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MedicCook 10-07-2010 09:39 PM

Re: How fast do you drive
I am usually in the 5-10 area. My car usually won't go above 70 mph anyways. :r

cle_smoker 10-07-2010 09:47 PM

Re: How fast do you drive
I'm usually pretty content to drive the speed limit. Must be the old age. :)

Parshooter 10-08-2010 06:29 AM

Re: How fast do you drive
As fast as I can get away with. F the cops :banger;)

Don Fernando 10-08-2010 06:35 AM

Re: How fast do you drive

Originally Posted by hammondc (Post 1015075)
Depends on location. When I am traveling in South Texas, I commonly do 90 or so. There are very few cops--only border patrol. I am white in a company car, so I do not get bothered. Around town in S.A---at or below the speed limit because cops here are crazy.

:tpd: on the first remark, not on the second part. For me it depends on the enviroment, in habitated area's I stick to the speed limit, or even below, especially when I see children or pets outside. On the highway or on roads out of habitated areas I will drive faster, usually 5% faster than allowed, as I wont get tickets then.

357 10-08-2010 07:29 AM

Re: How fast do you drive
Surface streets usually 5 over, unless it is a large divided road. Interstate, usually 5-10 over, occasionally faster if the "need" arises. I do have one exception, I-696. The speed limit is 70 and it is not uncommon to have a steady flow of traffic passing you while you're going 80-85. The speed limit on that road is only a suggestion. I used to live just 1/4 mile off I-696 so I drove it a lot. Now I'm 50 miles away so, I don't drive on it much anymore.

BTW, radar detector is my friend.

Also, kids, residential areas I will drive under the speed limit. Especially when there are a lot of parked cars on the road where you can't see well.

Wanger 10-08-2010 07:37 AM

Re: How fast do you drive

Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 1015758)
:tpd: on the first remark, not on the second part. For me it depends on the enviroment, in habitated area's I stick to the speed limit, or even below, especially when I see children or pets outside. On the highway or on roads out of habitated areas I will drive faster, usually 5% faster than allowed, as I wont get tickets then.


Don Fernando 10-08-2010 08:50 AM

Re: How fast do you drive
that was on an empty highway, and I wasn't going 'like I stole it' fast, only 13 miles over the 65 speedlimit

skullnrose 10-08-2010 09:02 AM

Re: How fast do you drive
I'm usually in the 5-10 over group. I do notice though when smoking a cigar and driving I drive slower.

PeteSB75 10-08-2010 09:29 AM

Re: How fast do you drive
Well, here in CT the flow of traffic is either 50 city / 80 highway or 10 mph regardless of the limit. I usually try to stick to the 80th percentile, so I am slightly faster than most on the road, but not the fastest. So, if everyone else is going 80 in a 55, so am I.

Dave128 10-08-2010 09:36 AM

Re: How fast do you drive
I'm generally in the 5-10 over the limit range, but when on a highway it could be more like 10-20 range.

I had a 95 v-8 t-bird that had a governor on it. It would cut out at 105mph.

LooseCard 10-08-2010 10:01 AM

Re: How fast do you drive

Originally Posted by HK3- (Post 1015096)
5-10 over the posted. We now have the radar machines on the side of the road that show your speed when you pass. I am going to see how fast I can pass it. :D

Ahhhh.... I remember when my brother and his buddies found on in their town...
It was about a 1/4 mile from a stop sign. They decided to see how fast they could get their cars up to, by reading the sign.
Every one of them (brother included) received speeding tickets in the mail - one for him, two for him, two for him.. no, three for him, as the third was delivered with a summons.

Originally Posted by Darrell (Post 1015240)
My GF says I drive like an old lady. I've been driving twelve years and have had ONE moving violation that entire time.

My wife says the same to me.

Originally Posted by PeteSB75 (Post 1015917)
Well, here in CT the flow of traffic is either 50 city / 80 highway or 10 mph regardless of the limit. I usually try to stick to the 80th percentile, so I am slightly faster than most on the road, but not the fastest. So, if everyone else is going 80 in a 55, so am I.

Same here! I'm a :mh that learned to drive 'CT style' over the last several years. I go with the traffic in the fast lane, unless it gets congested.
In CT, you can only leave one car-length between you and the person in front of you. Anything more, and somebody else claims that space.
I've also learned that the written law states that you cannot stay driving in the left-most lane, but the practiced rule is for CT residents to get on the highway and go directly into the left lane no matter how slow you drive (then again, most of the :mh I commute beside aren't any better).

weasel 10-08-2010 10:49 AM

Re: How fast do you drive
Here on the Isle of Man there is no speed limit over the mountain! :tu

(there are a few other roads with no limits too!)

hotreds 10-08-2010 11:00 AM

Re: How fast do you drive
Usually follow the flow. When I was a young 'un I used to have a bit of a lead foot, not anymore. Invariably I will meet the person who rushed past me at the next traffic light. I also hit a deer once, that really made me paranoid about driving at all in twilight conditions! The fine is also not worth it.

I did know a guy in college- a doctor- who drove close to 100 mph in his sports car to go the 250 miles to see his son play college football. He said any fine was worth paying to be able to get to the stadium quickly. He took me for a short ride once- it was kinda scary going at those speeds!

akumushi 10-08-2010 11:40 AM

Re: How fast do you drive
I'm 5-10 on surface streets, and up to about 10 -20 on the highway (which is usually flow of traffic in Cali), although I do follow the speed limit on streets where I know there are often speed traps.

sikk50 10-08-2010 12:44 PM

Re: How fast do you drive
Depends where I am. On the 101 I stick to the speed limit. On the I-5 10-15 over.

IBQTEE1 10-08-2010 01:11 PM

Re: How fast do you drive
Well, I was only doing 10 over on the way to the Shack and I got pulled over. I blame BigVito's car for that. And for the record I did not get a speeding ticket!!

This is what I say to people I drive fast not stupid.

MrsSledn 10-08-2010 02:00 PM

Re: How fast do you drive
In the neighborhood, the speed limit or a bit under. We have kids galore around here. Non residential, about 5 over. Highway, about 10 over or keep up with traffic.

With my age, I have grown LESS tolerant of those that drive under the speed limit. Regardless if my child is in the car with me or not. If it's 45 and the sun is shining, do 45 or 50. Not friggin 35 and then go even slower when you see I am trying to pass you.

Those people, annoy the crap out of me.

Da Klugs 10-08-2010 02:32 PM

Re: How fast do you drive

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 1015243)
Depends where I'm at and what I'm driving.

If I'm in the car:
5 over on surface streets
10 over on the freeways


neoflex 10-08-2010 02:36 PM

Re: How fast do you drive

Originally Posted by MrsSledn (Post 1016223)
In the neighborhood, the speed limit or a bit under. We have kids galore around here. Non residential, about 5 over. Highway, about 10 over or keep up with traffic.

With my age, I have grown LESS tolerant of those that drive under the speed limit. Regardless if my child is in the car with me or not. If it's 45 and the sun is shining, do 45 or 50. Not friggin 35 and then go even slower when you see I am trying to pass you.

Those people, annoy the crap out of me.

I would be fine for them to slow down when I pass them. I usually get the aces that are doing 35 in a 45 so I go to pass them in a passing zone and than they want to play the game of speeding up to try and block me out. Those are they people that it takes all I have to keep myself from pulling them out of their car and beating the living piss out of them. Seriously they obviously don;t want to do the speed limit but get pissed when you want to pass them.

gettysburgfreak 10-08-2010 02:56 PM

Re: How fast do you drive

Originally Posted by hammondc (Post 1015075)
Depends on location. When I am traveling in South Texas, I commonly do 90 or so. There are very few cops--only border patrol. I am white in a company car, so I do not get bothered. Around town in S.A---at or below the speed limit because cops here are crazy.

Thanks for the vehicle info :D Ill be sure to let the guys know. JK

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