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smelly4tay 03-06-2011 09:51 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?
Reading through this makes me think of the recent thread about NHC cigars and the people who were stunned/very happy at the speed and consistency of the owner. I have never used NHC but I plan on it after reading that.. Good CS, good knowledge/service of product, fast delivery, fair-great pricing.

This thread is about B&M's, but in ways, gaining new customers and excellent advertising is the customer service itself.

gravelman 03-06-2011 10:26 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by neoflex (Post 1195951)
I am not a bandit, so please don't follow me into the humidor and hound me the second I walk in. Please give me a few minutes to look around and than pop in and ask if I need any help or have any questions. If your on my heels following me in and don't give me a few minutes to myself to peruse your selection I am leaving pretty quickly while purchasing nothing and will never be back. There is nothing I hate more than walking into a walk-in and feeling a hole being burned into the back of my head because an employee follows me in and proceeds to watch me like a hawk until I step back out of the humidor. As a customer I am pretty easy to please but if I feel like you can't give me the benefit of the doubt even for a few minutes to not steal something than I do not need to support your business. At least pretend your coming in to move stock around or check a price or something.

My feelings exactly :tpd: sometimes I get this at a place I haven't been to before as I am not a regular. It can be very unwelcoming IMHO.

bscottskangum 03-06-2011 10:30 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1196050)
Don't have me drive from Petersburg, Va to Norfolk, Va because you claim to have the latest PDR 1878 Dominicana Reserva (the red one right???) and I arrived to find you don't have a clue what the hell I am talking about...when you bring out the PDR 1878 Capa Maduro (black label).

I remember when that happened and you told the Thursday herfers about it, I think that was the first time I got to witness "Angry Mac" :sl:sl

Good points all around...

Personally my biggest issue is when the shop workers follow you into humidor (I get why they do that though) then proceed to recommend a cigar not knowing anything about me. Then when I completely ignore everything you say, because it's obvious you just want rid of your junk stock, and I take a WHOLE 5 minutes to pick some things ... don't make a snide comment about "I wondered if you were ever gonna find something" :sl:sl

Tio Gato 03-07-2011 04:19 AM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?
I really sympathize with owners who have been ripped off by theft.

If you've got to follow me around in the humidor simply do it while providing good customer service. If you see me fingering some sticks approach me and give me your opinion. Suggest similar smokes, offer to hold what I've picked up so I grab some more, tell me about new releases, but please don't give me that icy stare. Use that face time to sell me! Following me around takes time, use that time to win a regular. I wanna give you my money today and maybe tomorrow. If you treat me like a human and not a thief I'll be back.

Devanmc 03-07-2011 08:00 AM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?
this one wont apply to most of you but...

If i come into a shop, just because im not 60 ys/old please dont assume im some snot nosed kid who knows nothing about cigars. :sh

tsolomon 03-07-2011 08:23 AM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?
If you are having a promo and the sales rep is there, please don't let him hound me after I tell him I haven't found any cigars of that brand that I like. I came to enjoy a smoke, not to listen to him prattle on about how many cigars they sell world wide.

jmsremax 03-07-2011 09:21 AM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?
Damn, some of you seem to have crappy B&Ms....I have no complaints about the ones around me. Hot bartenders and friendly staff that are helpful when you ask for it. :tu

macsauce13 03-07-2011 09:29 AM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by Devanmc (Post 1196717)
this one wont apply to most of you but...

If i come into a shop, just because im not 60 ys/old please dont assume im some snot nosed kid who knows nothing about cigars. :sh

Ughhh. I'm with you there Devan.

More often than not, when I go into a B&M I leave feeling like I was treated like an idiot. Yes, I'm young. But Yes, I spend WAY too much time researching this hobby, and know quite a bit about it.

thebiglebowski 03-07-2011 09:33 AM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by awsmith4 (Post 1196140)
When I ask you if you carry a cigar that has even been highly rated in a publication like Cigar Aficionado, don't look at me like a dumbass, especially if the issue that mentioned it is on the counter next to the register.

this. one of my local shops never seems to go after anything but the usuals (AF, CAO, etc...) and never seems to know much beyond what they have in stock. i don't care much for CA, but at least read the cigar reviews! there's real information there! true story, about a year ago, i asked if there ever going to get in any tatuaje. they looked at me like "tatu... what?" never heard of the brand...

HK3- 03-07-2011 09:56 AM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1196308)
This thread is funny, because it shows that there is no pleasing B&M customers, lol. I am with Greg,
people are theiving scumbags. (paraphrase) BUT in today's technological environment, there is no excuse for
having less than 6 cameras in an average walk-in. You should greet them, then settle down in front of your bank
of surveillance monitors to watch their every move, preferably with remote pan, tilt and zoom. Then when they
gt to the register, simply ask if they found everything they needed. Charge them for that B-52 or T-38 or F-15
or whatever they put into their pants. If they notice it on their receipt, just ask them if they'd like to see the

This is where Gurkas come into play. Cigar thieves in general have no clue what they are looking for and tend to prey on price tags. Gurkas are flashy and generally pricey so they are great "bait" for cigar bandits. :D

docdoty 03-07-2011 10:02 AM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?
I just dont like when the employes lie about the cigars, acting like they know the blend and where it came from but really have no clue. Also If someone asks you what you thougth of a cigar dont quote cigar Aff, I can read that on my own.

357 03-07-2011 10:30 AM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?
I hate when I walk into a humi and I feel like the smell of mold is punching me in the face; only to see the fuzzy source of the smell all over their stock. Usually in such cases there is literally water dripping down the walls or pooled on the floor.

Plus I HATE being told that mold is plume. I am not an idiot. I know the difference. YES, I've seem plume and smoked cigars that had it. Don't play me for a fool because you don't know how to maintain your humi. I get that it happens in well maintained humi's, but not when it is on half of the cigars in your store.

357 03-07-2011 10:36 AM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?
The worst B&M was by my old house. It's actually a beer/wine shop, but they have a HUGE walkin humi. They are $2-3 per stick more than any other local B&M in town, plus the door to the walk in is always locked. To get in, first you had to know it was there, since the sliding door was always blocked by crap(boxes, beer promo cutouts, etc). Then you had to ask to go and look around. The owner or his son would litterally look over your shoulder the entire time. No suggestions, no, check this out. Just looming there. Not to mention the walkin was so over stocked, that you could barely side-step through the isles. Boxes were stacked in the walkways from floor to ceiling.

The only reason I ever go back is if I'm in the area, need a cigar, and its between 8PM (other B&Ms close) and midnight (when they close). Even then, it's usually not worth it.

357 03-07-2011 10:37 AM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by msayewich (Post 1196430)
^^^ *100

I wish we up in Canada can still walk into the humidors and look at the products instead of in books.

Going dark they call in the dark ages.


OHRD 03-07-2011 11:05 AM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?
Great thread, thanks for starting this one - not much to add, everyone is spot on!

CRIMPS 03-07-2011 11:17 AM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by Devanmc (Post 1196717)
this one wont apply to most of you but...

If i come into a shop, just because im not 60 ys/old please dont assume im some snot nosed kid who knows nothing about cigars. :sh


If anything, since I am relatively younger, this is an opportunity to market your store to me and lock up a lifetime of business. I plan on living for a long time.

Don't hock the same house brand cigars to me and compare them to cubans every time I walk in. I am immediately skeptical and I will now question any advice or comments you offer.

Thammy 03-07-2011 11:19 AM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by msayewich (Post 1196430)
^^^ *100

I wish we up in Canada can still walk into the humidors and look at the products instead of in books.

Is this unique to Ontario? I am from Alberta and I still walk into the Humidor at my local B & M.

Reading these makes me very thankful for my local place, these are some horror stories here. My local owner went as far as to offer to phone my university to vouch about my pipes not being for drugs when I got searched and reported. The only problem I have is me being young and considered immature except that is from other customers and not the owners.

Mind you one tobacco store here hires anyone, regardless if they know anything about cigars at all. I went there once only to be greeted by a 18 year old girl who complained about the smell of the humi and told me to hurry up. Tobacco lovers only please!

357 03-07-2011 11:26 AM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by Thammy (Post 1196956)
Is this unique to Ontario? I am from Alberta and I still walk into the Humidor at my local B & M.

Reading these makes me very thankful for my local place, these are some horror stories here. My local owner went as far as to offer to phone my university to vouch about my pipes not being for drugs when I got searched and reported. The only problem I have is me being young and considered immature except that is from other customers and not the owners.

Mind you one tobacco store here hires anyone, regardless if they know anything about cigars at all. I went there once only to be greeted by a 18 year old girl who complained about the smell of the humi and told me to hurry up. Tobacco lovers only please!

I'm not sure if it is Ontario only. I'm guessing so. They even have plastic flaps to cover the cigarettes (on the shelves) at gas stations. It's mind boggling. Apparently it is illegal to see a tobacco product in person before you buy it. All exterior signage had to be removed as well. The only exceptions were grandfathered in where cigar or tobacco was in the name of the business.

jimdandy 03-07-2011 11:34 AM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by docdoty (Post 1196845)
I just dont like when the employes lie about the cigars, acting like they know the blend and where it came from but really have no clue. Also If someone asks you what you thougth of a cigar dont quote cigar Aff, I can read that on my own.

Perdomo, Just buy Perdomo :r

BlindedByScience 03-07-2011 11:36 AM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1196308)
This thread is funny, because it shows that there is no pleasing B&M customers, lol. I am with Greg, people are theiving scumbags. (paraphrase) BUT in today's technological environment, there is no excuse for having less than 6 cameras in an average walk-in. You should greet them, then settle down in front of your bank of surveillance monitors to watch their every move, preferably with remote pan, tilt and zoom. Then when they gt to the register, simply ask if they found everything they needed. Charge them for that B-52 or T-38 or F-15 or whatever they put into their pants. If they notice it on their receipt, just ask them if they'd like to see the replay.

Up front, I have no patience for theives. Period. Hang 'em high. No problem here.

Having said that, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about things. I believe that with a little time in the store, maybe nine times out of ten you should be able to tell who is a customer and who is a theif. I have to agree that a bank of cameras and multiple, conspicuous signs saying "Smile, you're on video surveillance" or something to that effect should get the point across. Heck, I don't mind being followed into the humidor and asked if I have any questions, but when I say "no, just looking at what you have in stock" that's your clue to leave me alone.

I know what I want, and if I don't see it, I will ask.

I do realize it's a balancing act; too little attention and you'll get robbed, too much and many guys, like me, will walk and not return. But to say there's " pleasing B&M customers...." just isn't accurate.

One man's opinion - N.F.H.

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