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irratebass 11-15-2011 12:44 PM

Re: Kiss My Ash Radio

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1474616)
I started listening to the podcasts, I am almost all caught up now.
Very intertaining show, can't stand the segway intros or the repetitive commercials.
I do like the cast though and they have some great segments!!!

Hey Mickey was that you that guessed True Romance?

That was moi!

I was going to call in again this past Saturday, but wasn't sure if there was an amount of time I have to wait before I can win again, I know some radio stations require you to wait 90 days before you can win again.

Blak Smyth 11-15-2011 12:45 PM

Re: Kiss My Ash Radio

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1474640)
That was moi!

I was going to call in again this past Saturday, but wasn't sure if there was an amount of time I have to wait before I can win again, I know some radio stations require you to wait 90 days before you can win again.

If they don't say it, I say try it!

It is an enjoyable show but I feel like I am being programmed to enjoy Montecristo cigars, having heard the commercials so many times.

irratebass 11-15-2011 01:11 PM

Re: Kiss My Ash Radio

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1474645)
If they don't say it, I say try it!

It is an enjoyable show but I feel like I am being programmed to enjoy Montecristo cigars, having heard the commercials so many times.

I don't mind monte's but I have only had one and I was a noob when I had it, so I probably wouldn't care for it now.

I know what you mean I have only been listening for about 3-4 weeks and I can recite the commercials now lol.


Blak Smyth 11-15-2011 01:14 PM

Re: Kiss My Ash Radio

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1474676)
I don't mind monte's but I have only had one and I was a noob when I had it, so I probably wouldn't care for it now.

I know what you mean I have only been listening for about 3-4 weeks and I can recite the commercials now lol.


Sorry I wasn't Monte bashing, I love their CCs but I feel like I have been brainwashed when I know all the commercials word for word.

irratebass 11-15-2011 01:23 PM

Re: Kiss My Ash Radio

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1474685)
Sorry I wasn't Monte bashing, I love their CCs but I feel like I have been brainwashed when I know all the commercials word for word.

Haven't had their CC yet, I got mine from a grocery store humi....remember I was a NOOB.

I know what you mean, but I will say this about the show, they have great guests, love the interviews with the cigar people and the bloggers...I can do without the political stuff, but that's me.

I'll be listending and trying to win this Saturday :banger

Blak Smyth 11-15-2011 01:26 PM

Re: Kiss My Ash Radio

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1474695)
Haven't had their CC yet, I got mine from a grocery store humi....remember I was a NOOB.

I know what you mean, but I will say this about the show, they have great guests, love the interviews with the cigar people and the bloggers...I can do without the political stuff, but that's me.

I'll be listending and trying to win this Saturday :banger

I am very unpolitical but am enjoying the politics very much!
All the segments are good!

danreeve 11-15-2011 02:23 PM

Re: Kiss My Ash Radio
Don't listen to last saturday's podcast... the "bloggers corner" guest is a idiot. ;)


irratebass 11-15-2011 02:30 PM

Re: Kiss My Ash Radio

Originally Posted by danreeve (Post 1474780)
Don't listen to last saturday's podcast... the "bloggers corner" guest is a idiot. ;)


I heard ya Dan, good stuff. :tu Was glad to to hear them interview someone I know (follow)

Blak Smyth 11-15-2011 02:54 PM

Re: Kiss My Ash Radio

Originally Posted by danreeve (Post 1474780)
Don't listen to last saturday's podcast... the "bloggers corner" guest is a idiot. ;)



I don't think I got that far yet I will look out for yah!

danreeve 11-15-2011 05:50 PM

Re: Kiss My Ash Radio
thanks guys! It was fun to be part of it. That and Abe is a great guy.


thechrisdotcom 11-15-2011 06:20 PM

Re: Kiss My Ash Radio

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1474616)
I started listening to the podcasts, I am almost all caught up now.
Very intertaining show, can't stand the segway intros or the repetitive commercials.
I do like the cast though and they have some great segments!!!

Hey Mickey was that you that guessed True Romance?

Yeah, the segway intros are so annoying with the horrible singing from who I'm assuming Lady Em. They need to to replace all that. Sounds stupid.

irratebass 11-15-2011 06:54 PM

Re: Kiss My Ash Radio

Originally Posted by thechrisdotcom (Post 1475009)
Yeah, the segway intros are so annoying with the horrible singing from who I'm assuming Lady Em. They need to to replace all that. Sounds stupid.

I actually like that part. I think its original the girl or girls obviously can't sing and I think that's the appeal.

Jonathan Drew 11-15-2011 08:16 PM

Re: Kiss My Ash Radio

Of course, what we listen to or watch is obviously totally subjective, but since I'm sipping my bourbon anyway, and already talking mad smack tonight, I have to say that I find Kiss My Ash to be a great contribution to a lazy saturday and it makes me want to call in and start yappin. It also makes me giggle a lot. I can imagine that only a true cigar lover, and entertainer, such as Abe would take all the time and effort to craft a show like this. Kudos, SKINNY BOY !!


irratebass 11-16-2011 04:22 AM

Re: Kiss My Ash Radio
Abe is a good BOTL, when I won the gift certificate I didn't want to blow my wad on 1 sampler so I emailed him and he was very quick to respond back and he understood my dilemma and let me call the shop speak to Brandon 'The Mic" and order singles. They came within 2 days of ordering......EXCELLENT Service and I still have my list that I didn't get to when I get some more cash.

Blak Smyth 11-16-2011 05:13 AM

Re: Kiss My Ash Radio

Originally Posted by danreeve (Post 1474780)
Don't listen to last saturday's podcast... the "bloggers corner" guest is a idiot. ;)


Heard it this morning, you reviewd the 2009 La Verite, correct?
Said it was your favorite cigar this year?
I thought you did a great job, I just didn't realize it was you until the end.
I like that you nailed the answer to the question about the meaning of La Verite,
but then the guy repeated you like you didn't answer correctly?:sh


Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1475041)
I actually like that part. I think its original the girl or girls obviously can't sing and I think that's the appeal.

Not me, I can't stand it.

Jonathan Drew 11-16-2011 08:38 AM

Re: Kiss My Ash Radio
Post #55

What was the answer then, anyway? (the correct answer).


Blak Smyth 11-16-2011 08:41 AM

Re: Kiss My Ash Radio

Originally Posted by Jonathan Drew (Post 1475596)
Post #55

What was the answer then, anyway? (the correct answer).


It was about Pete Johnson's interest in the wine industry and trying to make a true vintage with all the leaves used originating on one farm. I have no idea if this is true but it is how I have heard it. It is how the question was answered and then the host repeated the same thing almost as if it was answered wrong.

Smoke Inn Cigars 11-16-2011 09:15 AM

Re: Kiss My Ash Radio
Guys, JD,...thank you for the kind words! It definitely is not easy and takes time out of our week. The "Mic", Lady M, and myself really do it mostly because we love what we do and enjoy sharing that fun with anyone who will listen.

When I listen to some of the other shows i can't help falling asleep in 10-15 minutes, so we try to keeping it moving with a variety of segments. While 1 or 2 might not be your favorite, the other 4 or 5 are great.

The quirky girls singing (which neither is Lady M) we thought was a little funny....those will probably change soon...

As far as the commercials....we are not sales we didn't waste time getting a multitude of advertisers. We got them as quickly as we could. The downside of that is the same commercials will play every week (through the next 19 shows) While it may be repetitive....these are the companies who supported the show and made it possible for us to air. There are over 30 brands advertised, so i am not sure why anyone would feel it is slanted towards any one brand. I hope the companies who supported the show get as much exposure as my opinion the rightfully deserve it.

All in all, thanks guys for the feedback. your input will help us continue to find ways to improve the show for your entertainment!

Best Regards,

Abe Dabaneh
Smoke Inn
KMA Radio

Blak Smyth 11-16-2011 09:21 AM

Re: Kiss My Ash Radio
Thanks for popping in Abe, first let me say I love the show! I left Itunes feed back this week! I wasn't saying the ads are slanted towards only a couple brands, my problem is I downloaded all the shows and listened to them back to back and now have the commercials stuck in my head and know them almost word for word (I guess thats good marketing, just annoying, haha). Now that I am caught up on past episodes I am sure only listening once a week will make the commercials seem much less.

You guys have amazing guests and I love you give bloggers a chance to reveiw.
I also love Dummy Dialers, hilarious stuff.
I don't dislike any segments, in fact The Frey has got me paying a little more attention to what is going on. I love Christian's passion, he cares about the country! And you do too.

Last Saturdays jokes from the guy filling in for the Mic where soo bad they were funny.
He did a great job other than that, gotta miss The Mics sound bites though.

I am a fan of the show and wish you all luck going forward!

Wish I was near a Smoke Inn, you guys have a great rep!!!

danreeve 11-16-2011 09:24 AM

Re: Kiss My Ash Radio

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1475463)
Heard it this morning, you reviewd the 2009 La Verite, correct?
Said it was your favorite cigar this year?
I thought you did a great job, I just didn't realize it was you until the end.
I like that you nailed the answer to the question about the meaning of La Verite,
but then the guy repeated you like you didn't answer correctly?:sh

yup that was me. Thanks for the kind words, I was hoping I didn't sound like an idiot lol...... and yes that is still my favorite cigar I've smoked this year.


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