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Poronico 04-13-2012 10:19 AM

Re: End of the world is coming soon!
I am honestly working on the marriage part, we have talked about it in length and she is still not impressed with the aspect of another marriage. She thinks "I don't need a piece of paper to tell me that I love you". Which I can see her reasoning but I am more stubborn than she is and I will get her to marry me one of these days in the near future.

Thank you all for the sound advice, especially the exploding diapers... I had a horrific visual of innocent by standers getting peppered with spatter. I promise to love all of our children in the home without limits.

Poronico 04-13-2012 10:23 AM

Re: End of the world is coming soon!

Originally Posted by Jefft72 (Post 1615230)
Awesome! Congrats on your first and it being a boy. It is an exciting time where everything is crazy. It will get crazier for sure, but it all works out. My oldest is about to turn 5 and I still remember the moment in the hospital when he popped out. It was a long birth and everyone was wiped out, but that moment when I saw him was remarkable.

Now I sit with 4 boys with the youngest at 9 months. I am not sure if it's possible to stock pile sleep, but try if you can :) My youngest just recently sleeping through most nights. Enjoy it because it is fun, although it will be frustrating at times. 3am when the kid won't stop crying for some unknown just have to keep rocking him, singing/humming, or whatever else you can think of that will comfort him.

Good luck with the other situation also. I can't imagine what kind of pressure that would bring upon a relationship.

Our oldest in the house is turning 5 on April 19th which is the day before my bday. He is excited to play in the bouncy castles together to celebrate lol. He can be quite a handful at times especially when he comes back reprogrammed whenever he stays at his dads house. I love that kid all the same, I couldn't imagine my life without him or his mother in it.

pektel 04-13-2012 10:29 AM

Re: End of the world is coming soon!

Originally Posted by neoflex (Post 1527159)
Not only do you have the two perks I mentioned above but the babies get a lot of nutrients that they normally don't get with formula. Our daughter was always a lot healthier and got less colds compared to our friends with other kids her age that were on formula. Win, Win all around IMHO.

FWIW, my four year old has had a cold a few times since birth. Maybe one ear infection. And was formula fed. And, he's one of the brightest kids in his class. My sister's child (who is solely breastfed) constantly is battling with sicknesses and ear infections. I would venture so far to say that there are other environmental factors that contribute to the overall health of teh child than simply "formula vs breastmilk." Can't force the mother to breastfeed. I do hear you on the cost of formula though.

And those late nights when the kid needs consoling? Some of my best memories are rocking the baby in the middle of the night, being able to be the calming part of the whole thing, and the two of us just looking at each other, trying to communicate love through facial expression.

OP- Congrats! There is nothing like being a parent. A trick I've used is to EXPECT no sleep. EXPECT getting frustrated. If you expect trying times, they are very easy to deal with when they do happen. If I went into it thinking that I expected a full night's sleep, it would've drove me crazy.

Jefft72 04-13-2012 10:35 AM

Re: End of the world is coming soon!

Originally Posted by Poronico (Post 1615248)
Our oldest in the house is turning 5 on April 19th which is the day before my bday. He is excited to play in the bouncy castles together to celebrate lol. He can be quite a handful at times especially when he comes back reprogrammed whenever he stays at his dads house. I love that kid all the same, I couldn't imagine my life without him or his mother in it.

You and I will have to take time to enjoy a good smoke next Friday. I turn another year older as well.

replicant_argent 04-13-2012 10:58 AM

Re: End of the world is coming soon!

Originally Posted by Poronico (Post 1527210)
I will most certainly entertain the thought of marriage, I had actually given it a fair bit of thinking before we even planned on the little one.


Originally Posted by Poronico (Post 1615248)
I couldn't imagine my life without him or his mother in it.

Still just "thinking" about it or "entertaining" the idea? Or engaged? Did I miss a post on the subject?
If so, double congrats.

Poronico 06-01-2012 11:46 AM

Re: End of the world is coming soon!
I finally had the talk with Sarah's father and he said he "Would be honored to call me his son" so I guess I have been doing something right! Visited the courthouse yesterday and now the waiting period. Have the officiant all lined up, Thank you Kevin (LOBO) and I will officially be a married man in a short time.

CigarNut 06-01-2012 01:22 PM

Re: End of the world is coming soon!
Very Cool Jesse!

icehog3 06-01-2012 01:25 PM

Re: End of the world is coming soon!
Congrats again, Jesse! :tu

markem 06-01-2012 02:19 PM

Re: End of the world is coming soon!

Originally Posted by Poronico (Post 1647500)
I finally had the talk with Sarah's father and he said he "Would be honored to call me his son" so I guess I have been doing something right! Visited the courthouse yesterday and now the waiting period. Have the officiant all lined up, Thank you Kevin (LOBO) and I will officially be a married man in a short time.

ghost chilis at the reception?

357 06-01-2012 02:24 PM

Re: End of the world is coming soon!
Congrats! BTW, no matter how many books you read you'll never be ready for babies.

Poronico 06-01-2012 03:08 PM

Re: End of the world is coming soon!

Originally Posted by markem (Post 1647600)
ghost chilis at the reception?

God no! I have actually killed my tolerance for hot food with ghost chilis and habs! I did the eating competition no problem and I was 1 of the two in the nation to finish the challenge but I paid a horrible price lol.

Poronico 06-18-2012 01:39 PM

Re: End of the world is coming soon!
Well its official, I'm a married man! Day went off without a hitch minus the fist fight with the neighbor and mother in law and someone swiping all of my Percocet. I love my extended family already lol. In the end I still ended up with my best friend and the most amazing woman in the world.

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