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Gophernut 02-19-2012 10:07 AM

Re: I've been robbed!!!!!!!
That really blows. Sorry to hear about it. Hopefully you find the person responsible.

shilala 02-19-2012 10:09 AM

Re: I've been robbed!!!!!!!
Ugh. Sorry, man. That's the kind of suck right there.

racerX 02-19-2012 10:53 AM

Re: I've been robbed!!!!!!!
Thief will return to the scene of the crime. You may want to formulate a plan or amnesty route for Mr/Mrs.. Scumbag. Too many cigars to smoke. (he/she) still has them, and if they have a conscious they are starting to burn inside with guilt. I would make a poster with a drop box or instructions on how to return the stolen goods. Can't hurt and gives you something to do other than fry eggs on your forehead.

Sorry for your loss.

mase 02-19-2012 11:44 AM

Re: I've been robbed!!!!!!!
This is horrible, Scott. Best of luck in finding out who did this.

icehog3 02-19-2012 01:45 PM

Re: I've been robbed!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by PCR (Post 1564804)
Hope insurance covers it.

Cuban cigars in the US = Unlikely to recover from insurance.

MarkinAZ 02-19-2012 02:17 PM

Re: I've been robbed!!!!!!!
Scott, sorry to hear about the loss of your cigars from the community smoking lounge. Hopefully, you will be able to put together some facts and locate the subject.

Question: Is this community smoking room one that is lockable? If so, who else may have a key(s) to this room? Who used the room between the last time you accessed the humidor and when you noticed the loss from your humidor?

Finally, I think I would simply keep my "inventory" at home from this point on. You can still use the community smoking room sans a humidor in it. Its a shame I know, but if you do not know others who may have access to this room, then you're simply taking a big chance (unless you enjoy playing Russian Roulette with your inventory):tu

EricF 02-19-2012 02:22 PM

Re: I've been robbed!!!!!!!
That really sucks! I hope you find the guy and your cigars!

Ncpsycho 02-19-2012 02:44 PM

Re: I've been robbed!!!!!!!
thats a sick hangout---this is bullsht ill come over from NY and help you tune whoever it was up.......

joeobx 02-19-2012 03:04 PM

Re: I've been robbed!!!!!!!
That sucks BIG time.I would be willing to do bodily harm and so should some of the other guys that hang with you.Its a shame when some scumbag takes advantage of a good thing.

sevans105 02-19-2012 04:27 PM

Re: I've been robbed!!!!!!!
Thanks for the support guys. Humidor is home, where it belongs. Lesson learned. Unfortunately, out looks like a ton of people went through there this last week. The building got rented to three different groups for parties. Gonna listen for rumors and keep an eye on craigslist.

SteelCityBoy 02-19-2012 04:37 PM

Re: I've been robbed!!!!!!!
Sorry to hear about this Scott...really a shame. Just sucks that there are bad people out there that don't work hard enough for want they want in life and then instead take advantage of others good fortune...

hotreds 02-19-2012 04:46 PM

Re: I've been robbed!!!!!!!
Were your smokes the only thing tha was stolen from this- "lounge" or whatever it is? I'm unclear about exactly what it was, who had access to it, etc. Could a party have thought the cigars were there for the taking as part of the rental of the hall? Seems to me that SOMEONE should be able to do a little detective work and discover at least to some degree what happened here. It sure is a sad state of affairs when people take what isn't theirs, but I feel that you could at least be able to narrow it down a bit. As everyone said, this sucks big time and hopefully you will be remunirated in some form for the loss. The person who rented the "lounge" should be held responsibe to some degree for not vetting those that used the space. It breaks my heart to read this, brother!

ysr_racer 02-19-2012 07:44 PM

Re: I've been robbed!!!!!!!
You messed up, you trusted people. Don't make that mistake again.

sevans105 02-19-2012 07:51 PM

Re: I've been robbed!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by ysr_racer (Post 1565194)
You messed up, you trusted people. Don't make that mistake again.

LOL...Thanks Brad. I'll remember to be a bitter, angry, withered up prune of a man. Like you!

ysr_racer 02-19-2012 07:52 PM

Re: I've been robbed!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by sevans105 (Post 1565196)
LOL...Thanks Brad. I'll remember to be a bitter, angry, withered up prune of a man. Like you!

All my cigars are doing just fine :)

sevans105 02-19-2012 07:57 PM

Re: I've been robbed!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by ysr_racer (Post 1565200)
All my cigars are doing just fine :)

ZING!....Touche my friend, touche.

neoflex 02-19-2012 07:57 PM

Re: I've been robbed!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by ysr_racer (Post 1565200)
All my cigars are doing just fine :)


Remo 02-19-2012 08:00 PM

Re: I've been robbed!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by ysr_racer (Post 1565200)
All my cigars are doing just fine :)

:gary Sorry Scott, that was funny :tu

ysr_racer 02-19-2012 08:02 PM

Re: I've been robbed!!!!!!!
Trust me, I know we all want to feel that we can trust our fellow man.

Give it some time, that feeling will pass :)

ysr_racer 02-19-2012 08:05 PM

Re: I've been robbed!!!!!!!

1: miser

2: a crusty, ill-tempered, and usually old man

3: a guy named ysr_racer

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