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Sawyer 03-19-2011 08:50 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints
My only complaints about delivery pizza is that the only good pizza places around me don't deliver. :sh

KidRock 03-19-2011 09:12 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints

Originally Posted by Sawyer (Post 1210447)
My only complaints about delivery pizza is that the only good pizza places around me don't deliver. :sh

I noticed your in Atlanta? Where abouts? The traffic is super killer in Atlanta..could that be a reason why they dont deliver? Is it a local or big chain? I have been to a local pizza shop in was awesome cant remeber the name..maybe you can help me?

Stephen 03-19-2011 09:18 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints
My problem with the service industry (and believe me, I'm not pointing any fingers here) is that tips nowadays are expected, regardless of service (or lack thereof) given. Hey, you go out of your way to take care of me, I'm going to take care of you. On the other hand, you don't meet my needs, I'm going to remember that come time to settle the tab. It's a two-way street.:2

shilala 03-19-2011 09:23 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints
I like pizza. I'm not complaining, cause they'll just spit in it. And if I don't tip, they'll spit in it more next time. The pizza guy gets five bucks even if the pizza is half eaten and two hours late. Period. IF it's more than one pizza, he gets more.

pektel 03-19-2011 09:25 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints
To those debating with me, I'm not arguing whether drivers should be tipped. It seems that's the way you take my side of the argument. In my state, if you use your own vehicle for work, the business you work for has to pay for mileage (which is a set price based on fuel and wear/tear on the vehicle). I believe it's around 48 cents a mile in mn. But that's business overhead, not mine. Adjust your normal prices accordingly instead of nickel and diming.
Posted via Mobile Device

innova 03-19-2011 09:33 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints
I ordered Domino's for the first time in years last week. Placed the order, then said paying by credit, and they asked me how much I wanted to put in for tip. Let him know that this kinda breaks the whole tip model but I'm pretty sure my business lesson was lost on the 'dude who answers the phone at Domino's'.

hammondc 03-19-2011 09:36 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints

Originally Posted by pektel (Post 1210408)
So in addition to his tip, I have to pay his wages too. Got it.

I do not get the delivery fee either. It seems like it has started fairly recently, which I do not understand. I just don't get delivery anymore. It seems to me that the stores are using the $2.50 or $3 fee to offset the cheap pizzas that all the chains seem to be pushing. 5 years ago, a stuffed crust pepperoni from Pizza Butt would cost like $15. Now it is $9. They are not losing the profit, but making it up somewhere else.

Yes, some places charge a fuel surcharge. I understand that (to a point), but in those cases, the money goes to offset fuel costs. I would understand a delivery fee for pizza if the pizza place turns around and gives that money to the drivers for gas. But, they do not. It is hundreds (if not, thousands) of dollars a day in additional profit.

I quit eating most restaurant pizza anyway. That **** is terrible for you. I cook a mean Margherita pizza on the Big Green Egg anyway.

ps. On the very rare occasion that I do get delivery, I do tip well. Usually a fiver.

shilala 03-19-2011 09:38 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints

Originally Posted by KidRock (Post 1210233)

So I am paying for his time? How would he not see any of that money if it covers labor?

Another thing. Why do you tip the pizza guy, but the guy who shows up to unload a pallet of ceramic tile/hardwood floor gets nothing? Why don't we tip fedex drivers? Why is it only the pizza guy? He only has to carry a maybe 2 pound box about 30 paces.

That being said, I do tip my pizza guy. Just have no idea as to why.
Posted via Mobile Device

It's customary to tip persons in the food service industry that carry your food to you. Granted, very few pizza guys are worthy of much of a tip, but they fall under the "waitress" umbrella.
Tile guys don't fall under that umbrella, minimum wage or not. There's absolutely no reason why you can't tip the tile guy, moving guy, or anyone that does a service for you. It's a very nice thing to do, it's just not expected, as it's not customary. That's the "why" of it.

While we were in Dominican, I read a book about the country. They tip for everything. It's expected. If you ask a guy for help, maybe directions, you tip him. It's a friendly thing, as if you were buying him a soda. It's a far different "feel" than what we do here. (That doesn't just go for tourists, it's something that's practiced by the people who live there. It really lets them know they are appreciated, in a loving way.)

Subvet642 03-19-2011 09:39 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints

Originally Posted by Volusianator (Post 1210126)
OK, here's my two complaints with delivery pizza.

1) Why is it the last bite has the freakin' onion on it? I'd much rather eat that vile thing on the first bite so the rest of the pizza covers up the rancid flavor.

If you don't like onions...I'm pretty sure they'll leave them off if you ask.

Stephen 03-19-2011 09:40 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1210478)
I like pizza. I'm not complaining, cause they'll just spit in it. And if I don't tip, they'll spit in it more next time. The pizza guy gets five bucks even if the pizza is half eaten and two hours late. Period. IF it's more than one pizza, he gets more.

See, that's what I hate. People going out of their way to be a pricksicle. Since it's a forgone conclusion that it's ok for you to tamper with my food if I don't provide gratuity, or gratuity as you see fit, if I get service that I deem as crappy is it acceptable for me to take a crap on the hood of your car?

Blueface 03-19-2011 09:44 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 1210493)
See, that's what I hate. People going out of their way to be a pricksicle. Since it's a forgone conclusion that it's ok for you to tamper with my food if I don't provide gratuity, or gratuity as you see fit, if I get service that I deem as crappy is it acceptable for me to take a crap on the hood of your car?

I think the difference lies between what you think is right and what actually happens.
It is not right for people to spit in your food but it happens.

shilala 03-19-2011 09:44 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 1210493)
See, that's what I hate. People going out of their way to be a pricksicle. Since it's a forgone conclusion that it's ok for you to tamper with my food if I don't provide gratuity, or gratuity as you see fit, if I get service that I deem as crappy is it acceptable for me to take a crap on the hood of your car?

I don't think it's a forgone conclusion that it's okay to honker on my pizza, but I do think it's a reality, albeit a very slim chance.
I don't think it's acceptable to crap on anyone's car, either.
In the event I was to catch some kid defiling my pizza, it's going to open up a whole world of "acceptable" possibilities, though. :r

hammondc 03-19-2011 09:47 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints
I think the whole tipping model in food service should go away. If you think about it, it is a genius business model started by the industry. The business pays **** money for labor and you subsidize the rest of the labor cost in the form of a tip. So you get to pay for the food and labor cost. Get rid of the whole system. Pay the staff a decent salary. If they suck ass at the job, GTFO. Simple.

What if other industries were on the same model?

Subvet642 03-19-2011 09:52 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints
Anyone who brings food to my door 'cause I'm too lazy to get off my @ss to go and get it, gets a fin, at least.

Stephen 03-19-2011 09:55 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 1210497)
I think the difference lies between what you think is right and what actually happens.It is not right for people to spit in your food but it happens.

Expound upon this please. I think I know what you're trying to say, just want to be sure.:)

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1210498)
I don't think it's a forgone conclusion that it's okay to honker on my pizza, but I do think it's a reality, albeit a very slim chance.
I don't think it's acceptable to crap on anyone's car, either.
In the event I was to catch some kid defiling my pizza, it's going to open up a whole world of "acceptable" possibilities, though. :r

Forgone conclusion was too strong, but we as a consumer almost expect something afoul to happen if the service industry isn't given decent gratuity regardless of the level of service. That's my beef.

Stephen 03-19-2011 09:58 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints

Originally Posted by Subvet642 (Post 1210492)
If you don't like onions...I'm pretty sure they'll leave them off if you ask.

Make no mistake, those little nasty bastards have a way of sneaking onto your pizza, covert ops style.

shilala 03-19-2011 10:16 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 1210511)
Forgone conclusion was too strong, but we as a consumer almost expect something afoul to happen if the service industry isn't given decent gratuity regardless of the level of service. That's my beef.

They're hiring kids, you pretty much have to expect that kind of thing. I don't think for a second that it happens as much as we might think it does, but that fear is a chip they don't even have to play. We play it for them.
I guess it's built in. We know what we're up against when we order a pizza. You give the kid five bucks, that's the deal. If I don't want to give the kid five bucks, I shouldn't order a pizza.
It's really just like everything else. If you don't want crappy service and soggy cigars, don't buy them from CI. The list goes on and on.
I suppose we could argue forever how it should be in a perfect world, or how it should be so we'd like it better, but that isn't gonna change that it is what it is. Pizza sure isn't the only place we have to "play by their rules". It's life.

Back home we have Frank's Pizza. It is easily the best pizza in the universe. It's so good that spit isn't going to matter. You could dip this stuff in a tub of spit and it'd still make your eyes tear from the sheer goodness. I think everyone should order from there (but then it'd turn into that commercial goo like Pizza Hut and Dominos). :D

Subvet642 03-19-2011 10:19 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 1210515)
Make no mistake, those little nasty bastards have a way of sneaking onto your pizza, covert ops style.

Hey, I like onions, I just wish that toppings (real ones) found their way onto my pizzas, too. Maybe some anchovies?

Blueface 03-19-2011 10:19 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 1210511)
Expound upon this please. I think I know what you're trying to say, just want to be sure.:)

Forgone conclusion was too strong, but we as a consumer almost expect something afoul to happen if the service industry isn't given decent gratuity regardless of the level of service. That's my beef.

My second sentence is meant to expand.
It is not right for them to spit BUT they do regardless.

Eleven 03-19-2011 10:30 AM

Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints
This thread has NOT made me feel good about ordering pizza.

The former delivery guys talking about 'You don't wanna know what happens' kind of makes me sick.

If I found out that anything was done to my food, and I could prove it, someone would be prosecuted. At the very least the manager or owner would get some face time and public ridicule.

There is never a situation where it is acceptable to tamper with someones food.

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