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Doctorossi 01-13-2012 01:38 PM

Re: Off-gassing

Originally Posted by coty (Post 1529540)
Cigar immaturity..... not cool man, let us enjoy ourselves and the new things we discover without judment.


Things that "look cool" are a big part of the aesthetic pleasure of the hobby.

Jason 01-13-2012 01:46 PM

Re: Off-gassing

Originally Posted by Volusianator (Post 1529379)
No doubt Todd purging a cigar will bring it back to life and smooth it out. I did it way more often in my early years of smoking cigars, then it seems once you really establish a good technique for smoking, the harshness doesn't happen as often and even when it does, it doesn't seem to bother me that much. Rarely do I ever purge these days, but it sure does clean out that stick and make it new again.

Not only "good technique" but with experience comes knowing what cigars are on and what cigars are off. You can sniff an unlit cigar and become familiar with the smell that is screaming "don't smoke me yet"

Bageland2000 01-13-2012 01:56 PM

Re: Off-gassing

Originally Posted by Doctorossi (Post 1529543)

Things that "look cool" are a big part of the aesthetic pleasure of the hobby.

Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog- now that's immature..

Doctorossi 01-13-2012 02:04 PM

Re: Off-gassing

Originally Posted by Bageland2000 (Post 1529564)
Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog- now that's immature..


Hem 01-13-2012 02:07 PM

Re: Off-gassing
I had no idea to even do this....definitely going to try it next time I light one up!

ApexAZ 01-13-2012 03:10 PM

Re: Off-gassing
I'm officially sold on the purge. At first (months ago) I didn't think it helped, but I didn't know that it required several seconds of blowing either. I've had several cigars since this thread was started and a long purge has improved every one of them. I also think that lighting it is beneficial in that it gives you a visual indicator of when it's completely exhausted.

Thanks for sharing. I didn't know that a lengthy blow on a long stick could result in so much tastiness!

Bageland2000 01-13-2012 03:35 PM

Re: Off-gassing

Originally Posted by ApexAZ (Post 1529612)
I didn't know that a lengthy blow on a long stick could result in so much tastiness!

ENOUGH! It's happening

...Most people don't like the taste! but then again, most people aren't fortunate enough to be picky and only blow the long ones.

Mattso3000 01-13-2012 03:47 PM

Re: Off-gassing

Originally Posted by Bageland2000 (Post 1529634)
ENOUGH! It's happening

...Most people don't like the taste! but then again, most people aren't fortunate enough to be picky and only blow the long ones.

Just tried lighting the purge (typed "this" but felt the need to clarify) and didn't feel immature at all.

BC-Axeman 01-13-2012 04:04 PM

Re: Off-gassing
Had to check...ammonia in non-flammable under normal conditions, without a catalyst.

I purge cigars without lighting the gasses whenever I think it will help the flavor, usually towards the end of smoking it. It normally only lasts a few puffs before it needs it again. There was a thread here about purging right after lighting to remove the flame gasses, but that didn't require lighting the gasses. If they are out of the cigar then I won't waste lighter fuel on them.

cjhalbrooks 01-13-2012 04:23 PM

Re: Off-gassing
I am going to try the purge i had the bitterness. And to all the "mature" smokers that have been sure to state as such. I have to smoke fast at work so lay off and just dont post

RevSmoke 01-13-2012 04:32 PM

Re: Off-gassing

Originally Posted by Volusianator (Post 1529379)
No doubt Todd purging a cigar will bring it back to life and smooth it out. I did it way more often in my early years of smoking cigars, then it seems once you really establish a good technique for smoking, the harshness doesn't happen as often and even when it does, it doesn't seem to bother me that much. Rarely do I ever purge these days, but it sure does clean out that stick and make it new again.

I purge rarely as well. Sometimes, but not often. There are some cigars that seem to benefit more from it than others. When I do it, it is because something really foul has crept into the smoke. It is at the point of "purge or pitch it".

hapi 01-13-2012 04:51 PM

Re: Off-gassing
I try too. Hope I don't mess up cigar

goomer 01-13-2012 07:08 PM

Re: Off-gassing
I tried it today while smoking a ROTT RP Edge. I was surprised at how much the taste changed after purging. Definitely smoothed it out. I haven't had time to let the majority of my smokes age so I guess purging is a good alternative until some age awhile.

Bageland2000 01-13-2012 07:41 PM

Re: Off-gassing
is it bad form to sticky request your own thread?

44stampede 01-13-2012 07:48 PM

Re: Off-gassing

Originally Posted by Bageland2000 (Post 1529802)
is it bad form to sticky request your own thread?

What is a sticky?

Bageland2000 01-13-2012 07:51 PM

Re: Off-gassing

Originally Posted by 44stampede (Post 1529808)
What is a sticky?

its what happens when you give a lengthy blow on a long stick

UpInSmoke 01-13-2012 09:38 PM

Re: Off-gassing

Originally Posted by Bageland2000 (Post 1529812)
its what happens when you give a lengthy blow on a long stick


Hem 01-13-2012 09:45 PM

Re: Off-gassing
gave it a shot tonight and i was impressed. definitely works.

Bageland2000 01-13-2012 10:14 PM

Re: Off-gassing

Originally Posted by Hem (Post 1530014)
gave it a shot tonight and i was impressed. definitely works.

Can I get a 2nd to my motion?

goomer 01-14-2012 07:14 AM

Re: Off-gassing

Originally Posted by Bageland2000 (Post 1530064)
Can I get a 2nd to my motion?

I'll second that! Great way to get rid of the bitterness for us newbs and those who just don't have the patience to let them age.

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