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brigey57 09-01-2010 09:41 AM

Re: Cigar mishaps and the like...
Cigar mishaps and the like...

Yeah, almost done that but just caught myself before I got burned. I also have beard and mustache, gotta watch out for them longer :fl hairs. Whoa!


Originally Posted by guado (Post 973884)
Reasons I always keep a fully stocked and unlocked MOOCH humidor on my desk. I always say "Take whatever you want" and walk the humidor into an open area. LOL

So far for me the biggest mishap is putting the wrong end in my mouth. :td

I always say you have been smoking(and drinking) long enough if you haven't done that at least once! -(P

BigCat 09-01-2010 10:13 AM

Re: Cigar mishaps and the like...
I forgot I had a nice Xikar cutter my uncle had just given me in my pocket on my way into court. I realized it when I was in line and slipped it into my briefcase hoping the screener wouldn't catch it. She did. I explained I could get on an airplane with it no problem - she didn't buy it. I didn't have time to run back to the office before the hearing, so I stepped out of line and, when I thought no one was looking, I dropped it in a plant near the door hoping to re-claim it on my way out. Someone must have seen me. It was gone when I got done. I was pissed. I realize it was my fault, but still...

sikk50 09-01-2010 10:29 AM

Re: Cigar mishaps and the like...
Was visiting my (now ex) girlfriend (she went to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo) and I got to CSU Chico. Needless to say we were 400miles apart and saw eachother 1-2 times a month with the exception of school breaks. She always tried to do stuff she new I liked while I was down bc generally when I was down I was being force to go to her sorority events.

So she takes me to the local cigar shop. I pick out a few cigars and she was kind enough to buy them for me. We go to a movie and dinner and back to her house. For the life of me I couldn't find the cigars. She offered to replace them but I said no.

Fast forward three months. I get a picture msg from her of a horrific scene. It was four shredded cigars cuddled together in a baggie! She was cleaning her car and found them under the passenger seat which was always being adjusted.

Sad day for me :(

area51 09-06-2010 01:38 PM

Re: Cigar mishaps and the like...
Putting the wrong end in my mouth, stepping on cigars and inhaling the smoke only to puke it all up are probably at the top of my list.

Bill86 09-06-2010 02:39 PM

Re: Cigar mishaps and the like...
One time I left a Oliva V in my cup holder in my car, I put a beer on top of it and crushed it. It only ruined the wrapped but still.

icehog3 09-06-2010 04:23 PM

Re: Cigar mishaps and the like...

Originally Posted by ActionAndy (Post 973789)
RAGE. This has happened to me a lot. Here's how it normally goes down: my roommate has a party or a barbecue, he gets 7 or 8 beers in him and wants a cigar. He keeps a few singles in my humi so we both go up to the room to grab one. Somehow we acquire leeches along the way. I want to stress this--I am more than willing to share. If we're having a party at the house I think it's part of my job to be gracious, but really it's more than obligation, it's just good character to share.

And for some reason these people always end up not realizing that a cigar lasts much longer than a cigarette. And I think they also don't realize that we're not smoking swishers--these aren't fifty cents apiece!

More of a gripe or pet peeve than a "mishap". :)

SmokeyJoe 09-06-2010 05:42 PM

Re: Cigar mishaps and the like...
Had a sad one happen today...

Had just fired up a Pepin Blue... guy driving the golf cart gunned it... I dropped the cigar... and the back tire ran over it on the cart path. Totally destroyed. :td

14holestogie 09-06-2010 05:50 PM

Re: Cigar mishaps and the like...

Originally Posted by SmokeyJoe (Post 979505)
Had a sad one happen today...

Had just fired up a Pepin Blue... guy driving the golf cart gunned it... I dropped the cigar... and the back tire ran over it on the cart path. Totally destroyed. :td

Exactly while I always insist on driving. I may drop my rider out of the cart stopping short, but I'll save the cigar. :D

dwoodward 09-06-2010 05:53 PM

Re: Cigar mishaps and the like...
Biggest cigar mishap? Giving a friend one of your best smokes, watching them light it and smoke an inch off it and then pitch it away... That would probably be my biggest mishap, and its happened twice now.

Now if a friend wants a smoke, I make sure to ask if they smoke cigars at all, and if all they smoke are gas station smokes, I just give them one of my cheaper handmades. I don't have enough quality smokes to have them going to waste by people who don't even enjoy them.

TheRuckus13 09-06-2010 11:18 PM

Re: Cigar mishaps and the like...
I had one that made me go red in the face just this Saturday! My younger cousin took me to a local cigar lounge, let me pick out a cigar which was a Rocky Patel Vintage 1990. Now granted, I think my cutter is dull (Colibri, been over it on BOTL) but I'm also a very lousy cutter. I placed my cutter where I thought I wanted to cut and chomped down. A nice crunch, a half cut cigar, that is now completely unraveling. I destroyed my cousins gift right in front of him. :(

dwoodward 09-07-2010 04:40 AM

Re: Cigar mishaps and the like...

Originally Posted by TheRuckus13 (Post 979848)
I had one that made me go red in the face just this Saturday! My younger cousin took me to a local cigar lounge, let me pick out a cigar which was a Rocky Patel Vintage 1990. Now granted, I think my cutter is dull (Colibri, been over it on BOTL) but I'm also a very lousy cutter. I placed my cutter where I thought I wanted to cut and chomped down. A nice crunch, a half cut cigar, that is now completely unraveling. I destroyed my cousins gift right in front of him. :(

Hehe, probably a dull cutter, or you just didn't "want" to cut the cigar. Like I tell all my buddies, "cut it like you mean it"... If you baby the cut, your just going to crunch the cigar.

bigdix 09-07-2010 05:16 AM

Re: Cigar mishaps and the like...
My biggest mishap was smoking my first cigar. Now I have no money or space to put them all. :D

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