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Dooge 09-09-2010 12:19 AM

Re: whats to your left...

Originally Posted by mariogolbee (Post 982420)
Are you in the car dude?

No, he's in bed. Why do you ask?

Ashcan Bill 09-09-2010 01:22 AM

Re: whats to your left...
Hmmm, to my left are 3 desks drawers loaded with typical desk drawer junk.

But, in the bottom drawer, I do believe, wait a minute, why yes! A S&W Model 60 with a box of shells. :D I'm good for 15 minutes or so. :tu

Drazzil 09-09-2010 01:35 AM

Re: whats to your left...
One nine millimeter springfield XG with two clips of bullets and another four hundred odd rounds in my closet, and one metal aluminum baseball bat.

Barcode 09-09-2010 01:39 AM

Re: whats to your left...
Fish Tank

Good Thing my XD45 is on my hip

area51 09-09-2010 01:41 AM

Re: whats to your left...
I'm back in my room and to my left there is a wall. Friends, I would be screwed if a zombie were to come from the right.

HK3- 09-09-2010 05:16 AM

Re: whats to your left...
Things to my left that may actually work....

Glass piggy banks about halfway full
Oliva ashtray
yankee candle
flower pot
MRN book
the art of the cigar label book (big like the MRN book)
wired cellphone headset for choking that zombie ars

Chingas 09-09-2010 05:19 AM

Re: whats to your left...
Remember. Need to destroy the brain or remove the head from the zombie to beat it. I think a lot more people are screwed than willing to admit! Sorry!

massphatness 09-09-2010 05:38 AM

Re: whats to your left...
A lamp
a couple picture frames
an oddly shaped end table
a wooden magazine rack
a coffee mug
two drink coasters

ooooh - a thick metal curtain rod that's pointy at each end

I'm guessing I'm zombie food
Posted via Mobile Device

CigarNut 09-09-2010 06:56 AM

Re: whats to your left...
Big clunker desk phone (at work)
Big clunger desktop PC
Bowl of steel-cut oats (oatmeal)
Plastic spoon
USB cable
Cup of coffee
Empty paper cup (from coffee, waiting to be recycled)
Steel bookshelf
Several thumb tacks
Crappy cigar a co-worker picked up as a give-away at a conference
iPhone headset
Dry-erase marker

icehog3 09-09-2010 07:46 AM

Re: whats to your left...

Originally Posted by DPD6030 (Post 982412)
Pocket knife
OC/CS spray
computer hard drive
coffee mug


Originally Posted by mariogolbee (Post 982420)
Are you in the car dude?

If he was, he was in the passenger seat. ;)

lostark374 09-09-2010 07:56 AM

Re: whats to your left...
in this order.
trash can
mini fridge
gun safe

i should be ok

rizzle 09-09-2010 08:33 AM

Re: whats to your left...

Originally Posted by loki (Post 982192)
say you had to defend yourself from zombies using only whats to your left right now...
25lb maine coon/tabby mix
17lb egyption mau/Siberian mix
comcast dvr remote
ps3 controller
netflix dvd
car insurance papers

yeah i'm pretty much hosed

The Bama game this weekend has got you all shook up, huh. :D

MajorCaptSilly 09-09-2010 09:20 AM

Re: whats to your left...
I'm at work:

160GB IDE 2.5'' hard drive
Keyboard for laptop
Battery for laptop
Logitech trackball mouse
2 pens & a pencil
Scotch tape dispenser with 2/3 roll of tape
Reading glasses
Car keys
Paperwork (lots)


pektel 09-09-2010 09:27 AM

Re: whats to your left...
I'm at work as well.

Cup of pens
30" x 4" piece of 16 guage stainless steel - this would do some damage.

loki 09-09-2010 09:52 AM

Re: whats to your left...

Originally Posted by rizzle (Post 982749)
The Bama game this weekend has got you all shook up, huh. :D

well, i'm not a fan of mindless lumbering things :D just playing around

Volcodom 09-09-2010 10:30 AM

Re: whats to your left...
hmm I may just survive, I have about thirty or forty humans to my immediate right multiple chairs around me and several "escape windows". as for weapons.... let's just say im hosed as everything is computers or bolted down. So im just going to run to my car... ironically to my left about 500 yards away

Gophernut 09-09-2010 10:36 AM

Re: whats to your left...
At work.

Old radio
Name tag
Glucose Meter
Spare Insulin pen with Needles, short ones though. Do zombies go into insulin shock?
Chap stick

rizzle 09-09-2010 10:40 AM

Re: whats to your left...

Originally Posted by loki (Post 982869)
well, i'm not a fan of mindless lumbering things :D just playing around

Heh. :r

Looking forward to it, loki. We played y'all every year when I was in school. I've actually got a drawing of the kick we blocked to preserve the 17-16 win at Beaver Stadium in '89 hanging over my desk at work. Two tradition rich, old-school programs. Doesn't get much better. And the rest of the country will see two of the best uniforms in the country on display together, too.


sikk50 09-09-2010 10:41 AM

Re: whats to your left...
13lb weener dog and a cup of screwed, niether of these items were listed in the zombie survival guide

Dooge 09-09-2010 11:09 AM

Re: whats to your left...
Remember now, cardio is key
@sikk bar the windows and destroy the stairs ;)

Posted via Mobile Device

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