cobra03 |
04-10-2012 02:04 AM |
Re: Need some feedback
As a LEO I have dealt with many of these situations. Don’t feel like you’re alone on this one. I have found that way too many people have this entitlement problem which they pass along to their children. They or their demon spawn are never responsible for anything. This was never the case when I was a child. If the neighbor said I did something it wasn’t a matter of whether I did it or not, it was why I did it. Not anymore. Now it’s always “Little Johnny would never do that” despite the fact that I caught him red handed. Anyway what you have done so far is fine, you’ve tried to handle it civil now you need to ramp it up. Any balls, toys or other items left in or around your property have become “abandoned property”. I would start by seizing said property any chance I could and donating it to some needy people as others has said. Obviously these kids don’t need it, they left it on your property. Also I would contact your HOA if nothing else just to see what if anything they can do. If you must go in to the legal realm I would do it as a last resort. I would document every time they are on your property and any damage that they cause. I would also send them a certified letter advising them that they are hereby banned from entering your property for any reason and any violation of that will be met with prosecution. This way it’s documented that they were warned. You will need to show this if it went as far as court. That being said you’re going to have a hard time going after these kids criminally due to their age, but the cops showing up might just be enough to scare them.