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pektel 08-23-2011 09:35 PM

Re: Favorite tv show?
My favorites:

That 70's show
Big bang theory
How I met your mother
Family guy
Shark tank
Bar rescue

irratebass 08-24-2011 03:38 AM

Re: Favorite tv show?

Originally Posted by pektel (Post 1384459)
My favorites:

That 70's show
Big bang theory
How I met your mother
Family guy
Shark tank
Bar rescue

What the heck is Bar Rescue?

pektel 08-24-2011 07:28 AM

Re: Favorite tv show?
New show. Spike tv, Sunday's at 10pm central time. Dude goes in and revamps bar/restaurants that are about to go under. I just like the overall business lessons.

Check out for some video clips.
Posted via Mobile Device

irratebass 08-24-2011 07:36 AM

Re: Favorite tv show?

Originally Posted by pektel (Post 1384722)
New show. Spike tv, Sunday's at 10pm central time. Dude goes in and revamps bar/restaurants that are about to go under. I just like the overall business lessons.

Check out for some video clips.
Posted via Mobile Device

Thanks, sounds like a cool kinda like the house flipper guy, but he flips bars.

irratebass 08-24-2011 07:36 AM

Re: Favorite tv show?
I forgot a couple of new ones:

Rhett & Link: Commercial Kings
Whisker Wars

pektel 08-24-2011 08:08 AM

Re: Favorite tv show?

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1384733)
Thanks, sounds like a cool kinda like the house flipper guy, but he flips bars.

Sort of. Except the owners retain their ownership. He's a consultant of sorts.

dave 08-24-2011 08:51 AM

Re: Favorite tv show?
Started Netflix streaming a new (to me) series a few nights ago that I'm really impressed with and hadn't seen mentioned here yet:


It is a Canadian series set in Vancouver. Who knew they had original programming in Canada? Only about 5 episodes in, but it is very well written and casting is pretty good. Acting isn't bad either, except for an awful lot of "Eh's" and "Yah?'s".

RevSmoke 08-24-2011 09:12 AM

Re: Favorite tv show?
Gunsmoke (Retro TV)
Bonanza (Retro TV)

kelmac07 08-24-2011 09:26 AM

Re: Favorite tv show?
NCIS...hands down

Mattso3000 08-24-2011 09:35 AM

Re: Favorite tv show?
Burn Notice is only non HBO on DVIR,
Otherwise Entourage, True Blood, Boardwalk Empire, and anytime they run Rome and Band of Brothers episodes.

DTM 08-25-2011 06:16 PM

Re: Favorite tv show?
In no particular order set to record on my DVR are -

True Blood
Game of Thrones
Sons of Anarchy
Falling Skys - Recorded but not yet watched
Walking Dead

Misc Guilty Pleasures

Pawn Stars
Auction Kings
Storage Wars
Sons of Guns
American Chopper
American Restoration
American Pickers
Ghost Adventures

Kneo 08-25-2011 06:22 PM

Re: Favorite tv show?

Originally Posted by DTM (Post 1387333)
In no particular order set to record on my DVR are -

True Blood
Game of Thrones
Sons of Anarchy
Falling Skys - Recorded but not yet watched
Walking Dead

Love all these shows. I also haven't started Falling Skys

Starscream 08-25-2011 07:42 PM

Re: Favorite tv show?

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1317255)
I think I've done this in another thread or two, but here goes:

Still on the Air:
US of Tara
Nurse Jackie
American Pickers
Pawn Stars
Weeds (new season premier aired the other night and I thought it sucked, and the past few seasons have gone downhill, but I'm still watching)
30 Rock (At least the first three seasons)
Curb Your Enthusiam

Not in production:
Dukes of Hazzard
Viva la Bam
Boy Meets World
Donald Duck Presents
Good Morning Mickey
The Flinstones
The Jestsons
G.I. Joe
Gilligan's Island
I Dream of Jeanie
The Andy Griffith Show

...and the number one television show of all time is....

I Love Lucy!


Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1317522)
I forgot to mention:

Star Trek

Star Trek: TNG

I need to add Trailer Park Boys to my list.:tu

irratebass 08-25-2011 08:10 PM

Re: Favorite tv show?
Another one and really can't believe I forgot this one:

THE SIMPSONS, only the smartest written show on Television.

dave 02-18-2012 07:39 AM

Re: Favorite tv show?
Still no cable, but working that Netflix thang....couple new ones to me that I'm enjoying ....bonus that both are 'cigar-friendly' :)

West Wing - unfortunately it isn't avail streaming, but just finished Season 1 discs - never saw even one episode before, but really enjoying

Defenders - streaming this one in between West Wing mailers - Jim Belushi is great -- and he's never far from a cigar - mostly Fuente, it appears -- Opus and Hemingways best I can tell

SteelCityBoy 02-18-2012 08:00 AM

Re: Favorite tv show?
Right now I would have to say "Impractical Jokers." That show is friken hysterical! It's on Thursday nights at 10pm on the Tru TV channel. :tu

Subvet642 02-18-2012 08:20 AM

Re: Favorite tv show?
Red Sox Baseball
The Big Bang Theory
Royal Pains
South Park

G G 02-18-2012 08:22 AM

Re: Favorite tv show?

Originally Posted by thebayratt (Post 1316098)
Andy Griffith.
Im old school... but a yungin.
I have every episode on dvd, so commercials aren't an issue.

Mine too.:banger

smitty81 02-18-2012 09:31 AM

Re: Favorite tv show?

House, lots and lots of house.......

fencefixer 02-18-2012 11:36 AM

Re: Favorite tv show?
I'm boring and like old stuff :)

Star Trek (Yes, all of them)
Charles in Charge
Cosby Show
3rd rock from the sun
Golden Girls
Dukes of Hazzard
Knight Rider

I don't watch much new stuff besides Burn Notice, The River, Game of Thrones..

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