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Dave128 01-14-2011 08:17 AM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars

Originally Posted by BC-Axeman (Post 1131656)

Good Lord that woman is absolutely gorgeous. I see why Ryan has a crush on her. :dr

BC-Axeman 01-14-2011 08:26 AM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars

Originally Posted by Dave128 (Post 1132523)
Good Lord that woman is absolutely gorgeous. I see why Ryan has a crush on her. :dr

Interesting bio, too:

HK3- 01-14-2011 09:17 AM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars

Originally Posted by Skywalker (Post 1131996)
;) I see what you did there!


BSB 01-14-2011 10:15 AM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars
I voted puff, but actually, I go both ways :jd:lr

Apoco 01-14-2011 11:25 AM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars
Depends on what I'm using to light it. Match or soft flame yes. Torch no.
Posted via Mobile Device

pektel 01-14-2011 11:38 AM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars
Tried the Puisias method with a Boli PC last night. Amazed at how nice the stick was from the start. I did use a Ronson jetlite to light it though, instead of a soft flame. It took maybe 30 seconds to get lit properly. This may be my new method of lighting from here on out. The cigar didn't need time to "settle in" to start realizing the flavors.

Neens 01-14-2011 11:53 AM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars

Originally Posted by liltim (Post 1131628)
I usually toast the foot and then puff to finish the light. It might be an impatience thing. Sometimes you just cant wait to enjoy the smoke.

+1. This is what I always have done. Im going to try just a soft flame no puff light tonight though see which i like better.

sammyboy405 01-14-2011 11:56 AM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars
Ive Tried it Both Ways.. If you have a Match or Bic Lighter.. You gotta Puff.. If you have a Torch Lighter.. No Puff Required.. But I have not noticed any "Significate" Taste/flavor changes when doing either.

However If you Puff while using a Torch Lighter it seems to have an initial Warm Peppery Taste to just about any cigar.

Mr B 01-14-2011 12:23 PM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars

Originally Posted by Neens (Post 1132783)
+1. This is what I always have done. Im going to try just a soft flame no puff light tonight though see which i like better.

I'm not sure if you can fully light a cigar with a soft flame and "no puff". A soft flame from a bic or other lighter will just burn, crack and turn black the foot and surrounding area.
A no puff light would need some sort of torch or at least a Ronson Jet to fully toast & light without a draw. :2

staminator 01-14-2011 11:03 PM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars

Originally Posted by Mr B (Post 1132819)
I'm not sure if you can fully light a cigar with a soft flame and "no puff". A soft flame from a bic or other lighter will just burn, crack and turn black the foot and surrounding area.
A no puff light would need some sort of torch or at least a Ronson Jet to fully toast & light without a draw. :2

I certainly do not have the patience for this, but check out this video:

(It seems like the address links only on occasion to the address that I meant...strange... Click on the video "Three Matches." That is the one I meant.)

icehog3 01-15-2011 01:20 AM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars

Originally Posted by staminator (Post 1133398)
I certainly do not have the patience for this, but check out this video:

I barely had the patience to make it through the video! ;) :r

Bill86 01-15-2011 01:46 AM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars
No kidding, I really don't think that is necessary. Wouldn't a soft flame lighter do the same job without having to use 3 matches? 3-4 minutes to light a cigar....I suppose if I was smoking a cigar I would never get to smoke again I might consider spending about half that amount of time with a soft flame lighter, but most of my cigars get the 20-30 second torch from a butane lighter after I clip the cap.

VirtualSmitty 01-15-2011 07:42 AM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars

Originally Posted by E.J. (Post 1131495)
I toast, then puff while reason, just how I do it.

:tpd: Same here.

shilala 01-15-2011 08:49 AM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars
I watched a movie about the Fuente's and watched the old man firing up a stick with a big old ball of flames going on at the end of the cigar. For all the methodology I've heard, and all the overthinking and nuance, that single vision pretty much sealed it up for me.
I do sometimes toast the foot a little before I go wild, but I've pretty much dispensed with all the other playing around.

lyle23 01-15-2011 09:32 AM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars
Myself, it depends what I am lighting the stick with. If it is a torch I toast, if its a match or a traditional flame lighter I puff. To me it kinda seems like some times puffing it while you light it makes for an uneven burn. Not all the time but it seems to happen more often than with a toasting. :2 The way I feel though is if your enjoying what your smoking there is no wrong way to spark it.

jsd 01-15-2011 10:31 AM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars
Like others here, no puff with the torch. Only puff with wooden matches, but rarely do I ever use matches.

Bubba - NJ 01-15-2011 10:46 AM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars
Sometimes I just toast with a cedar strip , match or torch lighter . Other times I take a couple draws when I'm feeling impatient . I refuse to Puff anymore ! -(P

staminator 01-15-2011 12:08 PM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1133443)
I barely had the patience to make it through the video! ;) :r

:r:r well said

Knip23 01-15-2011 12:23 PM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars
No Puff for me I toast the foot. I use to puff, but from what ive seen when you puff it seems to make the light more uneven and you get runaways off the bat. or Maybe im just OCD like no other. who knows.


icehog3 01-15-2011 02:12 PM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1133624)
I watched a movie about the Fuente's and watched the old man firing up a stick with a big old ball of flames going on at the end of the cigar. For all the methodology I've heard, and all the overthinking and nuance, that single vision pretty much sealed it up for me.


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