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Stephen 07-18-2011 09:08 AM

Re: Is it hot where you are??
100 degree temperatures + 60% humidity over the next five days = :pu

Wanger 07-18-2011 09:34 AM

Re: Is it hot where you are??

Originally Posted by pektel (Post 1340819)
Looks like you got your wish for your location (wishing you were somewhere warmer) :D

LOL. Well, When I say that, I mean someone that has a beach on the ocean, though if this weather keeps up, that COULD potentially be MN. :p

icehog3 07-18-2011 10:49 AM

Re: Is it hot where you are??

Originally Posted by Remo_5_0 (Post 1340821)
95 here yesterday but at least it's a dry heat :r

95* here today but at least it's humid.


Brutus2600 07-18-2011 10:57 AM

Re: Is it hot where you are??
Dear Rest of the Country,

Welcome to hell, we were getting lonely! It's nice to have some company.



My parents called me from California yesterday and were saying how they were getting too cold in the evenings in just short sleeves. Needless to say, they don't miss the Texas nightmare called Summer.

e-man67 07-18-2011 10:57 AM

Re: Is it hot where you are??
93 here today but with hest index real feel is 103...better than last week we had a day that was 103 with real feel of 114...that was miserable.

EricF 07-18-2011 11:08 AM

Re: Is it hot where you are??
You all are having what we in South Florida have everyday of every summer of every year!!

elderboy02 07-18-2011 11:12 AM

Re: Is it hot where you are??
Yah.... its hot. Me likey.

Brutus2600 07-18-2011 11:12 AM

Re: Is it hot where you are??
Yeah, I gotta agree, the only place I've been that is more miserable than Texas in summer is Florida. I remember packing the car up after one trip visiting friends in Orlando, it was 4am and I was sweating way more than anybody should be at that time of day w/out any sun shining. And that was north Florida.

jjirons69 07-18-2011 11:29 AM

Re: Is it hot where you are??

Originally Posted by pektel (Post 1340720)
I'm in northern mn. And it's been brutal. I don't live here for 100+ temps and high humidity. We shouldn't have any type of "heat index". Here we're supposed to have "wind chill".

Peter, you do have a wind chill today - it's 88 :D

Grand Rapids, Minnesota

As of 12:15 PM on Monday 18 Jul 2011 (Local Time) from KGPZ Reporting Station
Clear Clear
Feels Like: 96°
Wind Chill: 88°
Heat Index: 96°
Dew Point: 73°
Humidity: 62%
Pressure: 30"

OLS 07-18-2011 11:29 AM

Re: Is it hot where you are??

Originally Posted by larryinlc (Post 1340059)
Here I sit at 8:30 PM Central time in Wisconsin, and the temp is still 89 with a dewpoint of 80 producing a heat index of 105.

For Wisconsin, that's just WRONG.

We had our two best days of the previous 3 weeks with a 93 and 94 degree day Sat and Sun. Back to
business as usual for the Midsouth today, with heat indices all week north of 105, and temps between 97 and 100.
We are used to it but obviously do not prefer it. And when I say used to it, we do our yard work before 8am and
retreat to our air-conditioned homes for an afternoon of television...naught but the dogs and homeless can be said
to be used to it, because they have no retreat.

You know a SURPRISINGLY hot state every summer is NC....somehow they manage to always top 103 in actual temps
every year for a couple days. Strange.

pektel 07-18-2011 11:52 AM

Re: Is it hot where you are??

Originally Posted by jjirons69 (Post 1340979)
Peter, you do have a wind chill today - it's 88 :D

Grand Rapids, Minnesota

As of 12:15 PM on Monday 18 Jul 2011 (Local Time) from KGPZ Reporting Station
Clear Clear
Feels Like: 96°
Wind Chill: 88°
Heat Index: 96°
Dew Point: 73°
Humidity: 62%
Pressure: 30"

:r that's the silliest thing I've seen all day :r wind chill of 88!

hscmit 07-18-2011 12:16 PM

Re: Is it hot where you are??

IBQTEE1 07-18-2011 01:31 PM

Re: Is it hot where you are??
Looking forward to golfing today in the 95 degree weather with a heat index of 105.......not!!

Stephen 07-18-2011 02:08 PM

Re: Is it hot where you are??

Originally Posted by Brutus2600 (Post 1340953)
Dear Rest of the Country,

Welcome to hell, we were getting lonely! It's nice to have some company.



I've heard Houston is nearly unbearable this time of the year.

Stephen 07-18-2011 02:09 PM

Re: Is it hot where you are??

Originally Posted by EricF (Post 1340962)
You all are having what we in South Florida have everyday of every summer of every year!!

Yeah, but then some of us get to shovel two feet of snow in -20F weather in January. We're getting the best of both worlds this year it seems.

CigarDoc 07-18-2011 02:14 PM

Re: Is it hot where you are??
It was around 120* here today. Been that way for weeks, and to think that August is the hottest month here. Can't wait for that.....

sheeper 07-18-2011 04:28 PM

Re: Is it hot where you are??
ha...i'm in Florida. We got hot and humid all year round.

N2 GOLD 07-18-2011 04:38 PM

Re: Is it hot where you are??
We got 79F & Partly Cloudy... Only in So. Cal. you get a nice hot day with clouds... -(P

Old Sailor 07-18-2011 05:12 PM

Re: Is it hot where you are??
113 today here!:tf

justonemorestick 07-18-2011 05:16 PM

Re: Is it hot where you are??
Last week it was 115 in the shade out here but we finally got the first rain for over 125 days.

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