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CigarNut 07-12-2012 11:35 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
The one problem here is that first run shows (like True Blood) from HBO are not available online unless you have an HBO subscription or want to wait a year for the DVDs...

Blak Smyth 07-12-2012 11:40 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
I think if I could get the internet on my TV I would be fine. Can I hook up a laptop to my TV easily?

363 07-12-2012 12:00 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1678352)
I think if I could get the internet on my TV I would be fine. Can I hook up a laptop to my TV easily?

If your laptop has a HDMI imput and so does your TV yep! I do it sometimes and you just switch your laptop to projector mode

Digs 07-12-2012 12:17 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
I was thinking about and got netflix back a few months ago bit do not like it. There is only so many 15 year old & B grade horror movies one can take :r

Blak Smyth 07-12-2012 12:22 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord

Originally Posted by Digs (Post 1678377)
I was thinking about and got netflix back a few months ago bit do not like it. There is only so many 15 year old & B grade horror movies one can take :r

Yah I hardly ever use their streaming, just not enough current product available.


Originally Posted by 363 (Post 1678366)
If your laptop has a HDMI imput and so does your TV yep! I do it sometimes and you just switch your laptop to projector mode

Nice, I am gonna try this tonight! Thanks.

Chainsaw13 10-03-2014 08:01 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
Time to dig up an old thread. Now that we've progressed with more online streaming in the last couple of years, has anyone who's cut the cord regretted it? I'm really leaning toward doing it, as I just got notified my bill will be going up again next month. $130/mo for internet and their HD channel pack. No movie channels. And that's with a $25/mo discount.

G G 10-03-2014 08:17 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
Ha, I had forgot about this thread. Just went back and re-read it.

I did in fact quit satellite tv in February of 2011 when my contract ran out. Bought 2 Roku XD/S and hooked them up to my TV in the living room and the bedroom. Started out with Netflix and Hulu +. Since then I have upgraded the Rokus a couple times and have them on 3 TVs in my house, My Grandfather's old house next door, and my Dad across the street has one all working off my account. The one at my Grandfathers old house is only for the couple times a year someone visits and stays there. I have an outdoor wifi network and they all kick off of that with no problem. I pay like $11.99 a month for Netflix cause it allows me to stream to 4 devices. Oh yeah and I also have a Roku 2 left over from the upgrades and I have it in a little pack that I take to whichever station I am working at and use it while at work. I have never regretted cutting off the satellite. We watch more TV and more of what we actually want to watch now than we ever did before. I also use Playon. I caught it on sale for like $29.99 for a lifetime license about a year ago then paid the $5.99 for the HD upgrade when it came out. We watch most shows on Playon now, and if it wasn't for my Dad I might just cut Netflix off. Playon has these add on scripts that aren't technically supported by Playon and we use one called 1Channel. It has pretty much every movie and every tv show ever made. I guess it's not technically all legal like. There are lots of other plugins for it that will give you cable packages and allow you to stream ESPN, Movie Channels and pretty much anything you get on cable and it's all streamed live. You have to have a pretty good processor to process the playon but if you do it works very well. Every now and then it will buffer more than I like but it's bearable for me. We have been watching the Waltons for the last month or so and also watch Bones, Chicago Fire, etc. using playon all the time.

Flynnster 10-03-2014 10:06 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
I haven't had cable for 4 years now, and while I do miss it sometimes, I've gotten quite used to it. One thing that makes it a lot better is having either a hardline (hdmi or other) or wireless (chromecast is my choice) connection to the tv.

This way, anything that isn't on netflix, or hulu, or broadcast, I can simply download from somewhere and play it to the tv.

Bill86 10-03-2014 02:39 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
I haven't watched TV in years (8 or so), don't regret it. I see some people are looking to go this route, here's my thoughts.

To anyone contemplating doing this here's something to think about, bandwidth. Does your provider have a bandwidth cap? What is it? Is that really enough should you use only streaming services.

Right now instead of TV I'm having a 50/10 business line installed without a bandwidth cap. That should run around $100-$125 a month, this depends on your modem handling it or needing them to provide you one and if you get any kind of incentives to switch over. I think the best they offer is usually $10 off your bill each month with a 3 year contract.

Basic cable internet with caps won't support a family (or 3+ people) using streaming services all month, usually there is a fee attached to extra bandwidth use. Also several users streaming can put a decent hurting on your internet speeds and a business line is unaffected by multiple users streaming.

Check what options are available, make sure if you have any kind of bandwidth cap it is over 500GB a month. If it's just you, 300gb or so might be enough but typically the monthly fees for extra bandwidth run you more than a better service plan would should you go over.

EDIT last I remember being told netflix streaming is around 1-2 gigs of bandwidth per hour.

Flynnster 10-03-2014 03:18 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
Here in Chicago, we've never run into any bandwidth caps. With 4 college guys, Netflix running on at least one computer almost constantly, online gaming, and torrent programs open all the time, we end up using a lot.

mosesbotbol 10-03-2014 03:45 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
I am internet and antenna only all year. I miss cable, ain't gonna lie... We make due. Shows preferences change.

I miss The O'Reilly Factor the most!

weems 10-03-2014 04:01 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
I did it for about a year. I had to go back, partly because I can't stand not being able to watch live football at home, but the biggest reason was to shut my spouse the hell up haha.

Chainsaw13 10-03-2014 05:28 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
Thanks for all the feedback. Bill, you make a good point about bandwidth caps and something I'll ask about. I also have to see how much my internet bill will be after dropping the tv part. It may not make sense price wise if it goes up too much and then you add on Netflix or Hulu.

Shaneg 10-03-2014 06:10 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
I've been cableless for years- netflix, and Hulu are the only things I need, and have a good wing place up the road for sports as needed.

G G 10-03-2014 06:26 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
My ISP has no bandwidth caps thank the Lord. If they did it would probably be a hugely different story around my house. Good point though.

Dude Here 10-04-2014 05:54 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
I haven't had cable in almost three years now, and don't miss it one bit. It's Netflix, Amazon Prime and local channels at my house. We just got the local antenna at the beginning of the year so I could watch the Superbowl.

My wife and I have never been big TV watchers, so it wasn't a very difficult transition getting away from cable. We still have shows we watch on occasion (She loves that Once fairy tale show) and we keep up with The Walking Dead by just buying episodes on Amazon.

Cutting the cord to cable was one of the best decisions we've made if you ask me. It was getting really hard to justify spending the money we were on just a few select channels.

mosesbotbol 10-04-2014 07:06 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 (Post 1990500)
Thanks for all the feedback. Bill, you make a good point about bandwidth caps and something I'll ask about. I also have to see how much my internet bill will be after dropping the tv part. It may not make sense price wise if it goes up too much and then you add on Netflix or Hulu.

Find or get a couple of buddies to split a Hulu account. I think one account does 4 devices. I use a friend's account. There's also a free service called Plex which has some "unsupported apps" that let you see movies that are currently in theater, along with about every show you can think of.

We watch a lot of Warner Bros. Archive which is a pay service for a ton of WB movies of the past. I love Edward G. Robinson, Boggie, Cagney, so almost every Friday we some sort of 30' era movie on the TV.

dave 10-06-2014 07:47 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
Went without cable for two years, but caved and went back to the cord.
-Burned through most of what we wanted from Netflix and Amazon Prime.
-Less and less of those two services offerings are HD anymore
-Missed sports and news -- not really much comparison between Badger football through a choppy P2P stream and a Big Ten Network HD broadcast
-Wife is working from home now and really likes HGTV (and others) in the background.
-We are watching more On Demand now than Netflix/Amazon

At $121 w/taxes for (extended?) basic cable and internet with 3 HD boxes, it's about $60 more than internet alone was. Not cheap, but worth it to us for now.

Note: During the years that we cut the cord, but used Cox for internet, we accidentally found that Cox bled local channels (Big networks and a few PBS) through the same we weren't exactly without the entire cable TV menu.

Flynnster 10-06-2014 08:02 AM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
One thing that helps with cutting the cord is being comfortable with torrenting things. It's really easy to get almost anything in great HD quality.

AdamJoshua 10-07-2014 07:54 PM

Re: Cutting the Cable/Satellite Cord
I just cut the cable last month. I was at 186 a month for internet and cable and I realized all I did was put reruns on in the background when I was home reading or working. I really don't watch that much t.v., literally 90% was just reruns of crap.

I kept the internet, I have the super duper internet it's 75 bucks a month or so, when I called to cancel they basically turned off my DVR but I get basic / local cable and my same internet for 71 a month, saved 4 extra dollars and still get the standard definition local channels. I signed up for Netflix and torrent a few newer movies, I suppose I'll look at amazon prime as well, but I'm set for now, saving 100 bucks a month is always nice.

Another bonus is it forces you to watch other things, I have never seen Doctor Who until a couple weeks ago and have already burned through 6 1/2 seasons of it and am addicted, I've also re-watched all of Black Adder and Fawlty Towers, I'd rather watch those reruns than the crap they show on network t.v.

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