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baddevildog82 07-13-2011 12:14 PM

Re: Netflix Change...
They are planning to really increase their streaming services and eventually cut out the shipping of DVD's and go to all streaming. It makes sense, but only if they can get new releases streaming. I am canceling my service. Not because of this change, just because we don't get our moneys worth because we aren't watching enough DVD's/Streamed programing.

357 07-13-2011 12:38 PM

Re: Netflix Change...

Originally Posted by PeteSB75 (Post 1334694)
The email I got said the unlimited streaming was going up to 7.99 a month, with the 2 DVD/Bluray I have currently at 14.99. This does wind up being a $5 increase over what I am paying now. I've been a netflix customer since 2003 and I've no plans to change that now. Their customer service has always been helpful whenever I've had a problem and that is worth the price of entry for a product I use.

I think this is based more on the fact that they are being charged more for the digital streaming rights by the content providers. When they started streaming, they were the only game in town and could dictate prices. Now there are several more (Amazon, Hulu), with additional players getting into the business as well, and the studios feel they can get more money.

From an IT guy, I understand that to allow streaming and expect good performance for thousands or millions of customers must cost a pretty penny.

From a customer, I don't want to pay more, but for me it's $5. I have 3 DVDs and streaming for $20. I believe it will be $25. Sucks, but not the end of the world.

agctribefan 07-13-2011 01:02 PM

Re: Netflix Change...
I use the streaming almost every day. I don't like it when they just drop full things from the streaming though. I had almost finished the first season of Dexter, and then it was gone. All episodes, not just the first season. In the last two weeks they have really dropped the amount of stuff on the streaming. I really don't want to drop the service but I may be forced to drop it.

Mr B 07-13-2011 01:14 PM

Re: Netflix Change...
That just BLOWS. We just dumped Blockbuster because the $20 / mo we were paying does not include any streaming. We were going to go to the $10 Netflix.
Screwed either way!!

BigCat 07-13-2011 01:28 PM

Re: Netflix Change...
I'll drop the streaming content until they announce that it is being beefed up. It is a nice backup feature, but the interface isn't user friendly - I have to sift through a bunch of crap to find something worth watching - and the titles are too limited. DVDs will do for now.

markem 07-13-2011 07:34 PM

Re: Netflix Change...
Yahoo News has this article.

Looks like Netflix is staying quiet on their reasons. I like the whopping $0.53 increase in share price. :lr

Chainsaw13 07-14-2011 07:03 AM

Re: Netflix Change...
I cancelled my streaming service last night and am thinking about dropping it all together. Just need to send back the DVD's I currently have at home. Looking through my queue, there's nothing on there I HAVE to see. If there is, I can always go to a Redbox. Like a commentor posted on the yahoo article, if the streaming was in good quality video and 5.1 sound, I would think of staying with that. But I didn't spend good money on a TV/home theater setup to watch standard def, 2 channel sound broadcasts.

jsnake 07-14-2011 07:28 AM

Re: Netflix Change...
We canceled ours a little while back. The streaming selection sucks unless you like movies from the 70's and 80's. We were still using Redbox to get new releases. At first it was great but once you watch all the current new releases available you are stuck waiting for more. Not sorry we left already.

CigarNut 07-14-2011 09:56 AM

Re: Netflix Change...
Color me surprised. According to my son (work's in Netflix's call center) most of the people calling in about this are not angry -- just asking for instructions regarding how to change their service to make sure that the continue to get both DVD's and streaming...

MrsSledn 07-14-2011 11:11 AM

Re: Netflix Change...
The streaming online has been $7.99 since early this year when they changed their services. I canceled the DVD portion of the service and just kept my streaming, then, because they upped the amount.

coffeemonkey 07-14-2011 07:14 PM

Re: Netflix Change...
Someone asked about Hulu. I think it sucks. It is chocked full of ads and many of the shows I want to watch (Justified, Southland) either aren't available or are only available watching via the web, I can't stream it through my xbox. I don't want to sit in front of the computer, I want to sit on my couch.

Right now there isn't one service that does all movies and TV shows well. Netflix has been the best option among poor options, in my opinion if you get both DVD's and streaming. Now that they've raised their prices I'll reevaluate whether they are still the best option.

At the end of the day consumers want content on demand on their schedule. The movie/TV rights holders don't want to give that to us because it harms their current revenue model (ads). So, until the rights holders start treating their customers well, we will be stuck with a few options, none of them that good.

Sawyer 07-20-2011 06:00 AM

Re: Netflix Change...
I just changed my subscription to streaming only from 3 DVDs/streaming. I will go with Redbox for any new releases that I just can't wait to hit the movie channels.

LasciviousXXX 07-20-2011 06:13 AM

Re: Netflix Change...
Just an FYI for all those using Redbox for new releases. There is a program called Vudu which streams brand-spankin' new releases they day the hit shelves, redboxes, etc. However the clincher is that they stream in full 1080p and 5.1 surround sound :tu Its a good $2 more than Redbox but its worth it for me to start streaming instantly and not have to worry about returning it late etc.

I use it often :xxx

Sawyer 07-20-2011 06:18 AM

Re: Netflix Change...
Thanks Týr. Two bucks is still way cheaper than Comcast charges for on demand new releases.

CigarNut 07-20-2011 07:48 AM

Re: Netflix Change...

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 1343358)
Just an FYI for all those using Redbox for new releases. There is a program called Vudu which streams brand-spankin' new releases they day the hit shelves, redboxes, etc. However the clincher is that they stream in full 1080p and 5.1 surround sound :tu Its a good $2 more than Redbox but its worth it for me to start streaming instantly and not have to worry about returning it late etc.

I use it often :xxx

This could be really cool -- I will have to check and see if it works with my Roku box...

markem 07-20-2011 10:04 AM

Re: Netflix Change...
Some interesting information on the back story

CigarNut 07-20-2011 10:16 AM

Re: Netflix Change...

Originally Posted by markem (Post 1343534)
Some interesting information on the back story

Now things are making sense! Thanks for the update Mark.

dave 07-20-2011 11:19 AM

Re: Netflix Change...
Figured a big bump in price would be coming, but I didn't expect 100%. However, I expected it to be caused by those owning the highways that are or will be getting choked. I'm sure that Netflix will continue to raise the rates on my rental vehicle and Cox will continue to raise the cost of the gas and tolls. At some point I'll cry uncle - but not quite yet.

CigarNut 07-20-2011 12:29 PM

Re: Netflix Change...
One can hope that with the increase in price Netflix will be able to procure more content for streaming...

neoflex 07-20-2011 12:45 PM

Re: Netflix Change...

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 1343358)
Just an FYI for all those using Redbox for new releases. There is a program called Vudu which streams brand-spankin' new releases they day the hit shelves, redboxes, etc. However the clincher is that they stream in full 1080p and 5.1 surround sound :tu Its a good $2 more than Redbox but its worth it for me to start streaming instantly and not have to worry about returning it late etc.

I use it often :xxx

Does it work with Roku? If it does I may have to look at going that route since the BluRay only Streams Netflix and Pandora.

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