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pnoon 02-11-2012 12:58 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

Originally Posted by BlindedByScience (Post 1556078)
If you tell the honest truth about what happened and how it happened, it's not "trashing" the vendor, it's being honest with your BOTL's and could prevent another from making an expensive mistake. Best case the vendor steps up and makes it right to your satisfaction. There is another possibility....

Honestly, after the two threads you created (and seem to have deleted the pics) IMHO I think it's time to own up to who it is and offer some value to the community. Anything else feels like whining....


Well said, Sir.

jluck 02-11-2012 01:04 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
Box it up and send it back.:confused:

fencefixer 02-11-2012 01:21 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

Originally Posted by jluck (Post 1556089)
Box it up and send it back.:confused:

Yeah just not to me please, thanks. lol

Swif 02-11-2012 01:22 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

Originally Posted by BlindedByScience (Post 1556078)
If you tell the honest truth about what happened and how it happened, it's not "trashing" the vendor, it's being honest with your BOTL's and could prevent another from making an expensive mistake. Best case the vendor steps up and makes it right to your satisfaction. There is another possibility....

Honestly, after the two threads you created (and seem to have deleted the pics) IMHO I think it's time to own up to who it is and offer some value to the community. Anything else feels like whining....


I have only made this thread. The other is from some else and another vendor.
Nothing to do with what I am talking about

Swif 02-11-2012 01:44 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
5 Attachment(s)
I was contacted by a fellow member who guessed the vendor and said he had the same problem as me.

When I purchase something I expect to get what I paid for. If I buy a customer piece I expect the detail to be flawless and not have "minor" concerns. I expect a custom piece to built with the attention to detail. I do not expect to hear for the builder they "rushed" the job.

Swif 02-11-2012 01:55 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
5 Attachment(s)
Now you can say I am being picky. If I would have bought from a store I could return or exchange for another humidor. I gave the option to have everything fixed and was jerked around for a few months. At that point I requested a refund and it was agreed apron. After 9 months I have received about $250.

You will see in the last picture the gap at one end can hold a credit card and DL. the flash light show the gad as well. The other side is tight. The picture with the credit card and flash light showing the chipped wedge sill is a major concern I have and could be minor to other. Point is I paid a lot of money to have a custom humidor to be made. I could shave gone with something else for around the same price and not had a problem. If I did the company would have taken it back and replaced with a good unit.

The whole point is customer service, keep your word, and of course now refund my money.

Swif 02-11-2012 01:56 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

Originally Posted by jluck (Post 1556089)
Box it up and send it back.:confused:

If I would have done this I would be out of money and a humidor that I have yet to use.

ysr_racer 02-11-2012 04:41 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
It's hard to tell from those pictures. Can you post betters ones? I had the same problem with a humi I bought.

My philosophy on paying for goods and services is, I can do a half-assed job myself for free, I'm paying you to do a good job.

Swif 02-11-2012 08:09 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
I don't have clearer pictures and I am not going to take new ones just to post. I have sent these to the maker and has been confirmed by the maker of the concerns. Also the maker has committed for fixing then committed to refunding.

I agree that I could have made my one. I did pay for one to be built thinking I would have a well made humidor. I got a good humidor with problems.

jluck 02-11-2012 08:39 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

Originally Posted by Swif (Post 1555494)
I have not been refunded my full amount.

I have received less about 10% of what i paid and still have a product that has the problems when I received it. .


Originally Posted by Swif (Post 1556429)
I don't have clearer pictures and I am not going to take new ones just to post. I have sent these to the maker and has been confirmed by the maker of the concerns. Also the maker has committed for fixing then committed to refunding.

I agree that I could have made my one. I did pay for one to be built thinking I would have a well made humidor. I got a good humidor with problems.

Is this stating you got back 90% of the purchase price so far and a offer to keep it after being refunded? Or are you saying you got back 10% of the purchase price? In which you said you got back $250.00 so far meaning this was a 2,500 dollar humidor?
And has this been going 3 months, 9 month,1 year or two years? all numbers that have been thrown around in this vendor pressuring thread.

This would be easier with concise factual information.

I am not defending the maker by no means, If you as a consumer are not happy...get a refund and keep or send the damn thing back. If they refuse a refund seek legal help.

Swif 02-11-2012 09:53 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
If I received 90% of my money back I would not have made this thread.

I received $250 back from paying $1200 for the humidor and $160 for shipping. I was told the vendor would fix and heard that for 3 months. At that point I contacted the vendor and stated get this fixed or send me my money back as well as send for the humidor to be picked up. It has been 9 months from that point the vendor told me to keep the humidor and he would make payments to me. One payment of $250 has been made. So not 10% but rathe about 5% of what I spent.

If I send back I will have nothing and then have to pay to try to take this vendor to court.

The vendor has told me that they will keep their word yet it has been a years time. It has also been brought to my attention that another person on this forum has a similar experience as I have had with this vendor. So I am not just being picky nor I am asking for anything that is beyond expected.

pnoon 02-11-2012 09:58 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
So this thread is essentially a rant and/or pity party.

I finally get it.

jluck 02-11-2012 10:11 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

Originally Posted by Swif (Post 1556547)
If I received 90% of my money back I would not have made this thread.

I received $250 back from paying $1200 for the humidor and $160 for shipping. One payment of $250 has been made. So not 10% but rathe about 5% of what I spent.

thats closer to 18% BTW...:rolleyes:


Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1556554)
So this thread is essentially a rant and/or pity party.

I finally get it.

Yep. I'm sorry for resisting the urge to reply. I'm done now. I think I have seen enough.

Swif 02-11-2012 10:26 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
Think what you want. My hard earn money was spent to purchase a well made humidor. I received a decent humidor with problems.

This thread is about wanting my money back from a vendor that did not do there job right and has gone back on there word to first fix the problems to now refund me my money.

A pity party would be I was shorted a stick on a Newbi Sampler trade. Not getting $1110 back is not pity party or rant.

If your a baller with tons of money then maybe. this is one reason for not coming out with the vendor name as many will hang me for wanting what I paid for to protect a forum vendor.

As I stated I have been contact by a member who had a similar problem and from what they stated it sounds like other have had the same.

ysr_racer 02-11-2012 11:28 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
Three pages and you're no closer to getting your $$$ back.

Contact the builder, or publish all the facts on as many cigar boards as you can find, but this telling us half the story is getting tiresome.

Remo 02-11-2012 11:40 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
I can't imagine spending $1,200 for a humi. so I am clueless here.

Swif 02-12-2012 12:10 AM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

Originally Posted by ysr_racer (Post 1556650)
Three pages and you're no closer to getting your $$$ back.

Contact the builder, or publish all the facts on as many cigar boards as you can find, but this telling us half the story is getting tiresome.

Facts have been posted. Pictures have been posted. Company name will be post in time.

Builder has been contacted and I have been juried around be them.

Swif 02-12-2012 12:25 AM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
ME: "Sorry I have taken so long to send you the picture. I have tag the concern areas on each picture. If you need more of the white haze let me know and I will send them. Also the trays that don't have an even gap seem to be at each level.

Not sure if that is for expansion and contrasting of the wood, but I would think that an even gap would work best.

Let me know what you think and what I can do to fix the white haze and it the chipped part is going to be a problem."
Builder: "I believe the white haze to be dust that got in to the lacquer..... Not really a hard thing to fix.... that's what it looks like to me. I try to ensure that don't happen, but sometimes it gets pretty dusty in the shop.... and my eyes don't see straight....

The chip on the SC is not an issue, happens to most of the humidors, but, I usually catch it before it goes out.... it does not affect the seal, as the bevel itself is the sealing factor.... I have sanded the edges down as much as 3/16" before.... no problem there. A little 100 grit sandpaper will even it out and will not compromise the seal...

I'm not sure about the gap on the trays.... it could be that the slats may have pulled 'em out of square.... if you want, shoot me the dims on them and I can redo...."

Me: "I am checking if you received my last email. If you have let me know what we can do to address the concerns I have. Also How do I go about cleaning up the white haze. I will get you the measurements that you asked for this week."

Builder "I am sorry, I read it on my phone the day you sent it and then it fell off my radar when I got home.... too many emails, I think....
I am trying to get in touch with a friend of mine in the woodworking community out in your area to see if he can be of assistance...
He would be able to tighten it up for us....
I'll holler at ya when I get it pinned down....

Me: " were you able to contact your guy out my way about fixing my concerns in the humidor?"

Builder: "Yes, I've been talking to three fellow woodworkers in your area. I participate in a couple of woodworking forums as well.... I don't have it pinned down yet, but they are willing to help out... What day(s) would you be available, typically?"

Me: "Ed the best time for me to go and drop off the humidor would be on the weekend."

Builder: " Are you anywhere near Whittier, CA?"

Me: "I'm not far form there"

Builder: "I've spoken to my friend out there in Whittier.... and he is not equipped to do any lacquer finishing... however, he is a member of a local woodworking club and at their next meeting he will bring it to the table and find one of the members that will be more than happy to do this... they may even make it a class at their meeting...."

Me: "I am not sure about all the hands that this might have to see to fix the concerns I have with the humidor. If something happens to the humidor are you willing to take responsibility and replace the humidor?

I understand that you are trying to make this as easy as possible, but to save on shipping and have the humidor exchange hands with many people that I do not know or you do not know I feel is taking a large chance. I will be ok with this if you are willing to take responsibility for anything that may go wrong. If not then we need to set up a pick up date for you to have the humidor returned and fixed.

Builder: "I will take responsibility.... Let me see what we come up with and make a decision from there.

Perhaps it may be better to send it back and I could fix it - no problem.

Those took place in in 6-6-11 to 6-26-11.

Then 7-5-11 I mention a refund.

Me: "We are reaching a point that my concerns with the humidor are starting to drag out too long. I understand that you a business and that your humidor business is a hobby/second income, but I am starting to worry about how long the concerns will take to be addressed if at all.
The work you but in is great minus my concerns. The worked with my wife and I was great on matching what we were looking for. The build time was a little longer then expected and the shipping was a little more then expected. we understand this. The time that it is taking to see about the repairs that are needed I feel is getting long. the amount that we have paid is not drop in the bucket and we are willing to pay a premium for a custom humidor. At the same time we expect that the humidor comes with not concerns or issues as it did.
Lets get his resolved soon or start to look at a return with a full refund of the humidor and all shipping cost."

Builder: 7-6-11 "Thank you for the compliments.... and I will be willing to do the refund thing, but it may take me a little while to get it together.... This is my full time job... as I had given up my "day job" back in Feb....

Cutting my thumb off didn't help.... it put me way behind and then I found myself rushing... which wasn't a good thing... but, nonetheless.... it happened.

I have a few things going on, as well as some interest in the humidor by some folks - in it's as-is condition, which would expedite my ability to refund you.

I'm sorry it didn't meet your expectations... I guess we all have "off days"...

Me: 8-3-11 " Checking in with you to see were we are at with the refund.

From this point on nothing but talk from the builder. I can go on much more, but not need. it is clear what has happened. all I want is my money back.

icehog3 02-12-2012 12:52 AM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
Time to crap or get off the pot?

ysr_racer 02-12-2012 08:22 AM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
One time, when I was in a place, a thing happened to me. What should I do about it?


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