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Starz26 07-06-2011 12:48 PM

Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges

Originally Posted by Smokin Gator (Post 1324244)

I firmly believe that Casey was responsible for her daughter at the time of death and that she knows what happened. That being said... I don't think they had enough evidence to link her to the death. As a result, I think the jury did exactly what they should have done. YMMV

I would have to agree here. Although I did not see an aquital coming, I though a hung jury so they could retry.

With that said, the problem in my mind was that with all the evidence there was nothing at all, nada, zero, evidence that liked Casey exclusively to any piece of evidence. You could put any other players name in the theory and twist it a little and creat the same circumstantial case against them.....

The whole family is messed up. Her dad is hiding something, here brother was upset because he was not involved in her life, her mother lied to cover the search up.

The prosecution also messed up with tome key evidence like the searches for chloroform that later were proven to not be the 84 times as initially suggested. The duct tape was Georges. The sticker on the tape was never there....

There are some many things wrong with it I can see why they came to the verdict they did.

I believe she was involved in the death of her daughter, and I also believe others may have been involved in some way. I cannot say given the evidence that she killed her although I believe in my heart that she did.....

TheTraveler 07-06-2011 04:37 PM

Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges

Originally Posted by NotFromHere (Post 1325102)
....headline on Fox this AM:

"Will Casey Cash In..??"

The same media blitz that put this trial in our face 24 / 7 is about to make this worthless piece of garbage rich.

It makes me wish there were some way I could avoid supporting such a thing.


klipsch 07-06-2011 04:38 PM

Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges

floydpink 07-06-2011 07:42 PM

Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
I was riding with some friends today who wanted to pay respects to little Caylee today and we rode by the horrific place she was discarded.

As a father of a little girl, it's hard to wrap my head around this.

We all felt shook up actually standing in the dirt and stopped by a local honkey tonk biker bar for a cold beer and can tell you there are some locals in Orlando who she (Casey the killer) might not want to find her if she's broken down off Chickasaw Trail where she lives.

I had a chance to talk briefly to a local deputy at the scene who put it in perspective when he said, "we all know who did it, but the jury didn't come through for us."

loki 07-06-2011 07:53 PM

Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
and the outrage for every other kid that the media hasn't latched onto is where?

Starz26 07-06-2011 11:41 PM

Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges

Originally Posted by floydpink (Post 1326188)
but the jury didn't come through for us."

Actually the jury did come through for us, and IMHO made the right decision. Who did not come through for us was 1. The cop who refused to go into the swap and look where he was told to. This delayed finding the body 6 months and who knows what evidence was lost. 2. The prosecution who put up experts that were later proven to have given incorrect information.

The jury made the decision outside of all the media hype and their judgement was not altered by it.

I think that every one of them went into that room, wanting to convict, but not convinced. They spent those eleven hours trying to find something to link to her in any way. They could not.

Had even one juror been convinced she was guilty the jury would have been out much longer. This is all speculation.

I would rather a guilty person go free (they will screw up again and we will get another bite) that have an innocent person be put away for life ( having no chance at release)

I know deep down she was involved in whatever this is and so are her parents. One day, the person responsible will pay...

For those that think the jury was wrong, please, let's have a polite discussion of points: What, other than her behavior after the fact, do you feel you could point to as a reason to convict of murder.

I want to Learn something here, not bash, berate, be not civil, etc.

Starz26 07-06-2011 11:42 PM

Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges

Originally Posted by loki (Post 1326200)
and the outrage for every other kid that the media hasn't latched onto is where?


emopunker2004 07-06-2011 11:45 PM

Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges

Genetic Defect 07-07-2011 12:10 AM

Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges

emopunker2004 07-07-2011 12:11 AM

Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
Frack i missed that it was already posted :td

elderboy02 07-07-2011 04:59 AM

Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges

Originally Posted by loki (Post 1326200)
and the outrage for every other kid that the media hasn't latched onto is where?

+2. Or how about all the fallen soldiers?

OLS 07-07-2011 10:00 AM

Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges

Originally Posted by loki (Post 1326200)
and the outrage for every other kid that the media hasn't latched onto is where?

This kind of statement is always made. As if outrage by the public would make parents stop killing or
abusing their children. It's just not so. I understand where the sentiment comes from, but it just rings
hollow to me. You have every right to make it, and I think it hits some people's ears just right, but it
doesn't do it for me somehow.

hotreds 07-07-2011 10:11 AM

Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
Proud to say I didn't waste one minute on this trial. Too many 24/7 news stations needing to fill time. You can't do anything in private anymore including grieve.

shilala 07-07-2011 11:08 AM

Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
I never heard about it till yesterday, Hugh.
To assume that the media is feeding me anything relatively close to the truth involving anything like this is too huge a stretch of the imagination for me.
Guilty or not, the mother is ruined. Guilty or not, this baby is still gone. It'll all shake out in the end. Life is short, but it'll be a lot longer and a lot more painful for those truly involved. That's the only justice I can count on.

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