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Blak Smyth 02-13-2012 12:03 PM

Re: General Star Wars Bizarre things

Starscream 02-14-2012 06:47 PM

Re: General Star Wars Bizarre things

Originally Posted by jsnake (Post 1556841)
Blasphemy. The only cool thing about the prequels is Darth Maul. That is it. :sl

I must be the only Star Wars fan in the world who thinks that Darth Maul sucked. Yes, he looked badass, but I didn't see anything else that appealed to me. I'd take Count Dooku over Maul any day of the week. For Christ's sake, Dooku was the second best Dracula EVER. Not to mention his arch-nemesis was Governor Tarkin (Van Helsing).

Hammer film veterans FTW?

T.G 02-14-2012 07:24 PM

Re: General Star Wars Bizarre things

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1556501)

Never really cared, but Han DID shoot first in the original.:r

Si Senior.

I have the first three movies (by release order, so IV, V and VI) in their original CLV Dolby Digital Surround Laser Disc form - these are the _exact_ same as what we saw in the theaters the first time around. By the time the 5.1 AC-3 CAV box set version came out, Lucas had already started tweaking them.

Some of the additional footage he added was nice. Useless, but nice. Except for that Greedo shoots first part.

GTsetGO 02-14-2012 07:39 PM

Re: General Star Wars Bizarre things
Alderaan shot first

Starscream 02-14-2012 08:04 PM

Re: General Star Wars Bizarre things

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1560272)
Si Senior.

I have the first three movies (by release order, so IV, V and VI) in their original CLV Dolby Digital Surround Laser Disc form - these are the _exact_ same as what we saw in the theaters the first time around. By the time the 5.1 AC-3 CAV box set version came out, Lucas had already started tweaking them.

Some of the additional footage he added was nice. Useless, but nice. Except for that Greedo shoots first part.

I agree with you almost 100%, but I assume the laserdisc has Episode IV: A New Hope in the crawl screen. It wasn't in the original release in 1977. But I'm arguing semantics here. I know what you're saying.

T.G 02-14-2012 08:25 PM

Re: General Star Wars Bizarre things

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1560314)
I agree with you almost 100%, but I assume the laserdisc has Episode IV: A New Hope in the crawl screen. It wasn't in the original release in 1977. But I'm arguing semantics here. I know what you're saying.

You just out geeked me, Andy. I'm going to have to check, let me get back to you on that.

IIRC, Star Wars was pressed to LD before Empire was released to the theaters, so I'm not sure there would be any changes, including the crawl screens. :sh

Jbailey 02-14-2012 09:36 PM

Re: General Star Wars Bizarre things
I loved Revenge of the Jedi.

Skywalker 02-16-2012 10:49 AM

Re: General Star Wars Bizarre things
Top Ten Movie Trilogies

Starscream 02-16-2012 05:49 PM

Re: General Star Wars Bizarre things

Originally Posted by Jbailey (Post 1560395)
I loved Revenge of the Jedi.

I liked Blue Harvest better.:)

T.G 02-16-2012 06:54 PM

Re: General Star Wars Bizarre things

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1560337)

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1560314)
I agree with you almost 100%, but I assume the laserdisc has Episode IV: A New Hope in the crawl screen. It wasn't in the original release in 1977. But I'm arguing semantics here. I know what you're saying.

You just out geeked me, Andy. I'm going to have to check, let me get back to you on that.

IIRC, Star Wars was pressed to LD before Empire was released to the theaters, so I'm not sure there would be any changes, including the crawl screens. :sh

A little research earlier today and I just learned more about Star Wars releases than I ever wanted, or cared, to know....

So it appears that my LD has the episode title, since it's the widescreen version from the mid 80's and not the original pan & scan. Other than that, it's supposedly the same as the original theatrical release.

Seems like there were also about 20 something different release versions of Star Wars on LD (I had no idea, I thought it was like 5 or 6 total between NTSC and PAL), not counting the CAV remastered trilogy box set which, for LDs, marked the first installment of any additional footage.

Ratters 02-16-2012 09:06 PM

Re: General Star Wars Bizarre things
Here's pictures from our herf trip to Obiwan Ranch a couple years ago. The largest "private" collection of Star Wars memorabilia.

Here's our own Skywalker:

Starscream 02-16-2012 10:22 PM

Re: General Star Wars Bizarre things

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1562352)
A little research earlier today and I just learned more about Star Wars releases than I ever wanted, or cared, to know....

So it appears that my LD has the episode title, since it's the widescreen version from the mid 80's and not the original pan & scan. Other than that, it's supposedly the same as the original theatrical release.

Seems like there were also about 20 something different release versions of Star Wars on LD (I had no idea, I thought it was like 5 or 6 total between NTSC and PAL), not counting the CAV remastered trilogy box set which, for LDs, marked the first installment of any additional footage.

I'm not advocating the changes Lucas has made since 1997 to his original films (I don't like the new changes at all), but that's proof that he's been making adjustments since the first film was released. No one seemed to care about the adjustments until he started using CGI.

T.G 02-16-2012 10:46 PM

Re: General Star Wars Bizarre things

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1562625)
I'm not advocating the changes Lucas has made since 1997 to his original films (I don't like the new changes at all), but that's proof that he's been making adjustments since the first film was released. No one seemed to care about the adjustments until he started using CGI.

Aside from the adding of the episode number, I don't think anything else was changed. "Release Versions" defined the pressing run, not necessarily a change in the movie (LDs are kind of weird in some of their nomenclature). Exempting the first release version, I think all the pre-box set releases are the same content, what changed was the jackets, P&S vs WS, NTSC/PAL and the fab that made the disc. Different fabs might have used different parameters in the transfer, so things might be lighter or darker but that's about it. It's not like DVDs where they make a gazillion all at once, the runs for LDs were typically much, much smaller numbers, that's why there were so many.

Not sure when they cleaned up the audio, that might have been in the later releases. Also not sure offhand when they went from DD to AC-3, not sure if that happened any time before the box set.

Skywalker 02-21-2012 02:36 PM

Re: General Star Wars Bizarre things
How much would the Death Star cost to build???

$852 quadrillion:sh

Starscream 02-21-2012 10:46 PM

Re: General Star Wars Bizarre things

Originally Posted by Skywalker (Post 1567100)
How much would the Death Star cost to build???

$852 quadrillion:sh

:rNice find!

Starscream 02-21-2012 10:49 PM

Re: General Star Wars Bizarre things

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1562640)
Aside from the adding of the episode number, I don't think anything else was changed. "Release Versions" defined the pressing run, not necessarily a change in the movie (LDs are kind of weird in some of their nomenclature). Exempting the first release version, I think all the pre-box set releases are the same content, what changed was the jackets, P&S vs WS, NTSC/PAL and the fab that made the disc. Different fabs might have used different parameters in the transfer, so things might be lighter or darker but that's about it. It's not like DVDs where they make a gazillion all at once, the runs for LDs were typically much, much smaller numbers, that's why there were so many.

Not sure when they cleaned up the audio, that might have been in the later releases. Also not sure offhand when they went from DD to AC-3, not sure if that happened any time before the box set.

I'm not trying to start an argument here, but some in depth discussion would be nice here....

Lucas made the changes to add the "Episode IV" to the title crawl early on b/c the original release production companies thought that audiences would be confused by starting a new film with episode IV. I don't agree with the other changes, but Lucas owns the film and his vision is his vision. If he wants the changes, then so be it. Do I like all of them? No. But it's not my films to play with.

Partagaspete 02-22-2012 04:20 PM

Re: General Star Wars Bizarre things
I Love this:

T.G 02-22-2012 05:30 PM

Re: General Star Wars Bizarre things

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1567658)
I'm not trying to start an argument here, but some in depth discussion would be nice here....

Lucas made the changes to add the "Episode IV" to the title crawl early on b/c the original release production companies thought that audiences would be confused by starting a new film with episode IV. I don't agree with the other changes, but Lucas owns the film and his vision is his vision. If he wants the changes, then so be it. Do I like all of them? No. But it's not my films to play with.

I was just trying to explain that when LD collectors talk about released versions of a disc, it doesn't necessarily mean that the movie changed, it just means that it was a different pressing run. LD's are confusing and standardized that way, sometimes it changed, sometimes it didn't.

Aside from the title crawl, I don't think anything else was changed until the trilogy box set came out, I also don't think that the audio was remastered until then either - I'll have to check.:sh

Aside from the Han Solo not shooting first anymore bit, I think most of the Trilogy additional footage was as harmless as it was useless and unnecessary (although I did chuckle at the Jawas that went over the top of the bantha and were dangling by the reins and cursing when the speeder bike cut them off)

I'm not crazy about the later changes, but ultimately, I really don't care either. It's just a f'ing movie after all.

OLS 02-22-2012 05:50 PM

Re: General Star Wars Bizarre things
Knowing that I love both of you should make this point easier to swallow. This ain't the thread for it, haha.
Nothing to see, EVERYTHNG to see here, but a bunch of long-boring words ain't it. ;)

Hey look, it's Halley's Comet!

T.G 02-22-2012 06:56 PM

Re: General Star Wars Bizarre things
No worries Brad, I'm not really interested in debating the changes in Star Wars any more than debating why Star Trek is better, I just felt that Andy deserved a better explanation of what I meant in my earlier post.

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