734125)
I wish I had as much joy as you in that minute because I love her. But I was thinking "really, you had to have a revelation to realise you can't hit them in the face." But I like the riot gear idea, kinda wanted a zombie to try and bite somebody and not be able to because of the face shield.

Well they were shooting them and that wasn't working, sorry if I was in that situation I too would continue to do what I was doing (hit them in the face, head, whatever) and not think about the riot gear, so when she finally figured out to "sneak attack" them if you will I was as happy as she was, it was like VICTORY!

Gotta love the last line of the night, it was so perfect "Holy Sh!t!" lol

Blak Smyth 10-16-2012 07:32 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1734189)

Gotta love the last line of the night, it was so perfect "Holy Sh!t!" lol


spectrrr 10-17-2012 03:19 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3

Originally Posted by kaisersozei (Post 1733406)
At least they seem to have learned a few things about strategy

THANK GOD! That was really starting to bug me. I mean, yeah, I know, civilians, not military trained, just random people thrown together. But man, you live in the post zombie Apocalypse. You kill the damned things EVERY DAY, you sure as hell better start getting a little better at doing it!


Originally Posted by kugie (Post 1733461)
The people behind the cage I can't wait for that to play out.

Well, if that was the mess hall, and those guys were locked in, presumably with a water source, then they have possibly been there just eating, drinking, and shitting for OVER A YEAR! Which means
a) there goes the food stores!
b) holy crap the smell!

Overall, a good intro. Clever with the one woman using the armless zombies as pack mules. Would have liked to see a little more backstory on her, and what the other girl's problem is (more than a simple case of the flu).

When Hershal got bit I automatically thought "well, he's dead". Then I was waiting for the usual cry and moan show while the daughter sobs over her daddy, he begs em to make it quick, someone like rick steps up to knife him... I was pleasantly surprised to see the new twist on things. :tu

Skywalker 10-18-2012 07:02 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3

Originally Posted by spectrrr (Post 1734702)
When Hershal got bit I automatically thought "well, he's dead". Then I was waiting for the usual cry and moan show while the daughter sobs over her daddy, he begs em to make it quick, someone like rick steps up to knife him... I was pleasantly surprised to see the new twist on things. :tu

I too liked that new twist! Hack off the part the Zombie bit!:tu

I don't know if Rick was using that hatchet to kill Zomibies with prior to hacking off Hershel's leg or not??? Doesn't seem to matter much, arrows are safe to kill Zombies with, hunt with, and use as eating utensils.

spectrrr 10-18-2012 10:15 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3

Originally Posted by Skywalker (Post 1735228)
I too liked that new twist! Hack off the part the Zombie bit!:tu

I don't know if Rick was using that hatchet to kill Zomibies with prior to hacking off Hershel's leg or not??? Doesn't seem to matter much, arrows are safe to kill Zombies with, hunt with, and use as eating utensils.

yeah, basic rules of "infections transmission" have kinda gone out the window in that show a long time ago. I remember back in the day when they were in Atlanta and came storming out of the building in protective masks so the blood spatter wouldn't get em. Now... hahahah. I'm pretty sure after the prison fights, each and every one of them has ingested some "spatter", be damned near impossible not to!

So where does that leave the infection mechanism.... drinking spatter isn't enough to turn you... but a bite or scratch is... :confused: ... I think sometimes in a good show, the producer has to ignore certain aspects in order to focus better on other ones and deliver good television.

icehog3 10-18-2012 11:26 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3
Maybe, Francis.....Or maybe since it is a show about dead people actually walking around eating brains, one has to suspend their notions of logic and rules in order to just enjoy the show. ;) :r

spectrrr 10-18-2012 12:09 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3
But I enjoy the show (and tv in general) specifically because I can apply a certain amount of logic and reason to it and see it as a possible (alternative) reality to our own. Yeah, its entertainment... but it's also a fantasizing escape, a "what if X were true" moment... but that only works in small doses, enjoyable entertainment typical only bends A FEW rules of reality, and leaves the rest untouched so the audience can successfully relate to the show and invest in its characters. Bend too many rules of reality, and the audience feels like they're watching a bad acid trip.

icehog3 10-18-2012 01:08 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3
Fair enough, Francis, although I must qualify by saying I haven't been on an acid trip since college. :)

Blak Smyth 10-18-2012 01:11 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 3

Originally Posted by spectrrr (Post 1735323)
yeah, basic rules of "infections transmission" have kinda gone out the window in that show a long time ago. I remember back in the day when they were in Atlanta and came storming out of the building in protective masks so the blood spatter wouldn't get em. Now... hahahah. I'm pretty sure after the prison fights, each and every one of them has ingested some "spatter", be damned near impossible not to!

So where does that leave the infection mechanism.... drinking spatter isn't enough to turn you... but a bite or scratch is... :confused: ... I think sometimes in a good show, the producer has to ignore certain aspects in order to focus better on other ones and deliver good television.

Maybe it is transfered only in saliva?:confused:

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